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Republic of the Philippines

Laguna State Polytechnic University

Province of Laguna


Graduate Studies and Applied Research

LUDIELYN S. MAHINAY March 27, 2021

Eng 204 Structure of English Dr. Myrna O. Medrano


1. Give at least one myth about the language that you thought was true. Explain why.
“Reading and writing are an essential part of language”
As reported by Group 1, this statement is considered as one of language myths. Honestly, I thought that this
one is true. I believed that reading and writing is an essential part and parcel of language learning. Though
language is primarily expressed through speaking and listening, still we shouldn’t get away of the
importance of the reading and writing. In fact, if we really want to learn language or be fluent in it, we
should strive to speak, listen, read, and write the language.

2. Define language in your own words.

Language is a God-given gift to human.
- Language is a gift from God to humans. Since animals do not have words, this distinguishes humans from
other animals. It's almost as if it's a form of art that makes us a masterpiece.

3. Choose one design feature of language. Explain and give examples.

Cultural Transmission
-One of the design features of language defined by Charles F. Hockett is Cultural Transmission.
He said that while humans are born with the ability to learn languages, they learn a specific linguistic system
as their native language from the people around them. So cultural transmission is very evident because
language is socially transmitted from generation to generation.

For example, a Filipino child with constant interaction with his/her parents, siblings, and other adults who
are speaking English. Though the child is a Filipino, he/she will not learn the language Filipino if not spoken
around him/her. The child will learn the language if he/she is frequently communicating with people who
speak the language. In this scenario, the community is speaking English language so the child will acquire
4. Give one important event in the brief history of English language that gave way to its major
I believe the invasion of Britain during the 5th Century was the most significant occurrence for English
language. This event marked the beginning of the English language as we know it today. The English
language would not have taken off if these three Germanic tribes: Angles, Saxons, and Jutes, did not crossed
the North Sea in search of new lands to conquer.
I always find beginnings as most vital part of everything. English language will not have its major
transformation if not because of what happened in the past from Old English Period up to now in the present

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