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Communication & Presentations


1. Interpersonal Skills Questionnaire

Instruction: Here are four different interactive incidents. Read each incident carefully, imagine
yourself in each situation and assume that you are going to speak next. Choose from the five options
the description that most closely reflects what you would say. Please select just one of the options
each time, and resist the temptation to combine parts from different options.

Incident 1:

You have just told your boss about the difficulties you are experiencing in getting adequate
cooperation from the staff specialists you called in to report on a procedural problem that has been
bugging you. Your aim in talking to your boss about this is to get some positive guidance form her
about the action you should take to get better value from the specialists. So you conclude your
summary of the situation by saying, ‘’Have you any ideas that might help in getting them to

She replies, ‘’Well, I don’t think you should have involved them in the first place. I remember
telling you at the time that these specialists were more trouble than they were worth.’’

You respond by:

A. Saying you will solve the problem yourself

B. Defending or explaining your position

C. Reiterating that you want her advice, suggestions, or help

D. Asking her a question

E. Suggesting a solution to get her reaction to it

Incident 2:

You are chairing a regular weekly meeting with your subordinates. One of them, Bill has just
outlined a tentative idea he has been working on. You think it is impossible to implement, but are
eager to encourage him since he does not come up with many ideas.

You respond by:

A. Thanking him but explaining why his idea isn’t worth pursing

Saying that you see some difficulties with the idea and asking him to do more work
on it

Asking him to do more work on his idea and/or arranging to see him later without
admitting to your doubt about its feasibility

D. Asking him, there and then, for clarification or amplification of his idea

E. Throwing the idea open to the meeting for discussion

Incident 3:

You have a carefully thought-out proposal about how to solve a problem, and you have to
pitch it to your colleagues. You know that its successful implementation is going to depend on their
genuine support. You decide to tell them about it at a meeting.

You start by:

A. Announcing you proposal without any preliminary

B. Explaining the benefit of your proposal and how vital their support and cooperation

C. Saying that you have got a carefully thought-out proposal to put to them and
inviting their comments and help

D. Putting forward your proposal in a tentative way so that it doesn’t sound too cut
and dried

E. Inviting their involvement in solving the problem and asking them for their ideas

Incident 4:

You have been talking to one if your subordinates about his performance over the last six
months. As a result, you have agreed on some plans that aim to improve certain aspects of his
performance in the future. All in all, you think he has reached his limit in terms of the level of job he
can hold down. He then asks you a question. ‘’Could you give me some idea of my promotion
prospects? After all, i have been doing this job for three years now, and I was wondering?’’

You respond by:

A. Telling him frankly that you don’t see much hope promotion

Giving him guidance and advice about what he needs to do to increase his chances
of promotion

Postponing the issue by explaining that promotion depends on his future


D. Asking him if he thinks he is ready for promotion

E. Asking him what prospects or promotion he has in mind

Score Key:
Interpersonal Skills Questionnaire

For each incident, the options are ranged along an imaginary continuum as follows:

The most The middle The most
autocratic of the ground between democratic of
options autocratic and the options

The next most More democratic

Award points based on the following basis:

A=1 B=2 C=3 D=4 E=5

2. Managerial Work-Values Scale
Instructions: This questionnaire consists of pairs of statements related to work values. Read
each pair of statements carefully and assess the relative values of the statements for you. Some
alternatives may seem equally attractive or unattractive to you; nevertheless, you must choose
between the alternatives. For each pair of statements, you have three points to distribute. For
example, read the following pair of statements:
I prefer work in which:
1(a) I develop new ideas.

1(b) I am paid well.

In the blanks preceding items 1(a) and 1(b), you would distribute points according to the
explanations that follow.
• If you prefer ‘a’ and do not prefer ‘b’, mark the blanks as follows:
3 1 (a) ………

1 (b) ………

• If you have a slight preference for ‘a’ over ‘b’, mark the blanks as follows:
3 1 (a) ………

1 (b) ………

• If you have a slight preference for ‘b’ over ‘a’, mark the blanks as follows:
1 (a) ………

3 1 (b) ………

• If you prefer ‘b’ and do not prefer ‘a’, mark the blanks as follows:
1 (a) ………

3 1 (b) ………

Although you will see the same item more than once, proceed through the questionnaire and
treat each pair of statements independently. Be sure to use only the combinations of numbers
shown. Remember that first impressions are important.
I prefer work in which:

1(a) I develop new ideas.

1(b) I am paid well.

2(a) I do not need to depend on others for help.

2(b) I have prestigious positions.

3(a) I solve others problems.

3(b) I have an opportunity to teach others what I know.

4(a) I am paid enough that I can have all the things I want.
4(b) I have a very secure position.

5(a) People respect me.

5(b) I teach and do research.

6(a) I feel a sense of achievement.

6(b) My colleagues and I get along well together.

7(a) I have adequate freedom and independence.

7(b) I solve others’ problems.

8(a) I have the opportunity to invent new things.

8(b) I have no fear of losing my job.

9(a) I do things the way I please.

9(b) I do research.

10(a) I can help other to be happy.

10(b) I have all the physical facilities I need.

11(a) I receive large financial rewards.

11(b) I teach.

12(a) I have high status.

12(b) My physical surroundings are good.

13(a) I help other people.

13(b) I am in no danger of being laid off.

14(a) I have a high salary.

14(b) I am respected by others.

15(a) I am an influential person.

15(b) Nothing can threaten my job.
16(a) I do unique things.
16(b) I do not need to depend on others for help.

17(a) I do things almost entirely by myself.

17(b) I do not fear to depend on others for help.

18(a) I earn an adequate income.

18(b) I work in pleasant surroundings.

19(a) I solve the problems of others.

19(b) I have good associates.

20(a) I am respected by others.

20(b) My colleagues are people I like.

21(a) I invent new things and find new ways of doing things.
21(b) My surroundings are pleasant.

22(a) I have the freedom to-do things the way I want to do them.
22(b) I am paid enough money.

23(a) I have the satisfaction of helping people.

23(b) I have good opportunities for salary increases.

24(a) I enjoy the company of my colleagues.

24(b) I can save money.

25(a) I use my great potential.

25(b) I have an influential position.

26(a) I do things independently.

26(b) My coworkers are my friends.

27(a) I can be creative and use my intellect.

27(b) I have an opportunity to teach.

28(A) I have the freedom to do things the way I want to do them.

28(b) My physical surroundings are pleasant.

29(a) I serve others.

29(b) I have high status.

30(a) I am secure in my job at all times.

30(b) Superiors and subordinates get along well with each other.

31(a) I teach and do research.

31(b) I have adequate facilities.
32(a) I can feel I did the job well.
32(b) I satisfy a number of clients.

33(a) My job is secure.

33(b) I have adequate physical facilities.

34(a) I have a steady job.

34(b) I can be an academician.

35(a) I get along well with others.

35(b) I can explore theories of management.

36(a) I like my superiors and subordinates.

36(b) I have all the facilities I need.
Managerial Work-Values Scale Scoring Sheet
Instructions: Please transfer your scores from the questionnaire to this scoring sheet. Note that
the blanks do not necessarily follow in order. Be sure to transfer your scores to the correct
blank. When you have transferred all of your scores, total each of the nine columns.

Creativity Economics Independence

1(a)__________ 1(b)_______ 2(a)__________
______ 4(a)_______ 3
8(a)__________ 11(a) 3
16(a)__________ 14(a)__________ 3
21(a)__________ 3
18(a)__________ 3
25(a)__________ 3
22(b)_________ 22(a)__________
27(a)__________ _ 3
32(a)_____3_____ 3
23(b)_________ 3
3 _
6 24 18
Total = __________ Total = __________
24(b)__________ Total = __________

Status Service Academics

2(b)____3_____ 3(a)__________ 3(b)____3_____
5(a)__________ 7(b)__________ 5(b)__________
12(a)__________ 3
10(a)__________ 9(b)__________
14(b)__________ 3
13(a)__________ 11(b)__________
15(a)__________ 3
19(a)__________ 3
20(a)__________ 23(a)__________ 3
25(b)__________ 29(a)__________ 34(b)__________
29(b)__________ 32(b)__________ 35(b)__________

21 9
Total = __________ 9
Total = __________ Total = __________

Security Collegiality Work Conditions

4(b)__________ 6(b)__________ 10(b)__________
8(b)__________ 19(b)_______ ___ 12(b)__________
13(b)__________ 20(b)__________ 18(b)__________
15(b)__________ 24(a)__________ 3
17(b)__________ 26(b)__________ 28(b)__________
30(a)__________ 30(b)__________ 31(b)__________
33(a)__________ 3
35(a)__________ 33(b)__________
34(a)__________ 3
36(a)__________ 36(b)__________

Total = __________ 6
Total = __________ 3
Total = __________
Managerial Work-Values Scale Interpretation Sheet
Instructions: Transfer your total score from each of the nine dimensions on the preceding
page to the chart below.

Work Value Score

Creativity 6
Economics 24
Independence 18
Status 21
Service 9
Academics 9
Security 12
Collegiality 6
Work Conditions 3

The higher your score for a particular dimension, the more value you place on that dimensions.
On the lines below, list your top-ranked work value (the one with the highest score) on line 1,
the second-ranked work value on line 2, and so on through line 9.

Work Value Score

1)_______________________________________ 24
2) ______________________________________ 21
3) ______________________________________ 18
4) ______________________________________

5) ______________________________________ 9
6) ______________________________________ 9
7) ______________________________________ 6
8) ______________________________________ 6

9) ______________________________________ 3
3. Self-Development Beliefs Questionnaire
Some people find it easy to embrace the self-development process and relish the opportunities
it provides. Other people find it far more difficult to accept the self-development message and
suspect that it is yet another fad.
Instruction: to establish how easy or difficult you find it to be a self-developer, run down the
following statements, checkmaking (/) the ones you agree with and crossing (x) the ones you
disagree with. Please respond to each statement with either a checkmark or a cross, however
marginal the difference.
1) I believe that most of what I learn happens as a natural consequence of
doing things and keep busy.

2) I believe no one can make me develop myself if I choose not to.

3) I believe self-development raises false hopes and expectations of promotion,


4) I believe that I cannot change my attitudes once they are formed.

5) I believe that learning and development are too important to leave to


6) I believe that the experiences I learn most from are the experience others
will learn most form.

7) I believe that “you can’t teach old dog new tricks.”

8) I believe that complacency is the biggest enemy of continuous improvement

and development.

9) I believe it is just as important to learn from successes as it is to learn from


10) I believe that no matter how expert you are, there is always have room for

11) I believe learning from experience mostly happens intuitively (i.e., you don’t
have to do it deliberately or consciously).

12) I believe in the saying, “you learn something new every day.”

13) I believe that developing people is an important responsibility of any


14) I believe the more senior you are, the less you need to learn.
15) I believe that learning is our business and we sell the by-product of that

16) I believe that inside every mistake there are lessons waiting to get out.

17) I believe self-development is doomed unless it is practiced from the top


18) I believe the door to development is locked with the key on the inside, i.e.,
you have the key.

19) I believe learning has occurred when people can demonstrate that they
know something they didn’t know before and/or can do something they
couldn’t do before.

20) I believe learning is best done at courses, conferences, seminars, and

Score Key:
Self-Development Beliefs Questionnaire
Move your checkmarks and crosses into boxes below. Be careful, the boxes are not in the
same order as in the questionnaire.

1 5 5 2

3 0 5 5

4 0 0 8

6 0 5 9

7 0 5 10

11 5 5 12

13 5 5 15
14 5 16
17 5 5 18

20 0 5 19

Award yourself 5 point for each checkmark and zero for each cross. Total your scores in each

Belief that hinder Belief that help

20 Total 45
self-development self-development

Finally, subtract the left-hand total (i.e., for beliefs that hinder) from the right-hand total (i.e,
for beliefs that help) and write the answer in this box.

-25 (It is possible to have a minus score)

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