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Structural pattern of Sub-Himalaya in Dang and Deukhari valleys ofwestern


Article  in  Journal of Nepal Geological Society · September 2009

DOI: 10.3126/jngs.v39i0.31484


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5 authors, including:

Amar Deep Regmi Naresh Kazi Tamrakar

Chinese Academy of Sciences Tribhuvan University


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''.. -.r. ajr,/€nr1 -tr.i.n , 2009, Vo!. 39, pp. g 18

Structural pattern of Sub-Himalaya in Dang and

Deukhari valleys ofwestern Nepal

Anar,Deep Regmi, Megh Raj Dhital, Rishi Gadtaula, anal Nar€sh Kazi
Ce tral Depath@t of Geotog, Ttibh^d Unitctsjq, Kirnput., Ka l*",ar.
\'l nail: nnold(,j, rcan^, \nt,ra i,ktl

. ,:! L r.p\,{irrk.ur rcsrcrn N l',r.,,..oLndirrrhcD.ns,,or,(u\!.r\.
: .l:....1T,1"r:'q"..."rried^,
(,j]roDJr rLroJ r.8-fr\ildcrluSrflt.rrrcrur\.,citro.p,,.r,rnot,td.kiinrhi.5rcHidt,\.
f! lt. Ble iTl' r.r ll.,.'i Rttlnrr,r. tI Ktol Br-(,tru,..crJ R:,p,. U,..1,f,", ,.r r.,,fl o
' r:l:. r$pe.rivdv snnirany, rhe hain rords are rhc MJlxi Khuri A.rier,nc. Msoi K;,,r,i !i".r,,,", i],r,",,* sr.""rr"",
i:rirr Syiclinc. Bdijipu I Anriclinc. Btrainsai Khota Anri"ri*. ru,,,i xr,.r" e"ir"i,". er* i#"r" **, ,r,"
: J.
ll .1,.T'l:_"jl
\(rr rormeo;,ll lf, ,rin',I thc
\ irLr.n n,n clea r \ lcmonstrlrcs
rhar rhc rocks wtrc subjccred ro inrensc dcrorn ion, and ttrc

Iic\nordsr Sub Hinrlaya. Siwatiks, sl.ucrure, brkthrusr. rhin rccronics_ ov*rurncd tatds
Rec.ired: 3 Oclober 200R revision accepted: t6 N1!r.h t0l)9

.LJ Jrclc^n\i.r,.,irwo\r eJr.une r. nc Drrg Thc distribution ofdifiercntrock units are shown in Fis.
. rr h ,,rher i, he DcukhJ.i Va .'J {t-ig. il. Th; 2. and rl\ .rlh^nririgrbrh! nt rtrc .rLJv
rrea i\given in FiE.
' .ertt ner I rrca\ in tle sruoy arcJ Jre tui Knot.,, L Thr lormdrn,n nom.n.thturc u.rd in thir,l d\ t"Iou.
: . i:;. \1a1ai, Salbariya, Alnitiyd. Agaiya, and cabar. .h:r' , l Dhirrl er Jl (tao)) Ir,,,n rn, sr rai Khota
Bxrdanda arca.
.- \r\aliks have altirudcs rangingfrom 900 m to 1500
.. -:\hibil rvery rugged ropograpby wilh hishlv djssected
' J ne. p .topr. I h. D..u {i . Va . !;. sr.L,unded
. SN\alik Ilills liom alt sjdcs. whereas tire Dang Vdlley
.. -,unded bythe Snvalik I t ils liom rhe sourhern.
-: . :.r€rn sider, and is bordered bv the Lcsser Himalava
. ' .ern.iJ(. ll'c JlUrudc. ol rt-f t)ang Jrd DeJkr,,,i
, o15 :rL ib^1, 1,0 rnd Jnn rn .rb.,!e ,eJ te\et
,-r -.ii\ eh.
Tir. DrrsVailcy lies about i0 km north oflhc
.. -\ ind closes about 30 km wcst of rhe latter ltDeukharj
is rh.,,l
: .:.r l,rng. 7 km wide, and is filled up with the Ouaternarv

I r'. ot ,\e rir rr\ ttoi:nA t,.,m norttr lJ ,ouLh

. :r. otherhand, rhe Deukhari Vdley is abour50 km krng.
: ..r \ ide and is an elongaled lrough, filted up wjth lhc
- - .i i mar! deposiLs of rhe Rapti River. Most of the mountain
:j::i in rhc study area extend in the cast-wcst direcrion :+1r-:r:t+-
r,:.ll.l to thc main geological strucrurcs. The Dang and
-:,ihuri vrlleys are drained by the Babai and the Rapti Iig. 1: Physiographic setting of Dang and Deukhari
vall€ys and the position ofthe study ar€a
Antar Drcp Reg ti et al.

The lilhologv of the srudy area can be subdivided into yellow brown, and dark b.own mudstone. Prcdominari.:
lhe Bdnkas Formalion, Chor Khola Formation. Surai Khola ,,'luu' ol rhe mJJ\r.'1cis red-purple. PJlr(osot. :r
Formation, Dobata Fornrat()n. and Dhan Khola Formation calcrct€s are frequent, and planr fossils occur in rt::
in an asccnding order (Figs.2 and 3). Ashort description of mudslones of its upper pdrt.
lithostratigraph\ of alt thc formations is prcscntcd below.
The sandstones of the Bankas Formation are of fine- r
medium-graincd with subrounded and moderately sphcric:.
grains. The sandstones contain quartz, feldspar, muscovite. ,ni
The Banka! Formation is exposcd in many parrs of rhc certain opaquc nrinekls. The grain cont&ts are suturcd r
tangenlial. The micas in the sandstones ofthc BanknsFormatilrn
sludy.rrcr (Fig. 2). The tffmation crops oul all rlong thc
are .icb in muscovite, whereas biolite is abscnl. Mosl of rh!
sonthc.D foothills ollhc mountain range in thc DdngValley.
snndslonc samples of the Bankas Formation belong to rhi
in lhe sourhcm part ofthe Tui Khola Valley, to thc south of
the Malai RivcrValley, to thc nonh ofthe conlluence ofthc
lilharenite and subo.dinately to the ttldspalhic litharenirc.
Babaiand lhc Malai Rivers, and lo the north ofRolpaliLard. Freqrenlly. ibc mica graiDs presenl in thc sandstone ar.
The Bankas Fornrdtion forms the co.e ofan anticline in lhe
defbrmed (Fie. 4.).
Khani Kno1a. A periclinal closurc consisting of the rocks of
lhe Bankas Fornration isseen rt the confluence ol rhc Bab.i Chot Khola Fonl1tio
River and rhc Malai Klrola.
The Chor Khola Fonnation is exposed in many parls of
The Bankrs Formalion compriscs an interb€ddingoffinc lhe study area (Fig. 2). It crops oul along thc Tui Kholx. in
to vcry fine-grained, grey-green sandstonc and red-purplc. the Mdsot Khola. Malai Khola, Kal;tara. and around Haure
rnd Bakhere.

Fig.2: Geological nap ofthe study aiea

Stnlxt}nl pdn.rn ol Sutl'Ho dt,t\n ! D',r! '1!:'t D'r*lidri trllJ'

BoLrlder, cobble and pebble bearing conglomerate
interbedded with yellow and yellow brown mudstone
and pebbly sandstone

.s lnte.bedded light yellow, gley green, and brown mudstone

Lower part coitains few medium to coarse-grained sandstone,
,gl_l grey srltslone and gravel beds are presenl in the upper oarl

Verv thick-bedded, multistoried, massive, cross-bedded,

sart and pepoer saldstone
E -.ii"m- to verv coarse-qrained bralLhes tunhs and rools
conrainino olani fossl's lncluolng
soft mudirone wh cn is I glt grey to dark grey Saldstone
s con,rins p'ana, lrough cross ocds Sand and mud oa|s
3.s presbnt in the sandslone The uoper part coltalns
'6 pebbly sandstone.


E Cyclic deposition of fine- to coarse grained, medium to

ln cklv bedoed. lght grey g een-grey and blown calcareous
q sandilone, also so-e sall and peppe- sandstone grey
varegated mudstone Several marl beds are
piesent in tne Lrpper part of the succession- Mudstone
contains leaf fossils

E lnterbeddinq ot tne- to very fi1e-grained grey green
,""";"u"ri.g"t"o red'o,lrole yellow-brown ard dar(
grey mudstone. colour of the mudstone
1s red-purple.

in the Thlsipur-Amiliva road section

:ri. l: G€neralised lithostraiigraphic column ofthe Siwaliks

Anar Deep Reg ri et nl.

Fig. 4: Sandstone from thc Bankas Fo.mation, shorving the Fig.5: Sandston€ from th€ ChorKholaFormation showing
bending ofthe mica [ake, this bending may be due to tectonit the seU derrloped cl€a\age in calcile. The quart/emin.are
orlithostatic piessure priorloc€mentation.

A cyclic deposition of thickly bedded (usually >s m).

'sah and pcppcr' sxndslone. variegated (yellow, brorvn. r€d-
purplc. and grey-green) nottlcd mudstone has beeo placcd
into the Chor Khola Fornation. The krp parl ofthe formalion
contains pcat and organic detrris wilh abundant leaves. ln
the sandstonc beds, petrified wood fragmcnts, lree lrunks.
and branches arc observed. Mudstone beds drc biolurbated
and cortair a few plant fossils. The sandstones of the ChoI
l.,Iola Formrtion are ol medium- lo coarse-grained. Thc
arc subrounded lo subangular and cxhibil moderale
-cph€ricit\'. Thc grain conlacts are suiured to ldngcntial. The
Chor Kholx sandsLone contains quartz, fcldspar. muscovitc,
bi ire. !nd opaque minerals (Fig.5). Biotitc Nppcars notably
\ ilh rhe beginning ol lhe ChoI Knola Formation dnd with
rhe end ol Ihe Bankas Formatiur. The sandstoncs belong to
lirhrrenir€s nnd lithic grc\ \ ackes. The sandnon.s ofthe Chor
L:n(n.r Forrrralion .\poscd in lhe norlhern prrt rrc mainjl'
nedium grlin.d. $ hile jn rhoie cmpping our in rhe nruth.rn Fig.6: Spheroidal w€ath€ringofthesandstone in tbe Chor
frrr ,re borh m.dium- and .inIse'grain.d. The srndsron. in Xlola Formation
lh: norrhern pr olthesIUd\ area conlain\ m!n\ sandpipcs
.rnd sho$s \pheroidal sealhcrins palterns (Fig.6). ln the
n.rrhern pr . it corsists of se\ eral sihsrone beds \!ith sand The Surai K}lola Formalion comprises sandslone (aboul
pipes. These siltstone beds are very fe$ in thc southern part 809;) and m udstone (aboul 20%) with a subordinate arnounl
rnd rhe\ are lackingsand pipes.The colourotth€ mudstonc ot calcrete, marl, and shale- Sandslones arc multi_sloreyed,
is also variable. lr is mainly yellow to light grey in lhe coarse to very coarse-grained, and lhcy have 'sall and
northern parl of the study area, while il is green-grey to dark pepper'like appearance owing to lhe significdnt conlenl of
grey in lhe soLrlhernpart. Many thrusts andloldsale P.esenl biotite and quartz. Sandslones also conta;n pekificd lree
within the Chor Khola Fomation. The Chor Khola Fodnation trunks (Fig. 7). The grains in the sandstones are coarse to
is €xposed in different parts of thc study aiea and it shows very coarse and subangular to moderatcly sphcrical. The
only minor differences in its thickness and lithology. contacts b€lwccn ihe grains are often tangential. Suturcd
contacts arc rarc and grains often floal on calcite cemcnt.
The main minerals comprising ihe sandstones are quartz,
SLo ai Klola Formatio fctdspars, muscov;te, and biolile. Most ol the sandstone
sampies fron the Surai Kbola Formation bclong to
The Surai Khola Formalion is exiensively distribuled in
litharenites, fcldspathic litharenites, and lithic graywackes.
the study area. It is seen around Malai, Chorkholagaun,
As comparcd to lhe Chor Khola Formation, tic proportion
Hardawa, Mannamc, dnd in the Masot Kfiola. It forms the
oflithic fragrnents and leldspars is rema.kably higher in the
corc of the Baij apur Anticline, Bhaisi Khola Anticline, and sandstoncs of the Surai Khola Formation-
Masot Khola Synclinc (Fig. 2).

\itt' turdl ptt.nt ol Sub llit ulu\\t in DtU d t Dt kh.ti tn ct\

1,!rrrll iirhology ofrhc Dohrlr Iromrtion is rtnnxl thc sam.

s..r:'r,r)'Jilr.rdtr l. .i.rh. Jr'' r("r,1.' i,r
of mudsllrnc rnd srndsturc.

Dhnn Khollt t.i,t utntt

Thc Dhrn Khol Fornrrlion co sisls .1 corg](rncrrlc

-l (7i).,?). n dsrorc ( rurd srr(lston.
corc ol lhc Srlhrri\'r Slnclin.,
(3,r) 11 lirnrs thc
Asrilr Slnclin!. l rl thc
:t MrsotSyrclirc It hrs rls(i c..rlcd thr cl(arr. olln rnliclinc
in Rolpalirrrr llnd in alhorkhollgrLrn. Thc rhickr)css (n rhis
lirrmrln)n is ! rrirhle lionr thcc to phcc. Both th. thick css
ol thc lonnation rnd thc lhickncss ol iJrdi\ilhrl h.ds in lhc
.., .} soulhcrn trrl of thc slud! arcr rrc lcss thrn lhosc ot lhc
northenr prn.Th.1)hrn Khola lronnrlior liom lh. no(trcrn
parl consisls cs\cntirlly ol houldcr con!l(rncrNtcs $ith a
, -:.. ning prtrifierl iree ;"rks frotn lesser ann)unl ol nrudsl{)nc rs comprrcd lo lhc ()urhcnr prrl.
. . ..rndiKholn. belonging to the Surai Similarl),. thc I)hrn Khola Ironnrrion in lh. sourhcm trn i\
dominrt.d hl rn inrcrbcdding of !1rbL)lc cobbtc
conglomcrrte and n dslonc Thc Dhrn Khoh lrornrNtion
' :. .tri.s in rhickrress rl dillcrcnl c, hibilssnnihr lilholog] ancl thickncss {h(trrshoulthc nud\
: , rhr Itcrxl !rrjrln)n during ,..,. 8,, . rl. r, \ ,r. .,r.1 J l r .,,r ;,i .. .
. . _.,.lriJIt! (lctarmrlir)n ., Ll lr,,rlJ. , ir .,,r r,,.r', r.. . I I r,, ".,1
, L
' I r gr.xr nunrhcr ol gcolosical sigrrilicrnlly l;onr tlxcc l(J placc.
.. r inJi\ i.lurl beds rlso chrng.s
- ::! rhickcr bcds) lo thc norlhcrn
i rh. \tudy rrcir. Pctrili.d lrcc CEOL(x;l( \L \lRl ( lLR[5
. .:::. \ihi.h rrc tiequcnlh prcscnr in Thc r..k( of th. Sirrllk\ in th. (rLrd\ .L,r.L .,r!
: - .l!!!\ arcr. ,rc sfoftdic in lhe complicrtcd bl nun\ inhri.rre th isls. l:LULri..rnrl\rrio!(
- [] Li\.rall litholosy ol lhc Surai Iypes ol lold\. Ihere arc lold\ rrnging in s.rl. t'onr r I.\
_ : ii.r.n( farts of lhc sludy arcx is ccntimclrcs to mruy kil(nncLrcs A vcr\ lrrg. o\e unred
block olrbout50km in lcnglh rnd,lkm in $idth occurs in
lhe sludy arca. Il is scparatcd fl1)Dr olher righr wa]-up
scqncnccs bv brcklhrusts liom alldircclions. Thcrc rrc thrcc
regir)nal scrlc brckLhrusts. which rrc 111 trcnding t !ards
- :r..f i\.\poscd in iivc scpaftrtebells casl wcsl and are nerrl) prfullc1 to crch olhc. Al$. thcrc
. ::j :). ll ovcrlies thc Surai Khola are lwo rcgionll scale iixward thrusts. which arc dipphg
lhL D,,h: .IL{r, rlrun lowards thc norrh l d lrc l.endingcan wcst. Thc nNcrure
. .' . : Khol!.r hc Haurcvillagcof Dang. ol lhe sludv area is interpre{cd on lhc brsis ol lhin skinncd
: .r. .,... to tlr. nol1h of Crbrr rt Amiliya, lectonics. and a slut preview ol Lhc tcnns rpplicd is gi!cr

!, fl rhc l)obrta Formarion is lighl lo

Thin-skinned tecti'nics
- , .,nJ bro\n mudslone (70%). mcdium
- : .:.\ 'rndsr(mc (20rr).lighLgrcy siltstr)nc Dahlstronr (1970) chs!ificd the lhnrsts !s conlrrcli(mrl
i r'. ) Th. srrdno|es in lhc Dohrtr faults $4rich cut up-sccrion ir rhc rransporr dircction Thc
: . ,l\ lnrcr-graincdthrn tl)osc in lhe Surai IJLlr. n \ h\eLrl . .ra,.urh ll..i,.r,.r\
trdj.ckny. ln I sl.rircasc t.aicctorlr. the fNl't ol ! lulr. $ hich
passcs with I relrtivcly high rnglc lhr(nrgh l tl\cr. is kro\! n
- :::::rr. if th€ Dobrlr lrormlrion from rhc
. - .Lrf.rn prrls ol thc stLrdy arca is in rhc s ranrp or stecp. and ihe seclion qhich is prrxll.l to rtre
- . r:: .r1 mudstonc,i. The lhickncss of lhe
tredding plrne or an! horizonral dLrtuln is lno\n rs I llrr
:- . ,::h.rn pr is lcss than lhat in thc southcrn (BLrtler l9S2). Indi!idurl lulr surfrccs sr.p Io.r layer-
. :_i rudstones lrom hoth rhe nonhc.n rnd parallel segmcnls within sotl. lr\ cring (udt) rd
. : :i. nudt rrcr arc rich in organ;c mrttcr. In cul obliquely acrols steep. co b.ds en (rrc to tlre
. . : inrrirlor hrs hccn cul out by a backlhrusl ncxl favourrble incomfcrcnt unir (funrp). \\ hcre a rhrusL fautt
'ramps up throlgh lhc bcdd ing. ir crerlcs rwo cut-o11 anglcs.
-. :1.r !.ometrt. Tlris nrairly occurs around
-: :, :lr. Krlan Khola (Fig. 2). Ik)wevcr thc onc with dre hanging wall nnlr and thc orher wiLh Lhc
footwall strata- Cul off linc\ mark lhc intcrseclion of rhc

Anar Deep Regni et al.

thrusts with the straligrrphic horizon that is cu1. The in the footwall. youngcr rocks ofthe Dhan Khola Fornalion
hanging wall crFoff movcs up rnd over lhe tbot$' ll cul-off arc observed. The thrust is almosl parallel to thc rccks of
progressively as the faulting proceeds (BoyeI and Elliott thc hanging wall.
1982)- Ramps which arc cur offs in the hanging $'dll are
tenncd hanging wall ramps. ancl those cut-offs in lhe
footwalls are termcd as loolrvall ramps (Dalhstrom
1970;Butler 1982). Rlmps\hich nrike nolnrrlto Lhe lhrust This brckthrusl is named aflcr the Babai River, a tnnklin.
transporl direclion arc lcrmed konlal ramps. The)i are river that flows trom the southcrn part ofdre Dang Vrllc)r.In
charactcrised by dominanrly reverse dip-slip disflacement rhe study area, the thrust prsses through thc cntire length ol
Ramps !v;th a slrike obliquc 1o the lranspon dircction ale the Babai River (fiom east kr wesl), while it lurns 1() lhe
crlled ob liquc rrnps (Dahlstlom I 970) and are characrcrised south aflcr the termination of the Dang Valley in thc wen
by el€ments ol boih stlike'slip and reverse dip-slip. Some (Fig. 2). It is a norlheast soulhwest trending bdckthrusi, thar
ramps arc lrtcral ramps. Thesc .cpresent placeswhcrc a thrust dips duc sooth. To the north of the Babai Brckthrust, the
*flat' abruptly cuts up-sccttuD lateralllr as a lanrp unlil it
Quaternrry deposits ofthc Dang Valley are observed, while
reaches a higher ho.izon, where il once again becomes a to tlrc south of the lh.usl, the Bankas Formation crops out.
flat. Basal decollements cdn bcconsidered asvcry Iongflals. Thc hackthrust is essentially parallel to thc ovcrlying rocks
The solc thrust is the longcst rcgional ihrust su.facc (Elliott of thc Banks Fo.mation in most places. Howcvcr, to the
and Johnson 191J0). west€rn cnd ol lhe Dang Vallclr, il obliquely cuts lhc rocks
oflhe footwrll. This mainly happcns near Houre and Kalkalc.
Ifa new thrust dcvclops in the hanging wallofan older and then thc thrust lerminates at thc Tui Kbola Backdrlust.
thrusl, rn overstep or ovcrlap sequence lesults (Ellioll and which is located to dre south o{ it.
Johnson 1980).lnsuchsequences,thrust!propagaleiowards
the hinrerland in r sense opposile to thc lranspon dhection.
Hcnce, higher thrusts will represent thc lrtcr movemcnt ni Krc|a Bockthrust
across the array offanlls (Butler 1982).
The nonhcdst-southwest trcnding Tui Khola Backthrust
Thrustfaults are seldom solitary. Instead, the lhrusts. and follows thc Tui Khola River, flowing in the soulh ofth€ Ddng
the horses ofrock evolvedby thrusts that branch and Valley (Fis.2).Il forms a ramp kr thccasl olChorkholagaun
around them. ovcrlap "like rooftiles. all dipping in the sane and then ent€rs the Malai K$ola whcrc it forms a hanging
gcneral directn,n" (Baily 1938). wall flar. The thrust continucs furlher soulheast along the
Tui Kbola up to Mannamewhcre il forms a lbotwallaswell
as a hanging-wall ramp. ln ihc hanging wall of thc thrust,
Strucrurcs found in the studJ area
the oldcr rocks of the Bankas Formation ale obscrved, while
in its footwall, the younser Chor Khola Folmation is cxposed
A short descriplion ofstructures tbund in the sltdy ar€a
is prcscnled below. 1l is remarkable that mosl of the faults
in lhe middlc rcaches of thc Tui Khola. There arc lwo
syoclines developed at its two ends, i-e. alound thc Malai
inter into the folds, thus cutting one of the fold linrbs. This
Khola in thc west and the Masol Knola in the cast (Fig 2)
siluation is cvidenl palticulady in the Masot Khola and
where lhc .ocks ot the SulaiKhola, Dobala, and Dhan Klola
around Knokari.
Formatbns are exposcd. The backthrust cuts obliquely the
Siwalik rocks in lhe ol Satbariya al its southeast end
wherc il lerminates al thc Rapti Backthrusl. It also cuts
obliqucly the beds (forming footwall and hanging wall
The name of the lhlust is derivcd lrom the tshcri River ramps) around Agaiya at ils nolthwest cxtrcmity- Thus, the
in wcstern Nepal (Kdyxstha el al. 1999). It is a NW SE overturncd hanging-wall bbck ol thebackth.ust is separated
t.cnding and north-dipping thrust. In the study arcd, ii is tiom the righl-way-up sequcnces olthe footwall block tiom
locdted 10 thc north oi lhe Jaubari Khola (Fig 2). In the all sides.
foolwall ofrhc thrust, the younger rocks (i.e., ihe Dhan Khola
Formatnrn) arc observed, whilc in the hanging wall, older
rocks (i.c., thc Bankas Fomatbn) are fbund.

Kayastha et al. (1999) namcd this thnrst aftel the Rapli

Rivcr flowing through the cenlrai pad ofthc DcuklrariValley.
It is also a southeast norlhwest lrending trackthrust dipping
I'his north-dipping lhrust isnamed atler thc Malai River towards the soulh and it follows the course ofthc Rapli River'
nl Dang. In the sludy arca, it is obse ed along lhe Babai Thc older rocks ofthe Surai Knola Formatnrn are observed
Ri\.r r\ well as to the east of lhc confluence with the Malai in thc hanging wallofthe thrust. while lhc tucks oflhe Dhan
Khnla (Fig. l). From thc cdst of the confluencc, il lakes rhc Khola Fonnation. Dobata Formation. and Surai Khola
.nLbi ol rhe Malai Khold and terminales rt the Babai Fornalion comprisc its footwall. Thc thrust is essenliality
Br.irh.u.l torming abranch line.In thehangingwall ofthc parallel 10 the rocks of the hanging wall, white ii obliqucly
rhmri. t nJe r rccks of lhc Bankas Formation arc present, whilc cuts lhe beds conslituling lhe footwill near Lauri Rihar'

\t'!k t tol |dnan olSub ah')a in Dang a .t Det&hoti t,nttc\s

: ' : .--::... n rt (jl.\.ncd in

: . ::ji / jn: ir locrlcd ro thc The BaijapurAnticUne isnamcd after lhe locatily Baijapur
: - . \:.:i Khila ne!r r\gaiya, It isan opcn fold plunging towards Nw (Fig. 2). The lotd is
' : .i.:.::i!ix.1!. and lo lhc south cut otT by thc RaptiBackthrust to rhc sourh ol Khokari. Thc
r-- . ..; ihe \fu\or Khol:r. Thc anticline consists enlirclv of the rocks of lhe Sumi Knoh
: itre rrending duc Formalion. Thc dip amounl of its timbs ranges frum 201 ro
. _..:! rlm 6a lotS'. 75'.

.- .. --:: rirbr.^rdinrlreGhorahi
: - r.:i.:t F(jrmrti{rn and the Ch.r Rhaisahi Khala Atik Lint
. , :.: :.r n\eflurncd successions Tfiis anticlinc is hcated lo thc south oI thc Satbariva
-r I s \lrnr (Fig. 2). s) 1' liric lr r. dl\r .n,,pen tolJ tlurBrng r.{ ,.d. N\ . t ir
- : :J:J Similrrly, a few rock aiis of lhc tbld passcs from the lcft bank r)1 lhc Bhaisahi
- - : ih. Tui Kholr also show
Khola (Fig. 2). Hcrc the promincnt lithotogy corsrituting
.:,,1 SL\].lliks is rlso observed lhc fold is 'sall and pepper'sdndstone ot lhc Surai Khola
,_ r., SinrJlkrn L trorn MJlJi. Fonnation The dip ofits 1irld limbs varies from:10! r(l 60!.

KInni Khold Antn li,.

!1 . : I\lrol.r Svnclinc is derived frcnr
Thc c'r. '.'n rnrj,rin. r.'. d JlulS rl. Kh:i i
. 1. 1". ,rne of lhc tribut.rrics of the K\ul, .nd hr' r.renl,i i.J,ricl.n<i...r\c.t .r,,1 rhe
-: 1r;d s\nclnre plunging towards samc river. It is rn open lirld whose anjlud. oftimbs ran-ses
' .:- .i th€ ft)ld prsses th ugh the
frorr 30'r lo 70!. ID lhe co.c ot' rhis told. the mcks ot llre
: . : l.'n!h Thc fold is an asvnrmctri. Bankrs Formxrion are erto\cd. The our..prn oton. ofttr€
-: n:lJ \ludics ard ils norlh limb is
limbs oL lhc fold is rruncaicd b\ rhc Tui Khota Blckthru(.
I l\hoh Syncline forns a widc F- w This nrainly happens alolg rhe Sukhar Khol.r. Th. ind is
. : i L- mor. rpparcnt in thc c.stcrn parr surrounded by the MalaiThru* in the $herca\ there
. :...tlr:$crtcrnpa .Thisisbecause is a huge alluvial fan of ttulocene depo\irs ro the sourh of
:.: .! r.line is cut ofi by the Tui Kh0la
: the core ofthis anticline (lig. 2)
. . , hlppens lo thc easr ol Manname.
.: r.rle ti)lds in borh the lnnhs ol lhe
Mdkti Klnla A"lit lin?

A periclinal closure ol an anticline is sccn ar rhc

confluerce oflhc Babai Rivcr rnd the MalaiKholN (Fi! 2).
'l'his dnlicline is scpdrrred fiom lhc Khairi Khota Artictinc
. S\n.lin. is namcd after the vilhgc bl lhc'l'ui Khola BackLh.ust. It is also an oper tbtd wilh the
- .:: ..:.n i(nd (Fis. l), lhc core of which attitude of limbs raneing fronr,I0!'to 30!.
. :-:r:r,ir\ of thc Dhan Khoh Formation. Il
:- ::J n,l.l. The norlhcrn limb ol rhe rold
r. -:l: rhrn thc southcrn is plonging Stt.|tttxtcs iI.loss \?dio, A A'
- I.i !\is ofthe lirld folk^vs the of
: :.,rr.di\trncerndthenentersthcBhrisahi Cross-section A-A' extcnds fronr BabaiBacklhrusl in lhc
: .._,\.rcd by lhe auuvill deposirsofthc north 1(r lhc BNijapurAnliclinc in the soulh (Fig. ii). tl depicts
lhe siruclurc of the wcslcrn part oflhe srudy !rea. F(rn rhe
norlh lLr thc south. lhe pronrincnl strLrciu..s lre rhe Brbri
Backthrusr. Tui Khola Backdrrusr Agaila Slnctinc. Rapti
Backlhrust and lhe B japurAnricline. Thc Bab,ri Blck th ru st
has the lowcst !rgle rnd rhc Rapri Backlhrusr is lhc stccpesr
- : :.. Rapti Synllinc was dcrivcd tiom rhc 0111l thc thee Lrickrhrusti. Ir lhc cross seclion. ttrc branch
:. ..,t t"qJ, lr i\ Jn op.1r',td ptLrngin! linc bctq,een thc Blbai Backrhrust and rhc'tui Khoh
. . .: rF g l). Prrl of the lbkl in the vicinily of Backthrust is seen in thc northern cxtremitf,. Thc .ocks in
-: il b\ the Rapti Backthrust. However. rhc lhc Babai Backthrusr rnd lhe Tui Kholl Backrh.ust are
:. ::,nlinerr in lhc lvestern parLj i.c. <lt Kusum, overturncd. In addiln)n. the rocks in thc sourh ot rtrc Tui
.: r..J $here Lhc Rapti River fl(rws frcnn itscore. Kllola Brckthrustare also ovcrturned. Thc Babai Brckttrrusl
-. r'::h rl rhc fold is olerlurncd. Thc lbkt is nor is ovcrtrkcn blr the Tui Khola Backlhmst.'tb the sonth of
. -.: .l Agaivr. s it is covered by thc allLrvirl thcTri Khola Backrhtusl, the Rapli B.rckthrusr is obsc.ved.
It is slccpcr than the Brbai Backrhrusl and rhe Tui Khola

Antat Dccp Regni et al

-- __t-- \\:
\ \ ! --"- '.

2 2

-5 5

Bankas Fm E chor Khota Fm EI surai Khota Fm E oobara Fm Dhan Khota Fm

E! auabhary DeeEl
= 1fm p 1rm

Fig. 8: Cross-section A-A' drawn across the western part ofthe study area


-1 -1

2 -2

,3 -3

3rn.r:F f,f, 1:r.rrrrFmE sr - rho.FmEflDobaraFmE DhanKho2Fm E ouaremaryoep E

Fi9. 9: C nr\\^(rtiun tl-li drawn across the ccntral part ofthe study ar.ea

l 1

-1 -1


-3 3
Bankas FmH chorKhora FmE SuraiKhola FmEDobala FmEDhai Khola Fm E ouaternary DepB

Fig. 10: Cross-section C-C' drawn across thc eastcm part of th€ stndv ar€a

Stt ul pa ent of Sub Hit ilrld nt Da q and Der*hati ya e\,s

.!: . B..k:rr!ii rnJ rh. $all as well ds tbotwall ramps are observed in the sludy
: ].--
'r. i!Br.krhrun
: -. ::- R:tri
rbi.^.d. Irs
arer. They arc conspicuous especially to rhe wcst of Mal,ti.
around Bdkherej 10 rhe sourheasr of Manname. and to thc
-: : -.::: \. T. rhe sourh of the north of Satbariya.
::::;lrn. is olrs€r\.d. The
- -: :: .\ ih. RJpri Backthrust. In lhe study a.ea alhg€ther five splay thrusts are
: ::i trnLl is inclined towards observed. To lhe northern extrcmity, the first splay thrust is
represented by thc BheriTbrust. Ir is a north dipping thrust
with the Bankas Formation in the hangingwalland the Dhan
Klola Formation in its footwall- Tfie second sptay thrust is
rcpresented by the Malai Th.usr. lt is also a north-dipping
:. ilrm the ccntrrl part of the th.ust. Il is terminated al thc Babai Backthrust, which is thc
third splay thrust. There are other lwo splay th.usts namely
..,::lr ro lhe south, three lhrusr
.: B.i.ri Backthrust. Tui Khola tfieTuiKhola Backthrusl and thc Rapti Backthrust. All lhes€
thrusts were rcsponsible for the shortening of rhe Siwatik
belt in the study area.

As one movcs south frorn the Babai Bdckthrust towards

:...r'ns. $hile tbc rocks lying lo
:.: : 3..krhrust form a rjghFway-up
the Rapli Backthrust, it becomes clear thrt rhe thrusts cut
offyounger.ocks from to south. Thc backthrusrs are
-, ---.,i lhe Agaiy,] Syncline hasbccn
migrating from the hinterland towards thc tbreland. j.c. rhe
: .r Br.krhrusr, while thc Satbariya youDger thrusts wcre developcd in rhe hanging watt of the
: .:: :i rh. iouthern end of the cross- older thrust. Apiggy-back pr)pagalion parrcrn (Dahtsr(,n
lq70) originates ifa voungerthrusr develLips on the tboh\all
ofan older thrust and ilthe thrusls migrare sequenli!11\ hLrni
rhc fiinlerlard lo\rrds the lbreland.Thus. fftim rhe definrrbn
of lhe pigg\-bacli lhrusting. il is clear thdr rhe pa ern of
: . . Jr,r$ntronrtbeeasternpartof the thrusting in lhe stud\ area ;s likc a pigg\-back model. Thc
: - : :.ri\es rhrcugh Dharna in thc nonh
study r€verls thrt there is I triangle zone bounded b\ thc
. !:h. The noihern end olthc cross, Bah,i BdckrhrL. in rne soJrh ,1o rhe BlL.iTrru,r i; LhL
-. -- ri r\ rhe Babri Backlhrusl, whilc its
- :: j h\ IIre Rapti Backthrust. Thc Bankas
: . :: ,.1rhe Babai Backthrusl is vc.y thick. In lhc process ol dclailed geological m apping of the area,
..:r.linal and syncliral structrres (Fig. ilwas obscrved that thc liickness of the Siwaliks is not
- -rh ol lhe Tui Khola Backthrust. irs constant throughoul thc aren.ln some places it is very lhick,
This is due basically kr thrustirg. whilc in some other places it is less. This is mainlv due to
rh. rc, rorrc proce*ci. r hich nave re.:lrcd rn rhe I, irrrrron
. --::r.f. ir is also secn tlat one ofthc linrbs of scveral faults, th.usls, and tblds. Also. the study shows
.- . )\.cline has bccn truncaled by thc Tui thrl lhc Siwaliks wcre subjected to more than one
' ,- Ti. nodh€rn linb ofthe fold is disrincr deformattuoal phases. This is clear fiom lhe fact that one of
-:- :rri is nol seen on the sudace. The corc the limbs of mosl of lhc folds has beeD truncared bv
, : .,i.r\ of the rocks of the Dhan Khola
i. ..Lrh of lhe Tui Khola Backthrusl. rhe
: -:j ln the southcrn part, the thickncss of Various rcsearchers working in the Siwaliks have
. : ::: (hor Klrola fomations is diminished. suggestcd differenr anounts of crusral sho.tening. According
.- Khola Formation is increascd. Thc
'-,.: -i:rri
to Adhikari (1993), about 28 km ol crustal shorlening had
...rn n) be overhirncd occurred in lhe Siwaliks ofthc Surail(})ola arca i.e. alrnosr
about 40% of the total width ofthe Siwalik basin. Sirnila.ty
- :.t. lnerPrctdno'l accordiDg to Mugnier et al. (1!195), rhe western parr of the
slrdy area sufiered a crustal shortening ofgrcater than 40%.
: :i:.,blish rhat a thrust belt is a thin skinned, it From this it can be said lhai rhe prcscnr study arca also
:::Irnstrale lhat thrust fault sudaces possess cxhibils crusral shortening oI an ordcr of407..
. . 'r. ir.rories. $rrh lung n.rl se.riur..
-::::x,:. s.parated by sho.t 'ramps', which cut
. :rl,rries (Boyer and Elliott 1982). The abovc
' .:::rr in thc ltudy area. Thcy are shown in lhc The rocks of the study area arc highly defonned. Thjs
.'.r ,i arca (Fig. 2). Thc rocks in the study deformalion is cxpressed in thc folm of faults and fotds.
.-::,r:h 'hc
flals. parallel to the bcdding plane and which succeed one arother in both space and time. Thc
process ol thmst dcvelopment and folding suggests severat

Anat Deep Regnti et al.

deformalional phases. A series of faulls. which exisl from Boyer, S. E. and Elliolt, D., 1982. Thrusl Syslenis. AAPC
the Dorth to the soulh. a.e thc Bhcri Thrust, Malai Thrusl, !. 66. no. 9, pl. 1196-1230.
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Drl- Lroa.a D.A.. la n.ilIr.rLrrl!.o'or\ inrlecliernr .
th.usts also hdvc crcalcd branch lines rnd thc triarglc zone.
of tbe Crnadian Rocky Mor rt.nN, Bull. Can. ?etrol. Ge.L
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Bhaisahi Anticline, Khairi KholaAnticline, and Malai Knola Dhitrl. M. R., Gajural,A. P., Prthlk. D., Pludcl. L. P. and Kiza\i.
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Ncpal. Bull. Dept. Ccology, Tribhuvan Univ., Kathnandu. \
4. Special Issue, pp. l-70.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Elliot, D. and lohdson, M. R. W, 1980, Structunl cvolurioD ii
lhe .ortbern pan ot rhe Moiie Thrust Bclt, NW Scolland.
We are gratelul lo the Cenlral Departmenl of Geobgl,. r
Tmn,. R. soc. tdirb Fxrrh Sc... -1. pp.60 ac
Tribhuvan Universily, lbr providing laboratory facilities and Kayanh!, N.8., tddhln. U.M.S.. Shrestha. R. 8., KC, Shyam.
also for field support. We are indebted lo Mr. Ananta Man Subedi, D.N. and Sh!flna, S.R.. 1999. PctrolcuD Expktrlrjon
Singh Pradhan lbr his help in gaining the digitised map of PrcDolion Projcct, Ministry of Industry 1999.
Mlgnier. J. L.. Chalaron. E, Mascle, G., Prldier, 8., and H{!il.
G, 1995, Struclurlland ThcmalEvolution ofthc Siwlliks oi
Wcstcn Ncpal. Jour. NcpalCcol. Soc., v.11, pp. 171 178.
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