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Name : Qoori Santya Dewi

Class : 6A

Subject : TEFL

Summary Teaching Vocabulary and Writing



This research is conducted to investigate how well the use of pictures in teaching
descriptive text to improve students’ vocabulary in writing descriptive text at the seventh grade
students of SMP N 3 Singkawang. The method used is a Classroom Action Research in which
the resercher taught adjective in writing descriptive text through by using pictures. By using
pictures students can improve their vocabulary in writing descriptive text .To collect the data in
this classroom action research, the writer and collaborator employed observation checklist table
to know students’ progress in learning descriptive text .The result showed that the student’ scores
were getting better at every cycles where the averge scores of the test increase significantly
from72,59 in the first , and 79,55 in the second cycle.

That proved that the action hypothesis of this research was accepted. The using of
pictures are pretty well in improving students’ vocabulary in which adjective in writing
descriptive text. learning English as a foreign language is not an easy process. There are several
aspects of English, which should be mastered such as grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation.
The students have to master the language actively written and spoken. Vocabulary as one of the
important aspect in learning language gives cases to students in their speaking, reading, listening,
and writing if they do not have a proportional amount of it. Mastering English vocabulary is one
of the important things in learning a language. Without having enough vocabularies students may
have problems in conveying or expressing their ideas and thought. Even, they may get problems
to understand someone’s spoken or written language.
Furthermore, talking about vocabulary certainly we talk about words and meaning of
words.Michael says, « Generally, vocabulary is the knowledge of meaning of words.» He also
adds,« … the fact that words come in at least two forms; oral and print. Knowledge of words also
come in at least two forms; receptive means that which we can understand or recognize and
productive means the vocabularies we use when we write or speak. Vocabulary as an aspect that
should be mastered by students in the four skills of learning language basically influence their
success in their study. Students should master some words are taught in teaching learning ability.
The writer find out the amount of students’ vocabularies make them face difficulties in writing or
speaking descriptive text, especially in using adjective as a language feature of descriptive
text.Descriptive text is a kind of text that taught in the first grade of junior high school which
using adjective for description of the participant who is talked about in the text.

As an English teacher, the writer faced problem in teaching language where most of the
seventh grade C students of SMP 3 Singkawang still have problem in learning English,
especially in using adjective to explain the participant or topic of the descriptive text. For
example, »That is an elephant. It has long nose«; for this they always think in Indonesian way in
which the noun first then follow by adjective, become nose long and this is wrong. For example,
In some cases the students write »nose long« to mean long nose for the meaning of word itself
they doubt to use because they do not know the meaning of word exactly; If they check their
dictionary »long« could mean panjang, lama or jauh ? and the other example for ‘beautiful face
and beautiful voice, here »beautiful« can be translated cantik and can be merdu. Then for this
research the writer tried to concentrate on the word order without neglecting about the meaning
of word. Here the writer gives some adjectives related to the topic for physical appearance, and
for this she gives some explanations about the word order to form adjective phrase, simple
present tense as the language feature of descriptive text, then ask them to use dictionary for
consulting the meaning of words given.

Introducing vocabularies might be given to the students by various media which

favorable to make them happy and eager to learn the language. In many situations of teaching
learning process, the writer finds that pictures can influence the students mind to explore and
imagine something from what they see. So, they will not think that learning English is difficult or
frightening. That is the reason why the writer thinks that pictures are suitable and applicable to
accomplish the teaching adjective, by using the LCD the writer introduce the new word from the
colorful pictures then the students memorizing it by practice to pronounce and then ask them to
make an adjective phrase to express the appearance of the picture given. Then to make it more
interesting the writer gives opportunities for the students to make their own sentences by giving
competition The use of pictures offer advantages for students. The pictures are familiar to the
students and of course they are interested to observe of their colorful.


There were two cycles done in this research and researcher conducted an assesment or
test at every cycles. Then researcher compared the result of the tests to see whether there is an
improvement of the students’vocabulary or not. Besides the observation sheets also used to get a
description of the use of the pctures in teaching learning activity.


From the data analysis and research finding, it can be seen that the students made an
improvement from the first to the second meeting of the cycle. The score of the students’ test
indicated that the students’ improvement was getting better and better. It could be seen from the
average of the students’ test results which were increased from 72,59 in the first cycle to 79,55 in
the second cycle.The activity was done on 27th May 2013 and 3rdJune 2013.In the process of the
activity in the first cycle, the result score showed that the students’ work passage was good
enough classically because their mean score is 72,59. The students were interested to the use of
picture .

But some of the students didn’t get good score at all, so the teacher and collaborator
decided to complete the research by two cycles and for the students who didn’t pass the mastery
level were given teaching material by observing their weakness in using adjective, spelling and
word order and help them to improve their ability. And in the second cycle their score in
progress that is 79.55 It means there is an effort to improve their score although not too high.
Furthermore, it indicated that the action hyphotesis of this research was accepted. The use of
picture was pretty well improves the students’ vocabulary. The colorful of picture made the
students remember the vocabulary better and it improved their ability to stick in their mind.

The second semester of the seventh grade students of SMP Negeri 3 Singkawang can
improve their writing descriptive text by using picture. This was proved by the result of the
mean score and the result of the observation.Learning by using picture could make the students
interested in describing the picture and arouse their attention immediately. Of course this make
them enjoy and relaxed during the class activity. Using picture can improve and enlarge their
vocabulary in writing descriptive text. They can describe the picture , for example” by seeing
picture they can find the word in this case adjective that can describe the noun given?”, the
students can describe the physical appearance by looking at someone picture can state the
characteristic of the part of body of the people or what they wear, then they can make an
adjective phrase by looking at picture too, it means they can conclude the characteristics and
can make in good order although it is different with Indonesian concept. The students
improving their ability in writing descriptive text in two cycles, because they enjoyed the
activity and actually this showed that the students are able to write if they have good believe
about their ability themselves.

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