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ACTIVITY 23: Final Task Application : Get Tested (40 points)


A. Self-Description entitled “All About Me” (20 points)

The student will take this one step further by completing 10 “I …” statements. Fill them
in with anything that describes YOU! all of which can contribute to a greater sense of
(Answers must be handwritten)

 I feel successful when…

 My favorite person is…

 If I could have three wishes, they would be:




 I feel depressed when…

 A character trait I need to improve is…

 I am good at…

 My family is…

 I would like to be…

 The most important thing to me is…

 The thing I like best about myself…

 Do you think it is good or bad to have self-concept differentiation? Give your stand.

B. Prepare to engage in more effective communication, you are now comfortable doing the
following task:

Write an 8-12 captivating and interesting campaign SLOGAN intended to promote your specific
nursing course for incoming freshmen.


Relevance of Content 10 points

Originality and Mechanics 10 points

Total Score: 20 points

Turn in your SLOGAN in pdf file.

INSTRUCTION for Submission:

Write your answers on a short bond paper and scan your output and submit your output for Activity
23 as a PDF file. Please make your activity sheet neat and clean. NO ERASURES. Submit your
output with the filename LASTNAME_FIRSTNAME_A23. Please practice the honor system.
Thank you!

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