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What is Contemporary?

“existing or occurring at the same time”

Contemporary Dance

 A Genre not a technique.

 An expressive dance that combines elements of several dance genres including modern, jazz, lyrical
and classical ballet.
5 Main Characteristics of Contemporary Dance
(Some are named after choreographers)
1. Graham
This was named after Martha Graham. This style basically focuses on the use of contraction, release,
recovery, and fall. Graham is distinguished by floor work and the use of pelvic and abdominal
contractions. The style is much grounded and the technique is visibly contrary to the slender and
graceful, airborne ideals of ballet.

2. Cunningham
Cunningham (named after teacher and choreographer Merce Cunningham) This style focused on the
architecture of the body in space, rhythm and articulation. What does that mean? Cunningham uses the
idea of the body's own "line of energy" to promote easy, natural movement.

3. Limon
This was named after Jose Limon. It involves exploring the use of energy in relation to gravity and
working with weight in terms of rebound, fall, suspension and recovery. Limon technique uses the
feeling of “heavy energy” and weight in the body, and movement is initiated using breath to lift, and
swings through the body to create and halt movement and thus it feels very nice to perform.

4. Release
Placing emphasis on minimizing tension in the search for fluidity and clarity and the efficient use of
breath and energy. In Release technique just as it sounds, we release through the muscles and joints to
create ease of movement, releasing the breath to support the release of the body. A dance style as well
as a great relaxation technique.

5. Improvisation
It mainly focuses on the relationship between movements and performance and on the investigation
of movements. Development of individual movement material is made possible through a variety of
creative explorations.
Contact Improvisation
Contact improvisation describes a duet dance form characterized by fluid movement, weight
exchange, and touch. Partners improvise the dance using the natural movement of the body.

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