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Management 14


Essential Values

Some companies regard their organization as extension of their employees` families that they
adopt some family values as corporate values as well. Managers can either be task-oriented or people
oriented. The managers orientation provides enough clues on the set of values most likely espoused by
the company.

Cleanliness/Neatness /Orderliness

Roy, a practicum trainee in a local bank in Samar, is all set to submit his working papers were
all rejected by his supervisor, Mr. Limjoco. They were crumpled, improperly sequenced, had plenty of
erasures, smudges, and illegible handwriting. As working papers are so important in an audit
engagement as they can be used as a reference in an audit engagement as they can be used as a
reference in the future, it is important that they are clean, neat , and orderly. As the adage goes,
“Cleanliness is next to Godliness” cannot be compelling in emphasizing the important of his virtue. The
workplace is considered the employees second home.

Communication skills/Freedom of Expression

Our ability to express one thoughts and ideas accurately is important in any organization.
Whether they are in written, oral, in other form, communication is one function if skills very often used,
misused and abused in the workplace.


In every organization, we ought to remember the concept of internal and external customers
where courtesy, politeness, and respect are normally expected. Hence, our verbal utterances, written
communication, and body languages should observe his long practiced tradition as we deal with our
superiors, peers, subordinates, clients, or suppliers. We have to be very sensitive to the way others
react to our own behavior.

Creativity/ resourcefulness/ Innovation

When employees and apprentices are given a chance to think of new and wonderful ideas, they
tend to have a sense of ownership in the company. Thus, they manifest deep concern for the overall
welfare of the company and its employees as well as intense loyalty both to the company and the
liberal-minded managers.

Diligence/ Hardworking/Helpfulness

Diligence is similar to hard work as it connotes a kind of effort that is more than the ordinary.
There is also a high correlation between diligence and helpfulness. This is manifested by being extra
careful and precautions, spending long hours at work, and exerting good amount of effort in
accomplishing a task.

Discipline is often regarded as an orderly or prescribe conduct or pattern of behavior . It is

commonly enforced in military schools or organizations, but it is also noted certain industries. In the
banking sector, they have a distinct way of grooming, writing their reports, observing security
procedures, and dealing with new clients.


Flexibility is a desirability value because it allows difficult situations to become opportunities to

delight customers. Complaints are turned into compliments. Frowning faces become smiling faces.
Managers should, however, observe strictly how flexibility is practices in the organization, as it can
become an avenue for abuse by some employees. In some cases, we should be able to bend obsolete
and unreasonable rules to get where we want to be, as long as our most cherished values like honesty
and respect are not compromised.


Conrad Hilton, founder of Hilton hotels, has these words, to say about initiative and
proactiveness,” success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make
mistake but they do not quit.” A staff or trainee should anticipate solutions to recurring and common
problems by offering sensible and valuable suggestions. As a trainee, before acting on your suggestions,
always observe protocol by seeking permission of superiors first.

Integrity/ Honesty/ Transparency

Integrity is what one does when nobody is looking. There are many opportunities for an
opportunities for an apprentice to show integrity, honesty, and transparency in the workplace.
Returning lost and found items, uttering the truth at all times.


In auditing firms, audit teams are formed in every audit engagement. These are usually
composed of a team leader who provides direction and guidance for everyone in the team. Mutual
respect and trust between the team leader and his members are critical for teamwork to take place.
Brainstorming, consultation, coaching, buddy system, and mentoring are commonly noted among
effective work teams.

Time Management

Flexibility in organizing one`s priorities is critical. One may apply the significance, immediately
and growth potential. When a person comes to office and there is a bunch of workload waiting, he
would most likely ask the question, “which do I do first?” Prioritize tasks that are significant, meaning,
they have dire consequences if not attend to like payroll preparation. Prioritize tasks that are urgent,
meaning, they cannot be postponed like attending to emergencies.

Work Etiquette

- Communicate with utmost respect and priority

- Offer hospitality equally and generously to guest
- Follow established rules
- Behave properly in public places and in meeting
- Pay attention when people talking
- Wear attire suited to occasion
- Help or offer assistance whenever possible
- Observe good manners during meals and social functions
- Return items borrowed of found
- Arrive promptly when expected
- Respond to invitation promptly
- Keep the workplace clean, neat, and orderly

Activity : Answer the following case study

1. George and his management

George is the head of the evaluation division of a lending institution. The division is composed
of five analyst of varying experiences. Cecile , Nina and Norma are all senior analyst. Blessy and
Carmen are their juniors. All except Cecile are given the same type of work. The only difference
is the expectation by management of the senior to be able to complete the task at a much faster
pace and thus within a shorter period of time.

The staff in the unit have different backgrounds. All except Carmen are accountants. Carmen is
an economics major. The three seniors had similar experiences, having come from the same
office and Norma worked as project evaluators. Blessy and Carmen are almost of the same
age , 20 and 21 years old, were of the same batch.

The problem arose when on performance evaluation time, Cecile ended up the lowest among
the five . She was even surpassed by the younger one considering that she was much more
experienced and had the necessary training and background to be able to perform her task as a
project evaluator. Because of this, George impressed upon the group that they must up their
output, most especially the seniors. This, Cecile took differently. She started becoming
unreceptive to suggestions and comments made for improvement of the group`s performance.
She became adamant in pressing that her duties include those that she had been used to do.
Outside of them, she could not be counted upon for inputs.

Prior to this, the whole office was one big happy family. George, upon noticing that there was
something wrong and no improvement was being made in the past periods after performance
evaluation, started becoming easily irritated. What once a room of laughter after office hours,
became a space of silence in a matter of weeks. George became unapproachable and the jolly
appearance disappeared, the whole office got the appearance disappeared, the whole office got
the treatment they did not deserve. Everyone was treated the same as the guilty one.

Because of this, everyone began to dislike George. His unapproachable style was met negatively
and produced and produced an undesired atmosphere in the office whenever he was around.
There was the air of hostility among workers and management. Further, Cecile, was the least
improved. She even worsened as a consequences of the negative response of George over low
productivity and slowness. Everything was aggravated by the way George dealt with the
problem with indifference, sternness and unapproachability.

1. Compare the psychological atmosphere in the office before the performance evaluation was
conducted with that after the results of the performance evaluation were out. What caused
2. Characterize George and his management style.
3. How would he have improved himself and his style?
4. What are the short and long-range problems in the caselet. Suggest resolution for them.


Pretend that you are in workplace. Choose one values in workplace that has been discussed and
make a video presentation on it showing how this values are being applied in real work setting.
You may send the video on FB messenger or through the email address of the practicum




 Parents
 Siblings
 Friends
 Self


 What they want you to pursue in the next few years?(after you Graduate). What are your
life Goal?

You will make a portfolio about this , topic and you will submit it on June 30, 2021, thru Municipal

Link, submit to :Analyn M. Banagabanag,DMBM

College of Business Administration, UEP



Smart Guide to apprenticeship and Practicum training , Danny Araneta Cabulay & Christine
Palafox Carpio, 2009

Human Behavior in Organization, Conception Martires, 2008

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