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Journal of Food Engineering 143 (2014) 146–153

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Kinetic modeling of phenolic compound degradation during

drum-drying of apple peel by-products
Carolina Henríquez a,1, Andrés Córdova b,⇑, Sergio Almonacid c, Jorge Saavedra b
Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo de Alimentos Funcionales (CIDAF), Universidad de Valparaíso, Gran Bretaña 1093, Valparaíso 2360102, Chile
DATACHEM Agrofood: Grupo de Quimiometría Aplicada en Agroalimentos, Escuela de Ingeniería de Alimentos, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso,
Waddington 716 Playa Ancha, Valparaíso 2360100, Chile
Departamento de Ingeniería Química y Ambiental, Universidad Federico Santa María, Valparaíso, Chile

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The apple peel, a by-product of apple processing, has a high total phenolic content (TPC); however, these
Received 19 March 2014 compounds can be highly thermosensitive and unstable. Therefore, the aim of this study was to
Received in revised form 24 June 2014 determine the degradation kinetics of the TPC in apple peels during drum-drying as a stabilization and
Accepted 28 June 2014
recovery method. Apple peels (Granny Smith) were dried at 110, 120, 130 or 140 °C for 250 s with a con-
Available online 9 July 2014
stant drum clearance (0.2 mm). TPC degradation exhibited first-order kinetics and their retentions at the
end of the process were 73.13% at 110 °C, 57.28% at 120 °C, 43.40% at 130 °C and 21.10% at 140 °C. Finally,
empirical models were significantly fitted to predict the TPC as the apple peels reached a certain level of
dehydration, which may be useful from the processing standpoint and validate the use of drum-drying as
Degradation a process tool for the recovery of apple industrial wastes.
Phenolic compounds Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction et al., 2012; Karaman et al., 2013). The peel fraction is a by-product
generated from the dried apple manufacturing process. Industri-
Apples are a significant part of the human diet because they are ally, apples are peeled mechanically, and the peels are typically
one of the most extensively produced and consumed fruits world- used as compost or in the production of juice. Only in Chile, it is
wide due its availability on the market for the whole year (Vinson estimated that approximately 9000 tons of peel could be generated
et al., 2001; Brat et al., 2006; Lamperi et al., 2008). They are also a during one year as a result of apple processing (Henríquez et al.,
rich source of phytochemicals, mainly phenolic compounds such as 2010b).
flavonoids and phenolic acids, and also possess a high antioxidant Four scientific reports have described the development of pow-
capacity (Boyer and Liu, 2004; Wu et al., 2004; Khanizadeh et al., dered products from apple peels (Bomben et al., 1971; Wolfe and
2008). Several reports have indicated that apple peels potentially Liu, 2003; Rupasinghe et al., 2008; Henríquez et al., 2010b).
contain more concentrated antioxidants and a higher antioxidant Bomben et al. (1971) developed this ingredient to enhance the fla-
capacity than the pulp fraction or the whole fruit (Wolfe et al., vor in apple pie, but the authors did not focus on its antioxidant
2003; Khanizadeh et al., 2008; Henríquez et al., 2010a; Manzoor components.
In the other hand, fruit drying is a very ancient practice and one
Abbreviations: ds, dry solids (g) or dry matter; Xe, equilibrium moisture content of the most important methods to extend their shelf life and to
of dehydrated material (g water/g ds); X0, initial moisture content (g water/g ds); Xt, minimize the handling/distribution of raw materials with a high
moisture content at any time (g water/g ds); Dwe, effective moisture diffusion (m2/ moisture content (Simal et al., 2000; Kwok et al., 2004;
s); L, thickness of the slab (m); Do, pre-exponential factor for effective diffusion; ḱ,
Zielinskaa and Markowski, 2010). The main objective of drying is
drying rate; GAE, gallic acid equivalents (mg); TPC, total phenolic content (mg GAE/
ds); Yratio, dimensionless moisture content variation; t, drying time (seconds); k, the removal of water to a level at which microbial spoilage and
reaction rate constant (s1); k0, pre-exponential constant; Ea, activation energy (kJ/ deterioration reactions are minimized. However, drying causes
mol); R, universal gas constant; T, absolute temperature (K); C, quality attribute or physical, structural, chemical and biological changes that can affect
concentration of a nutrient at time t; n, kinetic order reaction. quality attributes, such as the texture, color, flavor and nutritional
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +56 32 2274220.
value, and particularly the contents of nutrients and phytochemi-
E-mail addresses: (C. Henríquez),
(A. Córdova). cals, which are relatively unstable to heat (Nicoli et al., 1999;
Principal author. Tel.: +56 32 2508418. Kwok et al., 2004; Chang et al., 2006; Vega-Gálvez et al., 2009). This
0260-8774/Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
C. Henríquez et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 143 (2014) 146–153 147

implies that the stability of antioxidants during the processing of 8 Dwe p2 t
Y¼ exp ð2Þ
fruits and vegetables is an important issue that should be consid- p2 4L2
ered. In fact, in a long-term drying process, apple peels undergo
changes that affect their antioxidant properties. The concentration where Dwe is the effective moisture diffusion (m2/s) and L is the
of polyphenols declines during drying due to the following: (1) thickness of the slab. In addition, the diffusivity dependence on
enzymatic or non-enzymatic degradation; (2) formation of insolu- the temperature can be represented by an Arrhenius equation, as
ble oxidation compounds; (3) production of polymers; and (4) follows (Eq. (3)):
decomposition of thermolabile compounds (Larrauri et al., 1997; Dwe ¼ Do expðEa =RTÞ ð3Þ
Obied et al., 2009).
The drum dryer is an economical industrial device commonly Finally, the experimental moisture ratio values versus the dry-
used in the production of a variety of foods, such as powdered ing time were fitted using some of the models most commonly
milk, precooked cereals, applesauce, fruit purees, baby foods used to explain the drying kinetics of foods (Table 1), where k1,
and dry soup mixtures, among others (Kostoglou and k2, k3, k4, k5, k6, k7, k8, k9 are the drying kinetic constants (s1),
Karapantasios, 2003; Pua et al., 2007). The main advantages of and n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, n8, n9 and b are correlation parameters.
drum-drying include a high drying rate, an economical usage of
heat (60–90% energy efficiency) and the need for few operational 2.2. Phenolic compound degradation
steps, which make it one of the least expensive methods of dry-
ing (Tang et al., 2003; Pua et al., 2010). In addition, this type of The kinetics of food quality loss can be represented by the fol-
drying is suitable for many heat-sensitive products because the lowing equation (Eq. (11)):
exposure to high temperature is limited to a few seconds (Pua dC
et al., 2007). ¼ k  Cn ð11Þ
Because drying is a complex process involving heat and
mass-transfer phenomena (Garau et al., 2006), it is useful to use A search of the literature suggested that changes in the quality
mathematical equations for kinetic simulations of the water trans- attributes of food products generally obey zero-, first- and second-
fer occurring during this operation as a function of the drying con- order kinetics (Jensen and Risbo, 2007; Palazón et al., 2009; van
ditions employed to control and optimize the process (Vega-Gálvez Boekel, 2008). Therefore, these types of kinetics and their respec-
et al., 2008). Thus, kinetic models that describe the destruction tive pseudo orders were used in the analyses (Saavedra et al.,
rates of phenolic compounds and their dependence on the process- 2013).
ing temperature and time are important tools for defining the ideal The rate constant (k) of the reaction depends on the tempera-
conditions for minimizing the loss of the antioxidant properties of ture (Goula et al., 2006). Kirca and Cemeroğlu (2003), Kaymak-
different types of products. Because little information has been Ertekin and Gedik (2005), Goula et al. (2006) and Di Scalaa and
reported on this topic, the objective of this study was to determine Crapiste (2008) described the temperature dependence of the reac-
the degradation kinetics of the phenolic compounds in apple peels tion constant for phenolic compound degradation using the follow-
during drum-drying at different temperatures and times of treat- ing simple Arrhenius equation (Eq. (12)):
ment to determine the stability of these compounds throughout Ea
the process, in order to evaluate such new alternatives for the k ¼ k0 exp  ð12Þ
recovery of apple industrial wastes.
where k = rate constant, k0 = frequency factor, Ea = activation
energy, R = universal gas constant and T = absolute temperature.
2. Theoretical background

3. Materials and methods

2.1. Drying kinetics and effective diffusivity

3.1. Experimental
The global moisture (X(t)) of a thin layer of food (2 mm thick)
can been represented in a first-order kinetic model (Krokida
To determine the model’s parameters, a set of experiments
et al., 2003). In this sense, Ficḱs second law can be used to interpret
were designed:
the experimental drying data because moisture diffusion is one of
the main transport phenomena that describes the falling-rate dry-
ing period. In this model, the dependent variable is the moisture 3.1.1. Apple peel
ratio, which relates the gradient of the sample’s moisture content The peel of Granny Smith apples was used as the raw material
in real time to both the initial and equilibrium moisture content because this variety presents a high phenolic content (Henríquez
(Vega-Gálvez et al., 2010). Thus, is possible to define the Y-ratio et al., 2010a). Peels were collected from a Chilean commercial
as a dimensionless moisture variation, as follows (Eq. (1)): dried-apple manufacturer, the SURFRUT Company (Romeral,
Chile). Immediately after peeling, the peels (pieces of approxi-
X wt  X we mately 5  5 mm, with some attached pulp) were packed into
Y¼ ð1Þ polyethylene bags, frozen, transported to the laboratory and stored
X 0  X we
in a freezer chamber at 20 °C until use.
where Xwt is the moisture content at any time (g water/g dry matter
or dry solids (ds)), X0 is the initial moisture content (g water/g ds), 3.1.2. Pre-processing conditioning
and Xwe is the equilibrium moisture content (g water/g ds). For the Thirty minutes before the experiments began, 100 g of frozen
drum-dryer system, Xwe may be equivalent to mf, which is the mois- apple peels was mixed with 60 mL of distilled water and ground
ture content (g water/g ds) of a completely dried sample (a mini- using a Waring blender (51 BL 32, Torrington, CT, USA) for 5 min
mum) reached at the respective temperature for conductive at high speed.
drying kinetics (Karapantsios, 2006). For slab geometry, and assum-
ing constant moisture diffusivity, zero volume change, negligible 3.1.3. Drying conditions
external resistance and an isothermal process, the mathematical The drying experiments were conducted in a pilot-scale double
solution is given by (Eq. (2)): drum dryer (Model ADD, Food and Chemical Equip. Inc., Buffalo,
148 C. Henríquez et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 143 (2014) 146–153

Table 1
Mathematical models applied for drying curves of apple peel.

Equation Model name Model References

(4) Newton Y = exp (k1t) ÓCallaghan et al. (1971)
(5) Henderson-Pabis Y = n2 exp (k2t) Henderson and Pabis (1969)
(6) Page Y ¼ expðk3 t n3 Þ Page (1949)
(7) Two-term Y = n4 exp(k4t) + n5 exp(k5t) Sharaf-Eldeen et al. (1980)
(8) Logarithmic Y = n6 exp(k6t) + n7 Yagcioglu et al. (1999)
(9) Modified page Y ¼ expððk8 tÞ 8 Þ Overhults et al. (1973)
(10) Midilli–Kucuk Y = n9 exp (k9t) + bt Midilli et al. (2002)

New York, USA). The dryer consisted of two hollow cylinders of 3.2.2. The total phenolic content (TPC)
equal diameters rotating very close together in opposite directions, The total phenolic content (TPC) was determined using a color-
heated internally by saturated steam. A drum dryer produces indi- imetric method proposed by Singleton and Rossi (1965). The
rect heat transfer through a solid surface. The drums were 30 cm in method involves the reduction of the Folin–Ciocalteu reagent by
diameter and 46 cm long. The material to be dried was fed into the the phenolic compounds, with the concomitant formation of a blue
wedge-shaped space between the drums and was then divided into complex. The extracts were prepared by mixing 20 g of fresh apple
two films (one on each drum). After a residence time of contact peel or 4 g of dry apple peel with 90 mL of the extraction solvent
with the heated surface, the dried material was removed using a (70:30 acetone:water). This mixture was homogenized for 1 min
scraper blade that spanned the entire width of each drum using an Ultra Turrax homogenizer (GLH-02, Omni International,
(Kostoglou and Karapantasios, 2003; Pua et al., 2007, 2010). Kennesaw, GA, USA), and the extracts were shaken in a water bath
Fig. 1 shows a schematic representation of a double drum dryer. at 20 °C for 60 min. Three samples (1.5 mL) were centrifuged at
The drying experiments were conducted at atmospheric 2500g for 15 min, and the supernatants were used for analysis.
pressure at 110, 120, 130 and 140 °C; the time of the thermal treat- An aliquot of 0.50 mL of the extract was mixed with 3.0 mL of dis-
ment (based on the rotation speed of the drums) ranged from 300 tilled water and 0.25 mL of Folin–Ciocalteu reagent.
to 15 s (at 0.10 and 7.5 rpm, respectively), with samples taken Immediately after this, 0.75 mL of saturated sodium carbonate
every 15 s. The drum clearance was maintained at 0.2 mm. All and 0.95 mL of distilled water were added. The mixture was incu-
the experimental conditions were done in triplicate. The drums’ bated for 30 min at 37 °C, and the absorbance at 765 nm was read
temperature during drying was maintained using a superficial using a UV–Vis spectrophotometer (Unicam Hekio a, Cambridge,
thermocouple. Immediately after drying, the apple peels were UK). The value was compared to those of a standard curve prepared
placed in high-density polyethylene (HDPE) plastic bags and using gallic acid (Sigma Chemical Co, St Louis, MO, USA) solution.
sealed. The samples were stored at room temperature until The total phenolic content was expressed as milligrams of gallic
evaluation. acid equivalents per gram of dry mass (mg GAE/g ds). The analyses
were performed in triplicate. The percentage of retention of pheno-
lic compounds was calculated through comparing the content of
3.2. Methods
total phenolics in the raw matter (fresh apple peel) and dry apple
peels (ingredient).
All of the reagents and solvents were analytical-grade chemicals
purchased from Merck (Darmstadt, Germany) or Sigma Chemical
Co. (St Louis, MO, USA). The analytical methods here applied for
3.3. Statistical analysis
raw matter and apple peel ingredients are described below:
All results were expressed as mean ± SD of three replicates for
3.2.1. The moisture content each experimental condition and observation evaluated. Kinetic
The moisture content was determined gravimetrically based on models for the phenolic compound degradation were obtained by
the weight difference before and after the sample was heated in an solving Eq. (11) for different kinetic orders (n = 0, n = 1, n = 2) and
oven at 70 °C for 16 h. The moisture content was expressed on a adjusting the experimental data via a least-square fitting proce-
dry basis (n = 3) (g water/g ds) (AOAC, 2006). dure. The same fitting procedure was applied for the drying kinet-
ics modeling using Eqs. (4)–(10). The quality of the experimental
data of all the models was evaluated using the root mean square
error (RMSE) (Eq. (13)), where Ze is the experimental data and Zc
is the predicted or calculated value:

" #12
1X N
RMSE ¼ ðZ e  Z c Þ2 ð13Þ
N i¼1

In addition, all of the kinetic models (both for drying and TPC
degradation) were evaluated using ANOVA regressions (a = 0.05)
by plotting the experimental data against calculated values. The
criteria for selecting the best fitting of models were: the highest
values of F-ratios and the percentage of variability explained (R2
adjust), as well as the lowest RMSE value. The computations and
adjustments were performed using Statgraphics Centurion XV
(Statpoint Inc., USA, 2005) and Excel 2003 software (Microsoft,
Fig. 1. Schematic representation of a double drum dryer. USA, 2009).
C. Henríquez et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 143 (2014) 146–153 149

4. Results and discussion 140 °C. These values are higher than those reported in apple fruit
tissues subjected to a hot-air drying process, where the air temper-
4.1. Experimental data for the drying kinetics ature is generally used in a range between 50 °C and 80 °C (Krokida
et al., 2003; Kaymak-Ertekin and Gedik, 2005; Vega-Gálvez et al.,
The experiments were satisfactorily reproducible (coefficient of 2010). Vega-Gálvez et al. (2012) reported effective diffusivity val-
variation <10%). The initial moisture content in the samples was ues of 3.22  109–1.5  108 m2/s for apples dried at 40–80 °C
9.67 ± 0.23 g water/g ds (the s value). The apple peel drying kinet- with 1.5 m/s of air velocity, whereas Velić et al. (2004) reported
ics, expressed in terms of the Y-ratio, for all of the temperatures values of 1.7–4.4  1010 m2/s in samples dried at 60 °C with air
used (110, 120, 130 and 140 °C) are shown in Fig. 2. As expected, velocities from 0.64 to 2.75 m/s. In both of those studies, the peels
the drying rate increased with the increase of the temperature in were removed and only the pulp tissues were used, at a sample
the drum-dryer. This could be observed by a rapid linear decrease thickness of 5 mm. In addition, the drying time was several min-
of moisture content during the first drying period (120 s at 110 °C, utes, whereas in the present research, the sample thickness was
75 s at 120 °C, 60 s at 130 °C and 30 s at 140 °C). The drying time 2 mm and the heat was transferred by conduction at higher tem-
was defined as the time (s) required to remove water from a fresh peratures. The effective moisture diffusivity of different biomateri-
apple peel slurry until the minimum average dimensionless mois- als varies according to their structure, the drying temperature and
ture content value reached 0.018 (equivalent to 0.02 g moisture/g their moisture content. Furthermore, previous studies demon-
sample), which was 60 s at 140 °C, whereas at 130, 120 and strated the physical changes in the food caused by the convective
110 °C, the drying times were 81.5 s, 124 s and 203 s, respectively. drying process (Lozano et al., 1980; Leonardo and Dermeval,
These values are lower than those reported by Karapantsios (2006), 2004; Doymaz, 2005), which could explain the greater moisture
wherein the drying times ranged from 600 s to 750 s in a drum- diffusivity reported here.
dryer system at operation temperatures ranging from 120 °C to The natural logarithm of effective diffusivity (LN Dwe) as a func-
150 °C, which were applied to thin pre-gelatinized starch films tion of the reciprocal of absolute temperature is plotted in Fig. 3
with a thickness that varied between 0.5 mm and 4 mm. Notably, The results demonstrate a good relationship according to the
in that study, the temperature profiles showed that the prelimin- Arrhenius linearized equation (R2 = 0.976). From this relationship,
ary heating system required an average of up to 300 s to reach the activation energy for Dwe was estimated to be 60.98 ± 7.73 kJ/
the chosen temperature, and therefore, during this time, the prod- mol.
uct was in contact with the walls of the drum, extending the resi-
dence time and the conductive heating of the product. However, in
the present study, the thickness of the samples and the processing 4.2. Mathematical modeling of the drying kinetics
temperature were kept constant. In this sense, if the drying curves
of the pre-gelatinized starch (data not shown) with the elimination The results of using the seven mathematical models selected
of the pre-heating time of the system are compared with those pre- for modeling the drying kinetics are summarized in Table 2.
sented in Fig. 2, they result quite similar. Furthermore, all of these Regression analysis of the Y-ratios of the experimental data
curves had the same shape as those obtained using a convective against those of each model showed a significant relationship
drying process, which demonstrate that this is a rapid rate in all of the cases (ANOVA p 6 0.05). This relationship is also
decrease in the moisture content followed by a slow prolonged demonstrated by the high values of the F-ratio and the percent-
decrease to a stable level (this last period is called the falling-rate age of variability explained by the model (R2 adjust) and low
period). This behavior validates the use of Fick’s second law. In RMSE values (in this order of importance). Comparing the statis-
contrast, Karapantsios (2006) tested different sample thicknesses, tical values showed that the Two-terms model had the best
and as expected, for the thicker films, the drying rate was lower, goodness of fit at 110 °C. At 120 °C the best fitting was for the
which was more evident when the temperature was increased. Page model, whereas at 130 °C, the Midilli–Kucuk model had
The effective moisture diffusivity values at the different drying the best goodness of fit but with very similar statistical fitting
temperatures were 2.75  108 ± 1.95  109 m2/s at 110 °C, values than those reported by the Two-terms model. At 140 °C
5.12  108 ± 3.62  109 m2/s at 120 °C, 7.95  108 ± 5.62 - the Logarithm model had the best fit. In addition, the drying
 109 m2/s at 130 °C and 1.03  107 ± 7.34  109 m2/s at kinetic constants (ḱ) were quite similar at each temperature.
According to Muller (2007), Page’s equation is the most conve-
nient mathematical model for thin-layer drying kinetics and has
been widely used in drying studies.

Fig. 2. Drying kinetics of apple peel: Experimental data for the moisture contents of
apple peels dried in a drum dryer at 110, 120, 130 and 140 °C. Fig. 3. Linearized Arrhenius plot for the effective diffusivity of moisture.
150 C. Henríquez et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 143 (2014) 146–153

Table 2
Drying kinetic parameters for the fitted drying models.

Drying temperature (°C) k1 (s1) RSME R2 adjust (%) F-ratio

110 0.0158 ± 0.0004 0.0499 99.89 14696.4
120 0.0301 ± 0.0007 0.0128 99.94 266883.05
130 0.0550 ± 0.0012 0.0140 95.74 361.2
140 0.0772 ± 0.0042 0.0037 96.85 494.17

Drying temperature (°C) k2 (s1) n2 RSME R2 adjust (%) F-ratio

110 0.0171 ± 0.0008 1.0840 ± 0.0535 0.0366 99.87 12910.2
120 0.0309 ± 0.0007 1.0303 ± 0.0119 0.0097 99.99 400000.01
130 0.0548 ± 0.0010 0.9948 ± 0.0112 0.0136 95.82 367.98
140 0.0783 ± 0.0034 1.0211 ± 0.0235 0.007 97.11 538.83

Drying temperature (°C) k3 (s1) n3 RSME R2 adjust (%) F-ratio

110 0.0072 ± 0.0035 1.2691 ± 0.1647 0.0167 99.96 46378.6
120 0.0281 ± 0.0086 1.0235 ± 0.0508 0.0073 99.99 161300.2
130 0.0615 ± 0.0186 0.9622 ± 0.0986 0.0136 95.56 345.45
140 0.0673 ± 0.0253 1.0645 ± 0.1266 0.0096 98.45 1020.5

Drying temperature (°C) n4 k4 (s1) n5 k5 (s1) RSME R2 adjust (%) F-ratio

110 1.0715 ± 0.1611 0.0017 ± 0.0024 0.0708 ± 0.0143 0.2426 ± 0.0330 0.0033 99.97 77,439
120 0.9824 ± 0.0219 0.0316 ± 0.0008 9.76  105 ± 0.0009 0.0219 ± 0.0047 0.0002 99.94 33,568
130 1.2917 ± 0.0007 0.0780 ± 0.0014 10.2890 ± 0.0015 0.0705 ± 0.0107 0.0178 99.58 3856
140 0.1413 ± 0.0853 0.2300 ± 0.0840 0.8588 ± 0.0965 0.0485 ± 0.0166 0.00023 97.98 778.65

Drying temperature (°C) n6 k6 (s1) n7 RSME R2 adjust (%) F-ratio

110 1.0310 ± 0.0685 0.0158 ± 0.0006 0.0105 ± 0.0096 0.0009 97.62 658.24
120 0.9825 ± 0.0319 0.0315 ± 0.0010 1.0901 ± 0.0035 1.77  107 98.95 33127.98
130 1.0570 ± 0.0358 0.0365 ± 0.0086 0.0159 ± 0.0019 0.0376 98.07 813.59
140 0.9929 ± 0.0277 0.0552 ± 0.0126 0.0024 ± 0.0002 0.0061 99.93 24046.81

Drying temperature (°C) n8 k8 (s1) RSME R2 adjust (%) F-ratio

Modified page
110 1.0120 ± 0.0245 0.0134 ± 0.0040 0.0250 97.61 655.33
120 0.9899 ± 0.0316 0.0291 ± 0.0051 0.0188 99.83 9909.97
130 0.9998 ± 0.0227 0.0316 ± 0.0019 0.0498 97.52 631.62
140 1.0012 ± 0.0097 0.0551 ± 0.0040 0.0066 99.93 23,928

Drying temperature (°C) n9 k9 (s1) b RSME R2 adjust (%) F-ratio

110 1.0224 ± 0.0598 0.0160 ± 0.0008 3.7245 ± 0.0003 0.0102 97.57 645.91
120 0.9825 ± 0.0307 0.0315 ± 0.0068 5.2537 ± 0.0001 7.65  106 99.96 40704.9
130 1.0430 ± 0.0246 0.0370 ± 0.0070 5.20  105 ± 2.58  105 0.0390 99.92 22740.03
140 0.9949 ± 0.0260 0.0548 ± 0.0130 6.86  106 ± 5.86  106 0.0068 99.96 769.81

rized as follows: (a) at 110 °C the degradation of TPC is fast in

4.3. Experimental data for the behavior of the phenolic compounds the first 15 s, but then is constantly decreasing over the vast major-
ity of the time, (b) at 120 °C this behavior is more pronounced and
Fig. 4 shows the average TPC measured in fresh apple peels and extends even beyond the first drying period, to reach a stage where
in apple peels dried at 110 °C, 120 °C, 130 °C or 140 °C until degradation is found to be marginal, around the 200 s. This situa-
reaching approximately 0.02 g moisture/g sample. Although there tion can also be observed at 130 °C, but at a higher rate and (c)
are a few experimental points that are not properly adjusted to at 140 °C the degradation of TPC is dramatic at an early stage,
the respective models, in terms of overall development of the phe- not only in terms of speed, but also to the concentration obtained
nomenon, first-order kinetics (n = 1) could be significantly fitted at the end of the operation, regardless the drying period. The rela-
for all of the temperatures (p 6 0.05), as shown by the continuous tionship between TPC and the moisture content at any time of the
lines. This situation may be due to the natural variability of the process are discussed in Section 4.4.
degradation phenomenon, as well as variability due to the content The TPC in fresh apple peels was 35.74 ± 3.09 mg GAE/g ds. This
of phenolic compounds in the treated samples. In addition, Fig. 4 value is 3.3- and 3.7-fold higher than those reported by Łata (2007)
also shows the first period of drying which corresponded to the and Drogoudi et al. (2008), respectively. These differences may be
rapid linear decrease of moisture stated above. In this sense, the due to the complexity of these compounds, different growing
TPC degradation at the four drying temperatures can be summa-
C. Henríquez et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 143 (2014) 146–153 151

with the temperature increase. Similar results were reported by

Wolfe et al. (2003) for oven-dried apple peels and by Chantaro
et al. (2008) for carrot peels dried in a tray dryer; however, these
researchers did not fit kinetic models. Table 4 summarizes the
kinetic parameters with their respective fitting degree for first-
order kinetics. In addition, the natural logarithm of (k) as a function
of the absolute reciprocal temperature showed a good relationship
(not shown in plots) (R2 = 0.968) when Eq. (8) was linearized. From
this result, the activation energy was estimated to be
1.026 ± 0.068 kJ/mol.
The moisture content is one of the most important factors in the
degradation of nutrients. As water is removed, the concentration of
the chemicals increases. Moreover, some water-soluble com-
pounds may act as catalysts of the decomposition process. These
catalytic effects are greatly reduced as moisture is removed
because chemical reactions are slower as the water activity
decreases. If more liquid water is present, the volume available
for reactions is greater (Goula et al., 2006).
Fig. 4. TPC thermal degradation kinetics in fresh apple peels dried at 110, 120, 130 The decomposition of polyphenols depends on the food matrix
and 140 °C. The continuous lines represent the fitted model (first-order kinetics) for and the processing conditions (Mrkìc et al., 2006). The decrease in
each temperature.
the TPC reported here can be explained by three possible
mechanisms: (1) The release of bound phenolic compounds; (2)
the partial degradation of lignin, which could lead to the release
conditions and/or the methods of extraction and analysis used. The of phenolic acids; and (3) the thermal degradation of the phenolic
TPC of dried apples ranged from 7.54 to 26.14 mg GAE/g ds, acids or catechins (Larrauri et al., 1997). Whatever the mechanism,
depending on the drying temperature. Table 3 shows that when it should be noted that this is the first report of the degradation
lower temperatures and longer times of residence were utilized, dynamics of the TPC during a conductive drying process.
the retention of the TPC was higher. Thus, at 110 °C, approximately Finally, from a simple non-linear regression between the aver-
73.13% of the phenolic compounds present in the fresh apple peel age moisture content (expressed in dry mass, as s (Tau)) and the
were retained at the end of the process (t = 240 s). Therefore, if the average TPC, a logarithmic relationship between these attributes
desired goal is to obtain a low-moisture product, the use of high was observed at 110 and 120 °C (Fig. 5a and b), whereas at 130
temperatures, such as 130 °C and 140 °C, allows shorter drying and 140 °C, the effect of temperature is more evident and a recipro-
times and reduces the exposure of the product, but a lower TPC cal relationship between s and the TPC was observed (Figs. 5c and
is reached. A suitable dehydration method is one that decreases d). All of the models fitted significantly (p 6 0.05). The TPC predic-
the moisture content and water activity (aw) while maintaining tion equations depending on the moisture content, with their
the nutritional value, achieves the required amount of product in respective degree of fitting, are summarized in Table 5. Thus, by
a reasonable time and minimizes the operating costs (Bangay maintaining constant operating conditions, it is possible to build
et al., 2003). Based on these criteria, lower temperatures may pro- empirical models to establish a numeric relationship for predicting
vide suitable conditions for processing apple peels using a drum- the TPC when a certain level of dehydration is reached. This finding
dryer system. For comparison, at 140 °C, a drying time of 60 s could be useful from the standpoint of processing development;
allowed the retention of 54.11% of the TPC, whereas at 110 °C, however, further studies of the desirable moisture content of dried
75.93% of these compounds were retained during 203 s of process- apple peel ingredients should be undertaken in the near future.
ing (drying time). Knowledge of the kinetics of the TPC degradation in apple peels
is a first step in searching for new foods with healthful properties,
4.4. Mathematical models of the degradation of phenolic compounds and a validation criterion for the use of drum-drying systems as
tools for stabilizing these compounds, allowing agro-industrial
The results described above imply that the kinetics of degrada- waste recovery.
tion were different in each situation. The degradation phenomena
Table 4
were accelerated with the use of higher temperatures/shorter
First-order kinetic parameters fitted for TPC degradation.
times compared with the utilization of lower temperatures/higher
times. Since the loss increases with the duration and intensity of Drying temperature (°C) k (s1) RSME R2 adjust (%) F-ratio

heating, the time–temperature regime during the process should 110 0.0010 ± 0.0001 0.4620 93.45 213.94
be considered in order to retain the content of individual bioactives 120 0.0020 ± 0.0002 1.6331 92.08 187.11
130 0.0031 ± 0.0003 1.6805 90.07 146.29
(Kwok et al., 2004; Berardini et al., 2005; Henríquez et al., 2010).
140 0.0059 ± 0.0002 1.1458 97.84 726.13
This result is reflected by the increase in the kinetic constant (k)

Table 3
Comparison of the TPC retention at the end of the process and at the drying times.

Drying temperature (°C) Values at the end of the process Values at each drying time
TPC (mg GAE/g ds) Retention (%) Drying time (s) TPC (mg GAE/g ds) Retention (%)
110 26.14 73.13 203 27.14 75.85
120 20.47 57.28 124 23.63 66.60
130 15.42 43.40 81.5 22.49 63.33
140 7.54 21.10 60 19.35 54.17
152 C. Henríquez et al. / Journal of Food Engineering 143 (2014) 146–153

Fig. 5. Relationship between s (g water/g dry mater) and the TPC at different drying temperatures. The blue lines correspond to the predicted models, the red lines
correspond to the confidence intervals, and the black lines provide the prediction limits for new observations (one standard deviation from the prediction equation). (For
interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

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