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Title: The success in waking up early

Purpose: The purpose of this TED talk is to encourage the audience to wake up early through giving
them my own stories and motivating them with some of the most successful people in the world who
wake up early. I want them to feel motivated and do it for their own benefits. 

Wayne Huezenga once said “Some people dream of success, while other
people get up every morning and make it happen”. Getting up early is a trait that
many successful people share. From famous people in history like Benjamin Franklin
to CEOs of Fortune 500 companies, Olympic athletes and artists to entertainers,
singers and entrepreneurs like Jack Dorsey (founder of Twitter) and Richard Branson.
What are there reason for waking up early? It is because they want to start their day
with success, with eagerness to finish all their task. They are successful not because
they wake up early, they succeed because they start their day with a success. Instead
of rushing into work like everyone else, they have already started their day, and are calm,
collected, and accomplished by the time the rest of the world joins them . Why I am telling
all of these? Because just like them, I also want to be successful in life and I want to
do more things, so I wake up early every single day to achieve that success, and now I
want you to do the same. Waking up early and not tempted to go back into bed is my
first success every day and it always motivates me to do what I am needed to do.
Getting out of the bed, taking a bath, praying, and then starting my day with doing my
requirements without having a sleepless nights has always been my day. The reason
why I wake up early is because the world is silent and I can do everything when I am
not distracted by noises. Early mornings are quiet and the world is at a halt, making the
time yours. Waking up early is great for getting organized, strategic thinking, and planning
that is why hardworking people do it. When I was at high school I was always the first to
arrive and I kinda think that it was a competition between me and whoever the first person
to arrive in our classroom, so I always make sure that I will win and that is success for
me. When I was a kid I was always been the first to wake up among my siblings to watch
my favorite cartoon because when they wake up, I can’t ever have the chance to watch it
without being distracted by noises and loud crying. I always make sure that I succeed in
that goal, and I did. I also wake up early because I am eager to rise first before the sun
does, it is such an amazing feeling to see the sun rise and to hear the music of nature and
it is a success for me to be able to do it.  Since I already shared my stories of why I wake
up early, now  I want to share some tips that I apply every day that help me wake up
early in the morning. First is you need to get out of the bed as soon as you wake up,
because staying late in bed even though you are already awake will only temp you to
sleep again. Next is to motivate yourself, having a motivation to get up early will help
you wake up early. Another is to keep yourself away from electronics, because
accessing electronic devices before bedtime can lead to insomnia or troubled sleep. 
Also, try to convince yourself that you are waking up early because your brain will
process it, and eventually it will work only if you are not exhausted, so sleep early to
be well rested. Lastly, try to be excited in waking up, think of the things that you will
want to do when you wake up in the morning, I assure you this is one of the best and
easiest ways to get up early in the morning. If you want to wake up early, I want you
to apply this tips and see your own development. I want you to do the same because
there is no harm in trying things.  Look at me, waking up early really help me achieve
my goals, and I am doing great. I am also thriving for your success, try to do
something that you are not used to.  Getting up early is hard, but anything worth
doing is hard. There’s a reason why Benjamin Franklin felt so strongly about it and
why Tim Cook does it today, to gain an advantage. To be able to wake up before your
competitors with a clear mind and minimal distractions is a blessing when you have
so many different things to tackle.  Remember this quote by Hal Elrod:”Wake up early
everyday so that while others are still dreaming, you can make your dreams come

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