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Submitted By :
Bayar Shawkat
Soran Najeb
Sherwan Ibrahim
Hawyar Jawhar
1. how much water exists in our planet ?
2. why we say water is a life ?
3. What is a water pollution ?
4. What are the main Causes of Water Pollution ?
5. How can polluted water effect on (human health & animlas ) ?
6. Diseases of water pollution in History .
7. How water become polluted ?
8. What are the Types of water pollution ?
9. What is a water treatment ?
10.How to treat a water ?
The Earth is a watery place. But
1 how much water exists on and in
our planet?

About 71 % of the Earth's surface is water-covered,
and the oceans hold about 96.5 % of all Earth's water.

Water also exists in the air as water vapor, in rivers and

lakes, in icecaps , in the ground as soil moisture and in

And also Up to 60% of the human adult body is water

why we say water is a
our body uses water in all its cells, organs, and
tissues to help regulate its temperature and maintain
other bodily functions.

Because your body loses water through breathing,

sweating, and digestion, it's important to rehydrate
by drinking pure water and eating foods that contain
water to keep your body a life

so it is very important to keep water clean To

survive on life
What is a water
3 Water pollution is any chemical or physical or
biological change in the quality of water

that can be toxic and has a harmful effect on any living

thing that drinks or uses or lives in it.

It is also contamination of water bodies such as lakes,

rivers, seas, oceans, as well as groundwater.
4 Causes of Water Pollution

 Industrial waste
 Sewage and wastewater
 Mining activities
 Natural causes
 Accidental oil spill
 The burning of fossil fuels
 Chemical fertilizers and pesticides
 Leakage from sewer lines
HOW can polluted water effect

5 on
1- animals
-Pollution in the water can reach a point where there isn't enough oxygen in
the water for the fish to breathe. The fish can actually suffocate!

-Small fishes absorb pollutants, such as chemicals, into their bodies. Then
Birds or other animals may eat the fishes and be harmed by the it may die too, Sometimes pollution affects the entire food

-Sewage can also cause major problems in rivers. Bacteria in the water will
use oxygen to break down the sewage. If there is too much sewage, the
bacteria could use up so much oxygen that there won't be enough left for
the fish.
how can polluted water effect on
2- Human Health
Dirty, polluted water can make human sick and is especially
tough on young children. Some bacteria and pathogens in water
can make people so sick therefore they can die

Arsenic in water – causes liver damage, skin cancer and

vascular Diseases

Lead in water – can accumulate in the body and damage

the central nervous system.

Nitrates in water – are especially dangerous to babies that

drink formula milk. It restricts the amount of oxygen in the
brain and cause the “blue baby” syndrome.
6 History
in 1850s was a first discovered of Acid rain, was problem
resulting from coal-powered plants. The release of human-
produced sulfur and nitrogen compounds negatively
impacted plants, fish, soil, forests

In 2,August, 1990 when Iraqi army occupation Kuwait

and spilling 60 million barrels of oil. Over ten million
cubic meters of soil. A major groundwater aquifer and two
fifths of Kuwait's entire freshwater reserve, remains
contaminated to this day.
on 7 November 2007 between San Francisco and Oakland,
California, in which (202,780 L) of heavy fuel oil, spilled
into San Francisco Bay and thousands of fish and birds die

around 70% of China’s lakes and rivers are now polluted

from industrial waste, leaving 300 million people ‘forced to
rely on polluted water supplies.'”

580 people die daily in India due to water pollution

Tens of millions of people in Bangladesh have been exposed

to arsenic from contaminated groundwater
POLLUTION based on
1. Natural
Sometimes water pollution can occur through natural causes
like volcanoes, algae blooms, animal waste, and silt from
storms and floods that bring a contaminants and pollute a
water .
POLLUTION based on
2.Human activity

most water becomes polluted by human activities.
These include: throwing sewage and industrial
waste into rivers and oceans, using harmful
fertilizers, and even littering
8 Types of water source pollution

Surface water pollution

Groundwater pollution
02 Rain water pollution

surface water
When a ocean , lake, seas, become
pollutant by enter a undesirable
substance from factory and oil spill and
sewage it called surface water pollution
Types of surface water pollution
1- Pointed source
1- Non point source
Point source water
pollution involves pollutant NPS pollution is harder to
s that are identify and harder to
discharged from any address. It is pollution that
identifiable, comes from many places,
singular source, such as a all at once.
pipe, ditch, drain, channel,
tunnel, conduit, well,
container, or vessel. 201
35% 9

65% pointed
Ground water pollution
contamination occurs when man-made
products such as gasoline, oil, road
salts, sewage, and chemicals get into
the groundwater and cause it to become
unsafe and unfit for human use.

Materials from the land's surface can

move through the soil and end up in
the groundwater.
Rain water pollution
Acid rain is caused by a chemical
reaction that begins when
compounds like sulfur dioxide and
nitrogen oxides are released into the

These substances rise very high into

the atmosphere, where they mix and
react with water, oxygen to form
more acidic pollutants, known
as acid rain
9 Water treatment

Water treatment is any process that removes

contaminants and undesirable components
or reduces their concentration

and improves the quality of water to make it fit

or more acceptable for a specific end-use.

The end use may be drinking, industrial water

supply, irrigation
10 Type of water treatment
1- Physical treatment
such as distillation and filtration

2- chemical treatment
such as precipitation and neutralizing

3- biological treatment
such as aerobic and anaerobic .
Physical treatment
1- Distillation is one of the oldest methods of water treatment
and is still in use today, distillation can remove up to 99.5 % of
impurities from water, including bacteria, metals, nitrate, and
dissolved solids in this method Water is boiled and the
resulting steam is collected and cooled to water in a separate
chamber that called distilled water, Generally, distillation is
used to supply water only for drinking or special uses.

2-Membrane separation is a family of filtration processes in

which feed water is forced through a semi-permeable barrier
(membrane) at high pressure to separate specific materials from
the solution
chemical treatment

1-precipitation :chemical precipitation in water

treatment is the change in form of materials
dissolved in water into solid particles. Chemical
precipitation is used to remove ionic constituents
from water by the addition of counter-ions to
reduce the solubility.

2-neutralizing filter : is used if drinking water is

acidic (low pH). It is a simple treatment device
that raises the pH of water by adding a
neutralizing material. However, it should be
noted that the neutralization process may increase
water hardness.
biological treatment

1- Aerobic treatment is typically applied to

efficiently treat low strength wastewater (COD <1000 mg/L)
when the treatment requires the presence of oxygen.

2- anaerobic treatment is typically applied

to treat wastewater with higher organic loading (COD
>4000 mg/L). While oxygen is absent
Newest method of water treatment
No water
No life….
No blue
No green….

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