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University programmes : Accounting ,Kinesiology, Physical Education ,Architecture ,Labour

Relations ,Political Science, Economy, Law ,Protocol &Ceremonial ,Engineering, Medicine ,Public
Relations ,International Trade, Nursing, Social Communication, Social Work, Nutrition ,Business
Administration ,Civil, Computing, Electronic, Industrial, Mechanical

College student status ,undergraduate ,sophomore ,advanced ,graduate ,fresher, junior ,senior

Expresiones temporales que se usan con el Presente Continuo:  now  right now  at this
moment  at the moment  at present  currently  this month / year / term / etc

adverbs of frequency: after

frequency expressions of frequency

before at the end of the sentence

Always, constantly (siempre, constantemente). Usually, normally (usualmente, normalmente).

Frequently, regularly (frecuentemente, regularmente). Often (a menudo) Sometimes (a veces).
Occasionally (ocasionalmente). Rarely, (rara vez). Seldom (contadas veces). Hardly ever (casi
nunca). Never (nunca).

Expresiones adverbiales: always, usually, regularly, every..., often, sometimes, occasionally,

three/four/etc. times a ..., from time to time, once/twice a..., rarely, seldom, hardly ever, never.

- Tense: Present Simple. - There is/are - Have/has - Wh-question words. - Linking words: and, but,
because. - Comparative and Fiction superlative forms

 To describe facilities we use verb in the simple present tense such as has/have, there is/are,
occupy/occupies, cover/covers.

Expressing existence Questions: (How many…) + is/are there …? Statements: There is (not) +
singular noun. There are (not) + plural noun

Questions: (Wh- word) + Does/Do + Subject + infinitive verb?

Answers: Yes / No, (subject pronoun) (auxiliary).

Structures: - Tenses: Present Continuous, Present Simple. - there is/are - have/has - Wh-question
words., - Wh-question words. - Linking words: and, but, because. - comparative and superlative
forms, Like/love/enjoy/prefer/ dislike/hate + ING - Modal verbs: can, can’t. Tenses: present
simple. - Affirmative and negative forms - Questions forming - Frequency adverbs

Afirmativo: I/he/she/it + was + … Negativo: I/he/she/it + was not + …, interrogacion Was +

I/he/she/it + …?

- Like/love/enjoy/prefer/ dislike/hate + ING

Imperative mood: instructions, orders, warnings, suggestions, requests.

Modal verbs: may, must, should, mustn’t.

We make the negative imperative with don’t/do not + infinitive

Modal verbs: will, should, may, must, mustn’t

- Future Simple: will. - First Type Conditional

Future Simple: will, be going to. - First type conditional - Linking words:when, after, before, if, so.



- Future Simple: will, going to - First Type Conditional

AFFIRMATIVE (All persons) + past form of the verb ,negative (All persons) + did not +Base form of
the verb Did + Interrogacion (all persons) + base form of the verb?

Comparison of adjectives:

Noun (subject) + verb + comparative adjective +than+ noun (object).

Number of syllables : One syllable, two syllable..

Adjective: new, hot, simple, dirty, important, expensive, good, bad, littlemuch far,

Comparative: newer (than), hotter, simpler, dirtier, more important ,more expensive, better,
woser, less, more, further/farther

Superlative: the newest (of all) the hottest, the simplest ,the dirtiest, the most important ,the
most expensive, the best, the worst, the least, the most

To connect two ideas in a sentence: And, but, because

TALKING POINT Giving your opinion Useful expressions: In my opinion, ... To my mind, ... From my
point of view, ... I would say that ... It seems to me that .

Note the position of adverbs with be. Verbs of emotion: like/love/enjoy/dislike/hate/prefer + ING

Modal verbs: CAN We use modal verb CAN to show: -ability –possibility

SHOULD: advisability MUST: stronger sense of obligation - necessity MUSTN’T: prohibition MAY:

Statement ……..1. It helps me understand if I discuss things with other people. …….. 2. When
learning, I watch the teacher’s face a lot. …….. 3. I use colours when I read (highlighter pens,
coloured pens). …….. 4. I get good ideas while I am doing some kind of physical activity. …….. 5. I
prefer spoken to written instructions. …….. 6. I do less well on written tests than on oral tests. ……..
7. When studying, I don’t like sitting at a desk, but on the floor, on the bed, etc. …….. 8. I can easily
understand maps, charts, graphs, etc. …….. 9. I hate sitting still for long. …….. 10. I like making
things with my hands. …….. 11. I don’t like listening to the radio while studying. …….. 12. I take a lot
of breaks when I study. …….. 13. I use a lot of body language when talking. …….. 14. I prefer doing
an activity directly instead of listening to instructions first. …….. 15. I like telling jokes and can
remember them well. …….. 16. I take lots of notes when I read or listen to a lecture. …….. 17. I
doodle when I listen to a lecture. …….. 18. I prefer listening to a recording instead of reading about
a topic. …….. 19. I can visualize the place on the page where I read something. …….. 20. I like
making projects better than writing reports. …….. 21. I like talking when I write. …….. 22. If I read, I
‘listen’ to the words in my head. …….. 23. If I write something down, I remember it better. …….. 24.
I remember better what people say not their physical appearance. …….. 25. I take down notes, but
they are messy. …….. 26. If I study aloud, I remember better. …….. 27. I prefer reading than
listening when studying in group.

Exam Preparation Tips Exams

Begin studying early

- Start thinking about the exam from the beginning of the course. - Revise your notes after each
lecture/class. - Start revising about four weeks before your exams. - Don’t cram the night before
because it is impossible to memorise so much information all at once.

Organise your time - Design a study planner to organise your time. - Revise lecture notes. - Don’t
study for longer than 50 minutes. It’s better to study for short periods with total concentration. -
Don’t study when you’re tired. It’s better to get a good night’s sleep after a short study period,
than to continue until 2am.

Organise your subject material - Gather the materials for each subject. - If you missed a lecture,
borrow copies of lecture notes from another student. - Rewrite your notes to remember them. -
Ask yourself questions to see if you can remember what you just read.

Study hard BUT set limits - Don’t study for longer than 50 minutes without taking a break. - Don't
try to study the entire course in one sitting. - Review any previous exam papers for your course.

The day of the exam - Get a good night sleep the night before. - If your exam is in the morning,
wake up early. - Eat a good breakfast. - Arrive early.

In the exam room - Listen carefully to the instructor’s instructions. - Read the entire exam before
you start to write. - Use the marking scheme to allocate your time. - Answer the easy questions
first. - When you finish, take some time to re-read your work for any errors or omissions. - Attempt
to answer all questions.

University of Mercia: Admission Examination

Rules 1. Candidates must write their full name and examination number at the top of the first
page, and their examination number in the top right-hand corner of all the other pages. 2.
Candidates must write in fountain pen, ball-point pen, or felt-tip pen. They must not write in
pencil. 3. Candidates should read all the questions carefully. 4. Candidates may contact the
invigilator/tutor only once for a question about the examination paper. 5. All candidates must
answer four questions. They must answer question 1 and three more questions from items 2-15.
6. Candidates must not bring electronic equipment into the examination room. 7. Candidates must
not speak during the examination. 8. Candidates must not bring food or drink into the examination
room. 9. All candidates must stop writing immediately at the end of the examination.

University and technology

. Email 2. Texting, chatting, whatsapping and instant messaging 3. I am very good at two or more
elements of the Microsoft Office Suite (Word, PPT, Excel, PUB, OneNote). 4. I participate in
discussion forums and media sharing. 5. I have used online telecommunications application
software with video chat tools like Skype and can initiate a discussion without pulling out my hair.
6. I create content that I post on the Web or regularly repost interesting content I find on the Web.
7. I utilize cloud computing. 8. I regularly use smart phone features other than telephone. 9. I have
used Quicken, QuickBooks or other accounting and business software. 10. I have taken at least
three online courses. 11. I blog or read blogs regularly. 12. I download content from the Web to an
MP3 or iPod/iPad device for regular listening. 13. I usehomebanking. 14. I have more than one
user generated online profile. 15. I regularly use at least two of these platforms: LinkedIn,
Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google+. 16. I have participated in a crowdsourcing event or I know
what the term crowdsourcing means.

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