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Review questions for Corrosion engineering lab exam

I. Corrosion rate measurement using weightloss method:

1. Laboratory corrosion tests on three alloys in an industrial waste solution show below:

Calculate maximum penetration in millimeters for each material at the end of one year?

2. A 5.0 Square inch specimen of copper sample has reported a weightloss of 218 milligrams in 40 hours
corrosion test duration. Then calculate the a) corrosion rate in mpy, b) Corrosion rate in mdd and c)
Corrosion rate in mm/year?

3. Prove the relation showing:

Corrosion rate (in mpy) =

Where, W = Weightloss in milligram

D = Density of test sample in gram/cm3
A = Area of the test sample in inch2
t = exposure time in hour
4. Prove the relation showing:
Corrosion rate (in mdd) = 0.696 x Corrosion rate (in mpy) x Density of test sample?

Where, mdd = milligram. Per square decimeter. Per day

mpy= mils penetration. Per year
D = Density of test sample in gram/cm3
5. A steel sample is corroded in an aqueous solution with corrosion current density measured as 0.1
Ampere/cm2 then calculate the rate of weight loss per unit area in units of mdd?

II. Corrosion rate measurement using corrosion current density:

6. A sheet of carbon steel one meter wide by three meter long has lost 40 g to corrosion over the past six
months. Convert that mass loss to a penetration rate of the steel in mm
m units. What would be the total
corrosion rate? (carbon steel density = 7.8 g/cm3)
corrosion current associated with such a corrosion
7. AISI 316 steel has the following nominal composition:

Then determine the corrosion rate (in mpy) of AISI 316 steel showing the current density of 1 µA/cm2?
8. A hollow cylindrical Naval brass sample is reported with
with corrosion rate of 350-mpy
350 that having 38-mm
outer diameter, 8-mm
mm diameter hole and 3-mm
3 thickness over 1-day
day test duration. Then calculate the
weightloss of test sample?
9. Determine the corrosion rate of nickel aluminium bronze that showing Corrosion curre
current density of 1 µ
A/cm2 in mpy?
10. Determine the corrosion rate of aluminium brass that showing Corrosion current density

of 1 µ A/cm2 in mpy?
11. Determine the corrosion rate of 70/26 Cupronickel (2%Fe+2% Mn) that showing

Corrosion current density of 1 µ A/cm2 in mpy?

12. Determine the corrosion rate of Gun metal that showing Corrosion current density of 1 µ

A/cm2 in mpy?

III. Electrode potentials calculations:

13. From the following standard potentials given below, arrange the metals in the order of their increasing
reducing power?

14. Calculate the cell potential if solver wire would corrode when immersed in 0.5M CuCl2 to form solid
AgCl? Comment about corrosion tendency of cell formed (Spontaneous or Non-Spontanous)?
15. The Emf of a cell made of Zinc-metal
Zinc (as anode) and H2-electrode
electrode (as cathode) immersed in 0.7M ZnCl2
is +0.69 volts. Then what is the
he pH of the solution?
16. A piece of nickel metal having dimensions of 6” x 4” is immersed in deaerated water having a pH of 8.0.
The solubility product of Ni(OH)2 given as 1.6 x 10-16. Then determine the potential of nickel in the
given conditions and state weather nickel will corrode or not?

IV. Pilling-Bedworth-Ratio calculation:

17. Calculate the pilling-Bedworth Ratio for the following oxides: Na2O, MgO, Al2O3, Cr2O3, NiO, FeO,
Fe2O3, Fe3O4 (on α-Fe)?
S.No. Oxide Oxide density Atomic weight of Metal density
(g/cc) metal (g/mole) (g/cc)
MgO 40.3 24.3 3.65
Na2O 2.27 23.0 0.97
FeO 5.7 55 7.87
Al2O3 3.7 27.0 2.7

V. Cathodic protection:
18. For Cathodic protection, a ship hull requires a current density of 15 milli Amperes/mt2. Zinc (divalent) is
used as the sacrificial anode. What is the quantity of zinc required per mt2 of the hull surface for
protection to 10 years? One mole of Zinc has mass of 0.06537 kg. Number of electrons in one
amphere/sec is 6.25 x 1018?
19. A bare pipeline is to be protected by Magnesium anode (sacrificial anode method) using 32 pounds of
packed anodes of 3 electrodes placed parallel with 15 ft apart. All the anodes are buried in a 750 ohm-
cm soil with expected pipe-to-soil potential of -0.9 V. Then determine the current output of each
electrode and overall current output placed with 3 electrodes?
[Use reference table attached with question paper]
20. A bare pipeline is to be protected by zinc anode. A 32 pound packaged is to be used for protection. The
anode is buried in a 750 ohm-cm soil with an expected pipe-to-soil potential of —0.85 V. Determine the
current output? [Use reference table attached with question paper]

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