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Lots of things have changed during the past decade.

The inventions of both the computers and the

internet have strongly influenced the people's lives. Nowadays, some may hold the opinion that using
internet is beneficial. Others, on the other hand, have a negative attitude. As far as I am concerned,
internet provides people with lots of valuable information. This is due to the fact that it helps us to
manage our times as well as provides us lots of information to choose.

Firstly, by simply searching a topic on the internet we are not wasting much time. This helps us to
concentrate on more valuable things, for example, our classes or other activities. My own experience is
a good example of this. Ten years ago, when I was looking for the biography of the Armenian writer
Hovhannes Tumanian for my literature class I was spentding lots of time on reading the encyclopedia.
Now, due to the internet connection things became easier and I can simply search it and get it
immediately. This proves that using internet is very beneficial.

Secondly, the internet provides us variety of information and we are free to choose among them. We
can now analyze and then choose the information. For example, several years ago when my teacher
assigned was giving us homework to write about pandas all of us were writing the same thing from the
encyclopedia. There was no other source of information. Now, on the other hand, internet provides us
with variety of information and we can all write different things about the same topic. To me, it is,
indeed, a great advantage.

To sum up, some people may believe that using internet has some disadvantages such as the spreading
of a false information as anybody can put information on the internet. However, I strongly believe that it
has far more advantages such as time saving and much availability of le information.

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