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Bryla Karina B19-1


Ex. 7, p. 25

Compare your country to Singapore in terms of: location, history, language,

animals, culture, and attractions.

Last week I read a fascinating story about Singapore – a country with an

interesting history of origin, population and culture. After reading, I got the idea to
draw a parallel between Singapore and the no less beautiful country in which I have
been living for 19 years – with Ukraine.

I'll start my comparison with the location. Based on the text, I learned that
Singapore is located in Southeast Asia, while Ukraine is located in the southeastern
part of Europe. The area of Singapore is 710 sq. km. and loses much to Ukraine – its
area is 603,549 sq. km. The capital of Singapore is Singapore, and the capital of my
country is Kiev. The population of Singapore is 5,076,700 inhabitants, and again loses
to Ukraine – 41,723,998 inhabitants live in it.

Now let's touch on the topic of history. The earliest written mention of Singapore
dates back to the 3rd century AD. The history of Ukraine began much later,
somewhere in 882 after the appearance of Kievan Rus. The common thing between
the countries was that both were under the control of different states and did not have
their own autonomy for a long time. Singapore declared independence from Great
Britain in 1963, and Ukraine fought for the status of a "free country" for a long time
until it finally declared independence in 1991.

In terms of population Singapore does not have a single unique national identity –
the population is 76.8% of Chinese, 13.9% of Malays, 7.9% of Indians and 1.4% of
others. Ukrainians make up 77.8% of the population of Ukraine, Russians – 17.3%,
Belarusians – 0.6%, Moldovans – 0.5%, Crimean Tatars – 0.5%, Bulgarians – 0.4%,

Bryla Karina B19-1

Hungarians – 0.3 %, Romanians – 0.3%, Poles – 0.3%, Jews – 0.2%, Armenians –

0.2%, Greeks – 0.2%, Tatars – 0.2%, others – 1.2% . The only state language of
Ukraine is Ukrainian, but Russian is also widely spoken. However, this is no match
for Singapore, which has four official languages: English, Malay, Mandarin and

It should be noted that both countries have a diverse wildlife, despite the rapid
development of cities. Ukraine is home to many birds and mammals such as hare,
wild boar, deer, wolf and squirrel. In Singapore the nature is more exotic. Long-tailed
macaque, dugong and dolphin can be found here.

It must be said that both countries are popular tourist destinations as they have a
rich culture and are full of attractions. Singapore has very beautiful buildings and
beautiful beaches. Ukraine boasts of its clean green forests and wheat fields.

There is plenty to do in both countries. Shopping and dining are considered the
national entertainment of Singapore, but many people come from far and wide to try
what Ukraine has to offer – rope park, horse riding, trolls and Chernobyl tours. In
Ukraine, there are a lot of monuments to the heroes of the war, many churches and
shrines and beautiful places where you can be alone with nature.

Singapore's cuisine is varied, influenced by both Asian and Western styles. One of
Singapore's most popular dishes is chili crab, a mud crab dish fried in a sweet chili-
based tomato sauce. Traditional dishes in Ukraine, which are known all over the
world, are borsch, dumplings with cherries, pancakes and Kiev cutlet. Both cuisines
are expressions of cultural diversity.

In the end, it can be said that the countries being compared are an interesting
example of how people can live together in harmony. For each person native country
is the best, and wherever you are, you will still remember your country where you
were born with a smile.

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