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She's hosting a party - Typical situation

Arrest Detención
Atmospheric Evocador/a
Big-head Engreído/a
Eccentric Excéntrico/a
Hi-fi Alta fidelidad
Host Anfitrión/a, presentador/a
Hotel Hotel
In conclusion En conclusión
Instrument Instrumento
Jazz Jazz
Mad as a hatter Más loco/a que una cabra
Missing Ausente
Optimist Optimista
Quick-witted Espabilado/a
Quietly Tranquilamente
Shriek Chillido
To forbid Prohibir


A: Fine, Dan. That's everything, thanks. Will there be music like last year?
B: Abi and I have our instruments and after we play, we can put music on the stereo in
the living room. We have some old cassettes because Jennifer doesn't have a CD
player. There's this pair of disco lamps again that we rented. They are really
atmospheric and look fantastic too.
C: Excellent work, Sarah. What music are you going to play?
B: Well, Dan. I don't know yet. Something we all like. Oh, and the neighbors say it's OK
to play music until 12, but they forbid us to play it as loud as last year, and as late!
They all want to come back and say hello again like last year, except for that
unfriendly man at number 35. I said that was fine.
C: That loud music was Barry's idea. He was so eccentric, renting that DJ sound system
and putting on that techno music at 1 o'clock.
A: He's coming back this year too. He knows the music must be played more quietly and
isn't renting any DJ equipment this time.
B: That's great. He's such a big-head and he's as mad as a hatter too, but he's so funny
and did you see he's such a wonderful dancer? Well now, what about upstairs?

Copyright © CAE Computer Aided USA Corporation - Computer Aided Elearning, S.A.
She's hosting a party - Typical situation

A: No, there cannot be any partying upstairs. Can't you see that Jennifer has some new
furniture and we'll need to be very careful? We can put the coats in the single room,
or the double room. Which do you prefer?
B: The double room is better than the single, and it's nearer to the stairs too. The coats
can stay there. There's a lot of furniture down here too.
A: We can move the chairs from the dining room, so it's a buffet and move that big, old
clock and mirror as well. There's space in the kitchen. The rug in the hall can go in
the same place with all the other furniture.
C: That's great. Everything will look stunning. We just need to be careful with
A: In conclusion, it sounds like nothing's missing. So, it's time to get started. We have
four hours to get everything prepared.
B: Bye, Daniel. Oh, that's my phone. One moment, I want to answer it. Oh, it's Jennifer!
What does she want?

B: Yes, hello, who's this? Oh, it's you Jennifer! Yes, it's me Sarah. You what?
B: Sorry for shrieking like that. You surprised me. Oh, really? That's fantastic.
Excellent of course, of course I'll come. See you there later. Thanks, bye.
A: What's the matter, Sarah? You look terrible.
B: Oh, you won't believe it!
C: What is it, Sarah?
B: That was Jennifer. There's a small drawback to our plans.
C: We know. We can see from the look on your face. What did Jennifer say?
B: She said she's reserved a room for a party tonight in the Red Roof Hotel. She's
hosting a party and wanted the party to surprise us all.
C: No, that can't be true. After all this hard work, she's having a surprise party in the
Red Roof Hotel!
B: Well, it is true. She's got a jazz band to play music and she reserved the place last
A: That's a surprise, alright? The biggest one possible.
B: No, she has an even bigger surprise than that. You are not going to believe me when I
tell you.
A: What is it? What is it?
B: She sold the house without telling the neighbors.
A: What?
B: All that new furniture must belong to the new people who bought the house.
A: What? Are we here in someone else's house?
B: Yes. We have to leave and take everything with us.
A: And move all the furniture back before the new people come back.
C: I feel sick.

Copyright © CAE Computer Aided USA Corporation - Computer Aided Elearning, S.A.
She's hosting a party - Typical situation

B: Well, don't be sick. It's time to be quick-witted and not get caught up in the situation.
Start putting everything back in the car. We have to be at the hotel for nine o'clock.
C: What about everybody else?
B: I'll tell them there is a change of plans and now there's a party at the hotel.
A: I can't believe it. And the food?
B: Take it, we can have it there.
A: Let's get out of the house. We don't want the new owner to come and find us here. I
don't want to get arrested!
C: Neither do I. Oh, and the key?
A: It's not going back under the flower pot. I'll put it in the drawer in the kitchen. I don't
want there to be another surprise for anyone else!
C: Of course not. Oh Jennifer, we love you, but you are as mad as a hatter.
B: She's crazier than that. At least we can listen to a jazz band. I love jazz.
C: Sarah, please don't be even more of an optimist than normal.
B: What do you want me to say? There's nothing I can say that can help us right now.
Tomorrow is another day.
A: We all need to go! I'm going to phone Michelle and the other girls. You call the

Copyright © CAE Computer Aided USA Corporation - Computer Aided Elearning, S.A.

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