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The text of the Mass Proper

changes to suit the day.
includes the Kyrie.
must be treated with more formality than the text of the Mass Ordinary.
remains constant regardless of the day.

2. In the Mass, what happens during the Communion?

reading of Scripture
welcoming new members
remembrance of the Last Supper

3. What are the three main sections of the Mass?

Introduction, Communion, Bible readings and teachings
Bible readings and teachings, Communion, recession
Communion, Bible readings and teachings, recession
Introduction, Bible readings and teachings, Communion.

4. Which movement is NOT part of the Mass Ordinary?

Agnus Dei

5. In addition to the Mass, the Roman liturgy included a series of eight services
celebrated daily at specified times called
the Office.
the canticles.
the Vespers.
the clock.

6. The Liber usualis

contains modern editions of music for the Mass only.
contained text and music for the Office only in the Middle Ages.
contains modern editions of text and music for the Mass and the Office.
contained text and music for the Mass only in the Middle Ages.

7. Which Office takes place at sunset?

Matins Sext Vespers Lauds

8. A chant performed before and after the singing of a psalm is called

a canticle.
an antiphon.
a responsory.
a hymn.

9. When a chant is performed antiphonally

a choir sings directly.
a soloist sings.
two choirs alternate.
a soloist alternates with the choir.

10. Which style of text-setting involves long melodic passages on a single syllable?

11. What were recitation formulas?

mathematical equations that undergirded the melodies of Gregorian chant
a list of rules that governed chant performance when notation wasn’t available
outlines of melodies that singers could use for a number of texts
notational shorthand to indicate common melismatic flourishes that appear in a
number of chants

12. Psalm tones

include an opening intonation, mediant, recitation, melisma, and termination.
include an opening intonation, recitation, mediant, and termination.
include an opening intonation, recitation, mediant, more recitation, and a
include an opening intonation, recitation, and a termination.

13. The Lesser Doxology is

one of the most sacred texts, reserved for use at the height of the Proper on high
feast days.
a common text praising the Trinity that follows the last verse of a psalm recitation.
a service in the Office.
the least popular of the psalm tones.

14. In an Office psalm, what determines the mode of the psalm tone?
the mode of the antiphon.
the mode of Matins.
the mode of the canticle.
the mode of the Lesser Doxology.

15. Hymns are

sung with psalm tones.
part of the Mass Ordinary.

16. In the final syllable of the Alleluia, what term connotes an extension by a lavish

17.Which is a portion of the Mass Ordinary that is always set syllabically?

Kyrie Sanctus Agnus Dei Credo

18. The Kyrie text

includes three statements each of three two-word phrases.
changes according to the calendar day.
includes two sections that end with “Hosanna in excelsis.”
is the longest of all the Mass parts.

19. Which is the term for an expansion of an existing chant?

liturgical drama sequence cycle trope

20. Sequences occur

before the Agnus Dei.
before the Kyrie.
during the Communion.
following the Alleluia.
21. The text of Sequences contain mostly
quatrains. couplets. nonpoetic text. repeated phrases.

22. Liturgical dramas were performed

in schools for pedagogical purposes.
in public spaces for entertainment.
at court.
in church.

23. Name one female composer of the Middle Ages.

Guido d’Arezzo
Hildegard of Bingen
Guillaume de Machaut

24. The purpose of the liturgy in the Middle Ages was

to communicate with God.
to reinforce beliefs in listeners.
to communicate with God and reinforce beliefs in listeners.

25. Tropes include

only the addition of text to chants.
the addition of text only, music only, or words and music to chants.
only the addition of both text and music to chants.
only the addition of music to chants.

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