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Part 1 - Content Analysis

1. What is the big-picture topic of the film?

The big picture topic of the film is climate change.

2. What is the narrow frame of the film?

The narrow picture topic of the film was to use different farming techniques to make soil capture

3. Who were the sources featured and interviewed in the film, and what were their credentials
(i.e., title, experience, connection to the topic, etc.)?

Ray Archuleta (NRCS Conservation Agronomist), Gay Browne (CEO of Greenopia)

4. What parts of the big-picture topic did the director leave out necessarily to zero-in on the frame
he/she chose?

The downsides of using soil to capture carbon.

Part 2- Your Response to the Film

1. Does the frame of this story resonate with you? What feelings did it evoke?

I would not say it resonates with me. It irritated me.

2. Did you view the sources as credible and believe what they said?

I do not because it used a lot of business owners as their sources.

3. Did you feel open-minded and willing consider new angles on a topic that you had not before

I was open minded and I think it might be a good idea.

4. What experiences, background, training do you have that influence your response to the film's
frame and source credibility?

I took an environmental engineering class last year that talked about how to combat climate change.

5. What can you learn from your experience as an audience member that could help you create
more effective messages in your own communication efforts?

Try to present my information in a way that does not virtue signal.

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