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The Foot Step Game With A Twist

Created by:
Sisno, Jayson Carl T.
PE 004 - AIS22S1
Illustration of the game

The footstep is a like an open

footwork but in a competitive
context. It is like you’re exercising
your feet and enjoying and hving
with you playmates.
Objective of the game:
The activity's goal is to step on the another player’s
foot without using your arms and hands to lock or hold the
other players in their position and the player who gets
stepped on is out of the game . It promotes acceleration
and stopping power of a person.
Materials of the game

The only material needed for this game is the player’s

feet a wide-space for the players to move freely.
Procedure of the Game:
1. It starts with 2 or more participants. The more, the merrier. The
participants will form small circle at first. All players will shout “FOOT
STEP” and while shouting they will jump backwards as wider as they
could forming a big circle.
2. A player will be singing the “B-I-N-G-O” song while pointing out each
participant. The player that will be pointed out as the song stops, he
has the advantage to take the first move.
Procedure of the Game:
3. The targeted player is allowed to move to avoid being stepped on but
he can only move one step at a time.
4. Originally, to know who will step next and choose their target, the first
player winks at the other player signalizing him that it’s his turn. Now,
there will be a twist. After the first player had its turn, all of the player will
flip a bottle and the one who did it successfully, takes a turn to step on
the other player’s foot.
Procedure of the Game:
5. Originally, the player who gets stepped on by the other player, is out of
the game and will wait for the next game to start. Another twist, the
player who got stepped on will do a push up and the number of push up
wil only range from 1 to 10. In this way, you played a game and you also
did a physical activity.
6. After that, the remaining players will then repeat step 1 to step 5. And
the player that didn’t stepped on wins the game. Now, the winner will
have either a price or he can choose someone to do a dare depending
on what the players will agree on.
Modifications were made to the game so that
everyone that will participate in the game can still
follow the precautionary measures like social
distancing and less close - contact to avoid the spread
of COVID 19.
These game can be played by lots of players but
due to these pandemic, it is advisable to play it with
the family only.

Stay safe!

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