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World Englishes (Eng506)

Spring 2021

Lectures: 1-15
Total Marks: 20
Q1. Results from extended contact between groups of people with no language in common.
It is the product of a multilingual contact situation in which those who wish to A pidgin
communicate must find or improvise a simple language system that will enable them to do
so, while creoles arises when pidgins become mother tongues. There are different theories
regarding the origin of pidgin and creoles and theory of origin can be divided into three
groups. List these three groups. Also, write a note on Baby- Talk Theory by discussing its
features like origin, rationale and uses. (3+2+5+10=20 Marks
 Pidgin
 Language contact
A pidgin can be described as a product of multilingual situation people who wish to contact each
other and improvise a situation based on the people whose language are spoken in contact with
each other in that multilingual situation. People who would speak each other with different
circumstances .because they are content each other they have to national interact with each other
this interaction results in transfer linguistic features from one language to the other thus a new-

it is a simplified version of linguistic available of the speaker of the language pidgin are resulting
not from a simple contact between people but it is a result of extended contact which may span
over many years of sometimes even centuries the people in which contact situation do not have a
common language they understand each other language new language form because
of linguistic features from one language to other the fact is that they do not have a common
language that’s why they try to improvise the language available to them one of the emergences
of the reason is the need for people to communicate since there are no common languages the
need for communication is also restricted people need to probably talk about very basic things or
share with very basic things each other.


pidgin has merged when people from different linguistic backgrounds having no common

languages struggled to communicate with each other. Emergence a new language however when
the same language is used by the next generation of peoples as a first language so probably it is a
group of people who have not heard any other language this pidgin used as a first language
that pidgin is called creoles. A creoles emergence when pidgin becomes a mother tongue.
 There are different theories regarding the origin of pidgin and creoles
and theory of origin can be divided into three groups. List these three
Theories of Origin can be divided into 3 groups:

1. Polygenesis Evolved from various sources Pidgins and creoles developed

independently from variety of
origins •Similarities due to
shared circumstances origin
2. Monogenesis Evolved from a single source Need for communication the
purposes trade Often share
same super state language i.e.
3. Universal strategies Derived from universal Simplification
strategies processes are Shared social
contexts Common
communicative needs

 A note on Baby- Talk Theory by discussing its features like origin,

rationale and uses.

Use of the baby-talk
Evidence against the theory


It is the earliest theory of pidgin and creoles it is proposed by Charles land 1876 it compared
to pidgin speaker to the first young learning similarities show the pidgin and early young
speakers .
use of high proportion of words for examples grammatical words to structural words and
functional words used in the pidgins of speaker as same case of children for example child
say I am hungry it say I hungry …words like table, beautiful, etc preposition there is a lake
of morphological words they are not worried about use a right tense like the pidgin speaker .
The old days master believe that ordinate class for examples slaves on sugar plantation thought
that the slaves were mentally deficient intellectual therefore were not be able to speak the same
language. They thought that they taught their slaves the same language you speak much power
they simplified their language and simplified their on language their slaves sometimes they
would what language they use imitate that language of course they only learn the options to
learn baby talk according to this theory this simplified form provide them basic structure and use
slaves master most of pidgin and creoles
Pidgins are far more quietly used among non European among European then non European

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