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,th Edirion

AC}IARYA A t€echcrr or lounder ot . lchoot ot (See Shankaracrrar

achcha I n l . r l e c t l o h : r l l r l t h t , O . K . A d i r r i v -rh^ug\r.
tdh!krlpi Bood.
Hrll ! krlpr, c 2300 yearr. Adha , h;jt.
.dhakurnrr/kum.Ii 'Hrll-kum!r,.
OrE ?ho ls obrervinR purity .lter mr..r.--
Adi Dcv Thc tirsr d.iry, te. Brrhma. Adi Dcvi , ,i* r,.r, r.-"i."i.t,v,
Sareswari (ttemr). i..
Adi Slnaten Dcvi- Thc diSiial ancienl Dcity netigion. Sanetan =
D.vat6 Dharm
rEy.n L r c k o t k r | o w l e d t e , I g n o r r n c . . A f ,y . n i = 6
ahurn rErlon wirhout knostedpe.
' I (Srrckrir). . Sce t'ri- s", a"c Siri,or,r,-.
. rhrhklr Arroqanc!, cgotirm, p.ide- One ot rh. , vic.<.
.: rhlinia -. : . . Non,itolcncc..
. . Ajamil A. Srcst slrvrcr, a loially degrirded ir.rson.
' . H?;{,as a tutchcr in a
slory ot rh. tcripturci-
. ..., . Arrncr..
' Tor.n ln Rijisrh;n vhi;c' dreic li ir,c inty ieinple dedicat.d .ro
. Brahme:
.,ikernrr.j. r:. . j Neutrrl rirt;.. Tli ecricrs ot deiries In Sarvusa.
. . (Comparc rirh lukarma rod vikarma).
' A!kr3h
kasur Th€ sky, Jpecc.
Thc name ot i aruit o. Oemon.
All.h Name tor Cod in Mustim r"tiEion.
rloklc Hcavcnlyr rpiritual.
rrnrrk6tha or immorrntiry which Baba it rc inS ar rr,is
I) Ia_n-81a. :m
y yuga. iim. o,
Amar = ctcrhalt irnmortal.
Am.rlok Thc world in Satw?a.
Amrrnaih Eternal Lo.d. A'ti-.nous pilgrimagc prace and remple
!mrit ot Shila.
.Amrit veb = rh? iimc lor r.cetvinf, *"ri., i". ir,..",r,
moroing l'our3, gyan .mrit : rhe .r"ctar .t ii."*l.aj.,
n-ri .":i
lown in Punjsb -. hoty ptacc tor the Si\hr.
enand 8ll!s, hrpp.irFjt, ioy. Anand ka Sagar = o,
Antrd ntirr,
rnc one. Ceneral in th. rrmy ol
Rrma (Rirnayai)
noted loi his unt\akeabte intellecr.
rntarmukhi lnirovcrtcd.
lntrryrrni Pcrvadin8 thc lnterior or inner scll. Knosing the
innrrhost s.crets
ol lhc !oul.
rnubh!ti Fecling, c.notidtat cxperierce, re.lizatiofl .
lley An interiection. Oh!
Arit'r. Oie 6t lhc Pandavs. Shri Krishna is 3uppded
lo havc spoken rhe
knowledtc ol th. Cira ro Ariunar bui now *c
are arr a.i,r"ar tica,."
re rre rFarrnB thc tru€ Cita trom ShivrBaba.
tr!ti A .itual ol bh.kii. Th. rdoirlion ot f, dcity by ih. ci.cula!.
movem?nt of ! IrmP belorc rh" lhd8..
Ary. Srmai A r y a n S o c i a r y . A r e t i t-ioovu 3 i o c i e r y t ; { r n d r d b y
Swani Dayaaand in
Itu, whicfi rims ro lo th. 'p1le'retition.i ,1. viarr,'.rpp"..l
F l:* F broug\t ro tndia Ly rhc Aiyans.
rthrriri Itoduat!, Inco(Dcrcal.
rslram A anonattcry or aciidencc of lannyasis.
atw A dcvU o. &mon. Asuri : d€vlliln.
rtiirdi:ir rukh Supc.tehsrEur loy.
tlma soul.- Se€ p.petmr, Frnyrtm!, maherma ctc.
rva!thr Londitrdr, 3trte of bein!.
avina!hi lndcrtructibl!, lmper isha-blc.
An Incrrnstioo (ol God or ol powcr atc).
rvy!kt Litcrrlly : trot tnrnifart, nol apparcnt,lubtlc. Thr
' -'
of Brahma pr.r.nt rs opposed lo.rattar (h";"f " f"r.n).

. i
BADA How lhc roul lerps vith
iry on hcr.rng t\" !w."r nah. o, it,
b"l-ovcd f.thcr, rhe Ocean'oi btijr, O(c.n
5*chqhrlc ol Lov?.
Itr Lo.d *r,o :.dnr(rxmt. A t6'n@r tcmplr ol Jn'!. .nd p,l8.dnr8.
Brhirht tlcrYcn. (Ildd ur.d by Muilimr.)

Vc.y, huch' h.ny. Bahui !ch€h. : vcry tood.

Nrrnc ol I dcvil o.
A m(xr&ey. A llmilirr ri6ht in Mounr Abo. Thcy hrv. rll rh. liv.

Fdlbc.. alp ttoan : lik. F.ther, .qu!l lo Frrh.r.

Bchid t'a b.c = Unlimilcd F.thcr.
A.pD!da a.p. d|c Suprcmc Soot, shiv.8nb., .itlint lo lh. bodt ol D.d. i..
Pr.,apir. Br.hmr. Avy.kt EnpDad.: lhc auprcmc So..l rod tti. soul
of brrhma rogcthcr iittiq ln rhc body ol rtbth.. F3o.r (Sitrc.
'bclni Un.ndiit, cvcrl.stint' lnlinitc - terms u!.d by thilotdPhc.r- to --
dcrcaibc-cod. . :. . . :..-.'-'. ..'
, txhcnl sistcr 6rono'rni<d 'b.4'), .I -
bha?al A r.litiout dcvetc€' I lo6hippcr. ahaku ; r mrlc dc_Yot.€, U\kti.i _
'_' ..
- r tcmalc .lcvotcc- " : :
-- Bhaglrqth .: . L*kt tturior, i;. B.rhma' ltto bcc.'nr lhc dlatior of 5hi$8.b... '
:, ., BhaSwan Cod, (Ltak.i: of tortunc.)
thaseanuvachY. l God 3pcak. Thir Cr.3e introducct ycrtct tpokcn by Sfri Krittn.
tn th€ Ahatqad Cil!, b.rr Bab. l!yr: 'Shiv! bh{8eanuvlcnr' -'l
' Cod shiv. rm rFakint now."
bhal{i R.ligidrr devotiort. Bhakti mart . thc ol .cliti&s (kvotim. /
bh.ndnra Storc, trcalury.
Bharar India. Bhar.t-vrri . r r.rid.hl ol Indi. 6 Coldcn-AEcd r.ul.
th.tma5ur A devil rho d.ttroycd himtcu eirh li.€. Bhats . shct' cindert.
bhatahi A p.riod ol pow.rful yotr' liac..lly . Ii..Pl1:,r '.-ovcn.
A hoorer building ctc.
blrit A trib€ livinS In Rai.slhan.
Bhim. onc ol rhc tivc Plnd.vat.
nhirhampitamay A trGrt &ch.r vho tAughl Ariu rhc rkill of rrchc.y.
DnoS Food oll.rcd lo BapDrdr in thc rubile .€tion. (P.ounccd bho{,tJ
bhogi A glc$6.-.cek!nt F!on. Thc opPdirc ot. yoti.
bhoi.n Food. Srahma bhoian 3 tood cookcd in .cmcmbtanc. ot Babal
oflercd io Aaba, lnd G!l.n by Brahmnff in .cmtmbr. cc ol Bah!'
gt1rjtanarh Lord ot thc Innocent Onca. A rirl. ot Cod Shit..
bhrr6ari moth ihat mtk?t ct.wliry in5cctt (ly.'ts
Corrupt' dcpraved. Bhrlshiachari = one who corrupr, depr'v"o'
btirikuri Th€ poi.r midw.y bcrwccn th. cycbrowt, ehcrc thc soul .crid'i'
bilL.ll Complctcly,
bindi o{ bindu A point o. dot, Thc lorm of thc sot l.
Thc Boldcn-rcd divin li8ht ,i+ric|| litlr Par.mdham.
brahm lattw. Th. brahm alcri.nt o. rubltance.
Brahma Pr.ilpllr Brahma. Tfi. corpo(€.I m.dium to. incorgffeal cod 5hival
rnd i.lh€i ol B.lhmtffi.
C.libacy. OrE ol d|c Pillrri ol yo8a.
Branma K'rmari Dlu8htcr ol Bfrhm!. 8(!hm. xufrar = $'r o{ Errhm' _ ie' mouth
bo.n p.o8.ny ol P.liapitr
B.ahman Thc iooitucrrc A8.8r.hh.nt 0cm.!fti). Th6. vho hrve
b.come ttlc moutEbtrn p.oteny ot Pr.iapira Nole: Tbc
corrcct trlnrllt.r.tio.t trom llindi is Brahd'.n. Th. to.m B..hmrn
it commonly utcd in Entlith. The Concirc oxlord Oictionlry
.iv.r borh Y.rdoru.
itrc 5o,rl vortd - mlde ol thc tirrh.l.mcnt, r.ilu..
lh. hom. ol Erahma l.i rl|€- S'r_b!lavorld.
Rivcr shich llow: tko{8h A$am .nd a:i8l.dcth. Putra " ton (ol
Brahmlok Th'€ Soul vorld, Puemdhrm.
b{ddhi lhc Inl.llccr. Buddhi yoSa ! tlE yoSa dt th. inkttccr. S.! atlo I
paia lnd patthar buddhl-
Stupid, rwcer l@l ('lfecri(nltc ic.6).

CIIATTANYA Codci.nt. senti.n!-

Dircu3- ()r,. or t|E ld. rtorbol! tEld by viihnu. lt lymbolit.l lhc

Th. tmiv..ral lovcr.ltnty or St{i Llkhmi ,nd Sh.i Nnray.^ in rhe

Thc v..y lowcst rub-<d c ot thc Shud..!. A crcmrtor.

th. Moon Dynany ol the silv.r At€. Chrnd.a = nroon"
cirnd.avsn3hi A mcmb.r ot thc Moon OynrJty.
chrrhai Aic.nt, climb, rite- No* at th€ Conrlucnc€ AEc, w. rik
o(dnBry huma. b.ings !o &iticr.
Cha.a.t.r, o. divinr rrdier.
Charrrbhui ItF ro.m ol VLtu'u-
' ch.urari lanm tq birrh3.
chitr. Picrw.3, piinting, lllurtrarid.
ToFknot. A lock ol hlir m top ot th. tEad worn by B.ahsan
catrc. (Don't conluq with clttbti = l.m. ol chhota = :rialli

DADA P.l..n.l tdnd{.th.r, cldcr broth.r. Ua4i - par.rnal trdndnlarh.r,

?ldcr tieter - wo.di ot r6Dccr lo?
O"Ot*,*On, ll taid he .acriliccd hb boncr fo. the y.gya. An cxanplc that
Baba Siver ur-
A lcather{ove..d musical pcrcussion in5rrumenr, narro{ ri the
middl€ and wid.r !t the.ndr.
Si8ht, vi€w,8limp5c (of . ?evcrcd p.rron or racrrd plac.).
DlthchrN H i n d u f c r t i v a l I n t h c . i , t u m n , l y m b o l i z i n 8 r h c v i c t o r y . l g o o , lo v e .
cvil. (EtfiSies ol Ravan ..e birrnt.)
deh abhihani
&hi rbhimani
A dcity (.m. dcvi). AI.o dcvata o. devta = dcity, k!; . thc
Divin. Family, devatma = ! dciry scLl-
R.liEion, righteousnesi.
dharm pita F o u n d i n 8F a t h e r o f a r e l i 8 i o n , . B . B u d d h a . S h i v a B a b ai n H i s r o l e o l S u p r c m cA d i u d i c a t o r . T h . L a n J u d E !n c n t .
Dharmrei Puri Thc rire ol Dharmrai in ih. Subrle P.8ionr.
I n c u l c a t i o n . A b i l i t y t o r e t a i n i m p r c s s i o n sl o l k n o w l c d S e ,v i r ! . t r .
Dhriiarashrra In the Gita, llther oI KinS Duryodhana. Mcditalion.
dil Hcarr.
Diiwala/Delw.ra remoles at Mount Ab{l which contain our mcmoriale . rhe
stalu.s ol 108 dliti.3 riirin8 in m"dnario. with op.n .y.t.
Dipasali/Diwali Thc F6tival of LiEhB (dipak = lamp). A tlindu tcsrival c.l{l,.ircd
i n t h e a u t u m n . I r s y m b o l i z c i t h e y i c t o r y o l l i B h t o v e r d , :k n e s s
and comm.morates llanuman'i rerclJ. ol Sira Irom caDlirily in
Ravan't kin8dom of LMkr.
diYyr ciekshu D i v i m v i s i o n , v i l i o . r o t G o d . D i v y a d r i 3 h y i : d i v i R v i e i o n Jd i v y a
!.l6hatkrr ' viioi ol God, divya = divine.
divya m.rird. DivirE law and o(.der (in the Coldcn A?.).
doalitl ,' H e l l . ( v o { d u s e d b y M u r l i m r ) .
O.rup.di lyifc ol thc P.nd.vs. In lh. M.habhar.t vicioo! .n.n rried ro tr.ip
her, hur hcr ta.i mirrcllouily lnc.carcd to 2l s.ri: lcnSth n lhev
could r\ot rcmov. k.
drishri L i t . r a l l y v i r i o n . v i b r a t i o . r i t r . . r m i t t c d r h r o u g ht h € . y c a o l . y o S i
which can bc p.rceivcd by another ioul aod draw rhal toul inlo a
ttatc ol yo8..
. d'-rkh-kham Thc llJtd ot ro.ros (Copper & lron-a8.d vorld). Dukh : ta,'row.
vo.ld. Purani duniya . old world, na, duliya = new world, ,{ika'i
duniya = world.
. DurSa orc ol the SlEktir in bhakri. A r.m..nb.aoc. ol Mama. 5.e
Shakli, Navratri.
durSari M i 3 c r y ,d r t r . . 3 1 .
Duryodhana ln rh;'Ahagwad Gils hc lri lt|e tEad ol Kaur'v''! clan'
Dt ap.ryuta Thc Coppci AEc - ,.d ot q y\r8ar. Thc limc ehcn bMkri bcgint.

FARISHTA An !n8cl 6 divlrE mca3.ntcr.

GADA Macc. symbol ot tovcr€ttnty. OrE ol thc symboli hcld by Virhnu.
trdd i Scar ot ikonc. Ttrc cor,ch o<rthich yotit tli to conduct
lrkc cla6s clc.
Clndhi Moliandas KuamclEnd C6 dhit bo.n 2 oclobcr 1t69. r$lrtinrlcd
f0 lenu.rv t9tr8. Phlto$pher rrho Ptay"d f, key tolc in ihc libctation
ol lndia trom Bririth autc: Ramcmbercd ri MatlAtm' Glndhi _ trrhc'
ol lndir. ErDuli - retpccrcd trther.
Gan€sh ,f pop-ttar Actty ln baraldi rith lEdd of r clcPhanr' eorshippcd rt
8od ol s,isdom-
'fhc rivcr C6ntei.
tau mukh lmapc ol a coi's tacc, olten with {'alcr coming t'om lhc 'nouth'
Gita The tha8lrad Gila. Scaipture ot lhc Hindut tho b€licvc th't ir
r,ar .po-k.n by Sh.i K;i5hna lo Ariuna cn rhc balrlclicld 't
Cil. Syan dala Civ€r ol thc t ne krEwledge ol lhc Gila ic' Shiv6Baba'
Gita parhshala Gita School. A housc lrh.rc 8abar5 M'rrli i3 rtad ar}d thc kmukdt'
of lh. truc Cita i! tau8hr.
tod Lap (pronounced goad). Baba k8 lod mem : io Erba's l'P'
Godrci Engincering company ln Bombay- Manufacrure' ol !ock5' tllc! 'tc'
.ouivaledt ro ChLtbb.
Copal Nime givcn ro Shrl Krbha - rtlE Co*-Hcrdr'
Gopcshwar Thc Lo'd ol CoPal, le.shivr.
toPi iitcrattv co*-trcra.' Thc ctwhcrd Sirls who vcrc cntranc?d by shrl
-.isttniis -"gic tlurc' snd rbandoined all ro bc liih him' B'ba
savr vc afc thc lruc gopit.
Granth The racrcd sctipturc o-f the Sikhs. (Guru Cranth Sahab'-
grihsrlr Thc itatc ot bcing ! t|ooscholder-
rnd l'inrt'
turla Qualiry or virtuc.- Thc lhrec qualitias ol a.ttua, t'j:s
tUPT Hiddcn, 3ccrat, iocoSnito.
turu A lcacher oa 3Pirilua.l tuidc.
Guru Nanak Fqrndcr o( thc Sikh .cli8io.r.
gurudu/ara A Sikh tcmPlc.
Thc knowtcdre tevcaled by ShivrBaba who i3
Syan Knowlcdtc.
(oc.csn ol
Cyancthwar (Lord ot knowtidge) and Gyln ka Sagat
KnowtcdS"able, cnlithlcned. On€ who t|as drunk lrom thc
ol knowlcdtc.

HANSA A rwan. (Notcd ta itt Power ol disqimirBtidr')

Hanumdn iLc monkey 8od ln th! Rrmayan tuPPotcd lo brvc rctcucd Silt
trom capiivity ln R.vanr3 L$ka.
Harid\rar A to!.t|, norlh-casl o{ Dclhi wh..c thc.c lre many tlrrut'
lo thcir minds to silhdrlw i'om 'xtctr6l
tElha yota Thcac voris.lm
G torcc'
objects'{ rcmlining In various Phyrical Po3tt.ct' Halh'
hirr A diamond.
HirnakashPa A dcmon kint d|o callcd hirnscll Cod.
Holi A Hindu tcrrival, calcbtrlcd in March' rhcn ltcoPle lhrow colourco
Dou,der rt clch othcr.
"ls I vas, to 3hrll I bc''
hum to - to hum h Srn3krit rrlntri mclnint

Go'd of rain. lndraPrasrh = thc Courr ot lndra'

lshwar 3Piriturr'
-_9y: -lf:::tv"-:911t:,1''"'' -
JADUCAR Matician. Jadu = ma8ic.
J.tat = thc |,o.ld! .mb' I tnolhct Td lyortd Morher, Sa;'
JrtalPila Thc vorld Father, Brahma.
f!in An lndiln philo6ophy lnd rclitioo totrnded by vardhamana Mahavira.
Norcd lo. complclc non-vlolencc topards all lorms ol litc. Th€
Dilwal. templcr rt Mount Abo bclong ro thc laint.
Jt!nut$ A rlvcr conaidcrcd by ihc Hindut.
J.'||L A tlrg rrtb rchicvad libchtio.r ln e *cond bul did not lcavc hi!
iEm. lik€ lh€ rlnnyrtir.
l|ntsl Jl'|tlc. Jentll ' r.v!te, r,ild.
l. i l.n nhrt Th€ knowcr of .vcryrNn8 (Shivrgaba).
Fl|m Bi.rh.
Jrim|shtmi Stri Krirtna J.nm.shlmir ! Hirdo testival cglcbr.tin8 th! birlh ol
Shri Krbhna.
lrP. Fdm ol t$akti. Rcpctitim ol ! manlra o( lhc name ot a d.iry.
l!v Vicldy.
Fy!ali Arnivcrsary ol birlh.
laavrtrna A humar bcing.
tc.vrn bandh Tha booded atatc ol human bcints in KaliyuSa.
leevanm!kti Llbcotion in litc. Thc itat. ot truition rnd luililrnenl cn;oyedby
thc dhilica ln SatyuSa.
,h.t Tlc€.
ihurh Falsc, rmtrue, a lic.
lyoti Litht. lyoti biMu " a point of liBht: th. form ol the soul and ol
lhc Sup.cmc soul.

KABRISTAN A gravcyard.
kadam stcp, t@trtap. Bap kc kadamom mem = in Raba'sfmtsrrps.
kal! A d.ttcc - *hen Baba tpcaki ol dc8ree$of purity: 16' = 100%ie.
Golden ABe, and l{r= E7$ ic. Silvcr ABe.
Kali Altcroativc rumc lor DurSa rroEhippcd under this name as toddess
ol dcath.
Kliyuga Thc iron atet la5t ol thc I Frgas, !/hen the world rcachcs ilr most
detradcd rlagc. X.llyuSi = pcrtainin8 to rh€ lron Ate.
kalpa Crcle ot J000 yc{rs.
kaly.nkari Bcocfrctor. virhwa-kalyankari : sorld b€nefactor(Shivagaba).
karn sar-lurt, thc motl poironous ol lhc 5 yices. Kam chila = th" pyre
ct lax-lust (ctrita . tuncral pyrc), kam katari : thc sword ot scx-[rrl.
klm8i Eaminti, Incoma. Now in SanSamyuSa u/e muit makc altorts ro
"arn drr iaEomc to. ihc r-holc of lhe a|crt kalpa.
k!ln.l Lotus tlorr.rr ryrnbol ol p{rrity. One of th. Iour symbols held by
kamal Vondcr, rniracle.
kamdhrnu Dcsir.-tultilling co,r, (Hi'ldu myrh).
karls A d.vil. Kan3 Puri = thc d.vilirh world (Copper and lron Ate).
l(rnya A virtin.
krpr!t DiaoHicil, !n (nworlhy cfiild - opporirc of saput-
krrankuaYrnhar T5a onc *ho l,o.ks dircctly lnd who work through olhers also.
karrna Xatmt, lciio.r Gce akarma, 3ukarma & vikarma). Karmate.r :
trdyood Intlucnc.. ol actlonrr lll lccount3 ietlled.
brmb.ndhan Ktrm! bo.ldagc rclulting laorn dE's bad actims.
kroac Tcn mlllion - 10,000,000
XL.hi A tkir|. r/hcrc, ln t6mc. tim.s, pcoplc a6crificcd lhem3etvcs to
Shiva by comrnilint .uicidc (al Banarc!).
kllori A rmrll Drtal bowl td catine, dal crc.
k!w!va ln thc Bh!8w!d Clta, or|. ol lhc lrmicr derrroycd in lhc
ra. - rcpr.tcnli thc body{onsclous tovcrnmcnt ot lndia-
Kluri Co?rlc -. tmall te!-ihcll ured 65 money in 5.E. Asia.'nol
?oalh a cnv(iir.
kcndra Cantrc.
Khuda A n me td C.d, ur.d by Muslims.
Koti..i-nu. Siamodd Namc lnelng' 'mdunrairt It lighf thlf,f amt'r'..-diamond; ot 108 -
ctrtltr 13 1o tr Aarl of an oii8inal diamond rorihipped ec a
rcprctcnlrlioi ol lncorporcal God Shiva rt thc br8innin8 ot thc
Coppcr Ate, in Somnilh Tcmplc.
Kriihna rj:l ot rh,e cotdcn Are. Thc roul ot Br.hma
. :Mf*:.
Incarn rct as Shrl ?_rilf. .
K.Bhnr !t lhe b.g-ic'rin6 ot s:ryu8a.
KrirlY[ Puri L! d ol Kriltvu lc. th. r.orld ln itic cuidcn At., hcltcn.
krodh Antcr, OrE ol th€ t yicc3-
krh!trly6 Vrrrio. c.!lc. Thc ttltut rcrchcd (in thc silvc. Are) tv rr,^.-
roulr rlp trc rtlll blttli^g ltelnit M.y. .t the timc oioerti*r'i-^'^'
k3hctaa Ficld. K|'mr bhctrr . d|G licld ot !ctio.r, ]ortd.
k m!r/kum!ri A bachclor, an rnmrrricd mrn / a vl.tin, en unmarricd q,;an.
kumHrdkarna A rlccplr\8 tlant In Indirn mytholo6y - rymtotircr Ahrrrr 3tum;;in!
ln l8noruncc, ,tot rccogni3inS
kumHra nrcla A Hirdu lcrtiv.l rhich t.tlr evcry 12 tcar!.
kur!a Tha loosety-tittint upp.r tarmcnt rront by B.rhma kumirr.
kurukihclrr Site of th. Md|.t{urlt r.r.cco.ding to rhc Bhltwad Cit. (
or Dclhil.
.Lrkshman ...

lobh .

MADDIIYAJI bHAV 'See thc orie in rh. lniddt.,

ic. Vishnu, ou. rirn . d obiccr.
(lnrtnnion ot ShivaBaba.)
Madhuban 'Foresl ol Honey,.
Thc placc r,lErc Bab. comes to ,n!"t Hij
childrcn, Madhu = h6ev-
Mahabhara! r/hicn kings Kllifuta to.n cnd lnd
Fcp.rc! thc
*orld lo. Satyuta. Allo rn lodirn cpic poc|n r/ritren in rhe Copper
Mahedcv A treat dcity - titlc ot Shiva.
mahad,rni A traa! donor.
mahant A iainr.
maharathi An clephant-ridcr, ooc rt|o ia $ tov.rtut !5 rEr !o cvco mticc
ob3bclci ln lhc rray.
Mahagabha ,np.r lDusc ot t}lc l.|dian g!.lirmcni. Th€ lowcr hourc lr
mahalma A trcat tour, 6 t.t" cB. Mrharmr Crndhi.
mahavia OrE hvint tremcndour valour, r baave warrioa.
lna,a Ros.ryr -tarland. RLnda mih !.v.ry joul in ihc r,,orldr Virttnu mala
= lhc lot victorious icrels.
.nalik Mastc., propricto(. Swarg ka matii. : .,tdst.r .Ji hcavcn.
.namckam yad karo 'Rcmcmtcr Mc elonc,.
mandir A tcmDlc.
Om m.ndli Mandli = band, circlc, contrctatio.t- 0r'l mandli w thc namc givcn
to lhe yatya in th. bctinnint, in Hydcrabad, becausc et that
tncy u!.d to dlant .Om. in rlEia.nccrints.
'Fir your mird on mer.
lnrtn ctidt ot Shiyrgrbr rlrh{1ij|?hln th.
BhaSrad cira th:3 phrlJc lr . .iburcd ro Shri Krirlna. -
mlnmal Directio.E ol tlE humln mind, as ogpo5cd to Shrim.rr di.cctio.u ot
Mansnrovar A |rkc iar d|c Himal.yar, clnridcrcd rrcrad by thc Hind,l3, ln shich
onc barh6 and b.com6 ! t.i.y.
manlra A to.mula o. verrc ct. Om lumo Shiv!y., ehich it acpcrrcd
trmc ttlcr timc bv thc dcvotc..
mrnushya A man, a lrrman -!lng. - Mrnu3hy. trishti - thc lwmen norld.
mart V.y, patli" Bhakrl mart : lhc Aarh ol bh.kti.
mariada Prop.iclry of @rduct. Th. ttandard, of b€hevioJr by

- 5 -
tnariiva iannl . '
Dying lrom ihe otd vo;td 6nd, rg spirirual rcb;rth
- aj a Erahhan.
Marna : to dic.
rnat Opinion, view. docrrinc, ldvice - lc. m.nm.r, Shri,nar-
met! Mother.
mtth Mo.raitcry. On thc l€tt hrnd jidc of thc Trcer ,marhr ,nd
- m.ndal ! rcllgious.clrcte.. mandats,
l{rt. Human wcaknersca. lt|c prodrrcr ot body -{o^rc iNrne r l' an.r .- 1
vlccr. Mly.llr . one i/ho h.!i con.tu.r.d Mrva.
mcta A tai., lcrtlval, t.rhering- Sc€ Krrmbtr meta.
milan A mccting. S?c rnch anllrn.
anith. saccl. Mirha bachchc : 3wcct childrcn.
llroh Atlachmcnt, Ortc ot thc , yiccr.
moksh. Fiial libcrrtl$ trom tl|c cyclc of birih and death. No 3out achieves
lhis as tlrc cyclc rcpeats cternally_
rnaityulok Tba world ol dcath ie. Coppcr end lron Age. Mrityv = dearh.
. mulfi Yan5haviti Mouth-bom piotc.ry:
.: Muktethwar 'Lo.d
ol.Mirkti' r r ti . of Cod, Shiva.
mukti' .The: slarC,of p"rtect perie lnd libeta.rjon that souts erpcricnc. irl
.lhc Soul tofld.
md<tidham Thc Sout wortd, t/hcre 3outi rcsid. in tlre stal. ot mukl;.
Mulvatan Anothct namc tor Soul fv.ortd. Mul = or;tin.l, vatan =
|nurli ' Air- ascclic or h€rmii who
does 'rot !p.ak. Thc matic {lurc which ti s us wirh ir,. n..r., ot k,,owt.d8e.

NAKULA One ot thc 5 Pand6vs.

A 3aluration, litcratty 'f bow ro you,.
N.odiBan Ima8e ol a bdl ln.bhakti - a 3ymbot ot Brahma. Shiva is
ridrn8 on thc bull.
naf A man, an o.dinary
_human being. BBba change, us trom .rar lo
Naiayan, nari Ucrh.) to Lakhmi.
Narad A titu.c in lndidn myrhototy symbotisirig rhe ordinary t,uman beinss
lhal wc were tlclore Baba n,ade ut into Brahman!.
narak H€ll i., Copp.r enJ lron ABe. Narak-vasi - a r.<idenr ot helt.
Narayan rrrst €mperor ot thc Colden Age. The sout of Brahn,a incarnares
as shri K.ithna at rhc b?girnint ol Sar).u8a, 6nd laler takes rhe
nerne Narayan ltfcr bcint crowned a3 Gmperot.
al.sha lntoxicatlon.
n$htomoha Havin8 dcstroyed .ll altachmcnts. i Hindu-t.stlval ol I days lnd niShtl when Durta and rr,e Sl,akr;s a,c
r,orshippcd - a acmcmbrancc in bhakti of Mama .nd lt,e Brahma
t|clr rThcrc ii no Gnd, - 5 161-
!s.d by philosophersto indicale rhal
Cod dcrics dcscriDlion.
nimit hslrumcntr rcspon5ible soul.
nirakat lncorporcal.
nirYrna Libcration, ialvalion. Nirvandham: the Sout wortd.
nirhclEy Fdirh, dctcrmination, cc.tainly. Nishclril = tailhtul.
nivali Rciidcncc, placc, dwcllint. Nivasi : re3idenl, inlr.biianr.
nivrini mart Th. parh ol .cnunciation(ot thc a.nny.srs).
atr Lithr, Koh-hur diamond = mounlat; ot lirhl.

PAKI Purc. Pakirlan : thc qrra l6nd,

9!lna To bring up, to rurtura, rurtcnancc.
P.ndav i. tuide, a pricar rrhoe. lunclion it is to .3sist pitSrims.
Thc 5 aon3 of King P!nd'1, hcrocs of rhe Liahabharat war
- Yudhishthirr,thima, Ariuna, Nakuta and Tr,e Brar,,na
Kumar3 ara tha truc Pandavl.
prndir A rchollr, I lcarncd perron.
- P.p sin._ Papatma r a 3inful rout. d tinnrr.
Patematma The Supr€m. Sout, ShivaBaba. param : siDrcmc.-ilti,rrar€:--
Plratndham Thc. ruprcmc ebode,lome ot toulr and ot it,i,a0atrd, rtre Supr.,n.
ParamPala F om rimc immcmorial, trad;rio,ra..
Parampita Ttre Suprcmc Frrher, ShivrBaba.
Parampr;ya Mort bclovcd (ShivrBaba'.
Suprcnrclyb..utilul ie. cod, 5hiv3.
plral Purc. parr5 buddhi = p{r.c Intcllcct.
Frhri study, lcarniog, .ducrtion. Plrhor . to rc.d, tiudy lc.rn.
Prrisran A Fliryl.nd, en crrhin!& rorld i.. satyu8i. Prri . tairy.
T.tntlo.malion. Virhw.-parivari6n : rorld t.rn!form io.t.
Parlok Anoihcr r|amelor rh" Soul lorld, Pa.amdham. Prrlokic = pcrrrinins
to the So(lt Vo.ld, ol thc *orld bcyo.rd-
Parvrli Th€ bridc ot Shivd io t*ukri. Nov rc br.hment arc rll Parvrlir.
brides ol shiva.
pathshala A rchool. Se. Cit. psthshala.
patil lmp{rr€, liuen, Pavan = purc, holy. H.nce, pirir-pavln = the
puriticr, ShiyiBBba rAo'chlntei ul lrom imp{rre to p{rc. ,
Patthar Stone (of I person) ie. h.rd+iarr€d, ltupid, untelint. Patrttir
lxrddhi = 3rm" intellc(r.
prvitra Pure, holy. Pryitra tiaao - b. hoty, p6virr.ta : purityr hclinris.:
pehlc.P You- tirtl. P.hl. . tirr!, in ttrc b.timing c6. ,000 varrh pchte b
,000 yrars {160.
phul A tlower. Also p(rrhp. rnd tuman : tlos/cr.
pila Father. Sei Parrmpira, P.airpira. Pirri3h(i : rerpf,crcd F.lher
Prabhu Cod, rl'e sov.r?ign, the Masicr.
Prajapita 'Falhcr ol t\c Pcople' - rhe titt.
Sivcn to B.ahrna.
prakash Lighr.
Prakriti Nalure, the materia! world.
prataya Total dertrrrction, rnnihilationr cl. vinash !'hich is nor tolnl
Pranayama Excrcising conlrol ovrr drc proc€5s ol br.athing (in ttatha Yo5a).
Prana = br€ath.
prasad Food ollercd to a drity.nd lhen diirribured among d,qvor.c3.
pravritti mar8 Thc path ot parliciparion in lucr thc tamily parh - oppositc o,
niwitti ma.8.
Prem Love. Prem ka sagar . Ocean o, Lovc. buddhi Lovin8 lnrcnccr. Vipril buddhi : hon-lovins intcllcc!.
ptlia An acl ot aeligious lrorihip.
p.-rjari A vorshippcr - orrr atatus in Coppcr and lron Atc.
puiva ryodhy ol worrhip - our !!atr)s in Goldcn.nd Silvc. Agc.
punyatma A aighlcorJssoul, charitable coul - oppositc ol pagatms.
PUrana Old. Purenn tan: old b\dv, Frrani dLiniya: old r,orld.
p(,rushartlra Eltorr. lhc allorti by *+licJ| vc risc at lhc Contl|.rcocaAt. lram
human being3 to deilier.
Puruihotam- Thc most auipiciorrs Contlwncc A8c.
Sant.m yuga
Pulafia A lemale d"vil in lndian mftholoty,
PYat Lov€, Pyara/pyaai c dearr belovcd.

RACHNA Ctcttiont to cr€ale. Rlchyit!/rrchla E creator it. aach(a aur 'tahna

r C.cetor lrd crcation.
Radhr First princci3 ol the Goldcn Age, bride ol Shri Kristvu. Thc roul
ot Mamr, Saras\r'ati,lnca.nltca $ Rldhc rt !h€ begirLniogol Saly'JE!.
Raia YoSa fhc evcr.ign yoga throu8h which olJ. rinr.rc d.trroycd and r.
bccome kints ln thc Golden Ate.
r.ias sec .aFSuna (brlo'r). Rlialic (rdiecriv.).
Raia3wa!ihq,. mcdh Tlr. ..crilicirl lir. ol Rudr_aIlhiv.t in which rhc horr€ (i€,
Rudra Eyrn yatya lhc Hy) la ollcrcd. An allurion to rhe
ln lh. Copprr Atc. AJhw! . hor3c, mcdh r 3.c.ilicc.
r!Ftuna Sccond ol thc lhrcc tunar d gualirie!, Inrcrmcdi.rc b{!rrcn
reto8una and temo8um ie. rlacond .!ta,. Rr8dtsni (rdicctivc).
rriopradhan Thc rmiddlirB' ct.ta ol rithtrousncae, brtwccn $topr.dhan lnd
. '
adkhi A 3.crcd lhrcrd rlcd by a rlstci o.r vrirr ot hcr brothcr.
bindr th. brother ro protcct hcr. -the whi.h
5cc ncrt cnllv-

tffi --llFl;i*i{;i*;*:i?'?.t::'liily.i";
Rrm! Ruler ot rh€ Sllv.. Are (Moon Dy.lajty). Bcti.v"d by
an lncrmltion of Cod-. indus ro te
. Rlmiyan A.n lndi$ cplc pocrnr *rhtcn tn tfie Coppcr Ate rbout
the crploits
ol Rrm., rnd hir slfc. Sita.
R.m Rriya Th. kintdom ot (cod) ic. rhc wortd in Satyuta
Rrmcshvaram, 'Lord ol rnd T..ra.
A tlmou3 tcmpt._ot Sr,ir", ""0'pil.i-"g.'ifi..
R$hlrrFeti thavrn Tha olticiet Gald.ncc ol thc p.cstocnr or hdr6, In D.thi.
RtYan A. sf191rrn lor.Maya, Saran. ln rhc Ramayan,
. vfto *idnappcd Sira, rite ot, lnd t.ta n* *,. J."irirr, r.inn
Rrvan Rajy.. ' Th. kintdom ot Rrvan, te. rhc rortd in coppcr aj i;";
*pri". i.-r-"ii..l
i.t 'A tac.ea. rnlJ E dairce. ;t..'":'
.'rBhi A r:gc or'rcer lo th€ Coppcr Atc.
Rndrr Anoth.r mc lc.God, Shiva. R-uOramala = Inco,porealRosary
Shiva ln Paramdham ol
nrhani Spirirual...Ruhanib|p = Spirifut Falher, i.. Shiv;Baba. Ruhaniyat
= spirituality.
. lup .p&!c_aranac.Rup basant : 'rh. cmbodimenrand the
' or|c aho. : ic wc.lai.
SACHCHA Truc. Sachchatyan : tru€ knowlrd8..
tadtari - S.dBari data : tivcr ot 3dtvarionie, S\ivaBaba.
tidhu A hcimit or r.ligiorrs,nendicanr.
trg!, Occan. Anand ka Sagar . Ocaan of Blirr.
Sahrdcva Onc ol rhc J podavs.
rahaj Sahaj R_ajr yota = Gasy Raia yoga.
3ahayot 9a5y.
goolcration. Sahayogi = onc who gives
loopcra r ion.
lnrol nrroc. 5aran : bridearoom.
rakar Hayin8 a concrctc tor;. Th€ state ot Brdhma whitc he ua, in th.
body.. Now' he ls no lorgcr iskarr bul lvyakr.
takthatkar A virion. Scc divya sak;harkar.
aalitrrm Th€ 3oul. ln bhakti, r rmall oval stone r.prercntinS
rarn.dhi the 3odt.
Absorption in lntcnsc mcditalion.
aamarhna To undcrstand. Tum bachchc lamaihlc ho = you childrcn unctersrand-
ramia : do you undergtand?
Frhaihana 8ap baith srmaihare haim = Bdba ,its and crptains.
{,am!y f-o_.tCfoin.
s.lnbandh Rclationship.
S!'|.tani S8nalanLi._ A tolloecr oI rhc radilionat Hindu rc,iqion
thc Vedas (rhc Sanarsn dharm). Scc nai Sanaranocvl'3.;"r;;;"r;.
randeshi A mcitcnter. Onc who
-l..ncc . to€r lo rt,e Subrlc Rcrionr. and
'Santamyu6a tclurN r.ith ! mc$aRc lrom Babi.
Thc. Contlucncc Age; r,hich lasts trom tl,c timc
ot ShivaBaba,s
comint, until thc catablishmcnt ol Sat}'rr8a-
$niivmi buti hc.b'. Buti : m"dicir|arpr.rnr,wt,ich :s acrudlty
rankatp (r) A thouthr, r6olutio.t, d.tcrmination
lrnrnul(h Facc to f!cc.
Srnnyat R.nunciatio.r, riceliclrm. S.nnyasi = one who ha, wilt,draw.r ,fom
lrla Uorld lnd b prrctirinR slnnyas.
tnnrklr An lmprcation, or tarenr ienacniy in rhc ,out.
tantan P]98i'lI, childrcn, - rutad has lhc
Irnloth Lontcnlmc'|l. Sanloihi = r contcnted person.
r.Fn A ]orrhy. duritul child - oppotirG ot K.pur,
slr.trrti S.rarwali Ir Jrtldamba, thc vorld t4orh.r. Hindur
remembe. hcr
rt thc toddea3 ol knowlcdte. Namc ot rn (inviiibtc) riv.r.
A traditio.ratlndirn drc.!, f,orn by *..",o. *"*ffIT
?ith sari r,hich b l€m. ot alrr ! trholc.
omniprcrcnt - tireritly mcrnt .ll-p..Yrding. .Srrv t rtlr vtrtl .
o.rv.dina o. rD,crdloE.
alt.Chk-.nand ru/arup irr" "^uiai-oitr ot r'uth, coociorrttr633 ryrd bli$ lc' God.
ra!turu A truc preccptorr lc. God. Sarguru*rr . lh. d.y ot lhc Srltr-rttr.
t!lh With. torcthct with. alo.rl ?trh. Sathl I comPanion.
!atotuna Ttr quaiiry ot Flrhy trd loodrEt3. S.totuni (.di) ' h.viq thc
qualiry ot Frrity . d toodnclt. rFiltl r!tc'.
raiopradhan Th. rightcoui ol touls ln Satyuta.
talrlnt God comprny, r rclitio{rt t.thcrlr\t.
atnc/a thc qullily ot Frriry-rtd toodn ts. HiShcar ol thc lh.ct t\rMt.
Sc. runa lnd t.totfir!.
rtttwic Fitlci *irh lh,c qualiry ot Fr.ity lnd toodncsr. Pu'c vctctrriln tood.
' r!l ya Trurh. Sltyani Shivrm Sundtram = Shiva, thc Trurh' thc Bcrulilul
Suryuta Th. Qoldetl A8e. Flrrt ot .lt* i y!6ai, r'hcn rtrc soild i. 'r.w'!nd
aavere Eirlv in thc inomine, .l d!y-b.crk. -
tJtt4 . Armi; Pandav Shiv Shakri Scn! ' thc Brrhma Kuma6 lnd 8.!hG.
i.Kumaris; . _.
,. : .
!cva Scrvicc.
5haiv Shaivitc. A a,orshippcr ol Shiva on the palh ol bhakli.
ihakri Power,, lpi.ituel .n6ty. Th. Brahmt rnd lhcir
r.mcmbrancc in t*Ekti. Sce DurSa' Kali' Navrrlri.
Shankai A rublh dcity, aScnl tor thc dcatruction ot lhc eo.ld.
Shankar Puri Thc homc ot Shank r in lhc Subtle Rc8iors.
Shankaracharya tndian philosopher ot ihc trh ccntury A.D.' rrho toundad lh. ordcr
ol $annyasis.
rhanl,fl OrE of thc I tymbols h.ld by virhnu.
3hanli Pcacc. Shanti ka Sagar . Occan ol Peacc, Om Shlntl " I atn I
Pcrcel\rl toul.
Shanlidharn The Soul vorld, r.hcre $uls actidc in Pcacc.
Shanti Srambh Thc Tower of Paac€.
!harit Body. Alro lan tnd dch. body- D.h " Hy coniciout'
dchdhari " I HilY bcint.
thastra Scriprur.' r aclitious rtatisc.
5hiYa Man crll3 God bY m|ny lramcr, bsl l|,hcn cod dcictnds lrom
Par.mdham, l|c introduccs Hims.ll rrirh His own.umet Shiv!. Thir
'!h suPrcme b.ncl.ctor"
mcanr rtlE rmiva6ally btncvolcnt onf".
the ac€d oI thc human zorld trc?. (Oi^t'
ShiYaBaba Scc lbova. He 15rlto clllcd Baba bccau.e H. L lh. tovlnt Fathc'
ol rll human souls.
Shiv. Jayanli Fclrivat clmrncmo.atint thc univerray of the lncamrtio( ol Godl
Shiv., ln thc Hy ol B.!hrn.. Scr Shiva Ratri.
Shivalaya Thc lcmplc ot Shiva 1.. tt!. t orld in thc Colden At.. B.b. conl..tts
rhis ]ith vcahy.l.yr (a brorhcl): ltrc lorld in thc l,on ABC.
Shiv. LinSa A tymbol to. coa, Sliva' ryorthiPPed on thc Fith ot ttrrkli. fi€y
pow milk r^d altGr ovc. lt (ovrl thapcd).
Shiva Puri Tt hdmc ol Shiva in P.t.rndtum.
Shiva ratri Thc nithl ot Shiv.'t dcrccnt, @mmcmoi.ld oo ihc Peth of tfirkti'
Rarri r nitht.
rhivit A Rljr Yo8! Shivl. ' Rlir Yotr crmP. t
Shivohum - laltwam rl arn Shiva - to qc you'. Sdnlkril mrntrs idcnlilyint lhc loul
t|ith th. Supr€mc Soul. A bit ...or.
ahloka A Sanlkrit v!.sc oa hymn.
ihrcthth Mo..ll!' clcy.lcdr rithtcou. - th. oPPo5ilcol bhr.rht.
c onc rrho lt mor.lly clcvalcd.
Shri Ari hoi'io.ilic ?.cllr |.,-Shri- Krishna =-Lord Krishnr.
5hrimar Thc tuPramc diracliodr tivcn by ShivlBeba. Sa. mal and |nrnmrl'
thudns Th. lorrcd carrc ln Hin?u ocicty. Figu..tivcly. thc ttltc ol rll
ao{rlr ln Krliyltar b.tde Baba com"t tnd crcltc! B.ah.nant.
thytm-sundar (Krirhr|!l.
- r ''riddhi' 3,rp..n"t-ot frowcr 3upposcd ro be lcquircd rh.ough rhc p,acrice o,
H.tha Yoga. ,
3ikilrdhc b.chchc Loot-l6li rlot -to(md cfilldrcn.
Sitr WiJc ol R!m!, rul"r ol rhe Silver A8e, Moon Dynastv- r^.|.-
R!mry!n, Slta wrs kidnappcd by Rrvln a d hcld c.priv: t.-i";;;
lc. Ccylon.
rm.iri Mcmo.yr iEmambr.nce. Smriti awarup . the embodim€nr ot
rfrch Lov.. Sr*h mil|ln ! . lovin8 grtl'erin8.
Somnlrh Lord ot Ncctar. Thc lirrt r.mplc ol Shiva, in Cujarat, built bv
Klnt Yikrrmrdirya rt *|G bcSin^int ot rhc Copper Age. Som I
ncctar, ltomvar - Monday! dry ol aEctar.
Itre Gold .nd tlccp. Sonc U dririyr : a tolde 3parrov.
rbhri Crcrtion, thc *o.ld. SrBhti cl|akre'= the lorld cyclc: S.e atso
rnanushy. glrhri.
rbmbh Shanti Srrmbh ..thc Tower ot Pcac.:
nh.Pal, . EnablirhrFcnt,louridatio.rj r''
' dhiri
Slata ol .nind, mood, poiirion, rituarion.
9rhat Thc happy ttate ol i/oman whilc h.. husband is ative - 'Married
blisrl Slhagin : a $oman cnioyin8 suhag.
ttJ<dma Cood Thc cievatcd 6ctioos ol Brahmans in the Confluence .
_ Atc.
.ul6-dham 'Thc
land ol l$ppin r3. Thc wirrld in th. Golden and Sitve. Aqes.
Sukh = happincsr-
tukihm lok ThG Subrlc Vo.ld - Brahma, Vish^u .nd ShanLn' Puris. Lok -
or t{rkghm valan world, vatan ' lEmcland, rlhul valan = the corporca, *ortd.
To listcnr to hcar.
Supnakha A f.male devil. .St€ rlso Putana.
t(.yavan5h Thc sun DFasty ol thc Coldcn Age. Surya : sun, suryavanshi = a
mernber ol th€ sun Dynasiy.
!eadarihanchakra The cyclc ol scll{calizatioo. Swadarshanchakradhari = holder ol
the cyclc ol acll rcaliration.
Swadharm The soul's oriti*tl llalc oI peace an puriry in Paramdham.
5l,art Hcavcn. Thc world in thc Goldcn 6ge and Silver Ag.- Swart-vari =
a rcsidcnt ol h€avcn.
5warup Shapc' lortn. Jyoti bind'r rwarup _- the lorm of a poinl ot t;B\l-
awastika A benedicrory or ruspicious slgn (it appears on rhe pictu.e oi rhe
Cyclcl, Thc 4 atms tcprctcnt the rr yugas.

TAJ Caown.
Lla Lock. Buddhi ka tala = lock ol lhe inrcllecl. Codrei lock: see
under Codrei.
!alnas Thc lowcsl ot tha t tunas or qualities. Thc quality ol darkness or
Itnorrncc. Scc ettws rnd rairs.
t.maiic (.dj) Tamaric lood E complctcly lmporc lood.
la,DoSuna Ai tamas, rlhird .atct. Tamotuni : i pcrson in darknes3or ignorance.
An aSyani !oul.
tamop.6dhan thc atalc ot unriEhtcourncss of souls in rhc tron Ate.
tan-han-dhan-sc Virh My, mird lnd r.catth. Vith ^tl phy5ical, m.ntat and rnarerial

uP.!ya lnlcnsc rncditalioo, pcnancc, aicctici5m. Tapas*i = :'ne lho

Prlcli3c! taPasya.
lltt?. Elcmcnl, princlplc, rubstanca c8. brahm laltwa = th€ brahm elcmcnt
in Paramdharn. Thc lrrte ll.t mclal platc tllat *c use in Madhuban lor "ar;ng
Brahm. bhoirn.
rilrk A mart lpplicd on thc€ad fo. r€liSiour or ornartcnrat purpoees.
--tit:ql A of pilt.imr8er r i.crcd ptace.
ioli ii{iich &ib! Biirs io Hi5 <hitd,cn.
T.ciayuga Thc silve. Ate' tccoid ol lhc q yltar, vhich lol,ows the Cold.n Ate.
, tilo* Tha thrc. a,orldt lc. c!.porcel, tubrle |nd roul lorldr. Sthulvalan,
tukhmv!trn, tnulYatrn.
t,uounaih Rulcr ol rhc l[r"c wortds.
Ylce.r oi rh. ] cp.cts o( rimc! tE.i, rod tutuic.
ttlmurd Shlva8ab!, |6rint thJo(th rh. ! of Brrhmr. vi.lhu
Hrviot rtE thlrd €y.. Nctr. : ay..
Tt!. contlucnc. ot rc€ rlyerr: ihc Cr.t.t!u, r.d rhc thviribtc
ryat Rcntnrhtiooi rlcrllicr.

TJPANLS}IAD A t ca.d t<rlpr|'. ol th. Hindu!.

YAII An lntc{i.ctlo.l d.notiq rdmlr.tiqt, sup.irc ctc. 8.rvo!

(P.o.rotmccd r.rh)"

TI|. .tiitude ol EN.rilii('r, o. d.r.chm.nt rortdy.rtr.irt,

V.bln.vlle. A &yot"e ot Viirnu in btr.kli.
vdbhya Thc rhiad crr.c ln Hindu (rhc mcrchrnrr). FiEurdivcty, rhc
riatui ol d.ity eulr In Copp€. Aae.
lh. parh,. which f!.cn9.f it ihc tr.rt ot ihc.Copp.. Af,G.
Th'c rr.le ol
A bt.rrinS o. t,sn. vr.dui . bcrtoser ot btcrsinrr.
Ca5lc. ltt C .rr.dirio.r.t c.Jl.! ol Brahm.., Krr\lt.iy., VrrthI.,

Inh€ritancc. (P.onounc.d ?crs..)

Acco.dinS ro Hihdu rcripturcr. rh. Irth.r ol Shri K.ishn."
A t.oup.ol tlindu r.ripru'"!: Ri8r€d., yrllrvcdr, |nd
A tysl€m ol philosophy b.3ed o.r the Vcda3.
vichar raE.r manrhd^ ChuminS rhc Ocea o( Kno.{ledte.
vidrshi FdciSnr ! foreigne.,
Tlt R.osarl ol Yicroriolt soulr, ?tlo I'Jtly co.rqucr.d rhc J
vicca (rhc lot).
ViEioui rcrion. Th€ .ctio.rj ot soutr in ihe Xrip of rhc t vicrr.
Vik6r.najii : on€ who ha3 conquc!.d ihc yicca |nd i5 m lo.rtc.
perto.minS vicioor .ctions.
The rt.le ot mind in rrhich thcr. ij ind.cirioni do{br, hlriration.
'Aeroplanc'. F,ying machin
, irrh tt ae ihalt a h.vr in Sarylj8r.
Dcatrucrion. The dcstrucrio.r ?hich r.k€! rr rhc end ol
SP.cial. Vishcrhta : rtEcialiry.
:tubllc &ity, throuEh ehom tlGrr b rurtcn.ncc ot thc .ighrcd.
?o.ld - combincd ol Lrkhnt lnd Nlfay|n lc. ,p.rlcct to{m\
Virtmu male i. ram€.5 viiayrnti mah.
Th. homc of vishno In th€ Sr.rbrt?R.8iont.
Univcrriry. Vilhvr : ?orld, yidy.t.yn : rdtoot.
viyog Scparation, dirunion.
Trc€. Krlp. wiksha : rnc kaloa tr.e.
vrirti 'Mod. ol mind', lnrtiricl ct. k m v.itri .
lh€ ,cr inrriict.
vyabhidrrri b+|atii lmFir., rdultlrrr.d bhrkti. TIE eorrhip ot .n.ny d.itica, a, opporcd
to th. Frrc aor'hip oI Cod, Shiy!, rhich ir ryy.bhich..i (pu.c)
M|nif€tt ln cDncrct. fdm. Oppo3irco(.vyakr.
lndir 3cholir, crcdited eith .urhoohip ol ihc ahrtw.d 6i!. (h.
ra5 c.llcd Vyrt Bh.taanl

YAD Mcmo(yr acmcmb.aic€. Yrd keftu : to rcmcrnbca.

Tot€ther with lhc K.ur.vrrr rcprercnt rt|. lo(ccr ot cvit d.rrrotcd
in lhe Mehabh.rat v!.. (Thc rnd h€btic tcilnrir(l
of th. v6tcrn sorld).
y.8ya Sacrilice, ircrilici!l lirc, hlnce rhc Inrritutiori i6 ?hich hu.nD
b.in8r !.critice ihcmrclvcJ ro Shiv! (Rdr. tym y.&tr).

- l? -
S.c Jrlniru.
trira ! .,pi.iru.r rh. jou.nry
Th. Yrv.n|t . rfic irtlrtimr.
totr Co.iEctlo.r ot ihc humlr ,aut wirh Cod.
. rh. sour.yos.,"i
yo3l :f-tf-9r ,.o", ,o8bar
(rE rr|o p.rctircr yorr _ lcm. _ *-.;'li i.'rlll-.
Ldd ol Yof,r. A riltc ot cod. sfriv;-
yotyukr Expcricnccd In to8r. in vo?..
trrddh vlr, brllhr titht.
Yudhlridrtr| Tha cld.rt ot th. 5 p.nd.vr.
n,tr Ih
a Xl| dyouth rAich thc rortd pcrrat in rhc
to00 year cyctc:
5.ryutr. lrctryut!, Deap;!yuSa qnd K.tiy\r8a.
yt tal
yukri A &vic!, yuktiyukt
mc|ns, mcthod.
zAnt a. Ccrtdnlt, d.linitcty.

oll S H A N.' I

Cor.catior$ o. omiajonr cin ba stnt to:

8,X. Pcr€r
lJ, Hcathri.ld pa.k
Tcl! 0l-{t9 2J00

t, -

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