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health care

transportation the Healthcare of the country is different

depending on equipment include x-ray , CT scan
because there are many people have different
doctors force to pay the people more money
can't able for those people

Mogadishu Aden Adde kinds of healthcare in the country are

International airport provides
Hospital, Pharmacy , MCH
flight information services,
Mogadishu hotel services and
hotel booking, you can find
information about Mogadishu
Our Values

economics education tourisms
specializes in tourism in Mogadishu
Somalia’s basic social services have
The economy of the country is Liido Beach, Mogadishu Fish
been decimated due to civil
dependent on maritime resources Market, Shanghai Old City,
unrest and years of
and Airport and transportation tax Jazeera Beach, Qat Market,
Resources include fish different Bakara Market and more
types also the education of the country
Beerta Nabadda is still one of the
also dependent on the tourism are formal and informal
most experienced places in the city
well exemplifies the vital
importance that this kind of places
has for the population

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