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Jurnal Edulingua | Vol 6. No. 1.

Juni 2019


(A Descriptive Study at the Seventh Grade Students of SMP Negeri 3
Klaten Academic Year 2016/2017)

Anis Uswatun Khasanah

English Language Education Department-IAIN Surakarta

This research is aimed at finding the answer to the following research questions: (1) What is
the method used by English teacher to teach writing descriptive text at seventh grade of SMP
Negeri 3 Klaten Academic Year 2016/2017? (2) What are the problems faced by the English
teacher in teaching writing descriptive text at the seventh grade of SMP Negeri 3 Klaten
Academic Year 2016/2017? The objectives of the research are divided into three, there are
writing, descriptive text and the method used by English teacher. This study used descriptive
qualitative research. The researcher was as a non-participant observer. The researcher did
three times observation in VII H and doing interview with one English teacher to know about
the method used by English teacher to teach writing descriptive text. The subject of the
observation consists of 37 students from VII H in SMP Negeri 3 Klaten academic year 2016 /
2017. The instruments used as data collection were observation, interview and study
document (lesson plan, syllabus and student work sheets). The researcher did three steps to
analyze the data. There are the data reduction, the data display and the verify conclusion.
The researcher use triangulations as a trustworthiness of the data. The finding of the
research showed that the teacher did on the first and the second meeting was all in line to the
frame work of task-based language teaching. There were three stages in implementing task-
based language teaching in a classroom, which they were the pre task stage, the task cycle
and the language focus. The problems were the student lack of vocabulary and did not know
how to use the appropriate verb in the sentences. The teacher gave tasks to increase the
student vocabulary and know how to use the appropriate verb in the sentences. The models of
the tasks were matching, whether is it right or wrong. Beside this, the teacher taught step by
step so that the students can understand about the lesson, especially writing descriptive text.

Keywords: Methods, Writing and Descriptive Text

INTRODUCTION language course. People need to learn

English comprises four skills namely: writing English actually for academic and
speaking, listening, reading and writing. One occupational purposes. To write well, learner
of them which collaborated more is writing. should know how to organize idea, construct
It has occupied a place in most English
Jurnal Edulingua | Vol 4. No. 2 Juli - Desember 2017

the sentences and arrange the sentences into teaching methods that rarely used by teacher
coherent paragraph. to teach writing descriptive text, likes Direct
Carroll (1990:2) states that writing method, grammar translation methods, task
allows us to share our communication not based language teaching, communicative
only with our contemporaries but also with language teaching, situational language
<< | 2 our future generations. Written language teaching, audio-lingual method, cognitive
becomes pervasive in the society that is used code learning, content-based instruction, and
too many things. Owocki (1999:57) states so on. Many approaches are used as the
that using written language to get things method to involve students in teaching and
done is a natural and important part of living. learning process. One of them is task-based
Furthermore, written language becomes use language teaching. The appropriate teaching
of the reasons writing skill taught to the method like task-based language teaching
students. Otfinoski (1993:1) states that helps the teacher to combine the teaching
writing gives us a focused way to share our method and to motivate the students, so the
knowledge, thoughts and feelings. Writing teaching learning process more effective.
can organize the students‟ idea to help them According to Richards and Rodgers
get about what kinds of information to (2004:223) that task-based language teaching
include in their own writing. Many students is an approach based on the tasks as the core
were never required to learn proper spelling of teaching learning process. The method
of grammar so that they believe they will may also attract the students‟ attention
never achieve. toward achievement of writing skill and
Teaching English writing also increase their motivation by actively
provides an important focus the study which involving in learning. In addition, the use of
to a significant extent. Writing is not easy appropriate method in teaching writing can
activities. To start writing, every writer does solve the problems occurring in writing
not need to wait to be a skilled writer. In the class.
fact, learning the theory of writing is easy, In other hand, sometimes teacher find
but not enough only to practice the theory the difficulties to teach writing of descriptive
once or twice. Frequency of writing text, like the students didn‟t understand the
exercises will make someone skilled in the text, didn‟t enthusiasm with the material, and
field of writing. Characterizes writing didn‟t catch with the subject. This problem
students are not that they have a set of actually faced by teacher in the classroom. In
„methods‟ for the teaching of writing, but here, the researcher want to know the
they have a commitment to writing as an methods used by teacher to teach writing of
intellectual activity and to what that activity descriptive text on the seventh grade of
can product in the classroom. Junior high school 3 Klaten academic year
Descriptive text is a text that has 2016/2017.
purpose to describe something like person, In Junior High School, learning
animal and thing. Descriptive text is a text English become important for students to
that uses simple present tense. To teach help them know how to speak and write well.
writing of descriptive text, the teacher should There are four skills that must be known by
have the variant methods so that the students students to learn English well, such as
can understand about how to write listening, speaking, reading and writing.
descriptive text well. Here the example of Four skills must be related each other and

Jurnal Edulingua | Vol 6. No. 1. Juni 2019

Anis Uswatun Khasanah

cannot be separated. In Junior High School Sekolah Berbasis Internasional” can use
included the beginner to learn about English. Kurikulum 2013. They also considered the
In this grade, English teacher began to competence of English teacher. Beside this,
introduce about the grammatical structure in the researcher also did some interview with
sentences. Step by step the English teacher English teacher and some students.
tries to make students understand about Based on interview, seventh grade 3 | >>
English well. In this grade, English lesson a has variant students in each classroom. There
little bit complex than in elementary school. are classes that have good, medium and low
Students began to know about grammar, how score in English lesson. Actually it is depend
to make one sentence with other sentence on the English teacher when they taught
can be coherent, and so on. English lesson to the students. In here, the
In the seventh grade, writing is English teacher must use the appropriate
important skill that must be known by the method when teaching English especially in
students. This is included the basic skill in writing skill. When use method, the English
English lesson. Students in seventh grade teacher should know is it the appropriate
should learn writing because they will know method for the students or not. The English
how to make sentences can be coherent, teacher must determine, whether all of the
know more about grammatical structure in students in classroom can be understand with
the sentences, able to make a simple the material or not. The English teacher must
sentence and also can write well about be able to find out the strength and the
describe something. It means that writing weakness from the capability of the students.
should learn by the learners from seventh The researcher chooses descriptive text
grade students so that they know how to because it is the material for the seventh
write well. grade that taught by English teacher in
On May 2016 the researcher made an semester gasal and genap.
observation at SMP Negeri 3 Klaten. The Based on the background above, the
researcher chooses SMP Negeri 3 Klaten researcher interests in conducting a research
because of some reasons. First is that this entitled TEACHING METHOD IN
school has good enough facilities to support
Descriptive Study at the Seventh Grade
the teaching learning process and this school Students of SMP Negeri 3 Klaten Academic
have eight class in the seventh grade. Second Year 2016/2017.
is that the school accreditation A (Sekolah
Standar Nasional). Third, this school has a RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
good reputation in the students‟ graduation. This research is a descriptive
Fourth is that the school has many qualitative research. It is multi method in
achievement in academic and non-academic, focus, involving an interpretive, naturalistic
likes become the champion in aubade, approach to its subject Metter. Qualitative
paskibraka and scientific research. This research involves the studies use and
school still uses KTSP in teaching learning collection of a variety of empirical material,
process. In Klaten, there is a little bit school personal experience, life story, interview,
that uses Kurikulum 2013. Most of school in historical, international and visual that
Klaten still use KTSP included SMP Negeri describes routine and problematic moments
3 Klaten. The local government considered and meaning in individual‟s lives (Norman
that only the school that have label “Rintisan and Lincoln, 1994: 2).

Teaching Method In Writing Descriptive Text (A Descriptive Study at the Seventh Grade Students
of SMP Negeri 3 Klaten Academic Year 2016/2017)
Jurnal Edulingua | Vol 4. No. 2 Juli - Desember 2017

The subject of this research is the The data analysis in qualitative

English teacher at seventh grade of SMP research involves three things adopts from
Negeri 3 Klaten. The researcher limits the Miles and Hubarman, there are three steps in
research on teaching writing to the seventh qualitative data analysis; data reduction, data
grade at SMP Negeri 3 Klaten. The display and verify conclusion.
<< | 4 researcher chooses class VII H because Sugiyono (2010:372) stated there are
based on observation and interview to the three types of triangulation. They are
English teacher they are more active and triangulation of source, triangulation of
have good ability in writing class than technique and triangulation of time. This
others. There are 36 students in this class. It research uses two types of triangulation..
consists of 16 males and 20 females.
1. Observation RESULTS
As a non- participants observer, 1. First meeting in VII H class
the researcher comes and observes the The researcher did observation in
teaching learning activities in writing the VII H class on Monday, January 9th
classes. The researcher has coordination 2017 at 07.40 – 09.00 that was taught by
with English teacher to arrange Mrs. Nursita Dewi. Before doing
observations for gathering complete data observation, the researcher asked
of teaching learning process in order to permission to the teacher and after she
examine the teacher‟s method, student allowed, the researcher sat on the corner
responses, and class activities until the of the classroom.
researcher gathers sufficient data a. Preparation
representing the way of teaching Mrs. Nursita Dewi asked the
writing. After observing class, the leader of the class to lead prayer. Mrs.
researcher writes descriptive and Nursita opened the class and asked,
reflective notes in the field-notes. “How life?” the students answered,
2. Interview “Fine Miss”. This is the first time to
Interview is right way to get real Mrs. Nursita teach VII grade, she
and objective information, in this case introduced her-self. After that she
about teaching learning process in checked students‟ attendance list. She
writing class. The researcher selects key called the students name one by one and
informants to gain adequate information asked them to introduce them-selves.
about problems. The researcher meets The students introduces by mention full
English teacher VII H and some students name, nick name and address.
to gather and re-check data. Before began the lesson, Mrs.
3. Document Nursita asked to the students about
In the qualitative research, document “Learning English”. She said languages
is important to collect the data. In this case, and knows more about English. The
the researcher need documents that are teacher asked to the students, “What do
module, lesson plan, syllabus, students you think about learning English?”
worksheet and also curriculum to know what The students answered, “English
will the teacher doing when teach writing is so fun”, one of the students, Fajar
descriptive text. answered, “like learning English easy to
learn”, other students, Daniel said,

Jurnal Edulingua | Vol 6. No. 1. Juni 2019

Anis Uswatun Khasanah

“English is complicated”. After when they use possessive pronoun in

warming up, the teacher prepared media sentences. Teacher also explained in
(note-book and LCD) but too bad the describing, always use adjectives phrase.
cable of the LCD was cut off the Teacher gave example about that case.
electricity. Using possessive pronoun, (Has, He,
The teacher asked the students, She, It, Daniel…), (Have: I, you, they, 5 | >>
“What descriptive text is?” students in we, Daniel and Ibra …). Example for
the class room very crowded. The adjective phrase (Gadis cantik: beautiful
teacher gave warning to pay attention girls, Anak-anak rajin: Diligent children,
and discipline when learning in the kelas yang bersih: clean classroom, etc).
classroom. The students were silent and Introduction the task: The
pay attention. In teaching learning teacher directed the students to open the
process, Mrs. Nursita uses mix language book and look the pictures. The students
(English – Indonesia and / or Indonesia must describe about people. (The detail
– English). pictures would be explained in
b. The Pre-Task appendices).
Introduction the topic of the c. The Task Cycle
lesson: The teacher explained the Task: The teacher asked the
materials about definition of descriptive students to open the module book
text. The teacher gave example, she (Exploring English 1) about describing
describes about “My Best Friend”. people.
“I have my best friend. He is my Planning: The students must
classmate. His name is Daniel. Daniel describe about people orally. (The detail
tall, he has black hair, he has beauty pictures would be explained in
spot”. Teacher gave second example, appendices).
she describes about “My Classroom”. “I Report: The teacher called
am school in SMP N 3 Klaten. I study at students‟ name random, after that the
VII H. My classroom is beautiful. The students describe people orally.
wall is green light. There are many d. The Language Focus
decorations. We have clock behind the Analysis: The teacher did
classroom”. Teacher asked to the correction when the students describe
students. “Jadi, apa descriptive text?” people orally.
One by one students answered using Practices: After did evaluation,
Indonesia Language. “Untuk the teacher gave example how to arrange
menceritakan, untuk menggambarkan”. the sentences when describing people.
Teacher said, “Menggambarkan lewat The teacher did reflection on how the
keadaan, ciri, warna, kebiasaan, sikap students‟ performed in the task.
dan hobi.” Then, the teacher gave 2. Second Meeting In VII H Class
conclusion about definition of The researcher did observation in
descriptive text. “Descriptive text is a the VII H class on Wednesday, January
text to describe something (People, 11th, 2017 at 07.00 – 08.20 taught by
animal)”. The teacher also explained Mrs. Nursita Dewi.
about possessive pronoun. It is a. Preparation
important because students still wrong

Teaching Method In Writing Descriptive Text (A Descriptive Study at the Seventh Grade Students
of SMP Negeri 3 Klaten Academic Year 2016/2017)
Jurnal Edulingua | Vol 4. No. 2 Juli - Desember 2017

Mrs.Nursita asked the leader of The teacher did reflection on how the
the class to lead prayer. She opened the students‟ performed in the task.
class and asked, “Whose absent today?” 3. Third Meeting in VII H class
students answered, “ada 4 miss, yang The researcher did observation in
tidak masuk.” She asked to the students, the VII H class on Thursday, January
<< | 6 “What did we learn last Monday?” 12th, 2017 at 10.00 – 10.35 that taught
Students answered, “Descriptive text, by Mrs. Nursita Dewi.
miss”. After that, teacher explained a. Preparation
about definition and also generic Mrs.Nursita opened lesson by
structure of descriptive text. Teacher saying “Good morning students?” the
gave example to explain about students answered “Good morning
“Identification”, she described about Miss”. After that, Mrs. Nursita checked
“Fajar”. the attendance list and asked, “Whose
b. The Pre-Task absent today?” students answered,
Introduction the topic of the “Ibra, Miss, Sakit”.
lesson: the teacher explained the This day only one hour lesson, so
materials about generic structures and the teacher asked students to prepare
Language features in descriptive text. their homework about describe the
Introduction the task: The classmate.
teacher gave task about describing b. Teaching Learning Process
people using pictures. They must choose In the main activity, the teacher just
the right sentences and match it with the discuss about the students homework to
picture. describe their classmate. Because the
c. The Task Cycle time was limit, teacher called random so
Task: The teacher asked to the that students came in front of class to
students did the two tasks from the read their homework. First students,
teacher about describing people (the Ajeng read her home work, she
details pictures would be explained in described. Karina the teacher pays
appendices). attention to the sentences and corrects it.
Planning: The students only Teacher said when write descriptive text,
choose the right sentence and match it always use simple present tense using V-
with the pictures. Teacher gave 10–20 1, V-s, V-es. Second student, Fajar
minutes for each task. described about Yusuf. Teacher
Report: The students write the corrected the sentences. Because the
right answer in worksheet. time was limit, the teaching learning
d. The Language Focus process this day just corrected the
Analysis: The teacher and the sentences in their homework. The last
students discuss about the task and find activity was closing. The teacher closing
the right answer. class by saying, “Thank you”, then she
Practices: The teacher showed leaved the classroom.
the right answer to the students and gave
explanation about the answer relate to DISCUSSION
the describing people (the detail of the According to Willis (1999) that
task would be explained in appendices). stages in implementing task based teaching

Jurnal Edulingua | Vol 6. No. 1. Juni 2019

Anis Uswatun Khasanah

in a classroom which they are the pre-task CONCLUSION, IMPLICATION, AND

stage, the task cycle and language focus. In RECOMMENDATION
the pre-task, the English teacher explore 1. Conclusion: Based in the result of the
students mindset about topic what they learn research, the researcher draws the
this day. Here, the English teacher gave conclusions that have been described as
example to the students, she describe one follows: 7 | >>
student from VII H. It has purpose so that the a. Method used by English teacher
students understand about the topic. In the to teach writing descriptive text at
task cycle can be broken down into three the seventh grade of SMP Negeri
stages: task in which the students did the 3 Klaten academic year 2016 /
task; planning, prepare written report; report 2017
when the students submit their task to the The first and second
teacher. In language focus English teacher meetings were conducted in line to
did evaluate, she did correction about the framework of task based
grammatical structure (simple present tense) language teaching. There are three
in the students‟ worksheet. stages in implementing task based
The problems in teaching writing language teaching in classroom,
descriptive text at the seventh grade, which they are they are the pre-task
especially in VII H, first problems that stage, the task cycle and the
English teacher want to the students languages focus.
understood about grammatical structure used b. The problems faced by English
in descriptive text, that is simple present teacher and the solutions in
tense. English teacher must explain as well teaching writing descriptive text
as possible. at the seventh grade of SMP
Second problems came from the Negeri 3 Klaten academic years
students sides. Students lack of vocabulary, 2016 / 2017
did not know how to use the appropriate verb 1) The Problem
in the sentences. Based on the theory related The students were lack of
to the problem faced by the teacher and vocabulary, lack of knowledge to
students, it can be conclude that the problem make a good paragraph and lack of
faced by the students come from them self. knowledge to use the appropriate
Solution for this problem, the English verb in the sentences.
teacher gave tasks to increase the students‟ 2) The Solutions
vocabulary. Model of the tasks were The teacher gave tasks to
matching, whether is it right or wrong. increase the student vocabulary.
Beside this, the teacher taught step by step as Model of the tasks were matching,
carefully as possible so that the students can whether is it right or wrong. Beside
understand about the lesson, especially this, the teacher taught step by step
writing descriptive text. When teaching as carefully as possible so that the
writing descriptive text, the teacher used mix students can understand about the
language, English-Indonesia so that students lesson, especially writing
know and understand about the lesson. descriptive text.
2. Implication

Teaching Method In Writing Descriptive Text (A Descriptive Study at the Seventh Grade Students
of SMP Negeri 3 Klaten Academic Year 2016/2017)
Jurnal Edulingua | Vol 4. No. 2 Juli - Desember 2017

This research is important because 3. Recommendation

writing is one of the skills that must be Recommendation for the teacher:
known by the students especially for This research can be a reference for the
academic purpose. Beside this, writing teacher to teach writing descriptive text.
also important for occupational purpose, Beside this, it can be an evaluation for
<< | 8 for make a letter, agreement and so on. the teacher. The teacher will be able to
Writing is very important, for academic know how to teach well using
and occupational purpose. appropriate method to teach writing
Descriptive text is one of the genres descriptive text. The best and
of text that must be understood by the appropriate method will reach the best
students especially in basic level. When result and success to understand about
study about descriptive text, students writing descriptive text.
must be known about simple present Recommendation for another researcher:
tense, because it is the basic tense that This research may be taken as a
use in descriptive text. consideration for other researcher.
Therefore, this research can be Furthermore, the researcher strongly hopes
used for the teacher to know how to and recommends to another researcher for
teach well using appropriate method to doing research better and deeper study this
teach writing descriptive text. The case. Use variant genres of the text to do
understanding of writing skill can bring research about writing skill.
many benefits for people who need it for
academic and/or occupational purpose.

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Teaching Method In Writing Descriptive Text (A Descriptive Study at the Seventh Grade Students
of SMP Negeri 3 Klaten Academic Year 2016/2017)
Jurnal Edulingua | Vol 4. No. 2 Juli - Desember 2017

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Jurnal Edulingua | Vol 6. No. 1. Juni 2019

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