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and Writing Week 4

Let’s Apply
1. G
2. H
3. A
4. J
5. B
6. I
7. K
8. F
9. D
10. E

Let’s Analyze
1. B
2. A
3. C
4. D
5. D
6. B
7. C
8. D
9. A
10. A

Let’s Try
1. C
2. D
3. B
4. C
5. B
6. C
7. B
8. A
9. C
10. A

Let’s Create

I. Descriptive Text

My Ideal Person

(Topic Sentence) When I talk about an ideal person, one person that comes to my
mind is Kim Namjoon from the kpop group BTS. ( Supporting Details ) He is
someone who I admire for being a great leader. He took great care of the other
members and he also treat them like family. Not only that he’s good-looking but he’s
also a wholesome, kind and honest person. Through the years of being a fan, I can
tell that he’s someone whose passionate and hardworking. Though we all know that
everyone isn’t perfect but to me he is perfect. One of the qualities that I admire
about him is his leadership skills and though he has a lot of fans, he doesn’t get the
fame to his head and still remains humble. ( Closing Sentence ) He is someone that
I admire a lot for his good qualities.

II. Narrative Text

My unforgettable field trip experience

(Orientation) I don’t usually join field trips since my parents, mostly my mother
don’t allow me to come but since I was in 10th grade already I decided to come since
I feel like it’ll be fun. So I asked permission from my mom. At first she doesn’t want
me to go but eventually she gave in so I joined our field trip and it was my first time
so I was excited. ( Complication ) So there I was sitting in the seat of the bus with
my close friend. We were on our way to our first destination which was Gardenia. I
really wanted to enjoy the view but I wasn’t sitting near a window so it was a bit
hard for me to see and it also didn’t help that I was getting motion sickness due to
the bus moving too much. And I panicked because I feel like I was about to throw up.
( Resolution ) But luckily we arrived on our destination on time and the bus finally
stopped moving. Still I feel like I was about to throw up so my friend grabbed some
unused plastic and helped me but I didn’t really use the plastics since I didn’t throw
up. I was just feeling dizzy and having major headache but that didn’t stop me from
exploring the place we were in. ( Coda ) It was a fun field trip and it was an
unforgettable trip since I was exploring new places and also feeling dizzy at the
same time. Next time, when I join another field trip I’ll make sure to bring medicines
for motion sickness.

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