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Kindergarten 3
4th Periodical Test
S.Y. 2020-2021

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I. Encircle (O) the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which of the following is the Philippine flag?
a. b.

2. Which of the following is the Thailand flag?

a. b.

3. It is the morning assembly, a time to sing the national anthem. What are you going to do?
a. I will run going to my line while the national anthem is being sung.
b. I will stop and join everybody in singing the national anthem.

4. You are in the mall with your mother, you need to buy a new shirt.
a. I will look for a shirt made in America.
b. I will choose a nice shirt that is made in Thailand.

5. Clean waterways is good for our community.

a. I will throw garbage into the river.
b. I will bring out the garbage when the collector comes.

6. What will you do if Mother prepares food that you do not like?
a. I will give my food to our janitor and buy something else.
b. I will be thankful and eat the food she prepared for me.

7. What will you do if you need a jacket?

a. I will borrow my brother’s jacket.
b. I will ask my Mother to buy me a new one.

8. What will you do if you have some free time?

a. I will go to the mall.
b. I will read a book or draw.

9. How will you make your mother happy?

a. I will play with my friends without finishing my homework.
b. I will do my chores and homework before playing outside.

10. How can you be a helpful child at home?

a. I will bring out the garbage.
b. I will go to the park with my friends.

11. How can you be a good sport after losing in game?

a. I will cry.
b. I will congratulate the winner.

12. How will you show that you love your country?
a. I will help my community clean.
b. I will always buy imported things.

13. Praying is talking with______.

a. God b. friends

14. We can be with God every day if we_____.

a. pray to Him b. sleep more often

15. We ask God in our prayer to _________.

a. hurt our enemies b. always bless us and take care of us

16. We need God to be with us because life is _______.

a. sometimes difficult b. is ugly

17. Doing our work well is _____ our work.

a. loving b. ignoring

18. When we work together, our work becomes_________.

a. difficult b. easy

19. We can show love for our country by ______________our history.

a. knowing b. ignoring

20. We should feel _______ with what we have.

a. sad b. happy

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