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Republic of the Philippines

University of Eastern Philippines

University Town, Northern Samar

Module IV



Module 4: Horse Nutrition


Although horse can use hay and other roughage much more efficiently than do other
nonruminants such as poultry or pigs, this ability as compared with the ruminant is limited by
the anatomy of the equine GI tract. To a degree, the cecum and colon serve the same purpose
for the horse that the rumen does for cow. The fermentation sites, the cecum and large
intestine, have a large numbers of microorganisms (bacteria and protozoa) that digest
hemicellulose and cellulose, utilize protein and nonprotein nitrogen, and synthesize certain
vitamins. Some of the products of fermentation, such as volatile fatty acids, and some of the
vitamins, are absorbed and used. Microbial proteins synthesized from nitrogen entering the
cecum and colon undergoes only limited proteolysis, and the supply of essential amino acids
from an unbalanced dietary nitrogen source is not satisfactorily balanced by microbial amino
acids for optimal growth. Horses, therefore, depend on the quality of the diet than do

Learning outcomes

After completion of this module, you should be able to:

1. Describe the basic nutritional requirements of equines.

2. Understand the role of nutrition in the physiologic status of the horse.

Review of Digestive Anatomy

► The entire digestive tract of a mature horse is approximately 100 feet long.
► This length is coiled and looped many times, but is usually very small in diameter and
has a total capacity of about 4050 gallons.
► The stomach of the adult horse makes up less than 10% of the total capacity of the
digestive tract. The small intestine, the site of most nutrient absorption, makes up about
30% of the total capacity of the digestive tract.
► About 65% of the capacity of the digestive tract is in the cecum and colon.
► The horse’s cecum and colon contain large microbial populations allowing for digestion
of fibrous feeds.
► If large amounts of concentrates reach the cecum, they will become fermented very
rapidly and may produce excessive gas or lactic acid and cause colic or founder.


1. Water requirements depend largely on:

a. environment b. amount of work or physical activity being performed

c. nature of the feed d. physiologic status of the horse

2. Daily consumption of an adult horse typically is 33ml/kg body weight/day (0.4 gal/100
lb/day). However, clean, fresh water should be provided ad libitum for all horses. 3. If a
horse is hot after
exercise, it should be allowed to cool before given unlimited access to cold water. Small
amounts should be offered frequently, while the horse is cooling.


1. Energy requirements may be classified into those needed for:

a. maintenance b. growth c. pregnancy d. lactation e. work

2. The need for energy differs considerably among individuals; some horses require
much greater amounts of feed than others.

3. Amounts fed should be adjusted to maintain body condition score between 4 and 6.
Emaciated and very thin horses have decreased tolerance to exercise and heat and
increased risk of laminitis and lipoma strangulation colic. Obese horses also are at risk of
hyperlipidemia if fasted for prolonged periods. Obesity is also associated with insulin
resistance and glucose intolerance.

4. For maintenance of body weight and to support normal activity, the daily digestible energy
(DE) requirement (in Mcal) of the nonworking horse weighing 200-600kg is 1.4+ (0.03 x
body weight [in kg]). The daily requirement for horses weighing >600kg is 1.82+ (0.0383 x
body weight) – (0.000015 x body weight2).

5. For growth, the daily DE requirement is added to that for maintenance and is estimated to
be (4.81+1.17X-0.023X2) x ADG. X is the age in months, and ADG is the average daily
gain in kg.

6. During pregnancy, maintenance energy intakes are adequate until the last 90 days, when
most of the fetal tissue growth occurs. DE requirements during months 9, 10, and 11 of
gestation are estimated by multiplying maintenance requirements by 1.11, 1.13, and 1.20,
respectively. Voluntary intake of roughage decreases as the fetus gets larger, and it may
be necessary to increase the energy density of the diet by using concentrates.

7. To support lactation, the National Research Council (NRC)) has estimated that 792 kcal of
DE/kg of milk produced per day should be added to maintenance needs. This level of
energy intake has increased body weight gain in lactating ponies, indicating that it may
exceed the minimum requirement for lactation for some breeds. Body condition of the mare
should determine the need for grain or concentrates.

8. The energy requirements of work are influenced by many factors, including type of work,
condition and training of the horse, fatigue, environmental temperature, and skill of the rider
or driver. An accurate evaluation of the intensity of effort is important in predicting the
energy requirement of exercising horses. As the duration of exercise increases and level
of activity is maintained, the DE requirement per unit volume of time decreases. For these
reasons, DE requirements for various activities of light horses should be adjusted to meet
individual needs and to maintain desirable body condition.


1. Although some amino acid syntheses occur in the cecum and large intestine, it is not
sufficient to meet the amino acid needs of growing, working or lactating horses; therefore,
the protein quality
of the feed is important. Weanlings require 2.1 grams, and yearlings 1.9 grams of
lysine/Mcal DE/day. Requirements for other dietary amino acid requirements have not
been established.

2. Nitrogen needs are expressed as crude protein. Growing horses have a considerably
greater need for protein than mature horses. Aged horses (>20 year old) may require levels
of protein equivalent to young, growing horses to maintain body condition. Fetal growth
during the last fourth of pregnancy increases protein requirements somewhat, and lactation
increases requirements still further. Work apparently does not increase the protein
requirement, provided that the ration of crude protein or digestible energy in the diet
remains constant and the increased energy requirements are met. However, if the energy
requirements are not met, body fat and then muscle is metabolized, which results in a net
nitrogen loss.


Because the skeleton is such fundamental importance to performance of the horse,

mineral requirements deserve careful attention. Excessive intakes of certain minerals are may
be as harmful as deficiencies; therefore mineral supplements should be based on composition
of the basic feeds in the diets. For example, if the horse is consuming mostly roughage with
little grain, phosphorus is more likely to be in short supply than is calcium. However, a little
roughage and large amounts of grains are being consumed, a deficit of calcium is more
common. The total mineral contribution and availability from all parts of the diet (roughage,
grain, commercial products, and supplements) must be considered in evaluating the mineral
intake. Aside from actual feeding trials, no useable test for availability of mineral exists. Mineral
supplementations should be done with caution.

Calcium and Phosphorus Requirements

a. Calcium and phosphorus requirements are much greater during growth than for
maintenance of the mature animal. Work does not increase requirements as a portion of
diet. The last fourth of pregnancy and lactation appreciably increase the requirement. Aged
horses (>20 years old) may require 30-50% more phosphorus than is required for
maintenance of younger adult horses. Excess calcium intake should be avoided in aged
horses, especially if renal function is reduced. b. The calcium to phosphorus ratio, however,
should always be maintained >1:1. A desirable ration is more or less 1.5:1, although if
adequate phosphorus is fed, foals tolerate a ratio of 3:1 and young adult horses a ratio of
6:1. Phosphorus levels should be evaluated carefully because of phytate forms of
phosphorus, which are estimated to be only 45-50% available.

Salt Requirements

a. Salt requirements are markedly influenced by sweat losses, which may be 50-60 g/day.
Horses at moderate work can lose 35g of salt/day in the urine. Supplemental salt may be
provided at up to 1% of the grain ration plus free-choice salt to replace the losses during
hard work and hot weather. b. In nonworking horses, the entire salt needs may be met by
free access to salt. c. Salt poisoning is unlikely unless a salt-deprived animal is suddenly
allowed, free access to salt, or if water is not available to horses fed salty feeds.
Magnesium Requirements

a. The daily magnesium requirement for maintenance has been estimated at 6.8mg/lb
(15mg/kg) body weight. For the growing foal, magnesium at 0.57 g/lb (1.25 g/kg) body
weight gain should be added to the maintenance requirement. Working horses require
1025% more magnesium for light to moderate exercise, respectively. Hypomagnesemic
tetany has been reported in lactating mares and stressed horses. Addition of 5%
magnesium oxide to the freechoice salt mixture has been reported to be protective in such

Potassium Requirements

a. Foals require up to 1% potassium in a purified diet, while mature horses require more or
less 0.4% potassium in a natural diet (27 mg/lb [60 mg/kg] body weight). Because most
roughages contain more or less 1.5% potassium, a diet containing more or less 25%
roughage provides sufficient potassium. Protein supplements also are high in this element.
b. Working horses and horses receiving diuretics need more potassium, due to sweat and
urinary losses. Excessive supplementation, however, should be avoided.

Other Minerals

a. It is doubtful that sulfur, beyond that is methionine, is a dietary essential. If the protein
requirement is met, the sulfur intake of horses usually is more or less 0.15% - a level that
is apparently adequate.

b. Most iodized salts provide the dietary iodine requirement (estimated to be 0.6ppm). The
iodine should be in stable but available form.

c. The dietary requirement for cobalt is apparently 0.05ppm. It is undoubtedly incorporated

into vitamin B12 by the microorganisms in the cecum and colon. Absorption of the
synthesized vitamin is probably sufficient to obviate any need for preformed vitamin B12.

d. The dietary copper requirement for horses probably is not >10ppm.

e. Manganese requirements for horses have not been established; amounts found in the usual
forages (40-140ppm) are considered sufficient.

f. The zinc requirement is estimated to be 50ppm of the ration. This mineral is relatively
innocuous, and intakes several times the requirements are considered safe, although very
large intakes have induced copper deficiency and developmental orthopedic disease in
young horses.

g. Fluorine intake should not exceed 50ppm in the diet or 0.45 mg/lb (1 mg/kg) body weight.
Excessive ingestion can result to fluorosis.

h. Although molybdenum is an essential cofactor of xanthine oxidase activity, no quantitative

requirement for horses has been demonstrated. Excessive levels (>5 ppm) may interfere
with cobalt utilization.

i. The requirement of selenium is inversely related to the vitamin E content of the diet. Not
more than 0.002 mg/kg body weight should be supplemented on a daily basis.
Supplemental Minerals

The most satisfactory method of providing supplemental calcium, phosphorus, and salt is to
furnish a mixture of one-third trace mineral salt and two-thirds dicalcium phosphate free-


1. Vitamin A.

a. The vitamin A requirement of horses can be met by carotene, a precursor of

vitamin A in plants, or by the vitamin itself.

b. Fresh green forages and good quality hays are excellent sources of carotene.

c. Horses convert dietary β-carotene to vitamin A so that 1 mg is equivalent to more or

less 400 IU.

d. Horses that have been consuming fresh green forage usually have sufficient stores of
vitamin A in the liver to maintain adequate plasma levels for 3-6 months.

e. The NRC has suggested that diets for all horses should provide 3060 IU vitamins A
per kg body weight (13.6-27.2 IU/lb).

f. Prolonged feeding of excess vitamin A (>10 times of recommended amounts) may

cause bone fragility, hyperostosis and epithelial exfoliation.

2. Vitamin D.

a. Grazing horses or horses that exercise regularly in sunlight or consume sun-cured hay
normally satisfy their requirements for vitamin D.

b. For horses deprived of sunlight, suggested dietary vitamin D concentrations are 365-455
IU/lb (800-1000 IU/kg) for early growth and 227 IU/lb for later growth and other life stages.

c. Vitamin D toxicity is characterized by general weakness, loss of body weight; calcification

of the blood vessels, heart, and other soft tissues; and bone abnormalities. d. Dietary
excesses as small as 10 times the requirement may be toxic and are aggravated by
excessive calcium intake.

3. Vitamin E.

a. No minimum requirement for vitamin E has been established. Selenium and vitamin
E work together to prevent nutritional muscular dystrophy (white muscle disease).

b. Horses forced to exert great physical effort are also likely to develop deficiency signs if
they are fed diets that are low in vitamin E (grown in low-selenium areas).

c. If selenium intakes are 0.15 ppm of the diet, it is likely that 40-60 IU of vitamin E per
kg of diet is adequate for most stages of the life cycle and moderate activity.
4. Vitamin K.

a. It is synthesized by the microorganisms of the cecum and colon, probably sufficient

quantities to meet the normal requirements of the horse.

5. Ascorbic Acid.

a. Mature horses synthesize adequate amounts of ascorbic acid for maintenance.

Stressed horses may need supplemental ascorbic acid (5-20 g/day during periods of

6. Thiamine. a. Although it is synthesized in cecum and colon by bacterial action and

25% of this may be absorbed, thiamine deficiency has been seen in horses fed poor-
quality hay and grain, As much as 2.3 mg/lb (5mg/kg) diet may be necessary for horses
that are exercising strenuously.

7. Vitamin B12.

a. Intestinal synthesis of vitamin B12 is probably adequate to meet ordinary needs,

provided sufficient cobalt is in the diet; deficiencies in cobalt in horses have not been

b. Vitamin B12 is absorbed from the cecum, and feeding vitamin B12 free diet had no
effect on the normal hematology of adult horses.

8. Others.

a. Niacin is probably synthesized in adequate quantities by the bacterial flora of the

cecum and colon and is synthesized in the tissues from tryptophan.

b. Folacin, biotin, pantothenic acid, and vitamin B6 probably are synthesized in

adequate quantities in the intestine. Biotin supplementation (15-25 mg/kg), however, has
been documented to improve hoof quality in horses with soft, shelly hoofwalls.

Table 1.0 Daily Nutrient Requirement of Growing Horses and Ponies

Table 2.0 Daily Requirement of Mature Horses and Ponies
Table 3.0 Energy Requirements of Work For Light Horses and Desirable Body Condition Scores

Table 4.0 Average Milk Production of Mares

Table 5.0 Body Condition Scores for Horses


► The horse is an athlete that must be properly nourished and appropriately trained for top
performance. For proper nourishment, essential nutrients should be provided in an
appropriate form at the appropriate time.

► Horses do best when fed regularly and, because their gastric capacity is limited, they may
need to be fed frequently.

► For a hardworking horse in harness or under saddle, this may mean three or more feedings a day.

► Horses should not be fed >6 lb (more or less 2.5 kg) grain in a single feeding.
► Large meals of grain should not be offered <1 hour before exercise or other stress such
as transport.

► If three meals a day are offered, the daily grain ration should be split between the morning
and evening meals and should be offered at least 1-2 hours before work starts.

► The noon feeding should be light and 103 lb (0.5-1.5 kg) of grain should suffice.

► Hay may be offered free choice. Because horses are particularly sensitive to toxins found
in spoiled feeds, all grains and roughages should be of good quality and free of mold.

►Grains should be stored at a moisture content of <13%.

► In humid areas, processed feeds should contain a mold inhibitor to preclude spoilage.

►Dusty feeds should not be fed because they tend to initiate or aggravate respiratory problems.

► Hot horses should be offered only small amounts of water until they are cool.

►Water should be clean and fresh.

FEEDS Pasture.

The use of good pasture takes an ideal feeding program because it provides both
nutrients and opportunity to exercise. The pasture should be kept free of weeds. Old,
excessively mature growth should be clipped. A legume grass mixture is ideal because it offers
advantages of good nutrient supply, along grazing season, and a long-lived stand. Most
grasses are improved by the presence of legumes. In sandy areas, horses should be provided
with supplemental roughage when pasture is shorn due to overgrazing. If roughage is not
provided, sand accumulates in the GI and results in sand colic.

Hay. The same plant species that make good pasture usually make good hay. Exceptions are
low- growing plants. Hay should be harvested at the vegetative state (before bloom). Legume-
grass mixtures are generally high-yielding and contain considerably more protein, minerals,
and vitamins than do grasses alone. However, they may be more difficult to cure in a humid
climate. Moldy hay should not be fed to horses.

Concentrates and Other Supplements. Concentrates include the grains and by-product
feeds high in energy or protein. Processing them before feeding is often desirable to improve
nutrient availability and to increase bulkiness (volume per unit of weight). However, grains that
are cracked or rolled may become “stale” or moldy and should be processed as close to
feeding as possible. The bulkier concentrates are less apt to produce intestinal impaction and
colic. Also, the speed of digestion in the upper GIT is important. If a large volume of undigested
grain reaches the lower gut, excessive fermentation can occur with serious consequences (e.g
laminitis). Ruptured stomachs or “grain founder” may occur in horses that have suddenly
overloaded on concentrates. Horses should be acclimated to ingestion of large amounts of
concentrate over 1-2 weeks. Due to differences in density, grain should be measured by
weight, not by volume.
Oats. One of the most popular grains for horses may be fed whole.

Barley. A good grain for horses. It is higher in energy than oats but lower than corn. It may be
fed as the only grain in horses that have a high energy feed. Palatability, however, is not as
high as that of oats or corn.

Corn. Is a high energy feed, useful for horses that are working hard or being fattened. It is low
in bulk and more prone to produce colic than oats or barley if carelessly used. A good method
of feeding is on the cob. This promotes salivation, and the horse cannot bolt the grain. To
maximize digestibility, shelled corn may be cracked or rolled, buy the moisture level should be
low enough to avoid spoilage during storage.

Sorghum grain and wheat should be fed with care to avoid colic. These grains must be
cracked or rolled if fed to horses.

Wheat bran is a bulky feed that is well liked by horses. However, it is very high in phosphorus
and the proper calcium to phosphorus ratio should be maintained when wheat bran is added
to the diet. Wheat bran is not an adequate subsist for hay.

Soybean meal is a palatable protein supplement with good amino acid balance for use with
grains. It may be fed when pastures or hay are low in protein and are of poor quality or when
protein supplements are greater, such as during early growth or lactation.

Cane molasses is frequently used to stimulate the appetite of poor eaters. It also minimizes
separation of “fines” and reduces dustiness of concentrate mixers. It is also high in potassium.
The readily fermentable carbohydrates and measure thaw cane molasses contains may
increase mold growth in hot weather.

Fats may be added to the diet to increase the energy density.

Corn and vegetable oils are commonly used. However, feed-grade animal fats may provide
an expensive source for horses with energy demands. Diets containing 5-10% added fat have
been associated with improved performance in some types of exercise. Fat should be fresh
and not rancid. Oils should be introduced slowly to the ration to avoid diarrhea.

Limestone of a high grade (88% calcium) may be used as a supplemental source of calcium
when this element alone is needed, which may occur when poor quality grass pasture or grass
hay is the only roughage provided. Grains, being low in calcium, do not help. When both
supplemental calcium and phosphorus are needed, dicalcium phosphate, steamed bone meal
or defluoronated rock phosphate is recommended.

Salt (NaCl) should be provided in a block or in loose granular form ad libitum. It may be
desirable to use a trace-mineralized salt that contains added iodine, iron, copper, cobalt,
manganese, zinc, and selenium. The need for these additional minerals varies with the locality.


These feeds are high in water and tend to be highly palatable. Horses fed good
quality hay and water ad lib have no need for succulent forages. If used, they should be
introduced gradually
when offered for the first time. Carrots are the safest and most satisfactory. A daily allowance
of 1-3 lb (0.5-1.5 kg) is a desirable feeding rate. Well-preserved silage of good quality and free
of molds affords highly nutritious succulent forage. However, horses are extremely sensitive
to mold in silage, and its use is not recommended in hot, humid climates. Various types of
silages may be used successfully; but corn silage and grass-legume is the most common.
Silage should not replace more than one third to one-half of the roughage ration. Silage
allowance usually does not exceed 10-15 lb (4.5-7 kg) daily for a mature horse.


Individual differences in the need of energy and nutrients make it difficult to

generalize about the amount of feed to provide. The following amounts can be used as
guidelines, but body condition should be monitored and amounts adjusted accordingly.

Horses at Light Work 0.5 lb (0.25 kg)

concentrate 1.25-1.5 lb
(0.6-0.75 kg) hay
per 100 lb (45 kg) body weight

Horse at Moderate Work 1 lb (0.5 kg)

concentrate 1-1.25 lb
(0.45-0.6 kg) hay
per 100 lb (45 kg) body weight

Horse at Intense Work 1.25-1.5 lb (0.6-0.75 kg)

concentrate 1.25-1.5 lb (0.45 kg)
per 100 lb (45 kg) body weight

Exercise 3

1. Draw a digestive tract of horse, label the parts and describe the roll of each part in nutrient
2. Discuss the importance of Body Condition Score in the nutritional management of horses.
3. Discuss one example of serious consequencies when concentrates undergoes excessive gut


A few more topics and were done for the midterm coverage. I hope that your learning, despite
of our teaching arrangement. I know that it’s hard but it’s the new normal, just do your part, read, focus
and understand the topics. Nobody does a hundred percent assimilation of each topic, but what’s
important is that you’ve encounter it along the way. Take it one step at a time. Goodluck everyone.

Horse requires six main class of nutrients to survive; they include water, fats, carbohydrates,
proteins, vitamins and minerals. They all share the importance in maintaining the basic metabolic
process of the body. In every stage of life, nutrition is the foundation for equine health and longetivity.
The dietary needs of a horse change as it goes trough each life stage. The great varieties of commercial
feeds on the market attest to the recognition of different diets for different life stages.

Suggested readings


1. Drapper, J. 1996. The book of Horses and Horsecare. Annes Publishing Ltd. London
2. Ensminger, ME. 1977. Horses and Horsemanship, 5th ed. Interstate Printers and Publishers,

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