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1. Travel Motivation is the factors that underlie people to travel.

These are two

factors that underlie people to travel :
a. Internal Factor are the factors that come from within (social-psychological
needs) to fulfil their basic needs as an human beings (longings to rest,
recreation, escape from their daily activities etc).

b. External Factor are the factors that come from outside, this is related to the
attraction (what do they have to sell) and able to pull tourist to visit.

2. The Reason of Tourist to Choose a Destination to Visit

Base on my experiences, these are

many reasons why does tourist choose
one destination and not others. The
first one, because the destination is
original and unique. This is the main
reason, if we would like to visit one
destination, we will choose the
original and unique attration, that means the destination has something that other
destination doesn’t has. The second one is popularity. If one destination is
famous, we will think that the destination is wothy to visit and for other reason is
because we would like to show to our circle that we have been visiting the
famous destination, especially on social media. The last but not least are the cost
and the distance. Those things are really important as a consideration to visit a
destination. How much would it cost, how far the distance from our hometown
or our place.

3. The Travel Motivation Gives Benefit in Developing a Tourism Attraction

The study of trevel motivation
is powerful instrument in the
hands of tourism. The tourism
destination industry has been
filling up the tourist needs. To
response about what does
motivate tourist to travel,
companies that sell travel
products can make decisions regarding the best offer to provide the best product
for tourists. Proper market sectors and products will increase business of tourism
destination industry. One of the example is Desa Wisata “Tourism Village”. The
purpose Desa Wisata is to fulfil urban people needs (escaping from their daily
activities, relaxing, nature adventure, etc). It is really an huge benefit to develop
village become tourism attraction. The activities in the tourism village involve
all levels of society and able to give benefit such things as raising people’s lives
around them, increasing community knowledge, massive development and
improving the economy.

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