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Republic of the Philippines

Region III

Name:_______________________________________ Date: ______________________

Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it on the blank before each
_______1. A wall may be defined as that component of a building, whose width is
_________ times its thickness.
a) Two
b) Four
c) Eight
d) Sixteen

_______2. A column is _______ member.

a) Vertical load-bearing
b) Vertical non-load bearing
c) An Isolated load-bearing
d) An Isolated non-load bearing

_______3. Load-bearing walls are defined as those walls which carry their own weight only
whereas non-load bearing walls are defined as those walls which can carry superimposed
loads in addition to their own weight.
a) True
b) False

_______4. Which of the following types of walls is constructed to divide the space within the
a) Partition wall
b) Cavity wall
c) Party wall
d) Curtain wall

_______5. A panel wall is an __________

a) Internal non-loading bearing wall
b) External load-bearing wall
c) Internal load-bearing wall
d) External non-load bearing wall

_______6. Cross-wall construction is composed of internal walls which run at __________

angles to the length of the building.
a) Straight
b) Acute
c) Right
d) Obtuse

_______7. A __________ is a wall which separates adjacent buildings belonging to

different persons.
a) Party
b) Separating
c) Cavity
d) Partition

_______8. A separating wall is defined as a wall that separates _________ residencies

within the _________ building.
a) Same, same
b) Same, different
c) Different, different
d) Different, same

_______9. In the figure below, B represents __________

a) Beam
b) Panel wall
c) Column
d) Party wall

_______10. Which of the following is not a type of load-bearing wall?

a) Solid masonry wall
b) Panel wall
c) Cavity wall
d) Faced wall

_______11. A curtain wall carries ___________

a) Only vertical loads
b) Only lateral loads
c) Both vertical and lateral loads
d) Their own weight only

_______12. A cavity wall is a wall that consists of _________ leaves.

a) Only one leaf
b) Two
c) Four
d) Zero

_______13. A faced wall is that type of load-bearing wall in which facing and backing are
made of the same material.
a) True
b) False

_______14. In which of the following types of load-bearing walls, the facing is attached to
the backing but not bonded?
a) Faced wall
b) Cavity wall
c) Veneered wall
d) Panel wall

15. In a cavity wall, the space between the leaves should be filled with a material which is
not __________
a) Waterproof
b) Load-bearing
c) Non-load bearing
d) Insulating

Republic of the Philippines

Region III

1. B
2. C
3. B
4. A
5. D
6. C
7. A
8. D
9. C
10. B
11. B
12. B
13. B
14. C
15. B

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