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TITLE PAGE …………………………………………………………… i

TABLE OF CONTENTS ………………………………………………. ii



Background and Rationale ……………………… 1

Statement of the Problem ………………………. 3

Scope and Limitations of the Study ……………. 4

Significance of the Study ………………………. 4

Definition of Terms ……………………………. 5


Related Literature ………………………………. 6

Related Studies …………………………………. 9

Framework of the Study ………………………... 12


Research Design ………………………………... 14

Research Locale ………………………………... 14

Research Participants …………………………... 15

Sampling Procedure ……………………………. 15

Research Instrument and Validation …………… 16

Data Gathering Procedure ……………………… 17

Ethical Considerations ………………………….. 18

Reflexivity Statement …………………………... 18

Analysis of Data ………………………………... 20

BIBLIOGRAPHY ……………………………………………………… 23

APPENDICES …………………………………………………………. 26

Letter Request to Conduct the Study …………………………... 27

Consent Letter of Participants …………………………………. 28

Research Instrument ………………………………………….... 29

BIONOTES ……………………………………………………………. 30



This chapter aims to provide the readers of the research foundation and purpose. The part includes
the research background and rationale, statement of the problem, the scope and limitations of the
study, the significance of the study, and the definition of terms.

Background and Rationale

Students nowadays are struggling in every subject at school and one of the most challenging tasks
that students may face in school is writing research papers. By its very nature, research writing is a
difficult activity that necessitates in-depth knowledge of the subject matter, careful preparation, and
hard work, Fawaz Quazem (2019). This paper aims to discuss the difficulties that senior high school
Humss students face when writing ideas and study projects in the early stages from the students'
perspective. Writing is about more than just conveying information; it is also about self-
representation. (One of the reasons people struggle with writing is because they are uncomfortable
with the ‘me' they represent in their writing.) Academic writing, in particular, often causes students
in higher education to experience a conflict of identity, since the ‘self' that is inscribed in academic
discourse seems foreign to them, Roz Ivanič John Benjamins (1998). The differences in attitude of
senior high school students toward study are influenced by academic tracks. According to the
findings, there is a need to look at students' participation in research as well as their attitudes toward
it, Bryan Gallos (2017).

Statement of The Problem

The differences in attitude of senior high school students toward study are influenced by academic
tracks. According to the findings, there is a need to look at students' participation in research as well
as their attitudes toward it, Bryan Gallos (2017).

The aim of this research is to gain a better understanding of the level of difficulty among HUMSS
students at Sagkahan National High School in the Philippines.
The researchers intend to conduct a survey of the chosen participants.
Francis Jade sent Today at 10:52 PM
A. Experience of difficulty in PR.
B. Challenges thus far encountered while being in this strand implementing Practical Research.
C. Own perspective of level of difficulty in PR.

Scope and delimitation

The study will focus only on the research participant’s personal definition of level of difficulty in
practical research. By this conducted study gives additional depth to better understanding of the said
topic/issue. The current difficulties of HUMSS students in Practical Research limit researchers to
further study. In addition, participants willingness to confide can also pose a problem to gather
response to the participants due to our current situation we are facing right now.

Significance of the study

This research is to be conducted with the following in mind to benefit;

Students. As one of the elements that can affect a level of difficulties. (JM Lodge,2018) Challenges
in the learning process, on the other hand, are especially difficult to detect and respond to in
educational settings where increasing class sizes and the increased use of digital technologies mean
that teachers are unable to provide nuanced and personalized feedback and support to help students
overcome their difficulties. Individual differences, learning activity specifics, and the difficulty of
providing individual feedback in large classes and digital environments all contribute to the challenge
of responding to student difficulties and confusion. We will go over the basic principles of cognitive
disequilibrium and compare them to work on desirable difficulties, productive failure, impasse driven
learning, and pure discovery-based learning. We conclude with a theoretical model of optimal and
sub-optimal confusion zones as a means of conceptualizing the parameters of productive and non-
productive difficulties encountered by students while learning

Definition of Terms
Research - studious inquiry or examination; especially: investigation or experimentation aimed at the
discovery and interpretation of facts, revision of accepted theories or laws in the light of new facts, or
practical application of such new or revised theories or laws. The first known use of “Research" was
in 1577 (Merriam-webster, 2021). The research is critical for us as researchers as well as for the
students of sagkahan national high school humss because it allows us to conduct a thorough analysis
of everything. When you conduct a thorough analysis of any subject, the end result is fruitful, and
your knowledge is enhanced. Writing - the act or process of one who writes: such as
a: the act or art of forming visible letters or characters; specifically: handwriting
b: the act or practice of literary or musical composition. The first known use of “Writing" was in 13th
century (Merriam-webster, 2021). Our industrial culture relies heavily on writing. It's used in offices,
schools, newspapers, scripts, and a variety of other places. One of the most critical skills that
researchers and students must have while conducting research is creative writing. By learning about
these, a student will be better prepared for their future life and will be able to improve their
presentation with much more expertise and accuracy.

Research writing - the process of sharing the answer to your research question along with the
evidence on which your answer is based, the sources you used, and your own reasoning and
explanation. (What is Reading and writing? English composition II Rhetorical Method-based, 2021).
Our research paper's aim is to not only educate the reader of what others have said about the subject,
but also to draw on that information and engage the sources
CHAPTER II in order to thoughtfully provide a unique
perspective on the issue at hand. Two main types of research papers are used to do this.

Review Of Related Literature And
Framework Of The Study

This chapter provides collective related literatures and relevant studies aiming to enrich the
research foundation. The theoretical framework presented in this chapter also supports the overall
study and the theories framing it.

Related Literature and Studies

The Attitude toward Research Scale, developed by Elena T. Papanastasiou in 2005, was used
to further evaluate students' attitudes toward research. The study included 222 senior high school
students from Holy Child Catholic Academic from the 2017–2018 school year who had previously
taken or are now taking Practical Research Subjects prescribed by the Department of Education for
the K–12 curricula. Gallos, Bryan (2017). Research writing remains a cumbersome for many learners
in senior high school. Millions et al. (as cited in Bernardo, 2010) claims that writing an academic
paper remains a difficult and intimidating task for learners. This resulted to research anxiety which is
one of the most common anxieties in higher education (Ashrafi-Rizi et al., 2014).

knowledge and innovation are built on the foundation of research. In the Philippines' basic
education system, a “research-infused” curriculum was established in senior high school to instill a
research culture in students. As a result, this convergent parallel mixed-method study investigated
Grade 12 senior high school students' attitudes about research and their academic achievement.
Rohax, Mark Joshua (2020).
The major goal of this study is to evaluate people's attitudes regarding research. There are
several aspects to one's attitude toward research. Understanding the attitudes of students toward
research would help the research supervisor and his ward communicate more effectively. To find
solutions to numerous difficulties of d, assessing the mindset and analyzing the areas that need to be
addressed is the need of the hour. (Prema Muthuswamy, R Vanitha, C Suganthan & PS Ramesh,
The purpose of this article is to discuss the problem of student writing in higher education.
It is based on the findings of a project financed by the Economic and Social Research Council that
looked into academic staff and students' differing expectations and perceptions of undergraduate
students' written projects. Lea, Mary R. , Street, Brian V. (1998). Academic writing is about more
than just conveying conceptual ‘content;' it is also about self-representation. According to recent
study, academic prose is not fully impersonal, and that writers earn credibility by projecting an
identity imbued with unique authority, demonstrating confidence in their judgments, and
demonstrating devotion to their beliefs. Hyland, Ken (2002)

Student writing is an approachable and thought-provoking examination of

academic writing techniques. The work, which is based on'composition' research from the United

States and ‘academic literacies studies' from the United Kingdom, questions the existing official
discourse on writing as a'skill.' Lillis advocates for a perspective that views student writing as a form
of social practice. Lillis, Theresa M. (2002). Stress can be caused by school, church, or even at home,
and it can lead to anxiety or depression. It is the body's and mind's reaction to something that creates
a shift in the balance. While senior high school students may face common pressures in secondary
school, their judgments of what constitutes academic stress may vary. Desamparadoa, Camille Gay
A. et. al.(2019).

Theoretical Framework
This study is anchored on the Theory of difficulty of Perkins, David (2017) which states
that the literature on learning and development offers a lot of ways to understand the conceptual
difficulties such as recognizing the problems of ritualized knowledge. According to the theory the
learning it was the student to form their understanding of their experiencing problems.

Theoretical Framework


Perkins, David (2017)
Hembra, Francis Jade et. Al The literature in learning and development
(2021) Infers that tough learning offer a lot of ways to understand the
process can be explained by conceptual difficulties such as analyzing the
looking at mental process. problems of visualized knowledge.









This chapter presents the research design, locale, participants and sampling procedure,
research instrument validation, data gathering procedure, ethical considerations and reflexivity
statement and analysis data. The purpose of this chapter is to give clear plan map on how will the
researchers’ systematically aim to meet the goal of the study.
Research Design

Qualitative Research Design varies depending upon the method used; participant
observations, in-depth interviews (face-to-face or the telephone), and focus groups are all examples
of methodologies which may be considered during qualitative research design.
We chose this research design because we gather informations from the participants by
giving them a questionnaire through social media and that’s why we think that this research design
best suits our research because of our current situation we are facing right now which is the Covid-

Research Locale

Figure 2: Brgy. 64 Bliss, Sagkahan Tacloban City, Leyte.

Research Participants
This study will need the active participation of selected senior high HUMSS students of
Sagkahan National Highschol who has difficulty in the subject practical research (PR). The
participants will be selected according to the following criteria:
1. Must be a HUMMS student in Sagkahan National Highschool.
2. Must have experiences of difficulty or finds the subject PR difficult.
3. Willing to participate.
Sampling Procedure
The researcher will determine the number of participants through purposive sampling
technique. The selection criteria will be the basis for initial participants. Convenience Sampling
edited by Paul J. Lavraskas in probability sampling, each element in the population has a known
nonzero chance of being selected through the use of a random selection procedure.

Research Instrument
The researchers’ will only use one instrument. A researcher-made questionnaire is their
tool to gather the opinions of the HUMMS students in Sagkahan National Highschool about the study
which question the level of difficulty among HUMSS students in PR.

Research Instrumental Validation

In our case, we conduct pilot testing as an instrument for our findings. We distributed the
five (5) research questionnaires to five (5) participants as a sample and to gathered data.
The final result of our pilot testing: three (3) of them answered that they encountered
difficulties while writing research paper in PR, while two (2) of them says that they had neutral
understanding on practical research.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers used online questionnaires as we couldn't afford to do face to face

interview or survey because of the pandemic. We chose to have at least ten (10) senior high school
students participate because they are the ones that have struggled with research writing. We got
information from the participants via social media; each person has their own response to the
questions because they are about their own beliefs. After we have acquired data from the
respondents, we will tally all of the responses in order to count the total number of responses and
arrive at a conclusion.

Ethical considerations

As the respondents of our study we assure you that your answers of our conducted
questionnaire will not pose any certain threat to you. We will accept your answers/ opinions and take
it seriously and your responses will be our full responsibility ensuring confidentiality.

Reflexivity Statement

We, the researchers, are Christians who work as educators and researchers. We believe in
the worth of every individual, particularly those pupils who aspire to attain their objectives. We
concentrated our efforts on senior high school students because they were the ones that struggled
with research writing in practical research. We anticipated that by conducting our research, our
participants would be able to make sense of their experiences and find guidance for the future. We

are, nevertheless, moralists who have a predisposition to pass judgment on other students' research
activity and attitudes. Students have the right to express their thoughts on the matter as well.
To ensure that our participants were able to voice their thoughts and ideas without being
swayed by the study's findings. We, the researchers, discussed how we should not tamper with the
students' responses/opinions in order to arrive at a realistic conclusion.

Analysis of Research

Coding is “how you define what the data you are analyzing are about” (Gibbs, 2007). Coding is the
process of applying the thematic framework to data by identifying individual bits of data that respond
to different themes using numerical or textual codes (Locey & Luff. 2001). The purpose of the
coding is to assign codes (number) for each category of answers. According to Mather's et. al.
Content Analysis

The few open ended questions were investigated using content analysis. Content analysis is one of
several research methodologies for examining text data. The goal of content analysis is to provide
knowledge and insight into the phenomenon being studied. It's utilized to evaluate the open-ended
questions in the questionnaire that are relevant to this study.


Benjamins, John. et. al. (1998). Writing and Identity: The discrousal construction of identity in
academic writing.
Desamparadoa, Camille Gay A. et. al. (2019). Stress Levels Among the Senior High School Students
in Practical Research 2.
Gallos, Bryan (2017). Senior high school student’s attitude towards research.
SSRN 3263496.
Hyland, Ken (2002). Authority and Invisibility: Authorial identity in academic writing. Journal of
pragmatics 34(😎, 1091-1112.
Lea, Mary R. & Street, Brian V. (1998). Students writing in higher education: An academic literacies
approach. Studies in higher education 23 (2), 157-172.
Lillis, Theresa M. (2002). Student writing: Access, regulation, desire.
Roxas, Mark Joshua (2020). Attitudes of Senior High School student towards research: An
exploratory study. - SSRN 3583225.
Appendix C

In this study, we, the researchers, used questionnaires as a tool. In survey research, the
questionnaire is the primary tool for gathering data. It is, in essence, a sequence of standardized
questions, sometimes referred to as items, that follow a predetermined format in order to collect
individual data on one or more specific themes.

The questions in our research questionnaires are:

1. What are your experiences of difficulty in PR?
2. What are your challenges thus far encountered while being in this strand implementing
Practical Research?
3. Write your own perspective of level of difficulty in PR.


Asiseo, Karyme 19 years old HUMSS student in Sagkahan National High school. She
graduated junior high at SNHS. She likes to play piano, guitar and also play online games.

Brillo, John Paul E., 17 years old a HUMSS student in Sagkahan National High School.
He graduated junior high in Sagkahan National High School too, and an achiever student. He loves to
play online games but still can manage to do his school works and house chores.

Crauz, Juliana Crystal May 17 years old HUMSS student in Sagkahan National High
School. She graduated junior high at SNHS and one of the honor student in their class. Her hobbies
are dancing, exploring some unexpected stories, watching movies, and searching for good vibes.

Denalo, Ena Susaya.17 years old HUMSS student in Sagkahan National High. She
graduated junior high at SNHS and her hobbies are singing , playing on online games and also loves
to play gutiar. She Wants to finish school so that she can find better job in the future

Hembra, Francis Jade G. 18 years old HUMSS student in Sagkahan National High
School. He graduated junior high at SNHS and one of the Honor student in their class. He Likes to
play basketball, online games and also a hard working student. He loves music, singing and playing
guitar, because one of his dreams is to be musician.

Ritaga, Joan Victoria P. 17 years old HUMSS student in Sagkahan National High
School. She graduated from high school in SNHS. She likes to read Manga or Webtoon,watching k-
dramas,listening to pop or classical music and playing badminton.Her aspirations in life is to finish
school, find a job that suits to her and travel around the world with parent's and siblings.Brillo, John
Paul E., 17 years old a HUMSS student in Sagkahan National High School. He graduated junior high

in Sagkahan National High School too, and an achiever student. He loves to play online games but
still can manage to do his school works and house chores.

Renomeron, Mark Jay 18 years old HUMSS student in Sagkahan National High
School. He graduated junior high at SNHS and played Evraa 5 times, 1 time in palarong pambansa,
and National Batang Pinoy 1 time. His hobbies are playing different kinds of sports and he also loves
to workout.

Sablan, Khyla L.17 years old HUMSS student in Sagkahan National High School. She
graduated junior high at Leyte National High School, she's an active student in class and her hobbies
are cooking and eating.


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