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H42DF2 Dynamics
Dynamics andand Flight
Flight Mechanics,
Mechanics, Spring
Spring 2021

Coursework: Phugoid Mode Modelling and Identification - 30 Points

You will have to read through Chapter 5 of your textbook “Elementary Flight Dynamics” in preparation for
your coursework.

In this assignment you will experimentally identify the frequency and damping of the phugoid mode of a
general aviation aircraft. The phugoid mode is a lightly damped low-frequency oscillation, see Fig. 1. It is
mostly noticeable in the airspeed V , the altitude h and the pitch angle Θ. The angle of attack remains mostly
constant throughout the motion. Due to its low frequency, the phugoid is in general not very challenging for
the pilot to control.

Figure 1: Phugoid Mode

You will first perform a series of flight tests to characterize the phugoid motion. The data will be collected
in cockpit using the available instruments and a stop watch.

The aircraft for this coursework has the following data in the usual notation:
• m = 2000kg

• S = 19.39 m2

• CD = 0.015 + 0.055CL2
1. Part I: Flight Test (2 Points)
You will fly the testing procedure at three different test points which correspond to different trim
conditions (i.e., different trim airspeeds and aircraft configurations). All three tests follow the same

(a) Trimming: The aircraft always starts at a trimmed cruise flight condition at 3000 feet altitude.
The first test point will be at an indicated airspeed of 80 knots in clean configuration, the second
at indicated airspeed of 80 knots with flaps in landing configuration and the last at 120 knots
indicated airspeed in clean configuration. Use the trim wheel for trimming the aircraft.
(b) (2 Points) Data Collection in Cockpit: For all three test points, you will disturb the aircraft from
the trim point by an elevator deflection. The control yoke will be pushed until the airspeed is
roughly 10% higher than the trim airspeed. At this point, release the yoke, so that the elevator
can return into the trim condition. The copilot will time the whole maneuver starting right before
the pilot pushes the control yoke. Use the vertical speed indicator to collect the data. A zero
crossing in the vertical speed indicator corresponds to a peak in the phugoid oscillation, as shown
in Fig. 2. You will have to time all the zero crossings, as well as record the indicated airspeed and
the altitude at each peak.

Figure 2: Data Collection

2. Part II: Data Analysis (6 Points)
After all the data is successfully recorded on the simulator, you will proceed with the coursework at
home. The first part is to calculate the damping ratio and natural frequency from the collected data.

(a) (2 Points) Transient Peak Ratios: The damping of the phugoid mode can be estimated using the
transient peak ratio method (also referred to as logarithmic decrement in literature). A detailed
description of the method can be found in the lecture notes of “Lecture 10: Dynamic Response
of a SDOF System –Damped Free Vibration 2” Note that this is a very simple method that is in
general only accurate for weakly damped systems, i.e. systems with damping ratio ζ ≤ 0.5. The
decrease in amplitude from one peak to the next is related to the damping of a system. You can
obtain the peak ratios from the experiment by T P R = ∆x ∆x2
∆x2 = ∆x3 = . . ., see Fig. 3. Should the

ratios between peaks be not nearly identical, it is often best to average them.

Figure 3: Transient Peak Ratio

(b) (2 Points) Damping Ratio: Based on the average T P R you can calculate the damping ratio ζ by
ζ=q 2 .
1+ ln T P R

Use this relation to calculate the damping ratio of the phugoid mode for each test point.
(c) (2 Points) Natural frequency: Finally, the natural frequency is given by

ω= p ,
T 1 − ζ2

where T is the period of the oscillation. You can obtain T by averaging the periods you have
measured in you experiment. Calculate the natural frequency of the phugoid mode for each test
point and compare the frequency and damping ratio values obtained using the simulink data and
the in-cockpit measurements.
3. Part III: Modelling (22 Points)

(a) (10 Points) Develop Simulink Model: Develop a Simulink model of the nonlinear Phugoid motion
of an aircraft given by:

V̇ g T q̄S
= − CD − sin γ
g q̄S
γ̇ = CL − cos γ

Please be aware when comparing the model data with the experimental that the equations are
given in True Airspeed and not Indicated Airspeed. You can disregard the rotational dynamics
which is in general much faster. You can further assume that the Thrust, lift and drag coefficient
remain constant at their respective trim value.
Show the time histories of airspeed and flight path angle for the two following scenarios assuming
starting at steady level flight with a trim speed of 80knots indicated airspeed at h = 3000ft:
• An initial disturbance in the airspeed of +10m/s over the trim airspeed
• A step input of +500N to the trim thrust
Both simulations should cover a simulation time of 3 minutes. Plot airspeed and flight path angle
and label the graphs appropriately.
(b) (10 Points) Linearized Phugoid Motion: Derive the linearized equations of motion for an aircraft.
The linearization has to be performed about steady level flight. You can assume the standard
linear aerodynamic assumptions and that the aerodynamic coefficients do not depend on airspeed:

CL = CL0 + CLα α
CD = CD0 + kCL2

You can further assume that the Thrust and angle of attack remain constant at the trim value. In
addition to the linear second order dynamics, provide explicit equations for the damping ratio and
natural frequency. Based on your derivation, calculate the values for damping ratio and natural
frequency at steady level flight with 80 knots indicated airspeed at 3000ft altitude.
(c) (2 Points) Comparison with Flight Data: Compare the calculated results with the data gather
from the simulator. Comment on how the data compares and give reason if there is a mismatch.
Comment further on how the different test points changed the damping ratio and frequency and
use the derivation from the previous point to come up with general rules on how the frequency
and damping ratio of the Phugoid mode changes with the flight condition.
Monday 3 May
All reports should be submitted on or before Thursday 2021 2020 via Moodle. The report should
26 March
contain the following:
• Heading sheet: fill in the date the coursework was set, the author of the report and the date of the
report. No summary, methodology or theory sections are required for this report.

• Analysis, Simulation and Calculations: This section should contain all results from Part I to III
– Part I : Present all the data gathered from the flight simulator experiments
– Part II: Show clearly how the calculations have been done to obtain the damping ratios and
– Part IIIa: Brief description how Simulink model is developed. Clearly labelled Simulink block-
diagram (screen shot or similar). Correctly labelled graphical plot from Simulink mode. Plot
showing response time-histories obtained using Simulink.
– Part IIIb: Description (in words) explaining how linearization is obtained. Step-by-step derivation
of the linearized model and the equations for damping ratio and natural frequency. Values for the
aircraft clearly indicating where the numeric values are coming from.
– Part IIIc: Brief explanation (in words) that answers all questions.

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