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USOO81883 18B2

(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,188,318 B2

Petraitis et al. (45) Date of Patent: May 29, 2012


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U.S. Patent May 29, 2012 Sheet 1 of 11 US 8,188,318 B2

, 100
Ammonia -----------------------------
20 HPA
170 PEHA
40 NH, 180 WaterfSalt 220 Product
Recovery Removal Refining
150 90 230 PIP
Ethylene 210 TEPA

110 27O Caustic Salt

Hydrogen Transamination
260 Reactor

240 Transamination
feed; any

FIG. 1
U.S. Patent May 29, 2012 Sheet 2 of 11 US 8,188,318 B2

< 100A
Ammonia - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - --- - - -
120A Water HPA

180A Water/Salt 220A Product
Recovery Removal Refining
50A 190A 230A PIP
Fresh TEPA
Ethylene 20A
Dichloride Caustic TETA
10A 55A 274A
Hydrogen Transamination 270A NH,
260A Reactor Recovery
250A 272A

240A Transamination
feed; any

U.S. Patent May 29, 2012 Sheet 3 of 11 US 8,188,318 B2

Ammonia ------ ----- - - - - -- -- -- - - -- - --
120B Water HPA
EDC 40B NH, 180B water/Salt 220B Product
Reactor Recovery Refining PIP
Fresh 3OB SOB 230B
Ethylene TEPA
Dichloride Caustic 210B
OB 276B 155B TETA
Hydrogen Transamination 27 OE NH,
26OB Reactor Recovery
25OB 272B

- - - -- - - -- - - - - 240B Transamination

feed, any

U.S. Patent May 29, 2012 Sheet 4 of 11 US 8,188,318 B2

< 1 OOC
Ammonia --------------------------
17OC Water
V 200C
water/Salt 220C Product
Recovery Removal Refining
Fresh TEPA
Ethylene Caust
Dichloride s Salt TETA
1 10C 276C DETA
Hydrogen Transamination
260C Reactor

240C Transamination
feed; any

F.G. 1C
U.S. Patent May 29, 2012 Sheet 5 of 11 US 8,188,318 B2

< 100D
Ammonia - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -

Water/Salt Product
Removal Refining
90D 23OD

Hydrogen Transamination Product

26OD Reactor Refining
250D 278D

feed; any

U.S. Patent May 29, 2012 Sheet 6 of 11 US 8,188,318 B2

< 1 OOE
Ammonia --------------------------
Water HPA
v 20OE
3 Water/Salt
Recovery Removal

ylene Causti
Dichloride 282E | TETA

Hydrogen Transamination 2705 NH,
260E Reactor Recovery

24OE Transamination
feed; any

U.S. Patent May 29, 2012 Sheet 7 of 11 US 8,188,318 B2

< 300
Fresh 365
Ammonia - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- -- - - -- - - - Water
320 400
410 (optional)

Water Product
Recovery Renoval Refining
350 390 430

Hydrogen Transamination
460 Reactor

feed; any

U.S. Patent May 29, 2012 Sheet 8 of 11 US 8,188,318 B2

< 300A
Ammonia - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 410A (optional)

Reactor Recovery
330A 35OA

Hydrogen Transamination 470A NH,

460A Recovery

feed; any

U.S. Patent May 29, 2012 Sheet 9 of 11 US 8,188,318 B2

Ammonia 41 OB (optional) PEHA
Water Product
Recovery Removal Refining
35OB 390B 43OB PIP

Hydrogen Transamination NH, EDA

460B Reactor Recovery
45OB 372B

440B Transamination
feed; any

U.S. Patent May 29, 2012 Sheet 10 of 11 US 8,188,318 B2

< 300C

Amonia - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- -- - --
a? p

NH,/H, Water Product

Recovery Removal Refining
350C 390C 430C
31 OC

Hydrogen Transamination NH, Product

46OC Reactor Recovery Refining
450C 372C 378C

feed; any

U.S. Patent May 29, 2012 Sheet 11 of 11 US 8,188,318 B2

Fresh Alkyl-EDA
Ammonia - - - -- - - -- -- - -- - - - - - -- --- 410D (optional)

RA NH/H, Water
Reactor Recovery Removal Refining
33OD 35OD 390D 43 OD
31 OD

Hydrogen Transamination NH,

46OD Reactor Recovery
45OD 372D

feed; any

US 8,188,318 B2
1. 2
METHOD OF MANUFACTURING of the ethyleneamines composition to form a transaminated
ETHYLENEAMINES ethyleneamines composition. The transaminated ethylene
amines composition comprises at least one ethyleneamine
CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED that is presentinanamount that is greater than the amount that
APPLICATIONS the at least one ethyleneamine is present in the ethyleneam
ines composition that is transaminated in step (b). In this way,
This application claims the benefit of United States Provi the composition of the product is increased in one or more
sional Patent Application having Ser. No. 61/195.454 (filed desirable ethyleneamines (e.g., DETA, AEP and TETA) as
on Oct. 6, 2008) and entitled METHOD OF MANUFAC compared to the composition that is transaminated in step (b).
TURING ETHYLENEAMINES, the disclosure of which is 10
incorporated herein by reference. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE FIGURES

BACKGROUND FIG. 1 is a flow chart of an embodiment of an ethyleneam

ines manufacturing process in accordance with the present
Numerous processes for the production of ethyleneamines 15 invention.
are known. Of these processes, the two most commonly used FIG. 1A is a flow chart of an embodiment of an ethylene
process are (1) the reaction of ethylene dichloride (EDC) with amines manufacturing process in accordance with the present
ammonia (NH) followed by neutralization with sodium invention.
hydroxide (NaOH) to produce ethyleneamines and salt (re FIG. 1B is a flow chart of an embodiment of an ethylene
ferred to herein as “EDC Process”); and (2) the reductive amines manufacturing process in accordance with the present
amination of monoethanolamine (MEA) with ammonia invention.
(NH) over a heterogeneous catalyst (referred to herein as FIG. 1C is a flow chart of an embodiment of an ethylene
“RA Process'). A third viable technology, which is not com amines manufacturing process in accordance with the present
monly practiced in the industry for the production of ethyl invention.
eneamines, is condensation. A condensation reaction is a 25 FIG. 1D is a flow chart of an embodiment of an ethylene
chemical reaction in which two molecules (groups) combine amines manufacturing process in accordance with the present
to form a single molecule together with a loss of a small invention.
molecule (e.g., water or ammonia). FIG. 1E is a flow chart of an embodiment of an ethylene
The EDC process typically produces a full range of ethyl amines manufacturing process in accordance with the present
eneamines whereas the RA process is highly selective in the 30 invention.
production of lighter amines, for example, ethylenediamine FIG. 2 is a flow chart of an embodiment of an ethyleneam
and diethylenetriamine. The condensation process typically ines manufacturing process in accordance with the present
produces a product mix that is somewhere between an EDC invention.
process and an RA processes. For each of these technologies, FIG. 2A is a flow chart of an embodiment of an ethylene
the degree of mix flexibility attainable is constrained by the 35 amines manufacturing process in accordance with the present
chemistry, the process employed and the investment required invention.
to operate over a broad range of reaction conditions and the FIG. 2B is a flow chart of an embodiment of an ethylene
capital investment and operating costs required to recycle amines manufacturing process in accordance with the present
materials to the reactor. invention.
In view of the limitations inherent in known ethyleneam 40 FIG. 2C is a flow chart of an embodiment of an ethylene
ine-generating processes, it would be desirable to have avail amines manufacturing process in accordance with the present
able a method of manufacturing ethyleneamines that is invention.
capable of providing an ethyleneamine manufacturer with FIG. 2D is a flow chart of an embodiment of an ethylene
improved product mix flexibility, and that could be cost amines manufacturing process in accordance with the present
effectively retrofitted into an existing ethyleneamines-gener 45 invention.
ating process or designed into a new plant.
Reference will now be made in detail to representative
The present invention provides methods of manufacturing 50 embodiments of the invention. While the invention will be
ethyleneamines that makes use of an ethyleneamine-generat described in conjunction with the enumerated embodiments,
ing process that is coupled to a transamination process. The it will be understood that they are not intended to limit the
combination of an ethyleneamine-generating process with a invention to those embodiments. On the contrary, the inven
transamination process improves the mix flexibility that can tion is intended to cover all alternatives, modifications, and
be obtained from the single process allowing the production 55 equivalents that may be included within the scope of the
of ethyleneamine compositions having a controllably differ present invention as defined by the claims.
ent and more desirable product mix. More specifically, a One skilled in the art will recognize many methods and
relatively less desirable ethyleneamine product mix (e.g., materials similar or equivalent to those described herein,
coming from a relatively less controllable ethyleneamines which could be used in and are within the scope of the practice
generating process such as reductive amination) can be trans 60 of the present invention. The present invention is in no way
formed into a more desirable ethyleneamine product mix by limited to the methods and materials described.
Subjecting the less desirable ethyleneamines product mix to a All publications and patents mentioned herein are incor
transamination process. porated herein by reference in their respective entireties for
In many embodiments, the method comprises the steps of the purpose of describing and disclosing, for example, the
(a) manufacturing an ethyleneamines composition compris 65 constructs and methodologies that are described in the pub
ing one or more ethyleneamines using an ethyleneamine lications which might be used in connection with the pres
generating process; and (b) transaminating at least a portion ently described invention. The publications discussed above
US 8,188,318 B2
3 4
and throughout the text are provided solely for their disclo eneamines wherein an ethyleneamines-generating process is
Sure prior to the filing date of the present application. Nothing combined with a transamination process to improve product
herein is to be construed as an admission that the inventor is mix flexibility
not entitled to antedate such disclosure by virtue of prior Useful ethyleneamine-generating processes are described
invention. in more detail below.
Unless defined otherwise, technical and scientific terms Ethylenedichloride Process (EDC Process)
used herein have the same meaning as commonly understood In some embodiments of the invention, the ethyleneamines
by one of ordinary skill in the art to which this invention are produced using an EDC process. As used herein the term
belongs. Although any methods, devices, and materials simi “EDC process” refers to an ethylene dichloride route to pro
lar or equivalent to those described herein can be used in the 10 ducing ethyleneamines. In this route, ethylenedichloride
practice or testing of the invention, the preferred methods, (1,2-dichloroethane) is reacted with ammonia followed by
devices and materials are now described. neutralization (e.g., with NaOH) to yield a mixture of ethyl
As used herein, the following abbreviations have the fol eneamine species and salt.
lowing meanings:
AEEA refers to aminoethylethanolamine. 15
AEP refers to aminoethylpiperazine. Ethylenedichloride (EDC) + NH3
DETA refers to diethylenetriamine. Mixture of Ethyleneamines + Salt
EDA refers to ethylenediamine.
EDC refers to ethylenedichloride.
HEP refers to hydroxyethylpiperazine.
HPA refers to heavy polyamine. As reported in the Encyclopedia of Chemical Process and
MEA refers to monoethanolamine. Design, in a typical process, ethylene dichloride, ammonia,
PEHA refers to pentaethylenehexamine. and recycle liquid are combined and fed into a high pressure
PIP refers to piperazine. reactor where they react to form a mixture of ethylenediamine
TEPA refers to tetraethylenepentamine. 25 and polyamines. These products leave the reactor in the form
TETA refers to triethylenetetramine. of their hydrochlorides. After exiting the reactor, the unre
The present invention provides a method of making ethyl acted ammonia can be stripped from the reactor effluent and
eneamines that makes use of an ethyleneamine-generating can be recycled to the EDC reactor. After removing any
process that is coupled to a transamination process. The com excess ammonia, the ethylenediamine products are then
bination of the ethyleneamine-generating process with the 30 mixed with sodium hydroxide (NaOH) to release the free
transamination process improves the product mix flexibility amines with the resulting formation of sodium chloride. After
that results from the single process thereby allowing the pro liberation of the amines, the amine products along with
duction of ethyleneamine compositions that have an sodium chloride and water can then be fed to an evaporator
improved mix of products. which crystallizes out the sodium chloride. The evaporated
The method of the present invention includes a step of 35 products can be separated, if desired, by distillation.
manufacturing an ethyleneamines composition using an eth Using an EDC route, a typical series of reactions resulting
yleneamine-generating process. Any process that is useful for in the formation of diethylenetriamine (DETA) is as follows:
generating ethyleneamines may be used in accordance with
the present invention. Of the numerous processes known for
the production of ethyleneamines, the two most commonly 40
used processes are: (1) the reaction of ethylene dichloride
(EDC) with ammonia (NH) followed by neutralization with
sodium hydroxide (NaOH) to produce ethyleneamines and The EDC process typically produces a mixture of ethyl
salt (referred to herein as “EDC Process”); and (2) the reduc eneamines comprising EDA, PIP DETA, AEPTETA, TEPA,
tive amination of monoethanolamine (MEA) with ammonia 45 PEHA, HPA, PEHA, TEPA, and TETA.
(NH) over a heterogeneous catalyst (referred to herein as Useful reactor types for conducting the EDC process reac
“RA Process'). A third viable process, which is not as com tion include plug flow and tubular reactors. The reactivity of
monly practiced in the industry, is condensation. Condensa EDC and NH is such that the reaction is auto-catalytic and
tion is a chemical reaction in which two molecules groups catalysts are not typically used in an EDC process.
combine to form a single molecule together with a loss of a 50 Typical reaction conditions for an EDC processes are
Small molecule (e.g., water or ammonia). known in the art and include, for example, heating the reactor
Whether utilizing EDC Process, RA Process, or conden mixture up to about 140°C. at a pressure of about 2000 psig
sation processes, the degree of mix flexibility that can be feeding the rector.
obtained is constrained by the chemistry, the process In many embodiments, the EDC process is followed by a
employed, the investment required to operate over a broad 55 water and salt recovery process. Water and salt are typically
range of reaction conditions, and the capital investment and removed from the process by a series of evaporators, also
operating costs required to recycle materials to the reactor. referred to as crystallizers, followed by conventional distilla
For example, an RA process mixture comprises about 70 wt. tion.
% EDA, about 10 wt.% DETA and the ability to increase Reductive Amination Process (RA Process)
DETA selectively without significantly increasing PIP, AEP. 60 In some embodiments of the invention, the ethyleneamine
AEEA, TETA, TEPA, PEHA and/or HPA is limited by the generating process is a reductive amination process (“RA
chemistry and the process. Although an EDC process has Process'). In reductive amination (“RA”), a feed stream com
higher degree of mix flexibility thanan RA process due to the prising one or more alkanolamines (e.g., monoethanolamine,
reaction chemistry, the ability to selectively increase a par diethanolamine, and triethanolamine) is reacted with ammo
ticular homolog without increasing undesirable homologs is 65 nia (NH) in the presence of a catalyst (e.g., a Ni-Re het
also limited. The present invention addresses these limita erogeneous catalyst) to produce a mixture of ethyleneamines
tions by providing an improved process for generating ethyl typically including ethylenediamine (EDA).
US 8,188,318 B2
5 6
Alkanolamine(s)+NH->Mixture of Ethyleneamines amination feed stream. Typically, the amount of hydrogen
Alkanolamines include compounds that include at least that is present ranges from about 0.0001 to about 30 mole
one linear, branched, or cyclic alkylene chain, at least one percent, more typically about 0.001 to about 2 mole percent
based on the total moles in the amination feed stream.
hydroxyl group, and at least one amine moiety. In preferred
embodiments, the alkylene chain has from 2 to 20, preferably
5 The temperature of the amination reaction is selected based
2 to 10, more preferably 2 to 5 carbon atoms. Of these, upon the type of catalyst used for the amination reaction. For
Ni Re, the temperature typically ranges from about 120 to
ethylene. —CH2CH2—, is preferred. Examples of ethanola about 225° C., more typically ranging from about 150 to
mines include monoethanolamine, diethanolamine, and tri about 215°C. The pressure typically ranges from about 1000
ethanolamine, although others may be useful. 10 to about 4000 psi.
In exemplary embodiments, the RA feed stream that is fed After the effluent stream is removed from the RA reactor, it
to the RA reactor comprises about 70 wt.% or greater mono can be subjected to a variety of separation steps for removing
ethanolamine, about 30 wt.% or less diethanolamine, and the various components. For example, the effluent stream
about 15 wt.% triethanolamine or less, based on the total may be subjected to distillation to remove water, ammonia,
ethanolamines content. Typically, the Sum of diethanolamine 15 ethylenediamine, monoethanolamine, hydroxyethylpipera
and triethanolamine is about 30 wt.% or less. In some Zine, aminoethylethanolamine, and the like.
embodiments, the RAfeed stream comprise about 90 wt.% or The RA process typically produces a mixture of ethylene
greater monoethanolamine, about 3 wt.% or less diethanola amines that is high in the ethyleneamines EDA and DETA,
mine, and about 0.5 wt.% or less triethanolamine. In other and comprises minor amounts of HPA, PEHA, AEEA, AEP.
embodiments, the RAfeed stream comprise about 99.5 wt.% PIP. TEPA, and TETA. For example, in some embodiments,
or greater monoethanolamine, about 0.3 wt.% or less dietha the ethyleneamines composition comprises about 70 wt.%
nolamine, and less than about 0.1 wt.% or less triethanola EDA, about 10 wt.% DETA, and about 20 wt.% total of HPA,
The RA feed stream also contains ammonia in an amount Condensation Process
which is typically in stoichiometric excess of the alcoholic 25 A third viable technology, which is not commonly prac
hydroxyl groups that are present in the RA feed stream. In ticed in the industry for the production of ethyleneamines, is
Some embodiments, there are at least 10 moles of ammonia condensation. Generally speaking, a condensation reaction is
for each mole of ethanolamine in the RAfeed stream. In other a chemical reaction in which two molecules or functional
embodiment, at least 15 moles of ammonia or at least 20 groups combine to form one single molecule, together with
moles of ammonia are present in the feed stream. 30 the loss of a small molecule. In some embodiments, a
Water may also be present in the RA feed stream, for hydroxyl containing material is reacted with an amine to
example, in an amount ranging from about 0 to 10 wt.%. produce water and a different amine. For example, the reac
more typically 0 to 5 wt.%. tion of an ethanolamine with an ethyleneamine produces a
In some embodiments, an amine component is also new ethyleneamine with the loss of water. In some embodi
included in the feed stream for the RA process. Examples of 35 ments, an amine is reacted with an amine to produce ammonia
amines include EDA, PIP, DETA, and TETA. The amine and a different amine. For example, the reaction of an ethyl
component may be introduced into the RA feed stream by eneamine with an ethyleneamine produces a new ethylene
way of recycling unreacted amine components. amine with the loss of ammonia. Additional details regarding
Representative catalysts for the RA process are known in condensation processes can be found, for example, in U.S.
the art and include, for example, nickel rhenium type cata 40 Pat. No. 5.225,600 (King et al.).
lysts. Other transition metal catalysts such as Co, Cu, Ru, Rh, For EDC, RA, and condensation processes, the degree of
Pd, Pt, or mixtures thereof may also be useful. The catalysts mix flexibility that can be obtained is constrained by the
are typically provided on a Support, for example, an oxide chemistry, the process employed, the investment required to
Support such as Al2O, TiO, ZrO2, or SiO. Also useful are operate over a broad range of reaction conditions, and the
Zeolite catalysts such as mordenites, faujasites, and chaba 45 capital investment and operating costs required to recycle
Zites. materials to the reactor. For example, an RA process mixture
In particularly preferred embodiments, the catalyst mate comprises about 70 wt.% EDA, about 10 wt.% DETA and the
rial incorporates hydrogenation/de-hydrogenation catalytic ability to increase DETA selectively without significantly
ingredients comprising nickel and rhenium. The weight ratio increasing PIP, AEP AEEA, TETA, TEPA, PEHA and/or
of nickel to rhenium may vary over a wide range. For 50 HPA is limited by the chemistry and the process. Although an
instance; the weight ratio of nickel to rhenium may be in the EDC process has higher degree of mix flexibility than an RA
range from about 1:1000 to 1000:1, preferably 1:100 to 100: process due to the reaction chemistry, the ability to selectively
1, more preferably 1:50 to 50:1. Even more desirably, the increase a particular homolog without increasing undesirable
weight ratio of nickel to rhenium is within these ranges with homologs is also limited.
the proviso that the weight ratio is also greater than about 1:1. 55 Ammonia/Hydrogen Recovery
In some embodiments, using a weight ratio from about 3:1 to One or more ammonia recovery systems can be used in the
about 10:1 would be suitable. In preferred embodiments in process of making ethyleneamines according to the present
which a heterogeneous catalyst incorporates nickel and rhe invention. An ammonia recovery system separates ammonia,
nium, a useful Support are alumina-Silicate particles. Such and optionally one or more additional components (e.g.,
catalysts and methods of making Such heterogeneous cata 60 hydrogen), from a fluid stream.
lysts on such supports are further described in U.S. Pat. No. An ammonia recovery system can be positioned anywhere
6,534,441. Also useful are the nickel and rhenium catalysts in the overall process as desired. Preferably, one or more
that are reported in U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,123,462 and 4,111,840. ammonia recovery systems are used in a manner that mini
To maintain the catalyst activity when metal catalysts are mizes the number of ammonia recovery systems and/or other
used, it is often desirable to introduce hydrogen gas into the 65 process units. The recovered ammonia can be used in any
RA reactor. The hydrogen gas may be supplied to the amina desired manner. For example, depending on the purity level of
tion reactor as a separate feed stream or as a component of the the recovered ammonia, the recovered ammonia may be
US 8,188,318 B2
7 8
recycled to another point in the process Such as the inlet of a erably, the reactor conditions are relatively moderate so as to
reactor. Advantageously, such recovered ammonia can be reduce operating costs and the like. A preferred transamina
used as “make-up' ammonia for a reactor where ammonia is tion reaction temperature can be a temperature in the range of
consumed in a reaction. from about 130° C. to about 180°C., preferably in the range
Ammonia recovery systems can be any type of ammonia of from about 130° C. to about 170° C., even more preferably
recovery system known in the art. For example, an ammonia in the range of from about 130° C. to about 160° C. A pre
recovery system can utilize distillation columns, multiple ferred transamination reaction pressure can be a pressure in
single stage separators, compressors, chillers and/or absorb the range of from about 200 to about 2000 psig. A preferred
ers in many different combinations and the like. transamination reaction reactor space Velocity can be in the
Separation 10 range of from about 5 to about 50 gram moles of ethylene
After producing a mixture of ethyleneamines using an amines per kilogram of catalyst per hour. In preferred
ethyleneamine-generating process (e.g., EDC process, RA embodiments, a transamination reaction according to the
process, or condensation process), the resulting ethyleneam present invention can have feed conversions of about 25% or
ines composition may then be subjected to one or more sepa more, for example, in the range of from about 25% to about
ration steps. In the separation steps, at least a portion of at 15 65%.
least one ethyleneamine is removed from the ethyleneamines Any catalyst that can catalyze a transamination reaction
composition to form a separated mixture. For example, the can be used in a process according to the present invention.
ethyleneamines EDA, DETA, HPA, PEHA, AEEA, AEP, PIP. Such catalysts are well known. A preferred catalyst includes
TEPA, and TETA may be partially or fully removed from the a hydrogenation catalyst or dehydrogenation catalyst. A
ethyleneamines composition. The resulting separated ethyl hydrogenation catalyst can be made of nickel (Ni), copper
eneamines composition comprises one or more ethyleneam (Cu), cobalt (Co), ruthenium (Ru), rhenium (Re), rhodium
ines. In some embodiments, the separated ethyleneamines (Rh), platinum (Pt), palladium (Pd), and combinations
composition comprises two or more ethyleneamines, or three thereof. Any catalyst Support that can Support a catalyst for a
or more ethyleneamines. The separation step is typically con transamination reaction can be used in a process according to
ducted using one or more known techniques for separating 25 the present invention. Catalyst Supports are well known and
ethyleneamines. Such as distillation (optionally using divided include, e.g., metal oxide. In preferred embodiments, a mixed
wall columns), membrane separation, melt crystallization, metal oxide is used, and more preferably a transitional alu
and reactive distillation. mina containing silica is used.
Transamination One preferred catalyst is a selective and stable catalyst that
After generating an ethyleneamines composition, the eth 30 includes rhenium and nickel supported on an Al-O. SiO,
yleneamines composition is then transaminated. Transamina carrier. Such a catalyst is described in U.S. Pat. No. 6,534,441
tion is a transfer of an amino group from one chemical com (Bartley et al.). As mentioned, such a catalyst includes nickel
pound to another, or the transposition of an amino group and rhenium as active metals. More particularly, the catalyst
within a chemical compound. The transamination results in can include from about 2 to about 75 wt.% nickel and has a
an increase in at least one ethyleneamine as compared to the 35 nickel to rhenium wt.% ratio of from about 1:1 to about
amount the at least one ethyleneamine is present in the mix 200:1. The catalyst is preferably supported on an alumina
ture that is transaminated. In other words, the transamination silica support which contains from about 5 to about 65 wt.%
causes at least one ethyleneamine that is present in the ethyl silica and preferably has a BET surface area of from about 30
eneamines composition to increase in amount as compared to to about 450 Square meters per gram. The catalyst optionally
the amount that the ethyleneamine is present prior to tran 40 includes boron and preferably has a boron to nickel wt.%
samination. For example, in an exemplary embodiment, the ratio less than or equal to about 1. The nickel content of the
transamination may increase the amount of DETA from 0 wt. catalyst, the nickel to rhenium and boron to nickel wt.%
% in the ethyleneamines composition that is transaminated ratios, the Support Surface area, and the silica content of the
(i.e., the transamination feed material) to 23 wt.% in the Support can be selected to provide the catalyst composition
transaminated ethyleneamines composition. 45 with a specified activity, and to provide a particular mix of
Optionally, one or more additional components can be amine products.
combined with the ethyleneamine reactants prior to and/or Another preferred transamination catalyst is described in
within the transamination reactor. For example ammonia U.S. Provisional Patent Application having Ser. No. 61/195.
(NH) can be included in the transamination feed stream to 455 and entitled “CATALYST COMPOSITIONS INCLUD
minimize the extent of unfavorable reaction(s). As another 50 ING MIXED METAL OXIDE COMPLEXAS SUPPORT
example, hydrogen can be included in the transamination (filed Oct. 6, 2008) in the names of King et al.
feed stream in an amount Sufficient to affect catalyst activity In some embodiments, the transamination catalyst com
and product selectivity. Exemplary amounts of hydrogen prises: (a) a Support portion comprising an acidic mixed metal
include about 0.001 to about 10.0 mole % based on liquid oxide comprising a transitional alumina and a second metal
feed. 55 oxide; and (b) a catalyst portion comprising nickel and rhe
The transamination reaction can be practiced in any Suit nium, wherein: the second metal oxide has a weight percent
able reactor. These include batch reactor, continuous fixed age that is less than the weight percentage of alumina, the
bed reactors, slurry bed reactors, fluidized bed reactors, cata catalyst portion is 25 weight percent or less of the catalyst
lytic distillation reactors, combinations of these, and the like. composition, the catalyst portion comprises nickel in an
In certain embodiments, a fixed bed reactor is preferred. A 60 amount in the range of 2 to 20 weight percent, based upon
fixed bed reactor includes catalyst pellets that are held in total catalyst composition weight, and there is no boron in the
place and do not substantially move with respect to fixed catalyst portion.
reference frame. At least a portion of the reactor feed material In some embodiments, the transitional alumina comprises
passes over (flows past) the catalyst pellets and reacts to form delta alumina, and may further comprise one or more of
product(s). 65 gamma, theta or alpha alumina. In some embodiments, the
The reactor conditions can be set so as to form a desired transitional alumina comprises theta alumina, and may fur
product mix given the reactor feed and catalyst(s) used. Pref ther comprise one or more of gamma or alpha alumina. In
US 8,188,318 B2
Some embodiments, the Support portion comprises at least 50 of the Periodic Table. Examples include silicon, lanthanum,
weight percent transitional phase alumina. magnesium, Zirconium, boron, titanium, niobium, tungsten
In some embodiments, the second metal oxide comprises at and cerium.
least one element selected from Group IIA, IIIA, IVA, VA, In some embodiments, the Support portion comprises the
VIA, IIB, IIIB, IVB, VB, VIB, VIIB and a rare earth element second metal oxide in an amount in the range of 5 weight
of the Periodic Table. Examples of the second metal oxide percent to less than 50 weight percent, or in an amount in the
include silicon, lanthanum, magnesium, Zirconium, boron, range of 5 weight percent to 35 weight percent, based upon
titanium, niobium, tungsten and cerium. In some embodi the weight of the Support portion.
ments, the Support portion comprises the second metal oxide In some embodiments, the Support portion has a surface
in an amount in the range of 5 weight percent to less than 50 10 area in the range of 10 m/g to 200 m/g, or in the range of 80
weight percent, based upon the weight of the Support portion, m/g to 180 m/g.
or in the range of 5 weight percent to 35 weight percent, based Embodiments of the above-described catalysts show sig
upon the weight of the Support portion. nificantly improved selectivity to ethylenediamine. Advanta
In some embodiments, the Support portion has a Surface geously, such catalyst can achieve much improved selectivity
area in the range of 10 m/g to 200 m/g, or in the range of 80 15 at relatively moderate temperature and pressure conditions.
m/g to 180 m/g. For example, Such catalyst can achieve the desired product
In some embodiments, the nickel and rhenium are present selectivity at a temperature in the range of from 110° C. to
in the catalyst portion in a weight ratio in the range of 3:1 to 180° C., preferably from 130° C. to 160° C., and a pressure of
14:1. 2000 psig or less.
In some embodiments, the catalyst further comprises a After transamination, the transamination reactor effluent
selectivity promoter. The selectivity promoter may comprise may be either returned to a common separations system for
at least one element selected from Group IA, Group IIA, recovery, recovered via a separate refining system, or any
Group IIIA, except for boron, Group IVA, Group VA, Group combination of shared separation schemes.
VIA, Group VIIA, Group VIIIA, Group IB, Group IIB, and The one or more ethyleneamines made by a process
Group IVB of the Periodic Table. 25 according to the present invention can be separated (refined)
Yet another preferred transamination catalyst is described by any method known in the art. For example, the ethylene
in U.S. Provisional Patent Application having Ser. No. amines can be refined using conventional distillation technol
61/195,434 and entitled “COBALT CATALYSTS FOR ogy known in the art. Preferably, dividing wall columns are
AMINE CONVERSION, filed Oct. 6, 2008 in the names of used. Other separation techniques such as membrane separa
King et al. In some embodiments, the catalyst composition 30 tion, melt crystallization, and reactive distillation may also be
comprises (a) a Support portion comprising an acidic mixed employed.
metal oxide comprising a transitional alumina and a second The transamination process can be configured as a stand
metal oxide, wherein the second metal oxide has a weight alone unit (i.e., not integrated with a new or existing ethyl
percentage that is less than the weight percentage of alumina; eneamines facility) or it may be partially-integrated or fully
and (b) a catalyst portion comprising one or more metals 35 integrated with a new or existing ethyleneamines facility.
selected from the group consisting of cobalt, nickel, and Examples of stand-alone transamination processes are
copper, wherein there is no, or less than 0.01 wt.% rhenium described in U.S. Provisional Patent Application having Ser.
in the catalyst composition, and the catalyst portion is 25 wt. No. 61/195,404 and entitled “A PROCESS TO SELEC
% or less of the catalyst composition. TIVELY MANUFACTURE DIETHYLENETRIAMINE
In some embodiments, the catalyst portion is 20 wt.% or 40 (DETA) AND OTHER DESIRABLE ETHYLENEAMINES
less of the catalyst composition, for example, in the range of VIA CONTINUOUS TRANSAMINATION OF ETHYL
3 wt.% to 18 wt.% or in the range of 5 wt.% to 10 wt.% of ENEDIAMINE (EDA), AND OTHER ETHYLENEAM
In some embodiments, the catalyst portion comprises two TEM, filed Oct. 6, 2008 in the name of Cook et al. In a
or three metals selected from the group consisting of cobalt, 45 fully-integrated embodiment, the transamination reactor
nickel, and copper, for example, cobalt and nickel. makes use of ammonia recovery and product refining opera
In some embodiments, the cobalt and nickel are present in tions from the ethyleneamine-generating process. In a par
a weight ratio in the range of 1:9 to 9:1, or in the range of 1:4 tially-integrated embodiment, at least one process or unit
to 4:1. In some embodiments, the catalyst portion comprises operation in the ethyleneamine generating process is used to
no rhenium, or less than 0.005 wt.% rhenium. 50 recover materials from the transamination reactor effluent.
In some embodiments, the catalyst composition further For example, in a partially-integrated embodiment, the tran
comprises a selectivity promoter. Examples of selectivity samination reactor may be connected to an ammonia recovery
promoter include at least one element selected from Group unit that is separate from the ammonia recovery unit that
IA, Group IIA, Group IIIA, Group IVA, Group VA, Group treats the products of the ethyleneamine-generating process.
VIA, Group VIIA, Group VIIIA, Group IB, Group IIB, and 55 The product of the transamination reaction includes an
Group IVB of the Periodic Table. The selectivity promoter is ethyleneamines composition that is enriched in one or more
not rhenium, rhodium, platinum, palladium, or iridium. desirable ethyleneamines as compared to the ethyleneamines
In some embodiments, the transitional alumina comprises composition that is subjected to the transamination. For
delta alumina, and may further comprise one or more of example, in some embodiments, the amount of TETA that is
gamma, theta or alpha alumina. In some embodiments, the 60 present in the transaminated ethyleneamines composition is
transitional alumina comprises theta alumina, and may fur enriched as compared to the ethyleneamines composition that
ther comprise one or more of gamma or alpha alumina. The is transaminated. For example, the amount of TETA in the
Support portion may comprise at least 50 weight percent transaminated ethyleneamines composition may range from
transitional phase alumina. about 0 wt.% to about 75 wt.%, preferably 0 wt % to 50 wt
In some embodiments, the second metal oxide comprises at 65 %, more preferably 0 wt % to 20 wt %. In other embodiments,
least one element selected from Group IIA, IIIA, IVA, VA, the amount of DETA that is present in transaminated ethyl
VIA, IIB, IIIB, IVB, VB, VIB, VIIB and a rare earth element eneamines composition is enriched as compared to the eth
US 8,188,318 B2
11 12
yleneamines composition that is transaminated. For example, ondary ammonia recovery unit 272A and ammonia recovery
the amount of DETA in the transaminated ethyleneamines unit 150A are integrated in such a manner that materials from
composition may range from about 0 wt.% to about 99 wt.%. either unit can move via stream 274A, as required. Stream
preferably 0% to 80%, more preferably 0% to 50%. In yet 274A may actually be multiple lines going between the two
other embodiments, the amount of EDA that is present in ammonia recovery units 150A and 272A. Hydrogen con
transaminated ethyleneamines composition is enriched as tained in stream 274A is either vented from unit 150A or
compared to the ethyleneamines composition that is tran recycled to the EDC reactor via stream 170A where it will be
saminated. For example, the amount of EDA in the transami consumed. Optionally, a hydrogen containing stream 172A
nated ethyleneamines composition may range from about 0 can be recovered in the secondary ammonia recovery unit
wt.% to about 75 wt.%, preferably 0 wt % to 50 wt %, more 10 272A and recycled to the transamination reactor 250A. After
preferably 0 wt % to 20 wt %. In yet other embodiments, the ammonia recovery 272A, the product stream 274A is then fed
amount of AEP that is present in transaminated ethyleneam into primary ammonia recovery unit 150A for further down
ines composition is enriched as compared to the ethyleneam stream processing.
ines composition that is transaminated. For example, the Referring now to FIG. 1B, a process flow chart of an
amount of AEP in the transaminated ethyleneamine compo 15 embodiment of a process of the invention is shown. The
sition may range from about 0 wt.% to about 75 wt.%. process shown in FIG. 1B is representative of a partially
preferably 0 wt % to 50 wt %, more preferably 0 wt % to 20 integrated process. Process 100B may be useful for adapting
wt %. an existing EDC line to perform the process of the present
Process Flow Diagrams invention. Process 100B includes primary ammonia recover
The invention will now be described with reference to the unit 150B and secondary ammonia recovery unit 272B that
following exemplary process flow diagrams. Referring now are integrated in a parallel relationship. In the process of FIG.
to FIG. 1, a process flow diagram of an embodiment of a 1B, the transamination products 270B from transamination
process of the invention is shown. reactor 250B are fed into secondary ammonia recovery unit
A fully-integrated process 100 of the present invention 272B. Secondary ammonia recovery unit 272B provides
using an EDC reactor is shown in FIG.1. As shown in FIG. 1, 25 additional ammonia recovery capacity for process 100B.
a feed of fresh ethylene dichloride 110 is fed along with fresh After ammonia recovery, the product stream 274B is then fed
ammonia 120 into EDC reactor 130. The product stream 140 back into product stream 180B after primary ammonia recov
of the EDC reaction is then fed into an ammonia recovery ery unit 150B. Recovered ammonia 276B is recycled back
process 150 where the reactor effluent is neutralized with into EDC reactor 130B. Hydrogen contained in stream 276B
caustic 155, and unreacted ammonia from the reaction is 30 will either be consumed in EDC reactor 130B or vented from
removed from the products 140 by methods known in the art ammonia recover unit 150B. Optionally, a hydrogen contain
(e.g., conventional distillation). The unreacted ammonia is ing stream 172B may be recovered in the secondary ammonia
then fed back to EDC reactor 130 through recycle stream 170. recovery unit 272B and recycled to the transamination reactor
Optionally, the fresh ammonia 120 fed to the EDC reactor 130 25OB.
may be introduced into the ammonia recovery process 150 35 Referring now to FIG. 1C, a process flow chart of an
and recycled back to the EDC reactor 130 by stream 170. embodiment of a process of the invention is shown. The
After ammonia recovery 150, the product stream 180 is then process shown in FIG. 1C is representative of a partially
fed into a water/salt removal process 190 where water 200 and integrated process. Process 100C may be useful for adapting
salt 210 are removed using methods known in the art (e.g., an existing EDC line to perform the process of the present
evaporation and crystallization followed by conventional dis 40 invention. Process 100C includes primary ammonia recovery
tillation). After the water and salt have been removed, the unit 150C and secondary ammonia recovery unit 272C that
product stream 220 is then fed into a product refining step 230 are in a parallel relationship. In the process of FIG. 1C, the
where the various ethyleneamines that are present in the transamination products 270C from transamination reactor
product stream can be separated from one another or in frac 250C are fed into secondary ammonia recovery unit 272C.
tions. The product refining step typically comprises conven 45 Secondary ammonia recovery unit 272C provides additional
tional distillation, preferably a combination of conventional ammonia recovery capacity for process 100C. After ammonia
and dividing wall columns. After the refining step 230, a recovery, the product stream 274C is then fed back into prod
stream 240 comprising one or more ethyleneamines are then uct stream 220C after water/salt removal process 190C.
fed into a transamination reactor 250. Transamination reactor Recovered ammonia 276C is recycled back into EDC reactor
250 is also fed with hydrogen stream 260. The transamination 50 130C. Hydrogen contained in stream 276C will either be
product 270 is then fed into the ammonia recovery process consumed in EDC reactor 130C or vented from ammonia
150 for processing along with the EDC product stream 140. recovery unit 150C. Optionally, a hydrogen containing
Hydrogen contained in stream 270 may be vented from stream 172C can be recovered in the secondary ammonia
ammonia recovery process 150 or it may be recycled to the recovery unit 272C and recycled to the transamination reactor
EDC reactor 130 by stream 170 where it will be consumed. 55 2SOC.
Referring now to FIG. 1A, a process flow chart of an Referring now to FIG. 1D, a process flow chart of an
embodiment of a process of the invention is shown. The embodiment of a process of the invention is shown. The
process shown in FIG. 1A is representative of a partially process shown in FIG. 1D is representative of a partially
integrated process. Process 100A may be useful for adapting integrated process. Process 100D may be useful for adapting
an existing EDC line to perform the process of the present 60 an existing EDC line to perform the process of the present
invention. Process 100A includes primary ammonia recover invention. Process 100D includes separate ammonia recovery
unit 150A and secondary ammonia recovery unit 272A in and product refining streams for the EDC reactor 130D and
series or parallel with one another. In the process of FIG. 1A, transamination reactor 250D. As shown in FIG. 1D, the prod
the transamination products 270A from transamination reac uct 270D of transamination reactor 250D is fed into ammonia
tor 250A are fed into secondary ammonia recovery unit 65 recovery unit 272D. The product stream 274D from the
272A. Secondary ammonia recovery unit 272A provides ammonia recovery unit is then fed into product refining unit
additional ammonia recovery capacity for process 100A. Sec 278D. The recovered ammonia 276D is recycled back into
US 8,188,318 B2
13 14
EDC reactor 130D. Hydrogen contained in stream 276D will recycled to the RA reactor via stream 365. The product refin
either be consumed in EDC reactor 130D or vented from ing step 430 typically comprises conventional distillation
ammonia recovery unit 150D. Optionally, a hydrogen con process, optionally including divided wall columns. After the
taining stream 172D can be recovered in the secondary refining step 430, the product stream 440 comprising one or
ammonia recovery unit 272D and recycled to the transami more ethyleneamines are then fed into a transamination reac
nation reactor 250D. The product refining unit 278D may be tor 450. Transamination reactor 450 is fed with a hydrogen
the same or different than product refining unit 230D that is stream 460 which also feeds RA reactor 330. As shown in
used to treat the EDC stream. FIG. 2, the transamination products 470 are fed into RA
Referring now to FIG. 1E, a process flow chart of an product stream 340 prior to the ammonia/hydrogen recovery
embodiment of a process of the invention is shown. The 10 350.
process shown in FIG. 1E is representative of a partially Referring now to FIG. 2A, a process flow chart of an
integrated process. Process 100E may be useful for adapting embodiment of a process of the invention using RA is shown.
an existing EDC line to perform the process of the present The process shown in FIG. 2A is representative of a partially
invention. Process 100E includes fully or partially-integrated integrated process. Process 300A may be useful for adapting
ammonia recovery and product refining streams for the EDC 15 an existing RA line to make use of the process of the present
reactor 130E and transamination reactor 250E. As shown in invention. Process 300A includes primary ammonia/hydro
FIG. 1E, the product 270E of transamination reactor 250E is gen recovery unit 350A and secondary ammonia recovery
fed into ammonia recovery unit 272E. The product stream unit 372A. In the process of FIG. 2A, the transamination
274E from the ammonia recovery unit 272E is then fed into products 470A from transamination reactor 450A are fed into
product refining unit 278E. Ammonia recovery units 150E secondary ammonia recovery unit 372A. Secondary ammo
and 272E are coupled by stream 282E. This allows product nia recovery unit 372A provides additional ammonia recov
from the EDC reactor 130E or transamination reactor 250E to ery capacity for process 300A. After ammonia recovery, the
be directed into the other unit for processing. Product refining product stream 374A is then fed into primary ammonia/hy
units 230E and 278E are coupled by stream 292E. This allows drogen recovery unit 350A for further processing. Stream
product from either refining unit to be directed into the other 25 374A is a depiction of the ability to transfer materials between
refining unit for processing. Streams 282E and 292E are a ammonia recovery units 350A and 372A. Due to the number
depiction of the ability to transfer materials between systems. of possible equipment combinations, 374A may actually be
Due to the number of possible equipment combinations, 282E multiple flows passing between the two systems.
and 292E may actually be multiple flows going between the Referring now to FIG. 2B, a process flow chart of an
two systems. The product refining unit 278E may be the same 30 embodiment of a process of the invention using RA is shown.
or different than product refining unit 230E that is used to The process shown in FIG. 2B is representative of a partially
treat the EDC product stream. integrated process. Process 300B may be useful for adapting
Referring now to FIG.2, a process flow chart of an embodi an existing RA line to make use of the process of the present
ment of a process of the invention using RA is shown. A invention. Process 300B includes primary ammonia/hydro
process 300 of the present invention using an RA reactor is 35 gen recovery unit 350B and secondary ammonia recovery
shown in FIG. 2. As shown in FIG.2, a feed of fresh MEA310 unit 372B. In the process of FIG. 2B, the transamination
and a feed of fresh ammonia 320 are fed into RA reactor 330. products 470B from transamination reactor 450B are fed into
The product stream 340 of the RA reaction is then fed into a secondary ammonia recovery unit 372B. Secondary ammo
hydrogen and ammonia recovery process 350 where unre nia recovery unit 372B provides additional ammonia recov
acted hydrogen and ammonia is removed from the product 40 ery capacity for process 300B. After ammonia recovery, the
stream 340, typically via conventional distillation. The recov product stream 374B is then fed back into product stream
ered ammonia is then recycled to RA reactor 330 through 420B after water removal process 390B. Recovered ammonia
recycle stream 360. The recovered hydrogen is then recycled 376B is recycled back into RA reactor 330B.
back into RA reactor 330 through recycle stream 370. Option Referring now to FIG. 2C, a process flow chart of an
ally, the hydrogen and ammonia may be recycled back to the 45 embodiment of a process of the invention using RA is shown.
RA reactor 330 as one stream. Optionally, the fresh ammonia The process shown in FIG. 2C is representative of a partially
320 normally fed to the RA reactor 330 can be introduced into integrated process. Process 300C may be useful for adapting
the ammonia recovery process 350 and recycled back to the an existing RA line to perform the process of the present
RA reactor 330 via stream 360. After ammonia/hydrogen invention. Process 300C includes separate ammonia recovery
recovery 350, the product stream 380 is then fed into a water 50 and product refining streams for the RA reactor 330C and
removal process 390 where water 400 and alkyl-EDA 410 transamination reactor 450C. As shown in FIG. 2C, the prod
(optional) are removed. The alkyl-EDA water removal step uct 470C of transamination reactor 450C is fed into ammonia
may be conducted, for example, as described in U.S. Provi recovery unit 372C. The product stream 374C from the
sional Patent Application having Ser. No. 61/195.405 and ammonia recovery unit 372C is then fed into product refining
entitled “METHODS FOR MAKING 55 unit 378C. The recovered ammonia 376C is recycled back
ETHANOLAMINE(S) AND ETHYLENEAMINE(S) into RA reactor 330C. The product refining unit 378C may be
FROM ETHYLENE OXIDE AND AMMONIA, AND the same or different than product refining unit 430C that is
RELATED METHODS, filed Oct. 6, 2008 in the names of used to treat the RA stream 420C.
Doet. al. Optionally, the alkyl-EDA 410 does not have to be Referring now to FIG. 2D, a process flow chart of an
removed at this point and may be allowed to pass through in 60 embodiment of a process of the invention using RA is shown.
product stream 420 and recovered with the EDA product in The process shown in FIG. 2D is representative of a partially
the product refining step 430. After the water and optionally integrated process. Process 300D may be useful for adapting
alkyl-EDA have been removed, the product stream 420 is then an existing RA line to perform the process of the present
fed into a product refining step 430 where the various ethyl invention. Process 300D includes fully or partially-integrated
eneamines that are present in the product stream can be sepa 65 ammonia recovery and product refining streams for the RA
rated from one another or into various fractions. Unreacted reactor 330D and transamination reactor 450D. As shown in
MEA is recovered in the product refining step 430 and FIG. 2D, the product 470D of transamination reactor 450D is
US 8,188,318 B2
fed into ammonia recovery unit 372D. The product stream TABLE 1-2-continued
374D from the ammonia recovery unit 372D is then fed into
product refining unit 378D. As shown in FIG. 2D, ammonia EDC Process EDC - TA EDC Process EDC - TA
recovery units 350D and 372D are coupled by stream 382D. (wt.%) (wt.%) (wt.%) (wt.%)
In similar fashion, product refining system 430D and 378D 5 TEPA 6.8 S.6 7.1 7.2
are coupled by stream 392D. This allows product from RA Other amines 10.3 2.1 10.6 5.8
reactor 330D or transamination reactor 450D to be directed
into the other stream for processing. It should be noted that TABLE 1-2 provides a comparison at roughly equivalent
streams 382D and 392D are a depiction of the ability to amounts of EDA in the product mix. The product mix pro
transfer materials between systems. Due to the number of 10
duced by an EDC process only affords much higher levels of
possible equipment combinations 382D and 392D may actu the higher amines 2N5 (which typically have less value than
ally be multiple flows going between the two systems. TETA) as compared to the EDC/TA integrated process. Lev
The invention will now be described with reference to the
following non-limiting examples. els of cyclics (AEP+PIP) and DETA are similar.
EXAMPLES Example 2
Example 1 A process apparatus as shown in FIG. 2 was used to gen
erate the following data. Operating conditions within the RA
A process apparatus as shown in FIG. 1 was used to gen Reactor were set to obtain approximately 32.5 wt.% EDA,
erate the following data. Operating conditions within the 57.6 wt.% MEA, 1.5 wt.% PIP, 4.3 wt.% DETA, 3.8 wt %
EDC Reactor were set to obtain approximately 49.6 wt.% AEEA, and 0.3 wt.% others. This composition was fed to a
EDA, 1.9 wt.% PIP. 24.3 wt.% DETA, 2 wt.% AEP, 21 wt. fixed bed reactor pressure of 800 psig and heated to a tem
% heavies, and 1.2 wt.% other amine compounds. This perature of 140-150° C. 0.0003 wt % hydrogen was then
composition was fed to a fixed bed reactor pressure of 800 25 added to maintain catalyst activity. The mixture was then fed
psig and heated to a temperature of 145-155° C. 0.0003 wt.% to a transamination reactor containing the catalyst described
hydrogen was then added to maintain catalyst activity. The in Example 1. The transamination reactor outlet was then
mixture was fed to a transamination reactor containing a combined with the RA reactor outlet and sent to a shared
heterogeneous Ni Re (6.8:1.8 wt.%) catalyst on a /16" refining system. TABLE 2-1 shows the product mix obtained
alumina silica (80/20) support. Catalysts of this type are 30 at various temperatures.
described in U.S. Provisional Patent Application having Ser. TABLE 2-1
No. 61/195,455 and entitled “CATALYST COMPOSITIONS Temperature (C.
SUPPORT, filed Oct. 6, 2008 in the names of Kinget. al. The Feed 140 150
transamination reactor outlet was then combined with the 35 (wt.%) (wt.%) (wt.%)
EDC reactor outlet and sent to a shared refining system. EDA 32.5 28.1 2O.S
TABLE 1-1 shows the product mix in weight % obtained at methyl EDA O.OO48 O.O148 O.O2O1
various temperatures.
Temperature (C.
Feed 145.2 145.1 150.4 150.5 155.8 155.3 144.9
(wt.%) (wt.%) (wt.%) (wt.%) (wt.%) (wt.%) (wt.%) (wt.%)
EDA 49.6 37.3 37.3 32.O 25.531.934.8 25.6
methyl EDA O.OO3S 0.0062 O.OO63 O.OO46 O.OO61
O.OO76 O.OO63 O.OO66
ethyl EDA O.OO29 O.O158 0.0156 O.O16S O.O153
O.O195 O.O16 O.O183
PIP 1.9 4.9 4.9 7.4 7.4 11.5 11.5 4.7
DETA 24.3 25.4 25.4 24.9 24.9 22.6 22.6 23.7
methyl DETA O.OOS2 O.O103 O.OO46 O O.O1 O2 O O O.OOS1
ethyl DETA O.OO76 O.O179 0.0173 0.019 O.O192 O.O212 O.O219 O.O166
AEP 2.0 3.7 3.7 4.4 4.4 5.8 5.8 3.4
MW 127 O.O364 O.O186 0.0185 O.O262 O.O259 O.O389 O.O381 O.O2
TETA's 18.3 21.1 21.1 21.8 21.9 22.4 22.3 20.3
TEPA's 2.7 S.6 S.6 6.7 6.7 8.3 8.4 7.2
Other amines 1.1 2.0 2.0 2.6 2.6 3.7 3.9 5.8

TABLE 1-2 TABLE 2-1-continued

EDC Process EDC - TA EDC Process EDC - TA Temperature (C.
(wt.%) (wt.%) (wt.%) (wt.%) Feed 140 150
EDA 37.1 37.3 34.3 34.8 (wt.%) (wt.%) (wt.%)
Crude PIP 4.1 4.9 4.4 4.7 MEA 57.6 52.3 45.3
DETA 23.4 25.4 24.3 23.7 ethyl EDA O O.OO85 O.O209
AEP 4.2 3.7 4.7 3.4 65 PIP 1.5 2.1 3.9
TETA 14.1 21.1 14.6 20.3 DETA 4.4 8.8 13.0
US 8,188,318 B2
17 18
TABLE 2-1-continued TABLE 3-1
Temperature (C.
Temperature (C.)
Feed 140 150
(wt.%) (wt.%) (wt.%) Species Feed 140 150 160
AEEA 3.8 7.1 10.8
EDA 33.7 27.9 22.8 15.8
AEP O.O37 O.2 O6
HEP O.O121 O.O192 O.1 10 methyl EDA O.OO97 O.O13 O.O17 O.O334
TAEA O O OOOO4 MEA 624 55.6 50.7 42.1
TETA O O.8 2.5
TEPA O O.2 O.S ethyl EDA O.OOS8 O.O158 O.O225 O.O425
Other Amines O.2 0.4 2.4 PIP O6 1.1 2.2 S.6
DETA 1.8 7.9 11.1 13.3
15 AEEA 1.5 S.6 8.5 12.1
TABLE 2-2 DEA O O.OOO2 O.3 O.9

RA RA AEP O.O3 O.2 O.3 O.9

RA+TA Process RA+TA RA+TA Process HEP O.OO14 O.O136 O.O703 0.4
EDA 28.1 36.3 23.0 2O.S 39.1 2O TAEA O O O.OOO2 O.OOO3
MEA 52.3 48.6 48.3 45.3 43.4 TETA O O.9 1.9 3.7
PIP 2.1 2.8 3.2 3.9 3.8
DETA 8.8 6.O 11.5 13.0 6.8 TEPA O O.2 0.4 O.9
AEEA 7.1 4.5 9.4 10.8 4.7 Other Amines O.O12 O.S 1.6 4.4
TETA O.8 O.6 1.8 2.5 O.8
Other Amines O.9 1.1 2.7 4.0 1.4 25

RA - TA RAProcess RA+TA RAProcess RA+TA RAProcess
(wt.%) (wt.%) (wt.%) (wt.%) (wt.%) (wt.%)
EDA 27.9 33.3 22.8 36.3 15.8 40.4
MEA 55.6 55.1 50.7 48.6 42.1 41.7
PIP 1.1 1.8 2.2 2.8 S.6 4.0
DETA 7.9 4.7 11.1 6.0 13.3 7.3
AEEA S.6 4.0 8.5 4.5 12.1 4.6
TETA O.9 O.S 1.9 O.6 3.7 O.8
Other Amines O.1 0.7 O.S 1.1 O.9 1.3

AS TABLE 2-2 shows, comparing product mixes at TABLE 3-2 gives a comparison, at roughly equivalent
roughly equivalent amounts of MEA in the product mix amounts of MEA in the product mix. The RA/TA integrated
shows that the mix produced by a reductive amination (RA) process affords much higher levels of the desired DETA and
process only affords much higher levels of EDA compared to TETA while maintaining low levels of PIP compared to the
the integrated RA/TA process. The RA/TA integrated process 45 reductive amination process.
affords much higher levels of the desired DETA while main Other embodiments of this invention will be apparent to
taining low levels of PIP. those skilled in the art upon consideration of this specification
or from practice of the invention disclosed herein. Various
omissions, modifications, and changes to the principles and
50 embodiments described herein may be made by one skilled in
the art without departing from the true scope and spirit of the
Example 3
What is claimed is:
1. A method of manufacturing ethyleneamines, the method
A process apparatus as shown in FIG. 2 was used to gen 55 comprising the steps of
erate the following data. Operating conditions within the RA (a) manufacturing an ethyleneamines composition com
Reactor are setto obtain approximately 33.7 wt.% EDA, 62.4 prising a mixture of ethyleneamines using an ethylene
wt.% MEA, 0.6 wt.% PIP, 1.8 wt.% DETA, 1.5 wt.% AEEA, amine-generating process; and
and 0.3 wt.% others. This composition was fed to a fixedbed (b) transaminating at least a portion of the ethyleneamines
reactor pressure of 800 psig and heated to a temperature of 60 composition in the presence of a hydrogenation/dehy
140-160° C. 0.0003 wt % hydrogen was then added to main drogenation catalyst to form a transaminated ethylene
tain catalyst activity. The mixture was then fed to a transami amines composition;
nation reactor containing the catalyst described in Example 1. wherein the transaminated ethyleneamines composition
The transamination reactor outlet is then combined with the comprises at least one ethyleneamine that is present in
RA reactor outlet and sent to a shared refining system. 65 an amount that is greater than an amount that the at least
TABLE 3-1 shows the product mix obtained at various tem one ethyleneamine is present in the ethyleneamines
peratures. composition that is transaminated in step (b).
US 8,188,318 B2
19 20
2. The method of claim 1, wherein the method further 13. The method of claim 10, wherein the transamination
comprises the step of removing at least a portion of at least catalyst comprises Re and Ni Supported on an extruded
one ethyleneamine from the ethyleneamines composition. Al-O. SiO, Support.
3. The method of claim 1, wherein the ethyleneamine 14. The method of claim 10, wherein the transamination
generating process comprises an ethylenedichloride (EDC) 5 catalyst comprises:
process. (a) a Support portion comprising an acidic mixed metal
4. The method of claim 1, wherein the ethyleneamine oxide comprising a transitional alumina and a second
metal oxide; and
generating process comprises a reductive amination (RA) (b) a catalyst portion comprising nickel and rhenium,
process. wherein:
5. The method of claim 1, wherein the ethyleneamine the second metal oxide has a weight percentage that is less
generating process comprises a condensation process. than the weight percentage of alumina,
6. A method of manufacturing ethyleneamines, the method the catalyst portion is 25 weight percent or less of the
comprising the steps of catalyst composition,
(a) manufacturing an ethyleneamines composition com 15
the catalyst portion comprises nickel in an amount in the
prising one or more ethyleneamines using an ethylene range of 2 to 20 weight percent, based upon total catalyst
amine-generating process selected from an ethylene composition weight, and
dichloride (EDC) process, a reductive amination (RA) there is no boron in the catalyst portion.
process, and a condensation process; and 15. The method of claim 10, wherein the transamination
(b) transaminating at least a portion of the ethyleneamines catalyst comprises:
composition in the presence of a transamination catalyst (a) a Support portion comprising an acidic mixed metal
to form a transaminated ethyleneamines composition; oxide comprising a transitional alumina and a second
wherein the transaminated ethyleneamines composition metal oxide, wherein the second metal oxide has a
comprises at least one ethyleneamine that is present in weight percentage that is less than the weight percentage
an amount that is greater than an amount that the at least 25
of alumina; and
one ethyleneamine is present in the ethyleneamines (b) a catalyst portion comprising one or more metals
composition that is transaminated in step (b). Selected from the group consisting of cobalt, nickel, and
7. The method of claim 1, wherein the ethyleneamines wherein there is no, or less than 0.01 wt.% rhenium in the
composition comprises any combination of two or more eth catalyst composition, and the catalyst portion is 25 wt.%
yleneamines selected from HPA, PEHA, AEEA, AEP, PIP. 30
or less of the catalyst composition.
TEPA, TETA, DETA, and EDA. 16. The method of claim 15, wherein the catalyst portion
8. The method of claim 1, wherein the transamination step comprises two or three metals selected from the group con
increases the amount of at least one of TETA: DETA; EDA, or sisting of cobalt, nickel, and copper.
AEP that is present in the transaminated ethyleneamines 17. The method of claim 1, wherein the transamination is
composition as compared to the ethyleneamines composition 35
conducted in the presence of hydrogen.
that is transaminated in step (b). 18. The method of claim 1, wherein the transamination is
9. The method of claim 1, wherein the transamination is conducted in the presence of ammonia.
conducted using a fixed bed reactor. 19. The method of claim 1, wherein the transamination
10. The method of claim 1, wherein the transamination is process is partially-integrated into the ethyleneamine-gener
conducted over a transamination catalyst. 40
ating process.
11. The method of claim 10, wherein the transamination 20. The method of claim 1, wherein the transamination
catalyst comprising Ni, Cu, Co, Ru, Re, Rh, Pt, Pd, or a process is fully-integrated into the ethyleneamine-generating
mixture thereof.
12. The method of claim 10, wherein the transamination
catalyst comprises transitional alumina containing silica.

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