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Stress Management

Time: 2 hours Max. Marks: 50

All questions carry equal marks.

I. Multiple choice questions:

1. In general terms, self-esteem refers to a positive overall evaluation of oneself. People with high self-esteem are likely to
engage in all of the following behaviors except:
a. Volunteer to work on difficult projects.
b. Likely to get involved with social activities in the organization.
c. Express a general positive attitude to life and others that they come in contact with.
d. Frequently express doubt about their ability to perform on difficult tasks.

2. Companies gain the edge when, in addition to having an educated workforce, employees have high self-esteem shown
by all of the below behavior except:
a. Taking personal responsibility for problems.
b. Trusting one's own capabilities.
c. A feeling of dependency on the leadership for direction.
d. Being creative an innovative.

3. All of the following are suggested ways of enhancing/developing one's self-esteem except:
a. Minimize settings and interactions that detract from your feelings of competence.
b. Take action to become aware of your personal strengths.
c. Talk and socialize frequently with people who boost your self-esteem.
d. All of the above are ways to enhance one's self-esteem.

4. Self-efficacy is one of the main components of self-esteem. If a person has high self-efficacy he/she is likely to
a. Ask for a considerable amount of help in determining how to start a difficult project.
b. Believe that he/she has the ability to do what necessary to accomplish the task.
c. Believe that most assignments are difficult and confusing.
d. Feel that he/she lacks the skills necessary to carry out a specific task.

5. Another component of self-esteem is self-respect. This refers to how you think and feel about yourself. A person with
high self-esteem would also have high self-respect and could be expected to exhibit the following behaviors:
a. Stay in relationships where one is mentally or physically abused.
b. Beg others for things that could be obtained from one's own efforts.
c. Focus on the needs of others .
d. Highly self-absorbed with personal interests.

6. Your body image, or your perception of your body, also contributes to your self-concept. Having a __________body image
is related to feeling confident in jobs where customer contact is required.
a. Unfavorable
b. Neutral
c. Positive
d. Negative

7. It is reported that people who have high self-esteem themselves can generally increase your self-esteem because these
individuals usually
a. Give honest feedback.
b. Respect others.
c. Respect themselves.
d. All of the above are correct

8. One of the major consequences of high self-esteem is

a. Decreased complaints from unionized workers.
b. Increased worker involvement on teams.
c. Good mental health.
d. Increased absenteeism

9. The step in the "The Need Cycle" in which an individual experiences tension to satisfy a need is called the:
a. Need
b. Drive
c. Action
d. Satisfaction

10. An individual that has a strong need for order would likely have the urge to achieve arrangement balance, ___ and ___
a. Recognition, rewards
b. Neatness, precision
c. Randomization, disorganization
d. Efficiency, speed

11. Maslow describes _________ needs as representing an individual's demand to be seen as a person of worth by others—
and to him/herself.
a. Self-actualization
b. Esteem
c. Love
d. Safety

12. All of the following is commonly considered to be personal goals that individuals are likely to set except:
a. Social and family
b. Hobbies and interests
c. Financial
d. Job performance increases

13. One of the characteristics of an effective goal is to set specific goals, which of the following is an example of a specific
a. Improve my skills in management.
b. Get a higher performance appraisal rating from by boss.
c. I will improve my performance appraisal rating from below average to above average by my next performance
d. Achieve an acceptable performance rating

14. Which of the following is/are not characteristic(s) of an effective personal goal?
a. Formulate concise goals
b. Set realistic goals
c. Set goals for different time periods
d. All of the above are characteristics of effective personal goals.

15. Which of the following is a disadvantage of setting goals in the work environment?
a. Can contribute to a narrow focus, thus neglecting other worthwhile activities.
b. Can hurt teamwork because individuals are held accountable for tasks.
c. Create tension and stress because individual have reasonably difficult goals to accomplish.
d. All of the above are disadvantages for setting work goals.

16. All of the following are ways to improve one’s self-motivation except:
a. Set goals for yourself
b. Find extrinsically motivating work
c. Raise your level of self-expectation
d. Develop a strong work ethic

17. Ways of improving one’s self-motivation include(s):

a. Find intrinsically motivating work.
b. Get feedback on your performance.
c. Develop a strong work ethic.
d. All of the above.

18. To achieve goals and to maintain a high level of motivation one must be self-disciplined. Suggestions for improving self-
discipline include(s) the following:
a. Develop role models
b. Minimize excuse making
c. Develop action plans to achieve goals
d. All of the above are suggestions.

19. All of the following are suggested ways of minimize excuse making in an effort to improve ones self-discipline except:
a. Be brutally honest with yourself
b. Concentrate efforts on goal accomplishment
c. Look for excuses that are socially acceptable
d. Conduct a self-audit

20. In formulate a self-mission statement, one might ask all of the following questions except:
a. Who am I?
b. What am I trying to accomplish in life?
c. What are my five biggest wishes?
d. All of the above are appropriate questions.

21. Emotional intelligence refers to qualities such as understanding one's own feelings, empathy for others and
a. possessing above average verbal and math skills.
b. the regulation of emotion to enhance living.
c. having a good sense of human.
d. understanding human relations research.

22. Effective decision makers do not rely on careful analysis alone. Instead they also use their intuition which is/are often
based on:
a. stored in information that is reorganized.
b. help from others on the decision making team.
c. rational model for decision making.
d. logic model.

23. The flow experience in decision making is likely to occur when the decision maker is able have mental ____________ on
the issues that are involved in making the decision.
a. intuition
b. concentration
c. flexibility
d. Rigidity

24. The mostly widely used method of classifying problem-solving styles is the Myers-Briggs Type indicator (MBTI). There
are ______ dimensions of psychological functions in the MBTI.
a. Four
b. Eight
c. Twelve
d. Sixteen

25. The most reliable dimension appears to be _______ versus ________ which is similar to reflecting about details versus
jumping to a quick decision based on feel and experience or being reflective versus impulsive.
a. Introverted versus extroverted
b. Thinking versus feeling
c. Sensing versus intuiting
d. Judging versus perceiving

26. The fishbone diagram is used in the _________ step of the problem solving decision making process.
a. last
b. second
c. third
d. It is not used.

27. There are ________ steps in the problem solving and decision making process.
a. Seven
b. Eight
c. Five
d. Nine

28. In general, research findings suggest that creative workers tend to be ___________
a. below average intelligence.
b. brilliant rather than bright.
c. bright rather than brilliant.
d. introverted with a narrow range of interest.

29. The personalities of creative people tend to have all of the following characteristics except:
a. A positive self-image without being blindly self-confident.
b. Can work along in isolation necessary for developing ideas.
c. Frequently considered to be nonconformists and do not need strong approval from the group.
d. Have a low tolerance for ambiguity, must have clear directions on all task.

30. The organization can create an environment that enhances creativity by all of the following ways except:
a. Arrange for enough conflict to put people on the edge.
b. Provide support and encouragement for creativity.
c. Punish individual who make mistakes and take risk.
d. Encourage human and levity in the work environment.
31. All of the following are ways that can be used to improve your creativity except:
a. Stick to the traditional mental set.
b. Discipline yourself to think laterally.
c. Conduct brainstorming session.
d. Concentrate intensely on the task at hand.

32. Creativity is likely to occur when three components come together which involve expertise, creative thinking skills and
a. right type of motivation.
b. proper lighting in the work environment.
c. stable economic conditions.
d. extrinsically motivating conditions in the work environment.

33. A major challenge in developing creative thinking skills is to learn how to think ________ in addition to _______.
a. emotionally, rationally
b. Vertically, rationally
c. Logical, lateral
d. Lateral, vertically

34. _______________is creative technique in which you arrive at creative ideas by jotting them down yourself rather than
working in a group.
a. Brainstorming
b. Brain mining
c. Brain writing
d. Brain reading

35. A widely used method of releasing creativity is the _______________ technique in which individuals or groups solve a
problem by making association between the properties of two objects.
a. free-association
b. paired-association
c. forced-association
d. natural-association

36. Men who respond most intensely to mental stress run a higher risk of blocked blood vessels. The result is a ________
risk of heart attack and stroke.
a. Higher
b. Lower
c. constant
d. smaller

37. When faced with stress the brain directs the body in responding to stressors in an attempt to maintain balance. Some
of the physical responses may include all of the following except:
a. Frequent teeth grinding
b. Difficulty concentrating
c. Shaking and trembling
d. Heart palpitations

38. When faced with stress the brain directs the body in responding to stressors in an attempt to maintain balance. Some
of the emotional and behavioral responses may include all of the following except:
a. Anorexia
b. Frequent teeth grinding
c. crying
d. Difficulty concentrating

39. Which of the following is/are source(s) of stress in one’s personal life?
a. Low self-esteem
b. Social and family problems
c. Significant life change
d. All the above are sources.

40. People with type A behavior characteristics have basic personalities that lead them into stressful situations. Which of
the following would not be considered as type A behavior?
a. Argumentative and disagreeable
b. Always in a hurry, tend to complete others sentences.
c. Laid back and easy to talk to.
d. Tendency to try to accomplish too many things in a too little time.
41. A person who has a high degree of internal locus of control is likely to be _________ prone to stressors or worrying
about them.
a. more
b. not
c. less
d. positively

42. Some people are more stress prone than others because of personality factors. Three key personality factors
predisposing people to stress are type A behavior, ___________ and negative disposition.
a. Religious beliefs
b. External locus of control beliefs
c. culture
d. Internal locus of control beliefs

43. Stress management is a vital part of managing ones career. There are three commonly recognized approaches for
managing stress. They involve attacking the source of stress, ______________________ and relaxation techniques.
a. Finding a job that does not have stressors
b. Seek professional help
c. Getting social support
d. Avoiding stressors particularly type A people

44. A trend related to reducing stress by gaining control is to simplify your life by getting rid of unessential activities. An
example of this according to Andrew Weill, the natural health guru, would be to
a. get rid of things that can be used by others.
b. get rid of things that others want more than you want.
c. get rid of thing that makes your life simple.
d. get rid of what you can spare.

45. Learning how to relax is essential to most success stress management program. The three frequently used relaxation
techniques are the relaxation response, deep breathing and ___________.
a. golfing
b. meditation
c. aerobic exercise
d. swimming

46. The major cause of self-defeating behavior is a _____________ .

a. Low self-efficacy
b. a loser life script
c. a positive self-image
d. Low self-esteem

47. People with self-defeating personality pattern have three notable characteristics, which of the following is not one of
those characteristic?
a. They repeatedly fail at tasks they have the ability to perform.
b. They place themselves in very difficult situations and respond helplessly.
c. They willingly accept advice from supervisors or others in authority.
d. They typically refuse to take advantage of escape routes, such as accepting advice and counsel from a

48. Which of the following is not one of the suggested techniques for overcoming self-defeating behaviors?
a. Visualize self-enhancing behavior
b. Solicit feedback on your action
c. Stop denying the existence of problems
d. Avoid unpleasant criticism

49. Which of the following is not one of the suggestions for helping a person to develop the right mental set for achieving an
excellent record of attendance and punctuality?
a. Think of an occasional absent or being late is what's expected in most organizations.
b. Recognize that not to have excellent attendance and punctuality is self-defeating.
c. Think of the consequences to coworkers if you are absent and late frequently.
d. Look on your job as self-employment.

50. Being depressed on the job creates many problems which includes all of the following except:
a. A generally overall reduced effectiveness
b. Increased productivity
c. Drains energy
d. Reduces quality

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