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First Wave Feminism:l Late 1700s-

MIND MAP lesbian critics address issues related to both
early 1900's: writers like Mary Literary Theory The Basics sexism and heterosexism. In other words, lesbian
critics must deal with the psychological, social,
Wollstonecraft (A Vindication of the
Rights of Women, 1792) highlight economic, and political oppression fostered not
the inequalities between the sexes. only by patriarchal male privilege, but by
Second Wave Feminism: heterosexual privilege as well.
early 1960s-late 1970s: building on
more equal working conditions The word “queer” was used to describe
necessary in America during World homosexual males. • Queer theory only came
War II, movements such as the Base / inInformation
1990 and it is distinct from G L studies and
National Organization for Women Background feminism.
(NOW), formed in 1966, cohere
feminist political activism, Beauvoir
(Le Deuxième Sexe, 1949) and Elaine three important domains of gay sensibility, all of
Showalter which involve responses to heterosexist
Third Wave Feminism:
oppression, are drag, camp, and dealing with the
 early 1990s-present: resisting the perceived Feminist Literary Theory: issue of AIDS.(Tyson 330)
essentialist,ideologies and a white, heterosexual,
middle class focus of second wave feminism, Lesbian, Gay, And Queer Theory
third wave feminism borrows from post-
structural and contemporary gender and race
theories (see below) to expand on marginalized
populations' experiences.

Lesbian criticism is concerned Application
with issues of personal identity
and politics analogous to those
analyzed by feminists 
Sub Theory

Literary works that contain erotic values.

Gay Criticism The kinds of analyses  queer theory are interested in the
that tend to engage the attention of breakdown of binaries such as male
gay critics often fall under the and female, the in-betweens (also
heading of gay sensibility. following Derrida's interstitial
Baskhoro Edo P knowledge building).
Title of the text: Introduction: Feminist Literary Theory: Lesbian, Gay, Queer Theory
Source :
Tyson.Lois.1950. critical theory today A User-Friendly Guide Second edition.Pdf
Summary / Mindmap of the text:
Feminist theory was first discovered in the 170s to 1990s, where in that year it was divided into three major stages, in that big round, sub-
theories based on feminism emerged, among others, lesbian, gay, and queer theory. matters that directly intersect with the problem of sexual
orientation. Literary works that contain a lot of this kind of thing can be found in erotic adult works. In the sexual orientation which is divided
into three, so that it is clear that lesbians are same-sex enthusiasts among women, gay is sex lovers between men, and queer is a theory that
criticizes traditional values so that the two values that intersect with society can be accepted by the wider community.

My Question
1. Can this theory be used in the search for the structure of society like in myths or legends?
2. Is this theory included in psychological disorders? If so, why is this science not included in the theory of psychoanalysis instead of
having to branch out new knowledge?
3. Are the problems of psychological influence and sexual orientation the same thing? If it is same, it means that literary works that have
sexual orientation values in them mean that there are also a psychological values?
My comments (what I think, what I agree, what I disagree):
(5 - 10 sentences)
Feminist: lesbian, gay and queer theory in my view is like a theory that wants to fight for the rights of people who are marginalized because of
their differences. It is known that up to now this theory in its application has been widely opposed, even the work or symbolism related to this
matter is also widely opposed. In Indonesia, this matter is still taboo to be raised and discussed because it contradicts the eastern customary
values prevailing in Indonesia. However, this theory is deliberately adopted in order to find out that the basis for the emergence of people doing
so has a reason, therefore the things that were studied make people are looking for a solution.
Other source(s) that I read:

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