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Nama : Ipung Totok Andriawan

NIM : 2201419056

Dining Culture

Eat is a natural activity and must be carried out by every living creature on the earth.
Food is a serious problem for some Indonesians people, both in terms of menu and price. In
terms of food menu, Indonesians people are generally used to rice. So, appears an expression:
you can't eat it without the rice. This matter is very different from the terms of dining in the west
culture, Europe for examples. Europeans people tend to eat less in the morning and eat heavy
meals at night.

Unlike Indonesian which serves hot rice from morning till night with same portion,
Europeans only allowed eat warm food just once a day. If breakfast always starts by sweet, lunch
must changes with salty menu like sandwich. For dinner, they usually eat something heavier like
steak, pasta, or burgers. For them, dinner is important so it is usually made more complete and
heavier than the other two times. Indonesians people are known more prefer eating with their
hands rather than using cutlery such as spoons or forks. Different from the European way of
eating which mostly uses knives and forks. And for chicken menus, Europeans always remove
the head, legs and innards. They think that the part is not suitable for eat and give priority to
meat. But in Indonesia this parts can be processed into food that is no less delicious.

For snacking culture, Europeans people prefer to chew on fruit biscuits, fit bars, or
crackers. They are very concerned about what they eat. It’s different from Indonesian culture
who eat whatever they likes. European parents also strictly restrict their children from eating
snacks outside of big meal times. The quantities of snacking must be calculated so that the child
is not addicted.

One interesting about European dining culture, hungry or not hungry, if the time is indeed
eating together, all family members must gather at the table. This tradition is always applied
every day. In Indonesia, it is very difficult to have a meal with my family except in the month of
Ramadan. Even when breaking the fast, sometimes some family members separate themselves so
they can watch TV. Although this perfect moment for exchanging stories or strengthening family

Personally, I'm actually not comfortable to see the smartphone on the dining table. It’s
really bothered moments with family or friends. Europeans enjoy so much time together at the
dinner table that they can talk for so long. The smartphone was not far from them, but that thing
always absent at dinner. Back to Indonesia, I often seen the dining table of people in the
restaurant filled with smartphones. Instead of enjoying their food, they are even more engrossed
in enjoying the Wi-Fi which provided by the restaurant or café.

Apart from the eating habits above, Europeans people really appreciate the way of eating
on the dining table. Family members are also prohibited from leaving the dining table first if the
other family members are still eating, unless there are important things that must be done
immediately. Those are some of the differences in dining culture in Indonesia and Europe. There
must be differences, but with these differences that we can understand each other and learn from
each other.

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