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Level 10.

Week 9 - 10
1.  Choose one of the interview questions about sports
below or come up with your own.
Choose one and write a paragraph.
• Do athletes make good role models?
• Is there too much violence in professional sports?
• Do professional athletes make too much money?
• Should kids be required to take PE in school?
• Should a person leave school before graduating
to pursue a professional sports career?
• Is the popularity of video gaming a problem?
• Your idea:---------------

2. Your favorite game.

Choose a sport, game or activity you enjoy and write your own paragraph modeled on the
paragraphs in Exercise B.
Use at least 5 words from the vocabulary list. You should address this questions: How long have
you played this game/sport? Why did you start? What are the benefits of this game and
sport? Which personal qualities do these sports help people
develop? Add ideas to make a list.
How can these qualities help you succeed both on and off the playing field?

3. What is your game?

List as many sports, games, and activities as you can.Which one do you prefer and why?
4. Writing. Vivid description.
Now write about a time when the weather affected your life. First, complete the second column
the chart in Exercise B with your information. Then, write your paragraphs. Use Aleksei's essay
as an
example. Include two or three comparisons using "like," "as if," and "as ... as."
Level 11:
1. Vocabulary. Unit 8. Reading explorer. Make a sentence with unknown words.
2. Vocabulary. Unit 6.Q Skills. Make a sentence with unknown words.

Name: Sam titcheata

Level : 10 afternoon 
Teacher : Nafisa
Should kids be required to take PE in school?

  I see a lot of primary schools always let kids do PE so I also think that kids should be required
to take PE because people always said that exercises are so important for people. So exercises
are extremely crucial for kids because when you make kids exercise they will have good mental
health and physical health. Also, exercise can make kids have a good immune system.
Sometimes it can take them away from playing on the phone all day and make them more
active too. So I want every school to have PE.


Why am I here?

Should kids be required to take PE classes in school? The answer is, drum roll please.
Yes, They do. It may sound very bad because there are some people who hate PE classes, I
used to be one of them. But it's an essential program in school because the school needs to
check up on a students personal health and make sure they are healthy. PE classes aren’t
always running, push ups, sit ups. There are some schools that give you an entire hour to play a
sport at the PE court after you’re done with your routine. So to put it simply, PE is fun, for me
atleast. For some people it’s up to their personality. PE classes are an essential need for
schools because we need to make sure that their students' health is good. I mean, we wouldn’t
want a student or a friend we know dying because of health problems now would we? Exactly. I
made my point.

Visal: Do professional athletes make too much money?

   I think my answer is yes but it’s fair to be honest. Like athletes make lots of money every
week. For example a football player makes like $200K a week / a game. Also it depends on how
famous & how talented you are too. They pretty much deserved that $100K+ a week. Because
they train and work hard every day for matches. They prepare well for every match they face.
They play well and take their team to the top so they deserve it to be honest. Sometimes I just
feel like I want to be a professional athlete because they make lots of money. They could buy 3
cars in a week with that money. It’s a lot! I just feel like being an athlete is easy and fun also
meanwhile you’re making lots of money from it too. 

Paragraph writing 
  Sport plays a good role in our life. The question is Should kids be required to take PE in
school?? PE is a physical education. In my opinion I think if the kid can get an exercise time in
school they will become stronger and healthier. PE classes will provide kids the way to get
some exercise besides sitting in the classroom all the time. It keeps students fit and in shape.
Furthermore kids can grow faster, build strong bones, control weight, reduce anxiety and reduce
the risk of developing health conditions, for example: heart disease, cancer. PE can make kids
have fun at school and participate well with their friends so they can build their self confidence
and socializing. As a parent,teacher,government,etc, we all should support and encourage kids,
students to do more PE in school besides spending time playing video game. So Physical
Education should be required for kids in school.


Should kids be required to take PE in school?

Kids nowadays who have parents by their side to help them all the time mostly act more
immature than those who carry along their life without any parenting. Kids are typically attracted
to entertaining through their tablets or mobile more than the outside world which can be
unhealthy for them. When you’re entertaining on your phone, you mostly sit down which is not
really physical and doing that too much is unhealthy. So do you think kids should stay like that
without any break because during school time they sit down too. Then the best way to keep
them stay active physically is to add a program for them like PE. In PE there could be sports,
physical exercises and more. When kids learns about a sports game they would be interested
and wanted to continue. If there are kids that have some issues with socializing, this would be a
really good way to help them communicate too. So the answer to this question is “Yes, kids
should be required to take PE in school.”

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