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Name: Vincent Domingo


ACTIVITY: Explain the quotation.

“Literature just adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary
competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts
that our lives have already become”

This quotation, in my own perception, best expresses the significance of literature in our lives.
Ancient and modern myths, epics, holy scriptures, classical works, and the book are all
examples of literature, personal belief and how it relates on reality. Literature can provide
deep thought about reality of life that leads people to live with literacy skills and different
beliefs. Literature feeds the mind, encouraging imagination and innovation. Introducing
someone to a great literary work is the same as giving them the best educational opportunity
possible. Through applying literature the process of living has become more easily in different
aspects. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provide, which is
helps someone to develop the literacy skills by writing different books and stories even the
personal task that related in enhancing writing skills. There are several type of literature,
poem, books stories and etc.. By reading those type literature reading skill will enrich and
become more proficient. Literature is more than a depiction of reality, like added value. Literary
works are depictions of patterns of thought and social norms spreading in society.

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