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FCE - Review Topics

Hotel Reviews Wanted

Write a review of a hotel or tourist apartment you have recently stayed in. Say
why you enjoyed or did not enjoy your stay there. Your review will be published
in a site for tourists and travellers.

Food Outlet Reviews Wanted

Write a review of Food Outlet which you have visited and enjoyed. Write about
the food, the atmosphere and whether you would recommend it.

Film Reviews Wanted

Write a review about a film you have seen in which something an unexpected
funny event happens. What is the funny event and why is it unexpected? Would
you recommend the film to others?

TV Documentary Reviews Wanted

Write a review of interesting TV Documentary you have seen. Why was it
interesting and what did you learn from it? Would other people find it interesting

Book Reviews Wanted

Write a review about a thriller you have read. What was the thriller about? Was
it enjoyable? Would other readers enjoy it?

Concert Reviews Wanted

Write a review of a music concert you have been to. It can be a rock, pop, jazz,
classical concert or of any other kind of music. Write about the music, place ,
atmosphere and the musicians.

TV series Reviews Wanted

Write a review of TV series that you enjoy. Write about the plot, the characters
and whether you would recommend it to other viewers.

Web Site Reviews Wanted

Write a review of a web site that you visit often. Write what it is about, its
design, why you find it useful and who it is for.
FCE - Review Topics

Reviews Wanted
Write a review of a hotel or tourist apartment you have recently stayed in. Say
why you enjoyed or did not enjoy your stay there. Your review will be published
in a site for tourists and travellers.

School Play Review

Your school put on a play last week. Write a review for your school magazine
saying about the plot, the actors, the audience and whether they should take
this performance to other schools.

Campsite Reviews Wanted

Write a review of a campsite where you spent one of your summers. Write
about the facilities, the activities, the staff and the other children there. Say
whether other children would enjoy the experience.

Book Reviews Wanted

Have you read a book in which a character was very brave? Write us a review
and tell us what the character did and why he was brave. Say whether other
people would enjoy the book.

Teenage Clothes Shop Reviews Wanted

Write a review of teenage clothes shop in your area. Write about how it looks
like, the kind of clothes it sells, the shop assistants and whether you would
recommend the shop to other teenagers.

Action Film Reviews Wanted

Have you recently seen an action film which you enjoyed? Write a review and
tell us about the story, the acting and why it was exciting.

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