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Topic 3:

Qualitative Data

Prof. Roberto Dopeso Fernández

18/5/16 1
• What does it mean reflection in a
Qualitative Research?
• What are the types of analysis?
• What are the main sources of information
for the analysis?
• How can we use coding to analyze
qualitative data?
• How can new technologies influence the
process for qualitative analysis?
Some Important Points
• Background
– Characteristics of the people
– Perspectives of the target market
– Perspectives of the Analyzer
– Objective: Understand the different perspectives to
have an ample perspective
• The Narrative
– What they say
– What they do not say
– Capacity to be surprised
• Theoretical Understanding
• Marketing Understanding
How can you be Objective
• Take Notes
• Research in several sources to gather
information about the study characteristics
• Reflection
– How the perspective have changed
– Constant Feedback
– New questions and probes
• The relevance of the test groups
The Process of Qualitative Data
Data Assembly
• Gathering data from a variety of sources
• Some Examples
1. Notes during the process
2. Discussion with moderators or observers
3. Theoretical Support
4. Documents produced by participants
5. Photographs, Video, Diagrams, etc.
6. Transcripts
• Helps to interpret and review the data
Data Assembly
• Field Notes
– The researcher should use a notebook to help
her memory during the research
1. Short Notes during the process
2. Expanded notes as soon as the Interview or
Focus group ended
3. Record problems and ideas
4. Start and sketch of the interpretation
Data Reduction
• It involves handling the data
• The organizing and structuring of
qualitative data
• Many of the information should be
reduced and we need a specific process to
decide what is relevant
– Coding Data: Organize, manage and retrieve
the most meaningful bits of data
Data Reduction
• Coding Data
– Use Labels
– Classify the statements by
• Gender
• Age
• Group Member
• Focus Group Number
– This helps to
1. Retrieve Data: Search for words or for specific person or
gender answers
2. Organize Data: Give some structure to the general
3. Interpret Data: Look for similarities or differences between
people or groups of people
Data Reduction
• Steps in Coding Data
1. Set up a broad group of coding categories
2. Work trough data to uncover “chunks” (words,
phrases, sentences…) and highlight them (label
them) or put them in brackets (iteresting but
secondary information)
3. Review the description given to the Codes (look if
they fit the labels)
4. Examine differences between groups of participants
5. Develop models of interconectivity
6. Interact between models of interconectivity and the
code descriptions
Data Display
• Involves summarizing and presenting the
structure that is seeing in qualitative data
• The idea is avoid the extended text (we
already have transcripts)
• Some methods to do these are:
– Spreadsheets
– Cross-Tabulation
– Flow Chart
Data Verification
• Seeking alternative explanations of the
results through other data sources
– Secondary Data
– Psychological Theories
• Some Examples include
– Triangulation: Compare results for other similar
– Participant Validation: Discuss with the original
participant if he is agree or not with your
Grounded Theory
• A qualitative approach to generating
theory trough the systematic and
simultaneous process of data collections
and analysis
1. Study Social and Psychological problems
2. Direct Data Collections
3. Manage Data Analysis
4. Develop and abstract theoretical framework
Grounded Theory
• Can help to develop
– Coding Data
– Memo Writing
– Theoretical Sampling
– Integrating Analysis
Other Alternatives
• Content Analysis
– The objective, systematic and quantitative
description of the data
1. Manifest Content
2. Data Fragmentation
3. Quantification
• Semiotics
– The study of signs in the context of consumer
– It combines linguistics, psychology, anthropology
and other disciplines to study the phenomena
Software for Qualitative Data
• The different activities related with taking
note, doing transcripts, put labels, store
information, create models can be aided
by today software to do it more easy

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