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We have heard the name black fungus recently in news which has
become a matter of concern in India. Here we are going a see a
detailed video about this infection that is affecting India.


“Mucormycosis” or Black fungus is a very serious but rare fungal

infection caused by group of molds called “mucormycetes”. These
molds are present in the environment particularly in soil, wet
surfaces and decaying organic matter. The common name black
fungus is on reference to the blackening that is the characteristics
of the disease.

There are 5 types of black fungus infection. They are

Rhino cerebral (sinus and brain) mucormycosis is an infection in the
sinuses that can spread to the brain. This form of mucormycosis is
most common in people with uncontrolled diabetes and in people who
have had a kidney transplant.
Pulmonary (lung) mucormycosis is the most common type of
mucormycosis in people with cancer and in people who have had an
organ transplant or a stem cell transplant.
Gastrointestinal (intestinal)mucormycosis is more common among
young children than adults, especially premature and low birth
weight infants less than 1 month of age, who have had antibiotics,
surgery, or medications that lower the body’s ability to fight germs
and sickness.
Cutaneous (skin) mucormycosis: occurs after the fungi enter the
body through a break in the skin (for example, after surgery, a burn,
or other type of skin trauma). This is the most common form of
mucormycosis among people who do not have weakened immune

In pre-covid time, this infection was very rare in the world. But
since the pandemic the cases have been increasing.


This infection generally affects 4 kinds of people. They are

1. Those who use steroids for their treatment.

2. Those have prolonged stays in ICU and are yet to recover.
3. Those with diabetes or history of kidney and heart failure.
4. Those who are on medication for major health problems which
reduces ability to fight pathogens.


The infections start growing from the nose, upper jaw and travels to
the brain. It is not contagious. But can cause a lot of damage
internally. Experts say that once it reaches the brain, it is almost a
death sentence.


Doctors believe black fungus, which has an overall mortality rate of
50%, may be triggered by the use of steroids, a life-saving
treatment for severe and critically ill Covid-19 patients.

Steroids reduce inflammation in the lungs for Covid-19 and appear

to help stop some of the damage that can happen when the body's
immune system goes into overdrive to fight off corona virus. But
they also reduce immunity and push up blood sugar levels in both
diabetics and non-diabetic Covid-19 patients.

Also, when the fungi are present in the environment, the use of
unsterilized oxygen masks can also because hospital acquired
infection in patients.


1. Stuffy nose
5. Bloody, blackish or brown discharge from nose
6. Blackish discoloration of the skin
7. Swelling or numbness around the cheek
8. One sided facial pain.
9. Tooth ache / jaw pain /loosening of tooth
10. Drooping of eyelids/ swelling
11. Double vision
12. Redness of eyes
13. Sudden decrease in vision


Surgical removal of all dead and infected tissues. Administering

anti-fungal drug called AMPHOTERICIN-B which is give over
extended period of time up to 8 weeks. This drug is expensive which
cost around 3500 Indian rupees and it is also scarcely available.


Hospitals across India have been reporting several cases of Black

fungus affecting the patients who have recently recovered from
COVID-19. This is because of the compromised immune system in
the covid patients.

The black fungus currently in India manifests as Rhino-orbital

cerebral disease affecting the ear, nose, throat and mouth. In
several patients with severe infection, the removal eye has been
unavoidable to save their life. Deaths have also occurred in post
covid patients.

Without population-based estimate it is difficult to determine the

incidence and prevalence of black fungus in Indian population. The
infection has the possibility of 1 in 10,000 persons who recover from
COVID-19. Diabetes is the most underlying cause for the black
fungus in India. Among 100 cases, 50-74 cases of black fungus are
diabetic patients.

Cases have been reported in

1. New Delhi
14. Uttar Pradesh
15. Madhya Pradesh
16. Bihar
17. Gujarat
18. Maharashtra
19. Telangana
20. Karnataka
21. Tamilnadu


Prevention is always better that cure. Here are few ways to avoid
the infection from becoming a major threat to corona patients.
1. Rational use of steroids for COVID patients is necessary. The
immune modulating drugs such as TOCILIZUMAB should be used
only when required.
22. Constant monitoring of sugar levels and using insulin to control
sugar levels if required.
23. Sterilizing the masks used for oxygen supply before every use to
the corona patients.

Even though the fungus is dangerous and can even be fatal to the
patients of compromised immune system, early detection and
treatment can save the patients from black fungus.

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