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Site Information

Facility: 8mi Septemvri Facility control #:


Contact: Phone:
Department: New Department Dept control #:
Room: Lithoskopija Room control #:


Status Result PerformedTitle

Finished Pass 17.05.2021kVp Repr
Finished Pass 17.05.2021kVp Accuracy
Finished Pass 12.04.2021Input Doserate
Finished Pass 12.04.2021Reproducibility
Finished --- 12.04.2021HVL
Started Fail ТајмерПерформанс
Not starte --- mA Linearity
Started Fail 12.04.2021mAs Linearity (мобилниРТГ)
kVp Repr

Tested equipment
Fluoroskop I Radiograf
Name: Lithoskop Model: Serial number:
Manufacturer: Siemens


Set text
Protect the receptor with lead sheet

# Set kV_x00Set mA_x0Set mAs_xTube voltakVp diff % Exposure_Exposure time_x000D_(ms)_

1 56 300 2.3 57.4568 2.601426 0.051788 7.04399919509888
2 56 300 2.3 57.09717 0.051382 7.04849910736084
3 56 300 2.3 57.23842 2.211469 0.051099 7.04949903488159
4 56 300 2.3 57.42104 2.537571 0.050281 7.04799890518189
5 54 300 2.3 55.22 0.0466 7.04
6 54 100 2.3 55.18 0.04722 7.044
7 54 100 2.3 55.2 2.222222 0.04743 7.042
8 54 100 2.3 55.1 2.037037 0.04688 7.048

Tube voltage accuracy: Pass

Tube voltage accuracy

Result: Pass

Maximum inaccuracy is 2,6 % at 56,00 kV (Limit: -5,0 % to 5,0 %)

kVp Accuracy

Tested equipment
Fluoroskop I Radiograf
Name: Lithoskop Model: Serial number:
Manufacturer: Siemens


# Set kV_x00Phantom tTube voltakVp diff % Exposure Set time_ Exposure time_x000D_(ms)
1 63 5 63.90168 1.431244 0.014463 3622
2 64.5 10 64.54411 0.01395 3711
3 68 15 70.26175 3.326102 0.01084 3788
4 110 20 110.8 0.727273 0.007125 3677
5 120 25 121 0.833333 0.005433 3620

Tube voltage accuracy: Pass

Tube voltage accuracy

Result: Pass

Maximum inaccuracy is 3,3 % at 68,00 kV (Limit: -5,0 % to 5,0 %)

Input Doserate

Tested equipment
Fluoroskop I Radiograf
Name: Lithoskop Model: Serial number:
Manufacturer: Siemens


SDD_x000DSSD_x000DDose Mode

# Pole Phantom tExposure rate_x000D_(mGy/s)

1 normal 5 0.02544
2 10 0.037387
3 15 0.121347
4 20 0.294417
5 25 0.529672
6 Mag1 25 0.553527
7 25 0.5548
8 25 0.5556
9 25 0.559824
10 25 0.559638
11 Mag2 25 0.553893
12 25 0.545858
13 15 0.549002
14 20 0.006909
15 25 0.007247
16 Mag3 5 0.007628
17 10 0.005643
18 15
19 20 0.009015
20 25 0.008512

Exposure rate Min/Max check
Result: Pass


Tested equipment
Fluoroskop I Radiograf
Name: Lithoskop Model: Serial number:
Manufacturer: Siemens


Set mAs_xSet kV_x00Set time_ Set mA_x000D_(mA)

27.6 54 492 50

# Focal spot Tube volt Exposure_Exposure HVL_x000DTotal filt Set text

1 Low S3/S4.Low signal. 1048.601 A calculati A calculati soft
2 Small soft
3 Small soft
4 Small Low S3/S4. 0.025953 1015.831 A calculati A calculati Hel
5 Large hel
6 Large Hel
7 Large
8 Large


Tube voltage reproducibility: ---
Exposure reproducibility: ---
Exposure time reproducibility: Pass

Tube voltage reproducibility

Result: ---

Coefficient of variation is --- % (Limit: 10,0)

The mean value is --- (Standard deviation: --- kV)
Maximum deviation from the mean value is --- % (Limit 5,0 %)

Exposure reproducibility

Result: ---

Coefficient of variation is --- % (Limit: 10,0)

The mean value is --- (Standard deviation: --- mGy)
Maximum deviation from the mean value is --- % (Limit 5,0 %)

Exposure time reproducibility

Result: Pass

Coefficient of variation is --- % (Limit: 10,0)

The mean value is 1049 (Standard deviation: --- ms)
Maximum deviation from the mean value is 0,0 % (Limit 10,0 %)


Tested equipment
Fluoroskop I Radiograf
Name: Lithoskop Model: Serial number:
Manufacturer: Siemens

Set kV_x00Set mAs_xSet time_x000D_(ms)

56 2.3 7

# Set Added Exposure_x000D_(mGy)

1 0 0.05195
2 1 0.047793
3 2 0.044344
4 3 0.042059
5 5 0.037525
6 6 0.035377


Half Value Layer: ---

Half Value Layer

Result: ---
HVL is --- mm Al
HVL limit: minimum 1,260 mm Al


Tested equipment
Fluoroskop I Radiograf
Name: Lithoskop Model: Serial number:
Manufacturer: Siemens


Set kV_x00Focal spot Set mA_x000D_(mA)

40 Large 250

# Set time_ Set mAs_xTube voltaExposure Exposure_Time diff %

1 20 5 Measurement not available.
2 32 5 Measurement not available.
3 40 5 Measurement not available.
4 50 5 Measurement not available.
5 63 5 Measurement not available.
6 71 5 Measurement not available.
7 80 5 Measurement not available.
8 100 5 Measurement not available.

Tube mAs reproducibility: (Calculation problem)
Exposure time reproducibility: ---

Tube mAs reproducibility

Column(s) are missing:
Tube mAs or Tube mAs (win)
Tube mAs or Tube mAs (win)

Exposure time reproducibility

Result: ---

Coefficient of variation is --- % (Limit: 10,0)

The mean value is --- (Standard deviation: --- ms)
Maximum deviation from the mean value is --- % (Limit 10,0 %)

mA Linearity

Tested equipment

Name: Model: Serial number:



Set kV_x00Set time_x000D_(ms)

70 320

# Set mAs_xSet mA_x0Focal spot Exposure_x000D_(mGy)

1 40 80 Small
2 40 100 Small
3 40 125 Small
4 32 160 Small
5 10 200 Small
6 25 160 Large
7 32 200 Large
8 40 250 Large
9 50 320 Large
10 50 400 Large

mA linearity: ---

mA linearity

Result: ---
Maximum difference in mGy/mAs between adjacent stations: --- % (limit 10,0 %)

mAs Linearity (мобилниРТГ)

Tested equipment
Fluoroskop I Radiograf
Name: Lithoskop Model: Serial number:
Manufacturer: Siemens


Set kV_x00Focal spot

40 Large

# Set mAs_xExposure_Tube voltaHVL_x000DTotal filt Set text

1 2.8 No suitable calibration found. soft
2 3.2 soft
3 3.6 soft
4 4 hel
5 4.5 hel
6 5 hel
7 50
8 100
9 200
10 250
11 320

mA linearity: (Calculation problem)

mA linearity
Column(s) are missing:
Set mA
Set time
Rad.Izlez _x HVL_x000D_(mmTotal filt Set time_ Set text
0.022516586 2.7599167824 4.611658 7.3 DR
0.022340178 2.7644836903 4.686225 7.3 DR
0.022217039 2.712454319 4.491378 7.3 DR
0.021861389 2.6729803085 4.337195 7.3 DR
0.02026087 2.6 4.5 7.3 Fluoro
0.020530435 2.58 4.5 7.3 Fluoro
0.020621739 2.59 4.6 7.3 Fluoro
0.020382609 2.61 4.7 7.3 Fluoro
Set mA_x000DExposure_x000Set text 1.121
7.9 0.0366221427 Fluoro 28.6138 1.280
7.9 0.0398214024 Fluoro 29.3169 1.358
7.9 0.0432270227 Fluoro 29.9252 1.445
7.9 0.05443 Fluoro 29.0483 1.874
7.9 0.0623 Fluoro 28.598 2.178

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