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An adverb clause is a group of words that function as an adverb in a sentence. Adverb clauses
can be used to add explanatory detail to your writing and explain how or why things happen. To
identify adverb clauses, you'll need to understand what an adverb does as well as how
a clause is formed.

What Is an Adverb?
An adverb is a part of speech that describes an adjective, another adverb or a verb. Adverbs
give more information about how an action was performed. In general, they answer questions
like, how, why, where and when.
An adverb does this with just one word, but groups of words can also perform this function in
sentences. For example:
 She walked slowly.
 She walked like an old lady.
 She walked as if she were heading to the gallows.
In each of these sentences, the italicized word or words answer the question how and describe
the verb "walked." In the first sentence there is only one adverb, but in the other two sentences,
a group of words work together to act as an adverb.

What Is a Clause?
A clause is a group of words that contain both a subject and a verb. This differs from a phrase,
which doesn't have a subject and a verb. For example, let's revisit our examples of words being
used together as adverbs:
 She walked like an old lady.
 She walked as if she were heading to the gallows.
In these examples, "like an old lady" does not contain a subject and a verb, and is, therefore,
an adverb phrase. However, "as if she were heading to the gallows" does contain a subject
(she) and a verb (were heading), making it an adverb clause.
Clauses can be either independent or dependent. Independent clauses are also called
sentences. They can stand alone and express a complete thought. Dependent clauses, or
subordinate clauses, cannot stand alone as a complete sentence. For example:
 Because he has a college degree, he got a great job.
 When the storm started, she was at the store.
 Bob wore the coat that I gave him.
Each of these groups of words has a subject and a verb, but do not form a complete sentence
on their own. They are dependent on an independent clause for meaning.

What Is an Adverb Clause?

Adverb clauses, also known as adverbial clauses, are dependent clauses that function as
adverbs. Since they are dependent clauses, they must have a subordinating conjunction to
connect them to the rest of the sentence.
Being able to spot a subordinating conjunction will help you recognize an adverb clause. Below
are some examples, which are grouped by what type of adverb question they answer:
 When: after, when, until, soon, before, once, while, as soon as, whenever, by the time
 How: if, whether or not, provided, in case, unless, even if, in the event
 Why: because, as, since, so, in order that, now that, inasmuch as
 Where: wherever, where
Adverb clauses can be placed at the beginning, middle or end of a sentence. When placed at
the beginning or in the middle, they require a comma to offset them from the rest of the
 Whether you like it or not, you have to go.
 The boy, although he is very bright, failed math.
However, when the adverb clause is at the end of a sentence, no comma is needed:
 She enjoyed the party more than he did.
Examples of Adverb Clauses
Because they act like adverbs in a sentence, adverb clauses answer the questions where,
when, why and how in a sentence. To see how they work, take a look at the examples below:

Adverb Clauses of Place:

These adverbial clauses answer the question where.
 Wherever there is music, people will dance.
 You can drop by for a visit where we're staying for the summer.
Adverb Clauses of Time:
These adverbial clauses answer the question when.
 After the chores are done, we will eat some ice cream.
 When the clock strikes midnight, she has to leave.
Adverb Clauses of Cause:
These adverb clauses answer the question why.
 She passed the course because she worked hard.
 Since he has long hair, he wears a ponytail.
Adverb Clauses of Purpose:
These adverb clauses also answer the question why.
 So that he would not ruin the carpet, he took off his shoes.
 He ate vegetables in order that he could stay healthy.
Adverb Clauses of Condition:
These adverb clauses answer the question how.
 If you save some money, you can buy a new game.
 Unless you hurry, you will be late for school.
Adverb Clauses of Concession:
These adverb clauses answer the question how, albeit in a roundabout way.
 Even though you are 13, you can't go to that movie.
 Although you gave it your best effort, you did not win the match.

Adverb Clauses Add Rich Detail

While adverb clauses are a little more complicated than simple adverbs, they are very useful in
adding richer detail to your writing by explaining how and why things happen. When you begin
to add subordinating conjunctions and dependent clauses to your writing, you add interest by
varying the rhythm of your sentences and layering in important information to create a complete
picture for the reader.
For more practice, you can see Examples of Adverb Clauses to get a sense of the many ways
these descriptors can be used to improve your writing.
Reduced adverb clauses refer to the shortening of an adverb clause to an adverbial phrase of
time, causality, or opposition. Adverb clauses may be reduced only if the subject of both the
dependent (the adverb clause) and independent clause are the same. Here are detailed
descriptions and instructions on how to reduce each type of adverb clause that has the same
subject as the independent clause.
But first, let's take a look at an example of a correct reduced adverb clause. Once you
understand how to form reduced adverb clauses, take the reduced adverb clauses quiz to test
your understanding. Teachers can use the printable version of this quiz in class.
Correct Reduced Adverb Clause to Adverbial Phrase
 Because she has a test next week, she is studying very hard. -> Having a test next
week, she is studying very hard.
Incorrect Reduced Adverb Clause to Adverbial Phrase
 Because she has a test next week, her mother is reviewing vocabulary with her. ->
Having a test next week, her mother is reviewing vocabulary with her.
In the first example, the dependent adverb clause ("Because she has a test next week") has the
same subject as the independent clause ("she is studying very hard."). In the second example,
each clause has it's own subject and can not be reduced.
Only Certain Types of Adverb Clauses Can Be Reduced
There are several adverb clauses in English such as adverb clauses of time, causality,
opposition, condition, manner, and place. Not all adverb clauses can be reduced. Only adverb
clauses of time, causality, and opposition can be reduced. Here are some examples of each
type of adverb clause that can be reduced:
Reduced Adverb Clauses of Time
 Before he bought the house, he did a lot of research. -> Before buying the house, he did
a lot of research.
 After she had lunch, she went back to work. -> After having lunch, she went back to
Reduced Adverb Clauses of Causality
 Because she was late, she excused herself at the meeting -> Being late, she excused
 As Tom had extra work to do, he stayed late at work. -> Having extra work to do, Tom
stayed late at work.
Reduced Adverb Clauses of Opposition
 Though he had a lot of money, he didn't have many friends.-> Though having a lot of
money, he didn't have many friends.
 Although she was beautiful, she still felt shy. -> Although beautiful, she still felt shy.
Reducing Adverb Clauses of Time
Adverb clauses of time are reduced in different ways depending on the time expression used.
Here are the most common:
Before / After / Since
 Keep the time word
 Remove the subject
 Change the verb to the gerund form OR use a noun
 After he took the test, he slept for a long time.-> After taking the test, he slept for a long
time OR After the test, he slept for a long time.
 Since I moved to Rochester, I have gone to the Philharmonic numerous times. -> Since
moving to Rochester, I have gone to the Philharmonic numerous times.
 Delete "as"
 Remove the subject
 Change the verb to the gerund form
 As I was falling asleep, I thought about my friends in Italy. -> Falling asleep, I thought
about my friends in Italy.
 As she was driving to work, she saw a deer in the road. -> Driving to work, she saw a
deer in the road.
As soon as
 Delete as soon as and replace with "upon" or "on"
 Remove the subject
 Change the verb to the gerund form
 As soon as she finished the report, she gave it to the boss. -> Upon finishing the report,
she gave it to the boss.
 As soon as we woke up, we got our fishing poles and went to the lake. -> On waking up,
we got our fishing poles and went to the lake.
Reducing Adverb Clauses of Causality
Adverb clauses of causality (providing the reason for something) are introduced by the
subordinating conjunctions "because," "since" and "as." Each of these reduce in the same
 Remove the subordinating conjunction
 Remove the subject
 Change the verb to the gerund form
 Because he was late, he drove to work. -> Being late, he drove to work.
 Since she was tired, she slept in late. -> Being tired, she slept in late.
NOTE: When using the negative form of the verb, place "not" before the gerund when reducing.
 As he didn't want to disturb her, he left the room quickly. -> Not wanting to disturb her,
he left the room quickly.
 Because she didn't understand the question, she asked the teacher for some help. ->
Not understanding the question, she asked the teacher for some help.
Reducing Adverb Clauses of Opposition
Adverb clauses of opposition beginning with "though," "although," or "while" can be reduced in
the following manner:
 Keep the subordinating conjunction
 Remove the subject and the verb "be"
 Keep the noun or adjective
 OR change the verb to the gerund form
 (adjective) While he was a happy man, he had many serious problems. -> While happy,
he had many serious problems.
 (noun) Though she was an excellent student, she failed to pass the test. ->Though an
excellent student, she failed to pass the test.
 (gerund) Although he had a car, he decided to walk.-> Although having a car, he
decided to walk.

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