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Animal experimentation.

What is animal experimentation?

It is a scientific method that aims to use animals for scientific experiments.
Most of the animals used for research for the specific purpose of testing and few of
these animals are raised in the wild.

Which of you uses products from these brands?

These brands are known not only for their products but also for animal experimentation.

Causes and effects:

1. Cause: Marketing.
Effect: consumerism.
In order to sell the products, marketing encourages consumerism and fights people’s
unconscious emotions, especially low self-esteem and the desire to belonging to a

2. Cause: cost saving.

Effect: demand.
For companies, the costs are lower when they do their experiments on animals so at
this time there isn’t laws that protect animals’ rights.

3. Cause: create the need.

Effect: increased sales and experiments.
By reducing costs in the production of the product and in the social responsibility for
the effects that can cause its components, companies can offer cheaper prices than
products that have been made with quality ingredients and ethical and social

4. Cause: lack of animal laws.

Effect: companies can do whatever they want.
The longer it takes for animal laws to be approved, companies will continue to take
advantage of the legal void until they are economically affected by sanctions.

How are animal experiments?

These companies you see here are the best known in animal experimentation, they
intentionally cause diseases in animals to test their products without caring about their lives.

Some of these experiments are:

• Shaving Foam: Inject it at Haigh pressure on the stomach of animals.

• Hairspray: The substance is inhaled until the animal is induced into a coma.
• Shampoo: Animals are forced to ingest it and concentrate is inserted into the eyes of
• Toothpaste: They force rabbits, rats and guinea pigs to ingest it.
• Masks and Eye Shadow: It enters the eyes of rabbits until total blindness.
• Makeup: They extend it over the shaved skin of sensitive animals.
• Contact Lens Solution: Inserted into the eyes of rabbits, more sensitive than human
• Soap: They force the irritation of the skin of shaved animals.
• Tanners: Rabbits with shaved skin are exposed to ultraviolet rays to test these

By Law 2047 of August 10, 2020, Colombia became the first country in Latin America
to prohibit the testing of cosmetics in animals, this law will enter into force in four

We can start to change all the products of these brands for products that have these
symbols, which belong to cruelty-free companies that don’t experiment on them.

Some of these brands that don’t experiment on animals are:

• Dove.
• Natura.
• oBoticario.
• Sedal
• Yuya
• Becca
• Biohogar

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