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CS Short Course

What is Algorithm
Lesson time : 15 – 30 minutes
Suitable age : 6 – 12 years old

Main Goal:
Understand what algorithms are

Learners will create a set of instructions on how to draw a crazy character and so start to
understand what algorithms are.

Students will be able to …
 Decompose a problem
 Know what an algorithm is
 Write an algorithm
 Use an algorithm
 Iterate algorithm

1. Algorithm – It is a precisely defined sequence of instruction or a set of rules for
performing a specific task.

Materials and Tools:

1. Algorithm worksheet in Student Handout
2. Pencil
3. Blank A4 paper
(Students do not need a computer)

Before the lesson Duration: 10 minutes

 Draw a crazy character on a piece of paper.
 Write the algorithm of draw the crazy character.

Activation Duration: 5 minutes
Activate students prior knowledge on:
 Monster face: “What monster do you like the most?”
Into the Lesson 1 Duration: 10 minutes
 Tell students you have thought of a secret crazy character and you would like to
share it with them, but you are not going to let them just copy it.
 Tell students you have already created an algorithm.
 How you will explain “what algorithm is” to student?
 Show students the blocks that they need to draw the exact secret crazy character of

 Tell students that they are “computer” now and you are the “Computer Scientist”.
o Give out blank A4 paper to students.
o Read out your prepared algorithm
o Students follow the instruction and draw out the character on the blank A4
 Ask students to show you what they have drawn so that you can model saying if it is
or is not what you expected.
 Ask students how you could change your algorithm so that it is what you wanted.
Students should start to realise the need for precision in algorithms.
 Model adding extra words. For example: on top of, big circle, tiny legs, etc
 Explain that an algorithm is a list of instructions or a set of rules to make something
happen or work something out.
 Guide the students how to create algorithm step by step.
 Ask: “Should we start with the instruction to draw a head or body first?” Take ideas
from students and then write the instruction on the board.
 Group students in a team of 2 – 3
 And explain to them what to do:
o They are going to design their own crazy characters (do not show their friends)
o They are going to write the algorithm
o Use the boxes at the bottom of the worksheet for their partner to try out the
 You can use the Project and Collaboration Rubrics to rate the students as a practice.
Learn By Doing Duration: 10 minutes
 Ask students to think of crazy character. Remind students not to show anyone their
 Now it is their turn to write the instructions.
 Students then test out their algorithms with their teammates.
 Ask them: Does your teammate manage to draw the same character? If not, how you
should improve your algorithm?
 Get students to improve their algorithm and try with another teammates.

Enrichment Duration: 15 minutes

Summarize Duration: 3 minutes
Teacher: “What is a good algorithm?”
Students to give their opinion.

Connect to next lesson

Topics Duration: 2 minutes
Teacher: “We will use SCRATCH to explore algorithms in our next lesson.”

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