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Arranged To Fulfill Group Assignments
Supporting lecturer: Mochammad Rifki, M.Pd. M.Pd.I

Arranged By :
With Member :
1. Khuli amaliatun zidan
2. Maya Rahmadona
3. Nunung Nurhayati


Pondok Pesantren Miftahul Huda Jl. Rancasari Dalam No. B33 Tlp. (0260)550647
Pamanukan Subang 41254 Jawa Barat
Unemployment are people in the labor force who at that time were not working/looking
for work, intentionally not looking for work because they felt it was impossible to get one, or
those who actually already had a job, but had not yet started working.
Unemployment is one of the most frequently discussed national issues. Until now,
effective solutions to the unemployment issue are still being sought. Various efforts have
been made by the government to overcome this, for example by making business programs
for the regions, and also providing training. However, the results are still not optimal.
Basically there are several factors that cause the unemployment rate to be very high in
Indonesia. One of them is the country's economic growth which is not in line with the large
number of people in productive age. Other causes namely the unbalanced growth of the
workforce with job opportunities, limited job opportunities that are affected by economic
growth and the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic, the low quality of the workforce,
Unemployment in high numbers can trigger many other negative impacts. Unemployment
greatly affects the economic life and social life of the community. Declining economic
growth, and even a declining level of public welfare is one of the effects of unemployment,
increasing poverty rates and decreasing public health levels. In addition, it is also exacerbated
by the increase in the crime rate. Because many unemployed choose shortcuts by committing
criminal acts in order to survive.
Why in our country there is still a lot of unemployment? Unemployment is increasing
because there are only a few job opportunities. In addition, the COVID-19 pandemic is also
one of the consequences of the increasing number of unemployed because many workers
have been laid off.
What are the efforts to overcome unemployment?
1. Opening Jobs.
2. Increasing the Circulation of Business Capital.
3. Placing Job Seekers in the Right Place.
4. Train Job Seekers to Create Their Own Business.
5. Providing Counseling to the Community.
Based on the explanation above, we can conclude that unemployment has a big role in
giving many negative impacts in Indonesia. Therefore, we need to solve the unemployment
issue or at least minimize its negative impact. This can be done by encouraging the role of
parents to direct children according to their talents and interests. And improve the quality of

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