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Management styles are characteristic ways of making decisions and relating to subordinates.
Management styles can be categorized into two main contrasting styles, autocratic and permissive.
Management styles are also divided in the main categories of autocratic, paternalistic, and democratic.

An autocratic management style is one where the manager makes decisions unilaterally, and without much regard
for subordinates. As a result, decisions will reflect the opinions and personality of the manager, which in turn can
project an image of a confident, well-managed business. On the other hand, strong and competent subordinates
may chafe because of limits on decision-making freedom, the organization will get limited initiatives from those
"on the front lines", and turnover among the best subordinates will be higher.
There are two types of autocratic leaders:
 a directive autocrat makes decisions unilaterally and closely supervises subordinates
 a permissive autocrat makes decisions unilaterally, but gives subordinates latitude in carrying out their
It is used in times of crisis where the time for discussion is unavailable and the managers are responsible to give
orders only. These orders need to be obeyed immediately by the staff so that further problems are not caused.
This style is also used in the military and police forces where instruction are given and need to be taken seriously
without hesitation or questions.

A more paternalistic form is also essentially dictatorial. However, decisions do take into account the best
interests of the employees as well as the business. Communication is again generally downward, but feedback to
the management is encouraged to maintain morale. This style can be highly advantageous when it engenders
loyalty from the employees, leading to a lower labor turnover, thanks to the emphasis on social needs. On the
other hand, for an autocratic management style the lack of worker motivation can be typical if no loyal
connection is established between the manager and the people who are managed. It shares disadvantages with an
autocratic style, such as employees becoming dependent on the leader. However, by having an open door policy
helps minimize conflicts among employees and empowers them to set standards to improve job performance.

A persuasive management style involves the manager sharing some characteristics with that of an
autocratic manager. The most important aspect of a persuasive manager is that they maintain control
over the entire decision-making process. The most prominent difference here is that the persuasive
manager will spend more time working with their subordinates in order to try to convince them of the
benefits of the decision that have been made. A persuasive manager is more aware of their employees,
but it would be incorrect to say that the persuasive style of management is more inclusive of employees.
Just as there are occasions where the use of an autocratic management style would be appropriate,
there are also instances where a company will benefit from a persuasive management style. For
example, if a task that needs to be completed is slightly complicated, it may be necessary to rely upon
input from an expert. In such a situation, the expert may take time to explain to others why events are
happening in the order in which they will occur, but, ultimately, the way in which things are done will
be that person's responsibility. In those circumstances, they are highly unlikely to delegate any part of
the decision-making process to those who are lower down in the hierarchy.
Disadvantages to a persuasive style of management
1. There may not be enough or even an entire lack of support from employees for management. Seeing
as how the employees will have no input into the decision-making process, they also may not trust the
decisions that are made.
2. A system that has no input from employees minimizes access to one of the most valuable resources
that a business has; the ideas of the people who are working on the "front line". As a result, employees
will show no initiative, which can reduce productivity.
3. One-way communication models are unlikely to be effective when compared to two-way
In a democratic style, the manager allows the employees to take part in decision-making: therefore
everything is agreed upon by the majority. The communication is extensive in both directions (from
employees to leaders and vice versa). This style can be particularly useful when complex decisions need
to be made that require a range of specialist skills: for example, when a new ICT system needs to be put
in place, and the upper management of the business is computer-illiterate. From the overall business’s
point of view, job satisfaction and quality of work will improve, and participatory contributions from
subordinates will be much higher. However, the decision-making process could be severely slowed
down unless decision processes are streamlined. The need for consensus may avoid taking the ‘best’
decision for the business unless it is managed or limited.
A very modern style of management, chaotic management gives the employees total control over the
decision-making process. Some modern companies have adopted this style of management and in
return have become some of the most influential and innovative companies.
Laissez-faire management takes a back seat role in the company providing guidance when needed,
employees are allowed to let their own ideas and creativity flourish in their specific areas. The manager
is looked upon as more of a mentor than a leader.
Management by Walking Around (MBWA)
Management by Walking Around (MBWA) is a classic technique used by managers who are proactive
listeners. Managers using this style gather as much information as possible so that a challenging
situation doesn’t turn into a bigger problem. Listening carefully to employees’ suggestions and concerns
will help evade potential crises. MBWA benefits managers by providing unfiltered, real-time
information about processes and policies that is often left out of formal communication channels. By
walking around, management gets an idea of the level of morale in the organization and can offer help if
there is trouble.
A potential concern of MBWA is that the manager will second-guess employees’ decisions. The manager
must maintain his or her role as coach and counselor, not director. By leaving decision-making
responsibilities with the employees, managers can be assured of the fastest possible response time.
Disadvantages to a MBWA style of management
1. There may not be enough or even an entire lack of support from employees for management. Seeing
as how the employees will have no input into the decision-making process, they may also not trust the
decisions that are made.
2. Another disadvantage can materialize when the interactions during rounds are perceived or executed
as micro- management style. People skills and emotional intelligence are required for this management
style to be beneficial.
3. Another disadvantage or pitfall of MBWA is the manager taking ownership of too many issues that
surface during the talks. The manager should only intervene when the resolution of the issue is more
advantageous to the organization than the employee’s development opportunity to handle the next
situation on their own.

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