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Arranged To Fulfill Group Assignments
Supporting Lecturer : Muchammad Rifki, M.Pd. M.Pd.I

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1.1 Background Of The Problem
Water is one of the components needed by human life. According to Kodoatie (2008)
"water is the source of life. All creatures need water. For the benefit of humans, living
creatures and other interests, the availability of water in terms of quality and quantity is
absolutely necessary”. Water in Indonesia is very abundant, this is because Indonesia is an
archipelagic country. However, this is not used properly by the people of Indonesia. On the
other hand, society mostly abuses this advantage by polluting it.
Water pollution is a change in conditions in water reservoirs, including: lakes, rivers,
oceans, and ground water due to human activities. In daily life, people need clean water for
drinking, cooking, washing, and other purposes. The water also has a 3B standard (colorless,
odorless, and toxic). In today's life, sometimes people see water that is cloudy in color and
smells and is mixed with garbage objects, including cans, plastic and industrial waste. The
sources that cause the water to be polluted come from everywhere. For example, industrial
wastes are disposed of and flowed into rivers. Everything ends up in the river and this water
pollution can harm humans if they consume this water.
1.2 Formulation Of Problem
1. What is meant by water pollution?
2. What are the causes and consequences of water pollution?
3. What are the efforts to overcome water pollution for human life?
4. How to treat wastewater to deal with pollution?

1.3 Purpose
1. Knowing the meaning of water pollution
2. Knowing the causes and consequences of water pollution
3. Knowing the efforts to overcome water pollution for human life
4. Knowing the process of wastewater treatment to overcome pollution

2.1 Definition Of Water Pollution
Water pollution is pollution of water bodies (such as oceans, seas, lakes, rivers,
groundwater and others) which is usually caused by human activities. Changes in the
physical, chemical or biological properties of water will have adverse consequences for living
organisms. Water is susceptible to pollution. Water is known as a universal solvent because it
can dissolve more substances than any other liquid on earth, that's why water is so easily
According to the Encyclopaedia Britannica, water pollution is the release of substances
into groundwater below the surface or into lakes, streams, rivers, estuaries and oceans to the
point where the substances interfere with the beneficial use of water or the natural functions
of ecosystems.
Quoted from the Natural Resources Defense Council, water pollution is when harmful
substances (chemicals or microorganisms) contaminate streams, rivers, lakes, oceans or other
bodies of water thereby lowering water quality and becoming toxic to humans and the
Water pollution causes a freshwater crisis, threatens drinking water sources and other
essential needs for humans and other living things.

2.2 Source of Water Pollution

Sources of water pollution can be categorized into two types, namely:
1. Direct Source
Direct sources are sources of pollution that directly release hazardous waste and by-products
into nearby water sources without treatment. Example: factory waste, waste management
facilities, refineries and others.
2. Indirect Source
Indirect sources are pollutants or contaminants that enter water bodies through groundwater,
soil, or the atmosphere such as acid rain.
Bodies of water can be polluted by a wide variety of substances, including pathogenic
microorganisms, decomposing organic waste, plant nutrients, toxic chemicals, sediment, heat,
petroleum and radioactive substances.

2.3 Some of the most common water pollutants found include:

• Domestic (household) waste
• Industrial waste
• Insecticides and pesticides
• Detergents and fertilizers

2.4 Impact of Water Pollution
Water pollution can have a negative impact not only on humans but also on the environment.
There are several impacts of water pollution including:
• Disease
In humans, drinking or consuming polluted water will be bad for health. Polluted water can
cause diseases such as typhus, cholera, hepatitis and various other diseases.
• Ecosystem Damage
Ecosystems are highly dynamic and respond to even the smallest environmental changes.
Water pollution can cause entire ecosystems to be damaged if left unchecked.
• Eutrification
Eutrification is the entry of chemicals in water bodies that promote the growth of algae
(algae). This algae forms a layer on top of a pond or lake and reduces oxygen in the water
body. As a result, the aquatic life will be affected.
• Food Chain Disruption
Water pollution causes a negative impact on the food chain. Disturbances in the food chain
occur when toxins and pollutants in water are consumed by aquatic animals (fish, shellfish,
etc.) which are then consumed by humans.

2.5 Water Pollution Prevention

The best way to prevent water pollution on a large scale is to try and reduce the harmful
effects. There are various small changes that humans can make to protect themselves from
possible scarcity of clean water supplies in the future. Some efforts that can be done to
prevent water pollution:
• Save water
Waste of water is a major problem in the world and humans have just realized this problem. It
is believed that small changes made by humans will make a big difference.
• Better Waste Treatment
Treating sewage before dumping it into water bodies helps reduce water pollution on a large
scale. Agriculture or other industries can reuse this wastewater by reducing its toxic content.
• Use of Eco-Friendly Products
The use of environmentally friendly products means using soluble products that do not
continue to be pollutants. Humans can reduce the amount of water pollution caused by
households by using environmentally friendly products.
• Do not drink water from rivers, lakes, or wells, without cooking it first

Water pollution can be caused by various things. One of the causes of water pollution is
human activities that create residential waste (garbage) or household waste. In addition, water
pollution is also caused by industrial waste that is disposed of carelessly in rivers, sewers,
seas, and others. This results in floods, erosion, landslides, and others. Efforts to overcome
water pollution start from a good understanding and change from the community. Starting
with not throwing household waste carelessly in the river to understanding how to treat waste
so as not to pollute the water. In addition, overcoming water pollution by planting trees can
prevent landslides and can absorb a lot of clean water.
For the community and large industries, they should pay attention to the waste that pollutes
rivers, lakes, seas and swamps. In addition, it is better to use wastewater treatment methods to
process waste into clean water that can be useful for everyday life.

2.1 Definisi Pencemaran Air
Pencemaran air adalah pencemaran badan air (seperti lautan, laut, danau, sungai, air tanah
dan lain-lain) yang biasanya disebabkan oleh aktivitas manusia. Perubahan sifat fisik, kimia
atau biologi air akan membawa akibat yang merugikan bagi organisme hidup. Air rentan
terhadap pencemaran. Air dikenal sebagai pelarut universal karena dapat melarutkan lebih
banyak zat daripada cairan lain di bumi, itulah sebabnya air sangat mudah tercemar.
Menurut Encyclopaedia Britannica, pencemaran air adalah pelepasan zat ke dalam air
tanah di bawah permukaan atau ke danau, sungai, muara, dan lautan sampai pada titik di
mana zat tersebut mengganggu penggunaan air yang bermanfaat atau fungsi alami ekosistem.
Dikutip dari Natural Resources Defense Council, pencemaran air adalah ketika zat
berbahaya (kimia atau mikroorganisme) mencemari sungai, sungai, danau, lautan atau badan
air lainnya sehingga menurunkan kualitas air dan menjadi racun bagi manusia dan
Pencemaran air menyebabkan krisis air tawar, mengancam sumber air minum dan
kebutuhan esensial lainnya bagi manusia dan makhluk hidup lainnya.

2.2 Sumber Pencemaran Air

Sumber pencemaran air dapat dikategorikan menjadi dua jenis, yaitu:
1. Sumber Langsung
Sumber langsung adalah sumber pencemaran yang secara langsung melepaskan limbah
berbahaya dan produk sampingan ke sumber air terdekat tanpa pengolahan. Contoh: limbah
pabrik, fasilitas pengelolaan limbah, kilang dan lain-lain.
2. Sumber Tidak Langsung
Sumber tidak langsung adalah bahan pencemar atau pencemar yang masuk ke badan air
melalui air tanah, tanah, atau atmosfer seperti hujan asam.
Perairan dapat tercemar oleh berbagai macam zat, termasuk mikroorganisme patogen,
sampah organik yang membusuk, nutrisi tanaman, bahan kimia beracun, sedimen, panas,
minyak bumi, dan zat radioaktif.

2.3 Beberapa polutan air yang paling umum ditemukan meliputi:

• Limbah domestik (rumah tangga)
• Limbah industri
• Insektisida dan pestisida
• Deterjen dan pupuk

2.4 Dampak Pencemaran Air
Pencemaran air dapat menimbulkan dampak negatif tidak hanya bagi manusia tetapi juga
bagi lingkungan. Ada beberapa dampak pencemaran air antara lain:
• Penyakit
Pada manusia, minum atau mengkonsumsi air yang tercemar akan berdampak buruk bagi
kesehatan. Air yang tercemar dapat menimbulkan penyakit seperti tifus, kolera, hepatitis dan
berbagai penyakit lainnya.
• Kerusakan Ekosistem
Ekosistem sangat dinamis dan merespons bahkan perubahan lingkungan terkecil. Pencemaran
air dapat menyebabkan seluruh ekosistem rusak jika dibiarkan.
• Eutrifikasi
Eutrifikasi adalah masuknya bahan kimia dalam badan air yang mendorong pertumbuhan
alga (alga). Ganggang ini membentuk lapisan di atas kolam atau danau dan mengurangi
oksigen di badan air. Akibatnya, kehidupan air akan terpengaruh.
• Gangguan Rantai Makanan
Pencemaran air menyebabkan dampak negatif pada rantai makanan. Gangguan pada rantai
makanan terjadi ketika racun dan polutan dalam air dikonsumsi oleh hewan air (ikan, kerang,
dll) yang kemudian dikonsumsi oleh manusia.
2.5 Pencegahan Pencemaran Air
Cara terbaik untuk mencegah pencemaran air dalam skala besar adalah dengan mencoba dan
mengurangi efek berbahayanya. Ada berbagai perubahan kecil yang bisa dilakukan manusia
untuk melindungi diri dari kemungkinan kelangkaan pasokan air bersih di masa depan.
Beberapa upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk mencegah pencemaran air:
• Hemat Air
Pemborosan air merupakan masalah utama di dunia dan manusia baru menyadari masalah ini.
Diyakini bahwa perubahan kecil yang dilakukan oleh manusia akan membuat perbedaan
• Pengolahan Limbah yang Lebih Baik
Mengolah limbah sebelum membuangnya ke badan air membantu mengurangi polusi air
dalam skala besar. Pertanian atau industri lain dapat menggunakan kembali air limbah ini
dengan mengurangi kandungan racunnya.
• Penggunaan Produk Ramah Lingkungan
Penggunaan produk ramah lingkungan berarti menggunakan produk larut yang tidak terus
menjadi polutan. Manusia dapat mengurangi jumlah pencemaran air yang disebabkan oleh
rumah tangga dengan menggunakan produk yang ramah lingkungan.

• Jangan meminum air dari sungai, danau, atau sumur, tanpa dimasak terlebih dahulu.
Pencemaran air dapat disebabkan oleh berbagai hal. Salah satu penyebab pencemaran air
adalah aktivitas manusia yang menghasilkan limbah pemukiman (sampah) atau limbah rumah
tangga. Selain itu, pencemaran air juga disebabkan oleh limbah industri yang dibuang
sembarangan di sungai, selokan, laut, dan lain-lain. Hal ini mengakibatkan banjir, erosi, tanah
longsor, dan lain-lain. Upaya penanggulangan pencemaran air dimulai dari pemahaman dan
perubahan yang baik dari masyarakat. Mulai dari tidak membuang sampah rumah tangga
sembarangan di sungai hingga memahami cara mengolah sampah agar tidak mencemari air.
Selain itu, mengatasi pencemaran air dengan menanam pohon dapat mencegah terjadinya
longsor dan dapat menyerap banyak air bersih.
Bagi masyarakat dan industri besar harus memperhatikan limbah yang mencemari sungai,
danau, laut dan rawa. Selain itu, sebaiknya menggunakan metode pengolahan air limbah
untuk mengolah sampah menjadi air bersih yang dapat bermanfaat bagi kehidupan sehari-

Robert Kodoatie. 2008. Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Air Terpadu (Edisi 2).
Jakarta:Index.Sentra, Edukasi. 2010.
Macam-macam Pencemaran Lingkungan, (Online),
diakses 24November 2011).

Slamet Prawirohartono. 2000. Biologi – 1b Untuk SMU Kelas 1 Tengah Tahun Kedua.
Bandung: Bumi Aksara.
Badan Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup Daerah (BPLHD). 2001.
Penanggulangan Pencemaran Air. Bandung: Dinas Kebersihan dan Lingkungan Hidup.
Cara Mencegah Penemaran Air, (Online), (
air.html, diakses 24 November2011). Hidayat, Wahyu. 1Januari, 2008. Teknologi Pengolahan
Air Limbah. Majari. hlm. 5.

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