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/* Subjects: Physical Education & Heath Education (PHE)


/* "My comments are a mixed bunch which still need work,
/* however they focus around the 2 stars one wish approach."

COMMENTS: 1-opening statement

1=#N has worked continuously well in Physical and Health Education over the course
of the semester, arriving on time to lessons and with the correct kit.
2=#N has worked well in Physical and Health Education for most of the semester,
usually arriving on time to lessons with the correct kit.
3=#N has not worked well in Physical and Health Education for the majority of the
semester, unfortunately sometimes #e turns up to lessons with the incorrect kit.
4=#N has made sound progress so far across the units, #e approached activities with
high levels of enthusiasm and determination and consolidated upon #h existing
skills base, particularly in #sport.
5=#N has been fully engaged in PHE lessons this semester, ensuring to bring the
correct kit and making every effort to be punctual to class.
6=#N has had a mixed semester for the most part as #e has been active in learning
but silly behaviours and a lack of organisation has affected #m.

COMMENTS: 2-stating the strengths

1=#E has approached each unit with enthusiasm and proficiency leading to sound
developments in #h existing skills base as well as producing some performances of
exceptional quality in #sport.
2=#E has made steady progress throughout all units so far, showing that #e is a
reliable member of class who can work independently and as part of a group. #N has
demonstrated the ability to link skills, techniques and ideas to a pleasing
standard in a wide range of activity areas, especially in #sport.
3=#H strengths lie in the practical areas of the curriculum where #e is obviously a
talented athlete, representing school teams throughout the year. However, what has
impressed me the most is #h commitment to ensure written work is of a high
standard; #e should feel proud of #h achievements.
4=#H strengths lie in the practical areas of the curriculum where #e has shown that
#e is a talented athlete. This has been demonstrated over a range of sports and #e
clearly enjoys this part of the curriculum.
5=#E does not realise, but #e has a positive influence on #h peers in lessons where
#h enthusiasm is infectious and others seem to enjoy working with #m. To this end,
#N works well as part of a team, making valuable contributions to both class and
group discussion.
6=#E has become more confident in lessons as the semester has progressed. During
class discussions #e is more proactive and recently has been taking a more
prominent role in demonstrations.
7=#E has demonstrated the ability to link some skills, techniques and ideas to a
positive standard, as demonstrated in the #sport unit.
8=During the #sport unit, #e showed to be confident to dribble and pass the ball,
and apply these skills into small sided games.
9=#E has made steady progress throughout all units so far, showing that #e is a
reliable member of class who can work independently and as part of a group
10=#E showed improvements with #h #sport skills, it is pleasing to see the levels
of persistence shown, especially when in a competitive situation.
11=During the #sport unit, #e demonstrated some good ball control skills and showed
progress when applying these into a game.
12=The quality of written work submitted by #N has been of a high standard,
especially for #criterion in #sport.

COMMENTS: 3-Identify the challenges

1=Whilst #N has made progress this term, inconsistent levels of participation and
periods of unfocused behaviour have hampered significant skills from being
achieved. This is a real shame, as #e is more than capable of developing more
complex skills.
2=It has become apparent however, that #N has a lack of respect for #s and others
around #m, often resulting in distracting #h peers during practical work. This must
improve as it is not only affecting #h performance and skill development, but
others around #m.
3=Despite noticeable improvements, #N has been hampered by poor reliability in
terms of bringing the correct and appropriate kit for lessons. #E showed promise in
#sport lessons, working well as part of a team, but lets #s down with silly and
immature behaviour at times.
4=However, #N seems to lack confidence and this manifests itself when #e is asked
to work in groups, #e is capable of so much and needs to have belief in #h
5=It is evident that #N appears to enjoy #h PHE studies, however #e needs to remain
focused in lessons to continue #h sporting development in all activity areas. This
ability to apply #s to many sporting areas puts #m in a positive position when
being assessed against criterion C.
6=However, #N needs to think carefully about #h actions at present and focus
carefully on #h behaviour and its impact on those around #m.
7=It is a shame however, that #N did not submit #h #criterion in #sport on time,
this has negatively affected #h overall grade for this semester. If #e is to
achieve #h potential this must be addressed. #E should also remember help is always
available if #N needs support.
8=For the most part in lessons #N will stay focused, however certain members of the
class can be a distraction to #m. #E needs to carefully consider who #e works with
in class if #e is to achieve #h potential.
9=During lessons, #N can lose focus and distract others and often needs to be
redirected back to the task at hand. In order to progress #e must listen to the
instructions and make better choices about who #e works with.
10=Whilst #N performs well in the practical elements of the PHE curriculum, #e lets
#s down with the quality of #h written work. More time is needed to be spent on the
written criterion.
11=It would be beneficial if #e were to spend more time on the written components
of the assessment. Currently it appears that #e completes them quickly rather than
thoroughly and this means #e doesn't achieve the grades #e is capable of.
12=Whilst #N has tried hard in lessons and has submitted reasonable written work,
#e finds the practical side of the curriculum more challenging.

COMMENTS: 4-Next steps

1=#N should aim to attend more after school activities. #E has shown promise in
many sports this semester and would benefit from the additional challenges this
environment offers.
2=#N needs to ensure that #e applies the same level of enthusiasm to all areas of
activity. #N needs to see Physical and Health Education as an area where #e can
succeed and take some enjoyment, irrespective of the activity being taught.
3=#N must read the questions carefully for assessment tasks, if #e does not
understand the requirements #e should check directly with #h teacher to avoid
4=#N was able to understand concepts in PHE but was often unable to demonstrate #h
abilities in game situations. #E should practice #h skills at home to improve #h
criterion C assessment scores.
5=#N suffers from a lack of confidence at times. #E has reasonable basic skills so
#e should aim to attend some after school clubs and practices in an attempt to
refine these skills and to enhance #h confidence and self-efficacy.
6=#N must adopt a more mature attitude towards all areas of the Physical and Health
Education curriculum if #e is to maximise #h potential. #E must also apply #s with
greater enthusiasm towards the other elements of the subject.
7=Overall, #N has had a very positive semester, making great progress across the
8=Overall, #N has had a fairly positive semester, making pleasing progress in some
areas, with further developments to be made in others. I would recommend #e takes
time to reflect upon these comments in order to see progressions in semester two.
9=Overall, #N has had a mixed semester in PHE. #E started to make progress in some
areas but a lack of focus has impeded this. #E must focus from the beginning of
semester two in order to make bigger progressions.
10=#N should aim to attend some after school clubs and practices in an attempt to
refine #h skills and to enhance #h confidence and self-efficacy.
11=In order to improve #N has to have a more organised and mature attitude toward
the written parts of the curriculum as this is the area that has let #m down. If #e
can make changes to this then #e has the potential to be very successful in
Physical and Health Education.
12=Overall, #N has had a very positive year, making great progress across the
units. #E is more than ready for the next year in the MYP.
13=Overall, #N has had a fairly positive year, making pleasing progress in some
areas, with further developments to be made in others. I would recommend #e takes
time to reflect upon these comments before progressing into the next year of the
14=Overall, #N has had a mixed year in PHE. #E started to make progress in some
areas but a lack of focus has impeded this. #E must focus from the beginning of
next year in order to be successful.
15=Overall, #N has had a positive final year in the MYP, I wish #h every success in
#h future studies.
16=Overall, #N has had a fairly positive final year in the MYP, I hope #e reflects
upon comments made here to ensure #e is successful in #h future studies.

COMMENTS: e-portfolio statement 1

1=The e-portfolio unit this year was based upon levelling the playing field and
this was explored through Track and Field. All three written criteria were assessed
and students had 10 weeks in which to complete the training sessions and written

COMMENTS: e-portfolio statement 2

1=#N worked consistently well throughout the unit. #E was focused from the
beginning with #h partner, ensuring that sessions were planned in advance and
adjustments made where necessary.
2=#N worked well throughout the unit. For the most part #e was organised and
prepared, however on occasion #e lost focus when working with #h client.
3=#N worked fairly consistently throughout the unit. It took time initially to gain
focus with #h partner and on most occasions #e was organised with #h sessions,
however some were lacking in depth despite help and advice from #h teacher.
4=#N was inconsistent with #h approach to this unit. It was important to be
organised for the sessions, however #N was sometimes unprepared, meaning that not
only #h work was affected, but #h clients too.
5=#N was inconsistent with #h approach to this unit. It was important to be
organised for the sessions, however #N was often unprepared, meaning that not only
#h work was affected, but #h clients too.

COMMENTS: e-portfolio statement 4

1=This unit was the most important part of the semester 2 grade and it contributes
to #N's MYP certificate. It is impressive to see the amount of time and dedication
#e gave to these tasks and how hard #e worked with #h client. Overall #N achieved
some strong grades and should feel proud of #h results.
2=This unit was the most important part of the semester 2 grade and it contributes
to #N's MYP certificate. The level of work which #N submitted is good and
reflective of the amount of time #e gave to the unit. Overall #e achieved some good
grades, but #N should carefully read the feedback to ensure #e makes improvements
ready for the new challenge grade 11 brings.
3=This unit was the most important part of the semester 2 grade and it contributes
to #N's MYP certificate. The work which #N submitted was inconsistent in places and
not a true reflection of #h potential. If #e is to be successful next year then it
is crucial that these weaknesses are developed. This can be done by taking
advantage of all help offered to #m.
4=This unit was the most important part of the semester 2 grade and it contributes
to #N's MYP certificate. The quality of work submitted was inconsistent and it
would be good if #N addressed the level of detail included in #h work to ensure #e
answers all tasks with consistency and key terminology. If #N is to achieve #h
potential next year then seeking feedback and focusing on developing their
weaknesses will be crucial.
5=This unit was the most important part of the semester 2 grade and it contributes
to #N's MYP certificate. The quality of work submitted was not of a good standard.
#N needs to address the level of detail included in #h work, and ensure #e answers
all tasks with consistency and key terminology. If #N is to achieve #h potential
next year then seeking feedback and focusing on developing their weaknesses will be

COMMENTS: e=portfolio statement 3

1=The quality of #h written work was high as #N included key terminologies
throughout and clearly understood how to link in the statement of inquiry in #h
2=The quality of #h written work was good as #N included key terminologies in
places but it was inconsistent. The statement of inquiry needed to be linked in
greater detail to show how #e overcame #h and #h clients obstacles in planning.
3=The quality of #h written work was satisfactory as #N attempted to include key
terminologies and concepts, but #e was confused in places and often muddled up key
4=The quality of #h written work was below the standard #e is capable of and #N
chose not to submit a draft early in the unit which meant #e did not receive
feedback or help. In future if this is offered I suggest #e takes advantage of it
so that #e can get feedback to help #m improve.

COMMENTS: Elementary comments 1 Grade 4 semester 1

1=#N recognises personal qualities, strengths and limitations that will enhance #h
ability to swim efficiently.
2=#N understands personal qualities, strengths and limitations that will enhance #h
ability to swim efficiently.
3=#N is aware of #h strengths and limitations that enables #h ability to swim

COMMENTS: Elementary comments 1 Grade 4 semester 2

1=Throughout Grade 4, #N has shown #s to be a hardworking member of the class.
2=Throughout Grade 4, #N has shown #s to be a caring and thoughtful member of the
3=Throughout Grade 4, #N has shown #s to be a talented student across a number of
4=Throughout Grade 4, #N has shown #s to be an enthusiastic member of the class.
5=#N has been determined to succeed and progress through all units covered this
6=#N has shown progressions through a number of units covered this year.
7=#N has made good progress this year across the units.

COMMENTS: Elementary comments 2 Grade 4 semester 1

1=In Invasion Games, #N exhibits effective decision-making when applying skills
during game play.
2=In Invasion Games, #N exhibits some decision-making when applying skills during
game play.
3=In Invasion Games, #N attempts to apply skills during game play.

COMMENTS: Elementary comments 2 Grade 4 semester 2

1=In Dance, #e demonstrated the ability to keep a 4/4 count, and was able to
construct a small routine keeping this time.
2=In Dance, #e showed great flare when linking steps together when keeping a 4/4
3=#E was able to follow basic steps, and attempted to show them to a 4/4 beat
during Dance lessons.
4=#E was able to follow basic steps and link a number of them together to make a
short routine during Dance lessons.

COMMENTS: Elementary comments 3 Grade 4 semester 1

1=For semester two, #N must work on #h listening skills to ensure #e hears all
2=For semester two, #N should take part in more after school sports activities.
3=For semester two, #N should take more risks in competitive situations.
4=For semester two, #N should look to work with other students who will challenge
#m more.
5=For semester two, #N must look to help with demonstrations more as #e is more
than capable.

COMMENTS: Elementary comments 3 Grade 4 semester 2

1=In Net Games, #N was able to consistently execute skills with control.
2=In Net Games, #N showed #e was able to have a rally with a partner, showing fair
skill and accuracy.
3=In Net Games, #N was able to execute some basic shots during drill work, but
found it more challenging when playing competitively.
4=In Net Games, #N found some skills challenging, but persevered and found success.
COMMENTS: Elementary comments 4 Grade 4 semester 2
1=#N should continue #h positive approach to sport into Grade 5, #e has shown great
ability both as an individual player and as part of a team and should look to
develop these interpersonal skills further.
2=#N must ensure #e listens to all instructions in class; occasionally #e has lost
focus during discussions which has led to confusion during drill work. Overall, a
fairly good year with areas to improve upon in Grade 5.
3=#N will continue to excel if #e maintains #h enthusiasm and application to all
4=#N now has a good base of skills across a number of sports that #e can develop
further in Grade 5.

COMMENTS: IB learner profile - set 1

1=#N is a knowledgeable student in Physical and Health Education who demonstrated a
depth of understanding in the content and concepts covered in Semester one.
2=#N is a knowledgeable student in Physical and Health Education who has been
successful in applying the theoretical content during practical lessons.
3=#N is a knowledgeable student in Physical and Health Education who is able to
draw on prior content and concepts and apply them in new settings.
4=#N is a caring student who regularly demonstrates empathy, compassion and respect
towards #h classmate.
5=#N is a caring student who is able to work cooperatively with all #h classmates.
6=#N is a thoughtful and caring student who looks for opportunities to help #h
peers during class.
7=#N is a reflective student who uses teacher feedback and past experiences to help
improve #h understanding and skills.
8=#N is a reflective learner who is able to evaluate their own performance in order
to improve.
9=#N is a reflective student who applies strategies to enhance #h performance, and
is able to effectively explain and evaluate #h performance.
10=#N is a confident communicator who expresses #s creatively and listens to the
thoughts and ideas of #h classmates and teacher.
11=#N is an excellent communicator who articulates #h ideas confidently and
12=#N is an effective communicator who works collaboratively with #h peers and
encourages #h classmates to succeed.
13=#N is a determined risk-taker who takes calculated risks and is resourceful and
resilient in the face of new challenges and change.
14=#N is a risk-taker in Physical and Health Education who approaches unfamiliar
situations and uncertainty with courage and forethought.
15=#N is a risk-taker in Physical and Health Education who has the independence to
confidently explore new roles, ideas and strategies.
16=#N is a principled student in Physical and Health Education who adheres to all
class rules and is respectful of #h classmates.
17=#N is a principled and respectful student in Physical and Health Education.
18=#N is a principled student in Physical and Health Education who acts with
integrity and honesty and is respectful of #h classmates.

COMMENTS: IB learner profile - set 2

1=#N is a balanced student who approaches both physical and academic tasks with
energy and vigour.
2=#N is a balanced student who understands and values the importance of physical
activity in achieving and maintaining personal well-being.
3=#N is an effective thinker who uses strategy and wit during class games to be
4=#N is a critical thinker who can apply learned strategies in a range of settings.
5=#N is an effective thinker who applies critical and creative thinking skills to
recognise and approach complex problems, and make reasoned, ethical decisions.
6=#N is an open-minded student who values other people's perspectives, opinions and
7=#N is accepting and open to the perspectives, opinions and ideas of #h
8=#N is an open-minded student who seeks feedback from peers and the teacher and is
willing to grow from new experiences and challenges.
9=#N is an active inquirer in Physical and Health Education who asks relevant
questions to further develop #h understanding.
10=#N is an active inquirer who demonstrates the skills necessary to conduct self-
directed research and shows independence in learning.

COMMENTS: Semester 1 Introduction statements

1=This semester in Grade 10, students have completed units in Ultimate Frisbee and
Jump Rope.
2=This semester in Grade 9, students have completed units in Dance and Health and
3=This semester in Grade 8, students have completed units in Invasion Games and
4=This semester in Grade 7, students have completed units in Invasion Games and
5=This semester in Grade 6, students have completed units in Invasion Games and
6=In Grade 4, students have taken units in Track and Field, Basketball, Swimming
and Football.

COMMENTS: Semester 2 - Introduction statements

1=In the second semester of Grade 10, students completed units in Track and Field,
Basketball, Swimming and Volleyball.
2=In the second semester of Grade 9, students completed units in Health and
Fitness, Badminton and Swimming.
3=In the second semester of Grade 8, students completed units in Swimming, Track
and Field and Badminton.
4=In the second semester of Grade 7, students completed units in Fitness for
Football, Swimming and Badminton.
5=In the second semester of Grade 6, students completed units in Track and Field,
Swimming and Badminton.

LIST: assessment-option

LIST: atl

LIST: basic-skills
4=lay up
5=controlling the ball with either hand
6=set shot
7=throw in
9=stop and go
10=underhand pass
11=ball control
13=team work
14=overhead pass
18=underhand serve
19=overhead serve

LIST: criterion
1=criterion A
2=criterion B
3=criterion C
4=criterion D
5=knowledge and understanding
6=reflection skills
8=knowledge of command terms
9=application of command terms

LIST: football-skills
5=Vice Captain

LIST: learner-profile
6=risk taker

LIST: sport
3=Ultimate Frisbee
9=Jump Rope
11=Games Skills
12=Health and Fitness
13=International Games
14=Invasion Games
15=Touch Rugby

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/* #H - His/Her
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/* #b - girl/boy
/* #m - him/her
/* #s - herself/himself
/* #? - be prompted for text later e.g. #N achieved #?% in the exam.
/* #your-list-name - select from a list later e.g. #N excelled in #topics.
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/* Files contain groups of comments and lists.
/* Each group should start with either:
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/* Comment names can include spaces, and any other
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/* Each group may include up to 20 numbered lines, e.g.
/* COMMENTS: Science Yr7 project work
/* 1= #N's work on #Science-topics was excellent.
/* 2= #N gave an inspiring #Science-topics presentation.
/* 3= #N received a well-deserved A+ in #Science-topics.
/* 4= etc...
/* LIST: Science-topics
/* 1= Heating and Cooling
/* 2= Light and Sound
/* 3= Exploring Magnetism
/* 4= Changing Earth
/* 5= etc...
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