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APA Citation Guide AUA Papazian Library

APA citation is made of two parts, in-text citations and a list of references. In-text citations
identify the source of quotes and paraphrases within an essay. A list of references comes at the
end of an essay and tells the reader where each source can be found out in the world.

Both in-text citations and references have a basic format:

In-text Citation
(Author’s Last Name, Year, page number).

Author’s Last Name, First Initial. (Publication Date). Title. Publication information.

These change based on what information you have and what type of source it is, but you should
always look for as many of the following pieces of information about your source as possible:

● The Type of Source* ● The Name of the Web-Site

● The Author’s Name ● The Year, Month and Day the Text was
● The Title Published
● The Publisher’s Name ● The Year, Month and Day You Accessed
● The URL (the complete web address The Text
of a web page) ● The Pages on which All Your
● The Name of the Web Page Information is Located

On the next page, you will find a guide to citing the three types of sources most commonly
used by undergraduate students: print books, documents from websites, and journal articles.
We only provide you with the most common source types because, unfortunately, there are
almost as many different ways to properly cite sources as there are different kinds of sources.
There are even differences in the ways individual instructors interpret APA citation style. So it’s
always wise to ASK YOUR INSTRUCTOR what they prefer in terms of citation.

Luckily, there are free resources on the Internet to help you address these more specific issues
relating to APA citation. Use your search engine to help you address specific cases. Your main
responsibility is to be persistent and pay a lot of attention to details.

Here is a list of resources you can use to further help you correctly cite your sources:
APA Citation Style Template with Examples
Source In-Text Reference List Template Reference List Example
Type Citation
Print Books (Shively, Author’s last name, Author’s first initial. Shively, W. P. (2012). Power &
2012) Choice: An Introduction to
Author’s middle initial. (Year of publication).
Political Science (13th ed.).
Title in italics. City of publication, State’s two- New York: McGraw-Hill.
letter abbreviation: Publisher.
E-Books (Fernald, Author’s last name, Author’s first initial. Fernald, L. D. (2008).
2008) Psychology : Six Perspectives.
Author’s middle initial. (Date of publication).
Los Angeles: SAGE
Title in italics. [E-reader version]. DOI or URL Publications, Inc. Retrieved
Website (World Author’s last name, Author’s first initial. World Health Organization.
Pages Health (2019, July 26). Tobacco [Fact
Organization, Author’s middle initial. (Date of publication).
Sheet]. Retrieved October 12,
n.d.) Title of the webpage [Format (website, PDF, 2019, from
Brochure, Blog post, etc.)]. Retrieved from URL
Online (Shi, Guan, Author’s last name, Author’s first initial. Shi, D., Guan, J., Zurada, J., &
Journal Zurada, & Manikas, A. (2017). A Data-
Manikas, Author’s middle initial. (Date of publication).
Articles Mining Approach to
2017) Title of the article. Title of the journal in italics, Identification of Risk Factors
in Safety Management
volume number in italics (Issue number), Page
Systems. Journal of
range. DOI or URL Management Information
Systems, 34(4), 1054–1081.
Retrieved from
Online (PBSoftbook, Author, A. A. [Screen name]. (Date of PBSoffbook. (2013, October 3).
Videos 2013) How to be creative [Video file].
publication). Title of video [Video file].
Retrieved from
Retrieved from URL
Online (Stieglitz, Creator’s last name, Creator’s first initial. Stieglitz, A. (1894). The Net
Photograph Mender. Retrieved from
1984) Creator’s middle initial. (Date of publication).
Title of the photograph in italics. Retrieved MICO_CHICAGO_1031150514
from URL
APA Citation Guide – Citing Common Sources AUA Papazian Library
The three sources most commonly used by undergraduate students are print books, documents
from websites, and journal articles. The following gives you some examples and tips to help you
properly cite these three common source types:

In-Text Citation
Source Type Reference Example
Print Book
Freud, S. (1953). The method of
If you use an anthology book interpreting dreams: An analysis
where many authors may be of a specimen dream. In J.
featured together, include the Strachey (Ed. & Trans.), The
(Freud, 1953, p. 114)
individual section author’s name standard edition of the complete
and page range, and the name psychological works of Sigmund
of the editor for the whole text. Freud (Vol. 4) (p. 96 - 121).
London: The Hogarth Press.
Document from a Website
Banks, J. A., Banks, C. A., Cortes, C.
E., Hahn, C. L., Merryfield, M. M.,
Moodley, K. A., … Parker, W. C.
If your text has more than six (2005). Democracy & Diversity:
authors, include the first Principles and Concepts for
author’s last name in the (Banks et al., 2005, p. 18) Educating Citizens in a Global Age.
parenthetical citation, followed Retrieved from
by “et al.”
Merriam-Webster. (2019).
If you are missing the author,
Definition of Celestial. Retrieved
use the name of the
(Merriam-Webster, 2019) August 20, 2019, from Merriam-
organization or the title of the
Webster: https://www.merriam-
Ishkhan, M. (n.d.). ARM -
MOUSHEGH, Ishkhan. Retrieved
If you are unable to find a date
August 21, 2019, from
of publication, you may replace (Ishkhan, n.d.)
a missing date with "n.d.".
Scholarly Journal Article
When you are working with Griffioen, R. E., & Enders-Slegers,
journal articles, you may be M. (2014). The Effect of Dolphin-
provided with a DOI. This is a Assisted Therapy on the Cognitive
unique number used to identify and Social Development of
(Griffioen & Enders-
that article. If your article has Children with Down
Slegers, 2014, p. 7)
one, it will probably be at the Syndrome. Anthrozoos, 27(4),
top or bottom of the page. 569-580.
Include it at the end of your doi:10.2752/089279314X1407226
reference. 8687961580

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