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新北市 110 年度國民小學英語讀者劇場比賽實施計畫

2021 New Taipei Elementary School Reader’s Theater (RT) Contest

Implementation Plan

一、 依據:新北市 108-111 年度國民小學推動英語教育工作計畫(草案)。

1. Based on: 2019 to 2022 New Taipei City Implementation Plan to Promote Elementary
Schools E.F.L. Learning.

二、 活動目的:
2. Event Objective:

(一) 提高學習英語興趣,強化生活語言的表達能力,促進學生對英語文學習之重視。
I. To help students realize the importance of learning English, cultivate student’s
interest and improve student’s ability to express themselves in English.

(二) 提供學生發表學習成果之舞台,互相觀摩英語學習成效,讓不同地區的學生與英語
II. Provide students a platform to showcase their learning accomplishments, as well as
a chance to observe their peers’ performances. This is also an opportunity for
students and English teachers from various regions to network with each other.

(三) 藉由劇場演出,提供學生多元發展機會,啟發多元知能。
III. Allow students to develop competencies in various disciplines and become more
well-rounded individuals through RT performance.

三、 主辦單位:新北市政府教育局。
3. Event Organizer: Education Department of New Taipei City

四、 協辦單位:新北市國小英語領域輔導團。
4. Organization that Assists in Event Planning: New Taipei City English Curriculum &
Instruction Consulting Team

五、 市、區賽承辦學校:110 年度採以區賽、市賽 2 階段辦理。

5. Schools Hosting Regional Contests and the Finals: In 2021, the contest will be divided
into two parts, the regional contests and the finals.

I. The schools hosting the regional contests:

1. 東區(含文山、瑞芳、七星分區):汐止國小
i. Eastern Region (including Wenshan, Ruifang, and Qixing Districts): Xizhi
Elementary School

2. 中區(含板橋、雙和、三鶯分區):文聖國小
ii. Central Region (including Banqiao, Shuanghe, and Sanying Districts): Wensheng
Elementary School

3. 西區(含淡水、三重、新莊分區):林口國小
iii. Western Region (including Tamsui, Sanchong and Xinzhuang Districts): Linkou
Elementary School

II. The school hosting the finals: Baiyun Elementary School

III. Each school should register for the contest based on the registration date of each
region and attend the related meetings for the event.

六、 參加對象:
6. Participants:

(一)分組區賽:新北市各公私立國小學生,比賽分為:國小中年級、國小高年級 2 組。各組
以班級為單位,參賽選手須為同一班級,每隊人數至少 6 人,每校每組最多 1 隊參加。

I. Regional competition: Students from any public or private elementary schools in New
Taipei City have the opportunity to register for the event. The contest is divided into
two divisions: mid-grade and upper grade levels. Each team will consist of students
in the same class, with six people minimum on each team. There can only be
one team representing each school for each division of the contest.

(一) 市賽:由區賽各組擇優錄取,每組成績前 6 名參加市賽。推薦名單請分區賽承

II. Finals: The top six teams from each regional contest will qualify for the finals. The top
six lists should be delivered to Baiyun Elementary School by the schools hosting the
regional contest.

七、 報名期限及報名方式:
7. Registration Dates and Other Details:
(一)報名日期:各區統一為 110 年 2 月 22 日(星期一)上午 8 時起至 3 月 5 日(星期
五)下午 5 時止,請務必完成附件 1 及附件 2 紙本掃描後上傳及網路報名。
(二) 網路報名:請至以下各承辦學校網站首頁報名路徑進行線上報名,參加學校及組別
名單於 110 年 3 月 10 日(星期三)下午 5 時前公布於承辦學校網站,
(三)報名資料:報名表紙本(附件 1)經校內相關單位核章完畢後掃描成 PDF 檔,併同報名
表 word 檔及完整劇本 word 檔(附件 2)共 3 個檔案。
I. Registration time: For all regions, the time starts from 2021 February 22nd
(Monday) to March 5th (Friday). Please complete attachment I and attachment II,
scanned and upload online to register.
II. Registration website: Please go to each host school official webpage and register
online. The list of schools with successful registration will be published on the host
school website by 2021 March 10 (Wednesday) 5:00pm.
III. Registration documents: The documents that need to be uploaded include the
registration form in PDF file, with stamped approvals from the school’s related units
(see attachment 1) , as well as the registration form in word document (see
attachment 2) and the complete script in word document, 3 files total.
IV. Finals registration will be completed by the regional host schools, not individually.

八、 領隊會議時間:
8. Team Leader Meeting Time:

(一) 各區區賽領隊會議時間:日期統一為 110 年 3 月 15 日(星期一),時間視各承辦

東區區賽汐止國小:汐止國小六藝樓 2 樓多媒體教室,新北市汐止區大同路二段 313 號。
中區區賽文聖國小:文聖國小地下演藝廳,新北市板橋區文聖街 86 號。
西區區賽林口國小:林口國小竹林樓 2 樓大辦公室,新北市林口區林口路 76 號。
I. Regional Contests: for all schools, the date is 2021 March 15 th (Monday). Time will be
determined by each host school. The Locations are as bellow:
i. Eastern Region Xizhi Elementary School: Multimedia classroom on the second
floor of Liuyi Building. The address is as follows: No. 313, Sec. 2, Datong Rd.,
Xizhi Dist., New Taipei City.
ii. Central Region Wensheng Elementary School: Zhi Sheng Building performance
room on the basement floor. The address is as follows: No.86 Wensheng Street,
Banqiao District, New Taipei City.
iii. Western Region Linkuo Elementary School: Large office on the 2nd floor
of Zhulin Building. The address is as follows: No. 76, Linkou Rd., Linkou Dist., New

Taipei City.

(二) 市賽領隊會議時間:110 年 4 月 14 日(星期三),時間視承辦學校訂定,地點:白雲

國小觀心樓 4 樓視聽教室,新北市汐止區民權街二段 90 號。
II. Finals: 2021 April 14th (Wednesday). Time will be determined by each host school.
The Location is as bellow: Baiyun Elementary School, Audiovisual classroom on the
4th floor of Guanxin Building, No. 90, Sec. 2, Minquan St., Xizhi Dist., New Taipei
(三) 領隊會議當天將進行出場順序之抽籤,請各校派員參加,未參加者由承辦學校代為
抽籤,不得異議(每校 1 人公假派代) ;另市賽比賽時間及順序依報名隊數決定,於市
III. During the team leader meeting, a drawing will be held to determine the sequence
of the Reader’s Theater contest. Please bring a representative from each school to
participate in the drawing. For schools that do not participate in the drawing
process, the event organizer will represent absent schools and no objections should
be made (each school should send a representative, who will get the day off for
coming to the meeting). The time and sequence of finals will be determined by the
number of teams registered. The drawing results will be announced in the finals
team leader meeting. Those who are absent from the meeting should inform host
school of leave beforehand, and actively contact host school for drawing results and
related information.
(四) 考量偏遠地區、非山非市及交通不便學校之交通路程,將由各區、市賽承辦學校視
IV. Considering the transportation distance of remote areas, non-mountainous and
non-city, and schools with inconvenient transportation, the regional and finals
schools will adjust the drawing sequence according to the appropriate number of
teams in each group.
(五) 比賽場地規格大小、舞台長、寬、固定之譜架及麥克風架設位置圖,於領隊會議中
V. The contest location’s specifications (i.e. dimension of the stage, placement of music
stands and arrangement of microphone stands) will be announced during the team leader

九、 比賽日期及地點:
9. Contest Dates and Locations:
(一) 區賽日期:東區為 110 年 3 月 29 日(星期一),先辦中年級組後辦高年級組,中
區及西區為 110 年 3 月 29 日(星期一)高年級組、3 月 30 日(星期二)中年級組。

(二) 各區賽地點如下:
東區區賽汐止國小:汐止國小六藝樓 5 樓演藝廳(新北市汐止區大同路二段 313 號)。
中區區賽文聖國小:文聖國小地下演藝廳(新北市板橋區文聖街 86 號)。
西區區賽林口國小:林口國小竹林樓 4 樓視聽教室(新北市林口區林口路 76 號)。
(三) 市賽日期及地點:110 年 4 月 26 日(星期一),中央研究院學術活動中心大禮堂(臺
北市 南港區研究院路 2 段 128 號)。
I. Regional Contests Dates: East region 2021 March 29 th (Monday). Mid-grade first
and then upper grade. Central and Western region 2021 March 29 th (Monday) for
upper grade. 2021 March 30th (Tuesday) for mid-grade.
II. Locations:
i. Eastern Region Xizhi Elementary School: Auditorium on the 5th floor of Liuyi
Building. The address is as follows: No. 313, Sec. 2, Datong Rd., Xizhi Dist., New
Taipei City.
ii. Central Region Wensheng Elementary School: Zhi Sheng Building performance
room on the basement floor. The address is as follows: No.86 Wensheng Street,
Banqiao District, New Taipei City.
iii. Western Region Linkuo Elementary School: Audiovisual classroom on the 4th
floor of Zhulin Building. The address is as follows: No. 76, Linkou Rd., Linkou Dist.,
New Taipei City.
III. Finals Date and Location: 2021 April 26 (Monday) at Auditorium of Academia Sinica
Academic Activity Center (No. 128, Sec. 2, Academia Rd., Nangang Dist., Taipei

十、 區、市賽比賽辦法及評分標準:
10.Regional, Finals Contest Rules, Standards, and Grading Criteria:

(一) 比賽辦法
I. Contest Rules

1. 表演時間:第 1 位學生上舞臺即開始計時,直到最後 1 名參賽學生離開舞臺即停止

計時。不可超過 6 分鐘(含進、退場),超過者每 30 秒扣總平均 1 分,未滿 30 秒,以
30 秒計。
i. Performance time: The timer is started as soon as the first student enters onto
the stage. The timer stops after the last student leaves the stage. The performance
cannot go over six minutes (including entering and leaving the stage). A point out of
the total average score will be deducted for every 30 seconds of overtime. If overtime

is less than 30 seconds, a point will be deducted as if it went over for 30 seconds.

2. 表演內容不限,以不違反善良風俗為原則。參賽劇本以教師自行創作為原則,如為
ii. There is no restriction on the content of the performance, as long as the
performance is not offensive or inappropriate by typical standards. In principle, the
scripts should be original scripts created by the teachers. If the script used is based
on someone else’s work or modified from another script written by someone else,
please give credits and provide citation. The schools hosting the contest should
provide the full scripts (for the judges to evaluate) as well as an introduction of the
scripts in both English and Chinese (printed and bound together). If there are any
issues with copyright infringements, each respective school should be held

3. 聽到叫號後,超過 1 分鐘未上臺的隊伍,視同棄權。
iii. A team will be disqualified from the contest if the team is not up on stage a full
minute after their team number is called out.

4. 任何形式之佈景、服裝、道具、燈光、配樂、走位、編排動作……等,均非評分項
iv. Participants are not required to prepare any forms of background decoration,
costume, props, stage lighting or coordinated moves (these are not counted toward
grading). Also, team members are required to bring the scripts on stage. If teams
memorize their lines in their performance, points will be deducted.

5. 舞臺旁主辦單位準備 20 張椅子、20 個譜架(可自行考慮是否使用,若有使用須負責

v. There will be 20 chairs and 20 music stands prepared beside the stage (each
team can decide whether or not they would like to use these props).

6. 請於比賽前 30 分鐘完成報到手續。

vi. Please finish the on-site registration process 30 minutes before the contest.

(二) 評分方式
II. Contest Standards

評分項目 比例 備註

評 發音及語調 40%
分 閱讀流暢度 25%

1. 以聲音詮釋劇本
準 創意表現 25%
2. 劇本內容
團隊合作 10% 含上下台觀賞秩序
Grading criteria Weight Comments
Pronunciation and
Reading fluency 25%
1. Use voice to interpret the script
standard Creativity 25%
2. Content of the script
Entering/ exiting the stage in an
Teamwork 10%
organized manner

十一、 區、市賽錄取名額及獎勵:本次比賽以觀摩學習為目的,以鼓勵各校踴躍參與為原
11 Regional and Final Contest Qualifications and Rewards: The main objective of this
contest is to provide an opportunity for students to learn from their peers through
observing each other’s performances. The goal is to encourage as many schools as
possible to participate in this event. (The merits will be awarded in accordance with clause
one and clause two of chapter nine of the Bylaws Regarding Merits for Elementary and
Kindergarten Teachers in New Taipei City.)

(一) 各區區賽成績依照各組報名隊伍錄取特優(比照第 1 名)、優等及佳作獎項,各組得

I. Based on the regional contest scores, teams’ performances will be rewarded as
Distinguished (Representing 1st place), Excellent, and Very Good. The team members
and the team coach will receive certificates based on their quality of performance.

1. 區賽特優(比照第 1 名):90 分以上隊伍(得保障極偏、特偏、偏遠及非山非市學校
88.5 分以上 1 名提列特優):獎狀 1 紙,有功人員 3 名,嘉獎 2 次。
i. Distinguished (representing 1st place): Above 90 points (One of the schools from
extremely remote, very remote, and remote, non-mountainous and non-city areas may
receive the Distinguished award if they receive scores above 88.5.): One award
certificate will be given out and three contributing faculty members can each receive
two merits.

2. 區賽優等(比照第 2 名):85 分以上隊伍(得保障極偏、特偏、偏遠及非山非市學校

83.5 分以上 1 名提列優等):獎狀 1 紙,有功人員 3 名,嘉獎 1 次。
ii. Excellent (representing 2nd place): Above 85 points (One of the schools from
extremely remote, very remote, and remote, non-mountainous and non-city areas may
receive the Excellent award if they receive scores above 83.5.). One award certificate
will be given out and three contributing faculty members can each receive a merit.

3. 區賽佳作(比照第 3 名):80 分以上隊伍(得保障極偏、特偏、偏遠及非山非市學校

78.5 分以上提列佳作):獎狀 1 紙,有功人員 3 名,嘉獎 1 次。
iii. Very Good (representing 3rd place): Above 80 points (All of the schools from
extremely remote, very remote, and remote, non-mountainous and non-city areas may
receive the Very Good award if they receive scores above 78.5): One award certificate
will be given out and three contributing faculty members can each receive a merit.

4. 區賽承辦單位績效優良者,主辦人員嘉獎 2 次以 2 人為限,相關承辦人員 5 人各嘉

獎 1 次(包含該校校長)。
iv. The faculty members from the schools hosting the regional contest may also
receive merits for hosting a good event. The main organizers can receive two merits
(limited to two people). The other faculty members that have contributed to the event
can receive a merit up to 5 people(including the principal).

(二) 市賽比賽成績依照各組報名隊伍錄取市賽特優、優等及佳作獎項,各組得獎者頒給
II. Based on the final contest scores, teams’ performances will be rewarded as
Distinguished, Excellent, and Very Good. The team members and the team coach will

receive award certificates and gift cards.

1. 市賽特優(比照第 1 名):90 分以上(每組至多 3 名,另增列極偏、特偏、偏遠及非山

非市學校 88.5 分以上 1 名提列特優):獎狀 1 紙,禮券 5,000 元,有功人員 3 名,嘉
獎 2 次。
i. Distinguished Award: Above 90 points (Given to up to 3 teams in each division. In
addition, one of the schools from extremely remote, very remote, and remote, non-
mountainous and non-city areas may receive the Distinguished award if they receive
scores above 88.5.): One award certificate will be given out and the team will receive
a $5,000NTD gift card. Three contributing faculty members can each receive two

2. 市賽優等(比照第 2 名):85 分以上(每組至多 6 名,另增列極偏、特偏、偏遠及非山

非市學校 83.5 分以上 1 名提列優等):獎狀 1 紙,禮券 3,000 元,有功人員 3 名,嘉
獎 1 次。
ii. Excellent Award (representing 2nd place): Above 85 points (Given to up to 6
teams in each division. In addition, one of the schools from extremely remote, very
remote, and remote, non-mountainous and non-city areas may receive the Excellent
award if they receive scores above 83.5.): One award certificate will be given out and
the team will receive a $3,000NTD gift card. Three contributing faculty members can
each receive one merit.

3. 市賽佳作(比照第 3 名):80 分以上(另增列極偏、特偏、偏遠及非山非市學校 78.5 分

以上提列佳作):獎狀 1 紙,有功人員 3 名,嘉獎 1 次。
iii. Very Good Award (representing 3rd place): Above 80 points (All of the schools
from extremely remote, very remote, and remote, non-mountainous and non-city
areas may receive the Very Good award if they receive scores above 78.5): One
award certificate will be given out and three contributing faculty members can each
receive one merit.

4. 以上獎項頒發禮券和獎狀,主辦單位得視各組參賽隊數調整錄取名額。表現未達水
iv. The above awards and gift cards allocation may be adjusted based on the

number of teams participating. If the performances are not up to par with expectation,
not all awards need to be given out.

5. 市賽承辦單位績效優良者,主辦人員 1 至 2 人各嘉獎 2 次,餘協辦人員 6 人各嘉獎 1

v. The faculty members from the schools hosting the finals may also receive merits
for hosting a good event. The main organizers can receive two merits (up to two
people). The other faculty members that have contributed to the event can each
receive a merit up to 6 people (including the principal).

十二、 區賽、市賽成績公布及頒獎時間:區賽及市賽得獎名單於賽後一個星期內另行公告。
12 Regional and Finals contests score results announcement date and award ceremony
date: The scores and award list will be out a week after the contests.

十三、 區市賽領隊會議及評審會議與會之領隊、評審及承辦單位工作人員得以公假登記,
課務排代;區市賽前一天承辦單位場地佈置工作人員,得以 1 年內在不影響課務的前
提下核實補休;比賽當日領隊(1 人)、指導老師(1-3 人)及承辦單位工作人員得
14. Faculty members may take work days off on the days they are involved in meetings
related to the event (e.g. team leader meeting, judges’ meeting, event hosting meeting,
etc.) and request for other teachers to substitute for their classes. On the day before the
regional and finals competition, the host schools’ members preparing for the setup of the
venue can verify the compensatory day off within one year without affecting the school
affairs. On the day of the contest, the team leader (one faculty member) and team
instructors (one to three faculty members) as well as the faculty members hosting the
events may take a work day off and find substitute teachers for their classes.

十四、 版權:主辦單位有權使用所有參賽隊伍之劇本,本局並有權將劇本及比賽影片擇優
14 Copyright: The organizer of the event has the right to use all of the scripts in the
competition. The Education Department of New Taipei City has the right to post videos of
the contest on the English Educational Resources website(

十五、 參賽單位注意事項:
15 Other Competition Regulations

(一) 參賽者應服從評判,如對於參賽人員資格或有關競賽之申訴,限由領隊提出書面申
I. Participants should accept the evaluations of the judges. If there are any complaints
or dissatisfaction that need to be reported regarding the qualification of other team
members or anything else about the competition, the complaints are to be reported by the
team leader. The team leader should provide a formal dissatisfaction/ complaint letter that
states the reason(s) for the complaint and give the letter to the faculty members that are
hosting the contest. Only complaints regarding the rules of the contest, the order of the
performance and team qualifications will be accepted; these complaints should be filed
before the team scores come out or else the complaint will not have any effect. Complaints
regarding the judges’ artistic, technical and other evaluation of the teams will not be

(二) 競賽當日若遇天災或疫情宣布停止上班上課,即停止辦理競賽,另擇期舉行。若比
II. If regular classes are cancelled under severe weather conditions or due to the spread
of an epidemic, the contests will be rescheduled at a later time. If severe weather
conditions may cause various issues with commuting to the event location, schools should
notify the organizers and the Education Department of New Taipei City may reschedule the

(三) 參賽學校於參加比賽時,不得穿著或配戴具有坊間補習班名義之衣服或飾品,經主
III. When teams are participating in the event, clothing or accessories that show
representation of sponsorship of any particular cram-school are not allowed. If a team
violating this rule does not remedy the situation after receiving a warning from the
organizers, they will lose their qualification to participate in the contest and winners will
have their awards revoked.

(四) 各校若因報名不實而經查獲,除取消比賽資格外(獲獎者取消其所獲獎項),學校相
IV. Any schools that have falsified information during the registration process will
lose their qualification to join the contest (or get their rewards revoked). Faculty
members should enforce this rule and take full responsibilities.

(五) 請參賽者配合維持場地清潔與寧靜,比賽前場地內不得預演及練習,發聲調音請遠
V. Team members should keep the event location clean and tidy. Please stay quiet and
do not rehearse at the event location. Please leave the room where the performance is
held if any vocal warm up needs to be done.

(六) 為考量參賽學生之安全,請勿於臺上進行激烈或過大之動作(如踏步、跳躍等),請
VI. For safety purposes, please refrain from making big moves/ actions on stage (e.g.
stomping, jumping, etc.) Team instructors should design the performance with safety kept
in mind.

(七) 完成區賽報名後,如需變更指導人員、選手名單或劇本,請於領隊會議當日向承辦
VII. After completing the registration for the regional competition, if you need to change
the instructor, the list of players or the script, please submit it to the host school on the day
of the team leader meeting (please bring the documents approved by the host and the
office director for on-site changes); After the end of team leader meeting, changes to the
instructor, the list of players, and the script will no longer be accepted.
(八) 下一組參賽者在後臺準備時,應保持肅靜,不得爭先恐後或影響他人演出。
VIII When a team is about to go on stage, the team should stay quiet in the backstage.
Please refrain from cutting in line or pushing around.

(九) 主辦單位有權現場錄製比賽實況錄音、錄影,影帶以作為推廣教材及存檔之用:
VIIII. The event organizers have the right to video record the contest and use the videos
for educational promotion purposes.

1. 主辦單位為辦理教學之需要,得選定各類組優勝團隊之演出節目,製作非營利性質
i. The event organizers are allowed to use the videos of the winning teams to
create educational material, as long as the material is not for profit.

2. 凡報名參加本項比賽即視同無條件授權主辦單位編輯、製作欣賞教學影音資料。
ii. By default, the teams that have registered for the contest give consent to the
organizers to edit and produce educational material based on their performances.
(十) 有關獎狀換發僅限承辦學校誤植獎狀名字,於領隊會議後更換教師及學生名字者不
X. The renewal of the award certificate is limited to the name of the award certificate
incorrectly planted by the undertaking school. Those who change the names of

teachers and students after the team leader meeting will not be reissued.
十六、 經費概算:由本府教育局補助。
16 Budget: The budget is sponsored by the Education Department of New Taipei

十七、 本計畫奉核後實施,修正時亦同。
17 This plan will be implemented after it has passed the review. The plan may also
be implemented after revision.

附件 1 (Attachment 1)

新北市 110 年度國民小學英語讀者劇場比賽報名表

2021 New Taipei Annual Elementary School Reader’s Theater Contest Registration Form

□東區 □中區 □西區 □市賽

Eastern Region Central Region Western Region Finals

參賽學校:____________________ 參賽班級:______________________
School Class

學校類型:一般學校 極偏 特偏 偏遠 非山非市 (請打ˇ)

School type: □Regular □Extremely remote □Very remote □Remote □Non-mountainous and
non-city (Please use ✓ mark)

組 別:國小中年級組國小高年級組
Division: □ Mid-Grade□Upper-Grade

劇 名:
Name of the Script:

領 隊:
Team Leader:

Faculty instructors:

(配合本計畫第 12 點敘獎之成績名額,指導老師 1 至 3 人,請注意優先順序):

(Merits will be given in accordance with clause 12 of this document; faculty instructors are limited
to up to 3 members. Please pay attention to the order of the names listed below because that will
be the order in which the names are announced.):

參賽選手:共 人(至少 6 人參賽,可視參賽人數增加空格)
Number of members on the team:_____ people in total (6 members minimum; spaces can be
added below based on the number of people participating)



※ The members above should satisfy the team member requirements outlined in clause 6 of this
plan. If the members’ qualifications are not in accordance with the requirements, the school will
be held responsible.

承辦人: 主任: 校長:

Main Coordinator: Head of Department: Principal:

參賽隊伍特色:(字數請勿超過 100 字)
Team introduction and the team’s distinctive features:(Less than 100 words)

劇本簡介:(可以中、英文說明,但字數分別請勿超過 100 字)
Introduction of the script: (can be written in Chinese or English, but please refrain from going over
100 words)

附件 2 (Attachment 2)

新北市 110 年度國民小學英語讀者劇場比賽劇本

2021 New Taipei Annual Elementary School Reader’s Theater Contest Script

□東區 □中區 □西區 □市賽

Eastern Region Central Region Western Region Finals

參賽學校:____________________ 參賽班級:_________________
School Class

學校類型:一般學校 極偏 特偏 偏遠 非山非市 (請打ˇ)

School type: □Regular □Extremely remote □Very remote □Remote □Non-mountainous
and non-city (Please use ✓ mark)

劇 名:
Script name:

劇本出處:□ 100%自編。作者:________________
□ 75%改編,改編作者:_______,原作者(出處):______。
□ 50%改編,改編作者:_______,原作者(出處):______。
□ 25%改編,改編作者:_______,原作者(出處):______。
□ 0%改編,完全引用自原作者(出處):_____________。
Script Origin: □ 100% original. Author: ________
□ 75% adapted from another source.
Adaptation Author: _______________________
Original Author and Source: ________________
□ 50% adapted from another source.
Adaptation Author: _______________________
Original Author and Source: ________________
□ 25% adapted from another source.
Adaptation Author: _______________________
Original Author and Source: ________________
□ 0% adapted, using material from another author:
Author and Source: ______________________

Introduction of the script:

Detailed script:


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