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What’s up everybody, this is Yves Masdal and in this video we are going to tackle laro

ng lahi and the different skills executed in the these games. But before that, I just want to call
my buddy to help me demonstrate the different skills for the laro ng lahi
Hi everyone I am _____ and I am very ready to perform the the different skills and how it
is executed in the traditional Filipino Games
Traditional Filipino Games are Philippines’ indigenous games that are usually played and
invented by children out of creativity. In the past, where gadgets are non – existent and toys are
very limited, laro ng lahi was the primary recreational activity of Filipino children. In the present
time where technology surges at a very rapid rate, laro ng lahi is slowly declining but we will
make every step to preserve the games that will always be imbued in the culture of Filipinos
So what are we waiting for? Let’s get this done!
So the first game is the tumbang preso, in this game, an individual will be the taya while the
other players will be using their footwear to throw and try to strike the tin can that is looked
upon by the taya. The taya on the other hand, is obliged to catch another player while the player
escapes to get another shot. Once the tin can is hit, the taya must retrieve the tin can and put it
back to its upright position. The movement skills that are performed here are running and
precision for throwing.

The next game is called sipa, The object being used to play the game is also called sipa
The sipa is then thrown upwards for the player to toss using their foot. The player must not allow
the sipa to touch the ground by hitting it several times with their foot, and sometimes the part
just above the knee. The player must count the number of times they were able to kick the sipa.
The one with most kicks wins the game. The movement skills that are applied in this game is
kick, coordination and ofcourse, balance.

The third game is the patintero, The players should form two teams with an equal number
of players, where one team plays defensive and guards the other team against passing the lines. ]
The guards assign a player to the lateral line in the middle of the rectangle and the other players
on each horizontal line. The objective of the runners is to get across to one end of the big
rectangle and back without being touched or tagged by a guard. The movement skills that are
applied in this game are arm abduction, adduction, running, hand - eye coordination and strategic

The last game that we are going to tackle is the Piko, The first player will throw the stone
at the first box. Then, he will jump across the area without stepping in the first box. Before he
returns, he should pick up his stone, still, without jumping on the first box. It’s the next player’s
turn. He will only do what the first player did. After all players get to turn. The first player will
now throw his stone on the second box and repeat the procedure, now not stepping on the second
box.If a player steps on a line, they stop and let the next player try. They have to wait until their
next turn to try again.The first player to reach the last box wins. The movement skills required
for this game are agility and balance since this game involves jumping or hopping using one leg.

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