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Science of Sex and How to Make Women

Do Anything in Bed

Step-by-Step Sex Guide for Men

By Tom Anderson
This book is dedicated to David Deida
Table of Contents
Introduc on


Chapter 1

Focusing on Arousal
Three common mistakes

Chapter 2

How Women Get Aroused

Three common mistakes

Chapter 3

Female Arousal and Masculinity

Being non-reac ve
Making decisions
Calm-asser veness
Three common mistakes

Chapter 4

Female Arousal and Femininity

Your girl’s feelings
Your girl’s body
Three common mistakes



Chapter 1

Step 1 of Leading: Making a Move (The Masculine Decision)

Leading women in bed
How men make decisions in bed
Three common mistakes

Chapter 2

Step 2 of Leading: Resistance

The purpose of resistance
Three common types of resistance
Three common mistakes

Chapter 3

Step 3 of Leading: Calm Asser ve Repe on

The one thing you can never do in bed
The one thing you always have to do in bed
The resistance loop
Three common mistakes

Chapter 4

Step 4 of Leading: Acceptance or Rejec on (The Feminine Decision)

How to recognize acceptance
How to recognize rejec on
What to do when you get rejected
The meaning of rejec on
Three common mistakes

Chapter 5

Step 5 of Leading: Giving a Compliment (Op onal)

The purpose of compliments
When to give compliments
How to give compliments
Three common mistakes

Chapter 6

Step 1 to 5 Explained
Example of the male-female interac on
Three common mistakes



Chapter 1

Arousal Level vs. Sexual Ac vity

The sexual ac vity scale
When the sexual ac vity is much greater than arousal level
When the sexual ac vity is close to arousal level
Three common mistakes

Chapter 2

Three A tudes for Sexual Persuasion

1. Casual a tude
2. Playful a tude
3. Dominant a tude
Three common mistakes

Chapter 3

Five Effec ve Persuasion Techniques

1. The male-female interac on
2. Taking small steps
3. Telling your girl exactly what to do
4. Mo va on, posi ve reinforcement and dirty talk
5. Being a good role model
Three common mistakes

Chapter 4

From Pick-up to Orgasm

Stage 1: Pick-up and seduc on
Stage 2: Your rela onship
Stage 3: Foreplay
Stage 4: Sex
Stage 5: Orgasm
Stage 1 to 5: Focusing on arousal
Three common mistakes
This book is unlike any other sex guide. It treats sex as a science, hence the
name The Science of Sex. As with any type of science, the science of sex
has rules. Simple rules that can be learned and understood. And used in
real life.
When you learn these rules, you will know what to do with women – in any
situa on. Even when they resist and say no to you. Follow the rules and
everything will work out as you want them to.
This book will NOT teach you hundreds of things to do with women in bed.
It will teach you the ONE right thing to do. You don’t need to learn
hundreds of different things to do with women, because when you know
the rules of sex, you don’t have to. You’ll instantly know the right thing to
do, without even thinking about it.
Sciences such as mathema cs and physics are built on only a few simple
rules, but these simple rules explain everything in the universe. The
science of sex works the same way. Learn the rules, and you can do
ANYTHING with women.
This book has three goals:
Goal 1:
Teach you how female arousal works, so you always know how to turn
women on. (This is part 1 of this book)
Goal 2:
Teach you the natural sexual interac on between men and women. This
interac on is a 5 step process, and it’s the same every me you want to
do something sexual with a woman. Learn this 5 step process, and you’ll
always know what to do with women. (This is part 2 of this book)
Goal 3:
Teach you how to make women do anything in bed. Or to be more
precise, teach you to increase your girl’s arousal, so she’ll happily go
along with everything you want to do in bed. (This is part 3 of this book)
The Science of Sex focuses on the sexual interac on in the bedroom. But
the rules can be used in any sexual interac on with women, such as during
pick-up, on a date, during foreplay, or in a rela onship as a whole.
The techniques in this book work with all heterosexual women. For
prac cal reasons, ‘your girl’ is the term used to represent women.
Depending on your lifestyle, ‘your girl’ can be subs tuted with ‘your
girlfriend’, ‘your wife’, ‘your fuck buddy’, ‘your one-night stand’ or ‘your
pros tute’.
In other words, the type of rela onship with a woman isn’t important. The
rules of sex will always work. Or else, it wouldn’t be science, would it…
Part 1

Female Arousal
Chapter 1
Focusing on Arousal
Arousal is the most important factor in the bedroom. When you want your
girl to do something in bed, it’s her arousal level that determines whether
she’s going along with it.
It’s not about how much she likes you, or how nice you are. It’s not about
love, or any other feeling. And it’s not a ra onal decision your girl’s making.
When it comes to sex, arousal is the determining factor. And therefore,
your focus should be on arousal.
Women have few hard limits when it comes to sex. They say they have
limits, but these limits go out the window, one by one, when you turn
them on. Most women will do anything in bed, as long as you make them
horny enough.
You need to take control of your girl’s arousal. She doesn’t get horny by
herself, and arousal isn’t a magical thing that just happens. You, and you
alone, are responsible for turning your girl on, and raising her arousal level
high enough, so she will go along with whatever you want to do in bed.
This is not difficult to do. You only have to learn how women get turned on,
and how the natural male-female interac on works.

Three common mistakes

Mistake 1: Thinking that your girl makes ra onal decisions in bed
Sex is all about feelings. And arousal is the main feeling in bed. Your girl will
go along with anything, as long as she’s horny enough.
Mistake 2: Forget to turn your girl on before having sex
Your girl will only have sex when she’s aroused. Sex is impossible without
arousal, so your focus should be on arousal even before having sex.
Mistake 3: Wai ng for your girl to get “in the mood”
Your girl is never “in the mood” for sex, because women don’t go around
being horny. It’s your job, as a man, to get your girl “in the mood”.
Chapter 2
How Women Get Aroused
Women get aroused differently than men. In fact, the way men and
women get turned on is the complete opposite of each other. Therefore,
arousal is the defining factor that separates men and women.
This makes for a perfect match. And it’s why men and women want each
other. The reason your girl chose you is because you have quali es she’s
lacking. And the reason you chose your girl is because she has quali es
you’re lacking.
These quali es are called masculinity and femininity. Men are sexually
a racted to femininity, while women are sexually a racted to masculinity.
When you want to turn your girl on, you have to use your masculine
quali es. If you use your feminine quali es in a sexual interac on, it will
always be a turn off. There are no excep ons to this. Only your masculinity
can turn your girl on.
(You will learn how to use your masculinity in the next chapter. This is a
prac cal book, and you’ll learn how to be masculine in the bedroom.)
However, there’s another way men and women get turned on. And that is
by becoming more of what they already are. Men get turned on when
becoming more masculine, and women get turned on when becoming
more feminine.
When you become more masculine, by for instance feeling asser ve or
strong, you’ll feel arousal as well. And when your girl becomes more
feminine, by for instance feeling beau ful or sexy, she’ll also feel arousal.
(The two ways for women to get aroused will be explained in chapters 3
and 4.)
When you know how you can make yourself more masculine, and your girl
more feminine, then there are no limits for how much you can turn your
girl on. And this means, in turn, that there are no limits for what your girl is
willing to do in bed.

Three common mistakes

Mistake 4: Thinking that your girl is turned on the same way you are
turned on
Women choose men because they’re men. Your masculine quali es turn
your girl on. Your feminine quali es, such as your looks, have no effect on
female arousal.
Mistake 5: Believing that men and women are equal
Equal rights and opportuni es don’t mean that men and women are the
same. Men and women will always be different from each other. And the
difference is that men are sexually a racted to feminine quali es, while
women are sexually a racted to masculine quali es.
Mistake 6: Thinking that arousal is a choice
Arousal is a feeling. And all feelings are triggered by certain s muli. The
s muli for female arousal are masculine quali es and behaviors. They turn
your girl on whether she wants to or not. She has no choice. It’s an inborn
automa c response.
Chapter 3
Female Arousal and Masculinity
How women can be turned on by men is probably the biggest mystery
when it comes to seduc on and sex.
Most men are clueless. Out of frustra on they try everything, including
being super nice, giving compliments, buying gi s, helping out, looking
cool (or trying to), using cologne, wearing an expensive watch, going to the
gym, and so on.
The problem is that all of these examples are feminine behaviors. There’s
nothing wrong with them, except they don’t affect female arousal. Only
masculine behaviors turn women on.
But what is masculinity, really?
Masculinity is difficult to define. Even women can’t define it. They may use
terms like ‘confident’ or ‘powerful’ to describe a masculine man, but this
isn’t helpful. It doesn’t explain how you can be more masculine in the
Here’s a more prac cal explana on of masculinity:
Masculinity is the ability to stay non-reac ve, and the willingness to
make decisions.

Being non-reactive
Being non-reac ve means that you don’t react, automa cally, to anything
that’s going on around you. Whatever happens, you stay calm and relaxed.
Your girl will try to make you react to her. She has to know that you are a
sexually a rac ve man, so she has to test your masculinity. As long as you
stay non-reac ve you’ll pass her tests, and she’ll feel sexually a racted to
When interac ng with women, there are three different ways to be
reac ve. And all of them are turn offs for women.
1. Reac ng emo onally
You can NEVER react emo onally to your girl. Especially in bed. You can
never show frustra on, anger or disappointment in sexual interac ons
with women.
This is so important to women that they will always test men for this
during pick-up. Saying no to men is the most common test women use to
find out if men are reac ve or non-reac ve. And if a man reacts
emo onally, then it’s game over. She will lose interest instantly.
2. Star ng to argue
You can NEVER start to argue with your girl. This is a huge turn off.
For instance, you want to have anal sex, but your girl doesn’t want to. And
then you say, “Why? You liked it the last me.” Or “I’m sure you’ll like it if
you just try.”
Now, you’re arguing, and your girl will be turned off. If you had stayed non-
reac ve and just moved on to something else, then your girl would have
felt your masculinity.
3. Explaining yourself
Explaining yourself to your girl isn’t as big of a mistake as reac ng
emo onally or star ng to argue. But s ll, it’s a turn off because women
want men who go for what they want, without explaining themselves.
Your girl will probably test you for this daily. A common test women use is
the annoying ‘why ques ons’.
“Why didn’t you answer your phone?”
“Why do you wear that shirt?”
“Why don’t you care about me?”
Don’t fall into the trap. These are tests. Your girl asks you these ques ons
because she wants to feel your masculinity. And if you don’t answer, or
answer playfully, then she’ll feel your masculinity, and the annoying
ques oning will stop.
Here are some examples of how to answer these ques ons without
explaining yourself.
Your girl asks, “Why didn’t you answer your phone?”
You answer playfully, “Oh! Did you miss me?”
Your girl asks, “Why do you wear that shirt?”
You answer casually, “Because I want to.”
Your girl asks, “Why don’t you care about me?”
You keep quiet. You just look at your girl, and give her a confident smile.
Your answers can be anything really, because the ques ons aren’t meant to
be taken literally. They are just tests for your masculinity. And as long as
you don’t explain yourself you’ll pass the tests.
The reason your girl has to test you, daily, for your non-reac veness is
because masculinity can’t be seen visually. You can see your girl’s
femininity, such as her body, without doing anything. And if she takes care
of herself, you’ll stay sexually a racted to her.
But your masculinity can only be proven when you’re tested. Anyone can
be confident and non-reac ve when they don’t face any resistance. Your
girl knows this ins nc vely, so she has to test you to find out if you’re s ll a
sexually a rac ve man.

Making decisions
The willingness to make decisions is the other half of your masculinity.
Staying calm and being non-reac ve is the passive part of your masculinity,
while making decisions is the ac ve part of masculinity.
This willingness to make decisions is essen al in any sexual interac on with
women. This is because women are sexually passive. Your girl expects you
to make sexual decisions. If you don’t take charge and make decisions in
bed, then nothing will ever happen.
Making a decision will always lead to female arousal. Every me you make
a decision in a sexual interac on, your girl will be turned on. It doesn’t
even ma er what you do, because it’s the act of making a decision that
creates female arousal. Even when you try to do something your girl
rejects, it will s ll create arousal.
And it doesn’t have to be big decisions. Every li le move you make will
create some arousal. And when you make one small decision a er another,
your girl will slowly become more and more aroused. And the more
aroused she gets, the more she’s willing to do.

The willingness to make decisions and the ability to stay non-reac ve is
o en referred to as calm-asser veness.
Calm-asser veness is both an a tude and a skill you have to develop.
When you always stay calm-asser ve in bed, your girl will feel both safe
and turned on at the same me.
She knows that you’ll always take charge and come up with things to do in
bed. And at the same me, she knows that she can reject your sugges ons,
without you reac ng emo onally or star ng to argue.
With this calm-asser ve a tude, you’ll be able to deal with anything that
may happen in bed. You will stay calm no ma er what, and you’ll
asser vely take ac on whenever you want to. In other words, you are now
a sexually a rac ve man.
This is the basis for which your girl will do anything in the bedroom. And
the steps you go through to make this happen will be explained in Part 2.

Three common mistakes

Mistake 7: Not understand that your girl has to test you every day
Your masculinity cannot be seen visually. This means that your girl has to
test your masculinity every day. She will ask you annoying ques ons, and
u er random and meaningless statements. And when you don’t react
emo onally or start to argue, she’ll feel a sexual pull towards you.
Mistake 8: Not understand that women are sexually passive
You have to do EVERYTHING in bed. Your girl will not come up with things
to do sexually, and she expects you to make all the decisions. Your girl may
even seem disinterested in sex. But this is not the case. She’s wai ng for
you to take ac on.
Mistake 9: Thinking that women are aroused, or not aroused
Female arousal isn’t like a light switch. It’s more like a volume knob. In your
daily life, your girl’s arousal level will not be turned off, but her arousal
level will of course be low. But if you are a calm-asser ve man, then this
low level of arousal will be enough for her to stay in the rela onship, and
she’ll never think about chea ng. When you during foreplay and sex use
more of your calm-asser veness, she’ll gradually become more and more
Chapter 4
Female Arousal and Femininity
There’s another way women get turned on. And that is by becoming more
feminine. In as sexual interac on with a man, women will always be turned
on when they become more feminine.
But what is femininity?
It’s as difficult to define as masculinity. Here is a prac cal defini on you can
use when interac ng with women:
Femininity is your girl’s feelings and your girl’s body.

Your girl’s feelings

Every feeling, emo on and sensa on is part of femininity. And in a sexual
interac on with a man, all feelings, emo ons and sensa ons will turn into
female arousal.
For instance, when you make your girl laugh, she’ll get aroused as well.
When you give her a massage, ckle her, spank her, tease her, and so on,
she’ll always get aroused.
There are no excep ons here. Every feeling, emo on and sensa on will
make your girl more aroused. And the more feelings she feels, the more
aroused she’ll get.
Also the way she feels about herself is a turn on. When you make your girl
feel beau ful, or sexy, or slu y, or whatever you want her to feel, she’ll
become more aroused.
And that brings us to the other part of femininity.

Your girl’s body

Your girl’s body is also part of her femininity. When you give your girl’s
body a en on, she’ll become more feminine, and this means, in turn,
more arousal.
Use all your senses to give her a en on. Look at her body, touch her skin,
smell her scent, listen to her moan, and taste her lips. Every me you give
your girl’s body a en on in a sexual interac on, she’ll become aroused as

Three common mistakes

Mistake 10: Focusing more on your body than your girl’s body
Your body is not important when having sex. It’s all about your girl’s body.
Mistake 11: Not focusing on your girl’s feelings
If you want to make your girl do anything in bed, then you have to boost
her arousal. Using her feelings is an effec ve way to do this. Try to make
her feel as much as humanly possible. The more she feels the more
aroused she’ll become.
Mistake 12: Trying to change arousal directly
Don’t try to make your girl feel more arousal. Instead, try to make her feel
more. In bed, all feelings will turn into female arousal.
Part 2

The Male-Female Interaction (The 5 Steps of

Chapter 1
Step 1 of Leading: Making a Move (The
Masculine Decision)
Leading women in bed
The sexual interac on between men and women follows a specific pa ern.
You have to follow this pa ern every me you want to do something with a
woman. You can do whatever you want to do, but you have to follow the
pa ern.
The pa ern is a five step process. And you, the man, have to lead both
yourself and your girl through the five steps. Hence, the name ‘the 5 steps
of leading’.
You cannot rely on your girl to take the lead in bed, since women are
passive in all sexual interac ons. (Including pick-up, seduc on, foreplay
and sex.) Being passive doesn’t mean women never make decisions. In
fact, every me you take the lead and make a decision, your girl has to
make a decision as well. She has to make the decision to accept or reject
your lead.
In this way, sex is a democracy. The man comes up with the things to do,
while the woman votes ‘yes’ or ‘no’.
The male-female interac on may seem complicated at first, but in reality
it’s an easy way for men and women to come up with things to do in bed.
In fact, it’s the only way men and women can interact sexually. This 5 step
process gives you and your girl a chance to live out your fantasies in the
(Each of the steps will be explained in chapters 1-5. And in chapter 6 the
whole process will be demonstrated with several examples.)

How men make decisions in bed

Everything that happens in bed starts right here, with step 1. It starts with
you and your decision to do something. But it’s also here that it goes
wrong for most men. Because the way you make decisions in bed is
different from everything you have learned about making good choices for
To make good sexual decisions, you have to consider four factors:
1. Selfishness
You’ve learned to think of other people’s needs, and that selfishness is bad.
But not in the bedroom. If you try to figure out what your girl wants to do,
then you’ll get nowhere.
There are three good reasons for this.
First of all, it’s impossible for you to know what your girl wants to do,
unless you’re a mind reader.
Second of all, there’s a high probability your girl won’t come up with
anything to do in bed. This is because women’s minds are different than
men’s when it comes to sex.
Women don’t like to make crea ve decisions in bed. So, if you ask your girl
what she wants to do, then she’ll look like a big ques on mark. Your girl is
more comfortable with accep ng or rejec ng your proposals.
Third of all, the fact that you come up with things to do in bed is a big turn
on for your girl. Selfishness is part of your asser ve masculinity, and it
triggers female arousal.
2. Feeling instead of thinking
We all learn to think before we act. But that’s impossible when having sex,
because sex is all about feelings. Sex isn’t ra onal, and it’s nothing “smart”
to do in the bedroom. The only way to make a move in bed is to listen to
your feelings. They will tell you what to do.
3. Making a crea ve decision
This is the main difference between how men and women make decisions
in bed. The male decision is a crea ve decision. It has to come from deep
inside, from your feelings and needs.
You can of course draw inspira on from your girl. When you look at her
beau ful body or touch her so skin, you’ll be inspired to come up with
things to do.
As long as you stay in the present moment you’ll s mulate your crea vity,
and you’ll always come up with something to do.
4. Go for it
When you feel like doing something with your girl, then you simply have to
go for it. You can’t censor yourself in the bedroom.
Your girl wants you to be honest with yourself, and do whatever you feel
like doing. She’ll stop you if she doesn’t want to follow your lead. But
whatever you feel like doing, you have to go for it.

Three common mistakes

Mistake 13: Not make decisions in the first place
Your dream girl will not knock on your front door, and women will not just
do wild things in bed. You are the man, and you have to take ac on.
Mistake 14: Trying to think of smart moves
Sex is nothing to think about. You do whatever you feel like doing. And
that’s it.
Mistake 15: Trying to make big moves
With women you have to take one small step at a me. For instance, if you
want to have anal sex with your girl, then you have to go through maybe
dozens of steps. It may take several weeks before she’s ready to go all the
Chapter 2
Step 2 of Leading: Resistance
When making a move in bed, you would think your girl will either accept or
reject your proposal. But with women it’s not always that straigh orward.
O en, you get something called resistance.
Resistance is when the woman neither accepts your decision, nor rejects it.
Other expressions for resistance can be, playing hard to get, being
“difficult”, flir ng, teasing, tes ng, or being bitchy.
For instance, you want to kiss your girl, and say, “Come here, baby! Give
me a kiss!” But then, she smiles and says, “You wish! I don’t think so.”
Women don’t resist to be difficult, though. Resistance has a specific
purpose, and it’s an important part of the natural male-female interac on.

The purpose of resistance

The purpose of resistance is to test your masculinity. As men oned earlier,
masculinity can’t be seen visually. It can only be shown when facing
Your girl resists your move to see how you’ll react. If you react emo onally
or start to argue, then she’ll be turned off. But if you stay calm-asser ve,
she’ll feel your masculinity, and she’ll be sexually drawn to you. In other
words, resistance is a test for your masculinity, so your girl can be turned
Resistance o en occurs when your girl is almost turned on enough to
follow your lead. But she needs to feel more arousal, and she’ll offer you
some resistance, so she can feel your masculinity. And if you stay calm-
asser ve, she’ll feel more aroused, and she’ll be ready to accept your
Whether resistance turns into acceptance or rejec on depends mostly on
your reac on to your girl’s resistance. (This will be explained in the next

Three common types of resistance

1. No reac on
You want to do something sexual, and tell your girl what to do. But you get
no reac on from your girl. She acts like she didn’t hear you.
This non-reac on is the most common type of resistance when having sex.
2. Saying “no”
You want to do something, but your girl says, “No.”
This is a common type of resistance when picking up women.
(It’s important to know when no really means no. This will be explained in
chapter 4.)
3. Playful resistance with mixed signals
You make your move, and your girl says, “No” and smiles at the same me.
Or she physically pushes you away, and smiles.
This is common during pick-up, on a date, and during foreplay.

Three common mistakes

Mistake 16: Thinking that resistance is something nega ve
Resistance is a natural part of seduc on and sex. Women use resistance to
get turned on.
Mistake 17: Thinking that no resistance is something posi ve
If you don’t get resistance from a woman, it usually means that she isn’t
a racted to you. And you’ll have li le chance of showing her that you’re a
calm-asser ve man.
Mistake 18: Forge ng that no reac on is a type of resistance
In bed, women react instantly to men’s lead. There isn’t any delay between
your ac ons or “commands” and your girl’s responses. This means that
when your girl doesn’t react instantly, it’s always resistance. In other
words, no reac on from your girl is per defini on a type of resistance.
Chapter 3
Step 3 of Leading: Calm Assertive Repetition
This step separates men who are okay with women from men who can get
women to do almost anything in bed.
Responding the right way to your girl’s resistance will give her arousal a
boost. But if you respond the wrong way, it will be a huge turn off, and your
girl may even want to stop having sex all together.
This step has two clear rules. And as long as you follow these two rules,
everything will work out fine. The first rule is something you can NEVER do
when your girl resists your lead, and the second rule is something you
ALWAYS have to do when she resists your lead.

The one thing you can never do in bed

You can NEVER be reac ve when your girl resists your lead. That includes
all the three types of being reac ve: You can never start to argue, explain
yourself, or react emo onally.
For instance, you want your girl to give you a blowjob, and you say, “Suck
my cock.” But when she says “no,” you get frustrated, and say, “But Why?
You like giving blowjobs.”
Now, you’re both arguing and reac ng emo onally. This is a big mistake.
Your girl will be turned off by your feminine behavior, and there’s no
chance she’ll give you a blowjob. And maybe she even wants to stop having
sex all together.

The one thing you always have to do in bed

When your girl resists your lead, there’s only one acceptable response. And
that is persistence. You have to calmly and asser vely repeat whatever
you’re doing. You have already decided what you want to do, and a li le
resistance shouldn’t change your mind.
For instance, when your girl says no to give you a blowjob, then you simply
repeat yourself by saying, “Suck my cock.” This will give your girl’s arousal a
boost, because asser veness is an important part of your masculinity.
And when you stay calm as well, without reac ng emo onally or star ng
to argue, she’ll feel even more of your masculinity.
When repea ng yourself you don’t have to say or do the exact same thing.
For instance, you could have said, “Open your mouth, baby. Give me a nice
But you couldn’t have said, “That’s okay. Come here and give me a kiss,” or
something that’s different from your girl giving you a blowjob. Because
giving in to resistance is the opposite of being asser ve, and therefore a
turn off.

The resistance loop

When your girl resists, and you calmly and asser vely repeat yourself, then
it’s a good chance your girl will resist you once more. If this happens, you
simply have to repeat yourself a second me.
This is called a resistance loop, and it’s very common. It usually happens
several mes when having sex.
When you’re in a resistance loop you’re going around in a loop between
step 2 and step 3, where you are persis ng, and your girl is resis ng.
This loop ends when your girl decide to accept or reject your proposal. It’s
important that you don’t end the loop. You just have to stay calm and
con nue to be asser ve.
The resistance loop will drive up your girl’s arousal, because every me you
stay calm-asser ve when she’s giving you resistance, she’ll feel your
masculinity. This means that the resistance loop usually ends with your girl
giving in and accepts your proposal.
It’s not uncommon to go around in this loop 5-6 mes or more before your
girl accepts your proposal. Just stay pa ent and keep on persis ng, without
arguing or showing any emo ons.
An example of the resistance loop:
You say, “Suck my cock.” But your girl doesn’t respond. (This is a common
type of resistance.)
You say once again, “Suck my cock.” But your girl s ll doesn’t respond.
You say calmly, “Open your mouth.” But she s ll doesn’t respond.
You persist, and say, “Open your mouth, baby!” Now, she opens her mouth
and gives you a blowjob.
In this example, your girl is not giving in because you’re pressuring her.
Pressuring women will never work because women won’t go along with
anything they don’t want to do in bed. In fact, when a woman feels
pressured, she’ll always reject your lead.
In the example your girl goes along with your proposal because she feels
your calm asser ve persistence. If she had felt that you desperately
needed her to give you a blowjob, then she would have been turned off.
This is because being desperate is an emo on, and emo ons belong to
femininity, and is therefore a turn off.
Only calm asser ve persistence will turn resistance into acceptance.

Three common mistakes

Mistake 19: Reac ng emo onally to your girl’s resistance
Sadly, this is common in most rela onships. It’s not only a turn off, but it’s
borderline abusive as well.
Mistake 20: Wan ng to know the reason for the resistance
There’s a good chance your girl doesn’t know the reason for her resistance.
It’s just something she feels like doing. And also, she is her own person,
and she doesn’t have to jus fy herself to you.
Mistake 21: Believing that resistance is the same as rejec on
Resistance and rejec on are very similar. But your response to resistance is
completely different from your response to rejec on. When your girl
resists your lead, you always have to persist. But when your girl rejects
your lead, you always have to stop. (This will be explained in the next
Chapter 4
Step 4 of Leading: Acceptance or Rejection
(The Feminine Decision)
The male-feminine interac on is a way for both you and your girl to find
out what you want to do in bed. Since women don’t like to be crea ve in
the bedroom, you have to take the lead and do whatever you like to do.
And when your girl accepts or rejects your proposal, you’ll find out if this is
something she wants to do as well.

How to recognize acceptance

This is quite obvious. When your girl goes along with whatever you want to
do, then she’s accep ng your proposal.
The only pi all here is to believe that women have to say yes to your
proposals. It would be weird if your girl had to give you verbal permission
every me you take the lead in bed. As long as she doesn’t reject your
proposal, it means that she’s accep ng it.

How to recognize rejection

Recognizing rejec on is more difficult. But it’s impera ve that you do,
because if you don’t, then you’re viola ng your girl’s boundaries.
The difficult thing with rejec on is that women don’t use any clear signals
for rejec on. There are no behaviors or words that clearly mean that you
have to stop. Even when your girl says “no” or “stop” it can s ll mean that
she wants you to con nue with whatever you’re doing.
For instance, when you ckle your girl, she’ll probably be laughing and
screaming, “NO! NO! NO! PLEASE STOP!” But this doesn’t mean that you
have to stop.
And to make it even more difficult, resistance and rejec on are o en
inseparable. Women can react the same way when they both resist your
lead, and when they reject your lead. For instance, using the word ‘no’ is
one of the most common ways women resist. And at the same me, ‘no’ is
obviously a word women use when they need you to stop.
It’s seems impossible to know for sure when women want you to stop. But
there is a reliable way to find out if your girl is just resis ng, or if she really
wants you to stop. And that is by following two simple rules.
Rule 1: The first resistance is never rejec on
When you make a move and get resistance from your girl, then it’s
impossible for you to know what it means. Really, it’s impossible. So don’t
even try. You cannot know for sure if she wants you to stop. She may even
be screaming, “NO! NO! NO! PLEASE STOP!” such as the ckling example
above, and you s ll wouldn’t know.
But that’s okay. Because the first resistance is never rejec on. You can
safely con nue, as long as you stay calm and asser ve, and follow rule 2.
Rule 2: If the resistance gets more asser ve, then it means rejec on
If your girl starts resis ng more asser vely, then it only means one thing:
you have to stop. This is how women reject men in bed. In fact, it’s the
only way you can be sure that your girl wants you to stop.
More asser ve resistance means that she wants you to do something else.
This is not another test or another type of resistance. She has now made
her decision, and you have to accept it.
In the ckling example your girl started out with laughing and saying “stop”
at the same me. But if she had stopped laughing, and with a serious voice
had said “stop”, then it could only have meant that she wants you to stop.
This is because she’s now resis ng more asser vely.

What to do when you get rejected

Every me your girl rejects your lead, you have to stop whatever you’re
doing, and you have to do something else. And of course, you can’t react
emo onally or start to argue. Accept that she is her own boss, and you
have no right to even ques on her decision.
You can try again later, maybe even ten seconds later, but for now you have
to go back to step 1 and come up with something else to do.

The meaning of rejection

When your girl rejects your lead, you may think she doesn’t like you, or
that she thinks you’re a jerk or dirty pig, or something like that. But this is
not the case. From a woman’s point of view, rejec on is without any
In fact, your girl will respect you for following your feelings and going for it.
And she will be thankful that you’re willing to try out different things,
because she knows she’ll never have the courage to do it herself. She will
also be thankful that you try to find out what she likes to do in bed.
And most importantly, she’ll now know that you accept her limits, without
reac ng emo onally or star ng to argue. And this makes her trust you.
Soon she’ll realize that you’re a man she can trust, and this means she’ll let
you do more and more in bed, because she knows you’ll always read her
signals the right way and stop when she wants you to. And that trust is
priceless if you want your girl to do anything in bed.

Three common mistakes

Mistake 22: Stopping a er the first resistance
The first resistance may be very asser ve. But this is irrelevant. You can
safely con nue.
Mistake 23: Not recognizing ‘more asser ve’ resistance
‘More asser ve’ resistance is the only way of knowing that your girl wants
you to stop. In prac ce, this is not difficult. Women will start giving you
clear signals (more asser ve signals) when they have reached their limits.
Mistake 24: Rejec on doesn’t mean rejec on forever
Women live in the present moment. So, you can always try again later.
Chapter 5
Step 5 of Leading: Giving a Compliment
You have dealt with resistance, you have been persistent, and your girl is
giving in and doing the thing you want to do in bed. Now, you can of course
go back to step 1, and do the next thing that pops up in your mind.
But if you’re serious about ge ng your girl to do anything in bed, then you
should give her a compliment before moving on to the next thing.
Compliments are o en misunderstood and misused. They aren’t used to
be nice or polite. Women don’t like these “nice” compliments, because
they’re seen as manipula on. It’s more like a desperate a empt to be

The purpose of compliments

In bed, women like to please. Your girl wants to be sexy for you, she wants
you to enjoy her body, and she wants to give you a good experience.
In order to please you, she has to know when you’re sa sfied with her
performance. And this is where compliments come in. You use
compliments as posi ve feedback. When she does something you like, you
give her a compliment.
In this way she’ll learn how to please you. And the next me you’re doing
the same thing, she won’t only remember your posi ve feedback, she’ll
feel more confident as well. This means that she’ll be much more willing to
follow your lead.
Even when you’re doing something new in bed, she’ll know that there’s a
compliment wai ng for her if she just follows your lead and pleases you
the right way.

When to give compliments

You give a compliment as soon as your girl follows your lead, or when she
tries to follow your lead. Some mes it may be difficult or impossible to
follow your lead, but if she at least tries, then you give her a compliment.
For instance, you want to deepthroat your girl, and you say, “Take it
deeper, baby. Take it all the way. You can do it.” Now, this may be
impossible for her to do, but never the less, as soon as she tries, you give
her a compliment. This posi ve reinforcement will make her try even
However, you cannot give compliments for no effort. Because if you do,
your girl will never know when you’re pleased. Only give compliments
when she follows your lead, or at least tries.
Compliments can also be given to your girl’s body or to her clothes. But
this should be in connec on with something she’s doing.
For instance, if you like your girl to wear high heels, then give her
compliments when she’s wearing high heels. But don’t give compliments
every me she’s ge ng dressed, no ma er what she’s wearing. Because
then she’ll never know what you really like.

How to give compliments

Since you only give compliments when you’re truly happy with your girl’s
performance, you have to make sure that she feels your apprecia on.
Usually, this means that you have to give compliments with an upbeat tone
of voice. But when having sex, this would be too feminine.
Instead, make sure she knows how turned on you are. Use a deeper and
more aggressive tone of voice, and use dirty talk if appropriate. In bed,
moaning is o en the easiest way to give a compliment.
For instance, you tell your girl to turn around and pull down her pan es.
And when she does, you say with and intense and slightly aggressive tone
of voice, “Oh yeah, baby! That’s a fucking hot ass! I love it!”
Giving compliments is especially effec ve if your girl is shy, or you’re doing
something she’s a li le afraid of doing.
For instance, you want your girl to scream louder while fucking, and you
say, “Scream for me, baby. Come on. Let me hear you scream.” And as soon
as she just tries to let go of her ambi ons you start giving her compliments,
such as “That’s it. I love it! That’s so fucking hot! … Give me more … Scream

Three common mistakes

Mistake 25: Giving compliments for no good reason
This is o en seen as a manipula on technique used by desperate men.
And it’s therefore a huge turn off. Only give compliments when you’re truly
happy or impressed with your girl’s performance. Or when she’s trying her
best to please you.
Mistake 26: Just saying the words
If you’re truly happy with your girl’s performance, then she’ll only believe
you if you sound happy or turned on. Use feelings and intensity in your
voice, and use dirty talk.
Mistake 27: Not using compliments enough
Compliments can be used almost all the me when having sex. It’s such a
powerful tool in the bedroom.
Chapter 6
Step 1 to 5 Explained
You have learned all the steps. You know how to make a move, deal with
resistance, being calm-asser ve, deal with rejec on, and giving
compliments. Now, you have to put it all together.
There are only three ways to go through the steps.
1. Making a move without resistance or rejec on
Step 1: You make a move
Step 4: Your girl accepts
Step 5: You give a compliment (if you feel like it)
You start to spank your girl’s ass. (Step 1)
She doesn’t do anything. (Step 4: Acceptance)
You say, “Your ass is so fucking hot!” (Step 5: Compliment)
2. Making a move with resistance and then acceptance
Step 1: You make a move
Step 2: Your girl resists
Step 3: You persist
Step 4: Your girl accepts
Step 5: You give a compliment (if you feel like it)
Alterna vely, you may go into a resistance loop between step 2 and 3.
You start to spank your girl’s ass. (Step 1)
She covers her ass cheek with one of her hands. (Step 2: Resistance)
You asser vely remove her hand and con nue the spanking. (Step 3:
Repe on)
Your girl doesn’t stop you. (Step 4: Acceptance)
You say, “Your ass is so fucking hot!” (Step 5: Compliment)
3. Making a move with resistance and then rejec on
Step 1: You make a move
Step 2: Your girl resists
Step 3: You persist
Step 4: Your girl rejects
Step 1: You come up with something else to do
Alterna vely, you may go into a resistance loop between step 2 and 3.
You start to spank your girl’s ass. (Step 1)
She covers her ass cheek with one of her hands. (Step 2: Resistance)
You asser vely remove her hand and con nue the spanking. (Step 3:
Repe on)
She covers her ass cheek and says, “It’s painful.” (Step 4: Rejec on,
because this is more asser ve resistance)
You turn your girl around and start sucking her nipples. (Step 1)
Of course, you have to learn the steps by heart so you never have to think
about them. Thinking and having sex at the same me won’t work. When
you know the steps, without thinking about them, you can go seamlessly
from one thing to the next. And it will feel natural for both you and your
Now, we can look at a more comprehensive example, where you go from
one thing to the next.

Example of the male-female interaction

Your girl comes out of the shower, wearing only a towel. You say, “Come
here, baby.” (Step 1), and she comes over. (Step 4: Acceptance) - You say,
“Look at this sexy girl. All nice and clean.” (Step 5: Compliment)
You remove her towel. (Step 1 and 4: She doesn’t resist)
You smile and say, “Turn around for me. Let me look at this ass.” (Step 1) –
She smiles and says, “No! I’m shy. Turn the lights down.” (Step 2:
Resistance) – You say, “Turn around.” (Step 3: Calm-asser veness) – She
turns around. (Step 4: Acceptance)
You grab her breasts from behind. (Step 1) – She laughs and then breathes
deeply. (Step 4: Acceptance) – You say, “I love these breasts. They’re so
sensi ve.” (Step 5: Compliment)
You take her hand, and you walk into the bedroom. (Step 1 and 4:
You playfully push her onto the bed. (Comment: Here, your girl doesn’t
have me to resist, so she can’t make a decision to reject your lead. You’re
making the decision for her. Normally, this is not a good idea, but out of
the context of the situa on you know that she wouldn’t mind.)
You say playfully, “What are you doing? Are you that desperate to get into
my bed?” (Comment: This is playful teasing, and it will increase female
She laughs, shakes her head, and says, “You’re bad.” (This is playful teasing,
and a test.)
You say, “Spread your legs.” (Step 1) – She smiles and says playfully, “No!”
(Step 2: Resistance) – You look into her eyes and playfully act angry, while
you say, “Spread these legs, NOW!” (Step 3: Calm-asser veness and
playfulness) – She pretends to be a virgin and says, “I’m a virgin. I’m shy.”
(Step 2: Resistance loop) – You slowly open her legs with your hands. (Step
3: Calm-asser veness) – She doesn’t stop you. (Step 4: Acceptance) – You
say, “That’s my girl.” (Step 5: Compliment)
You go down to lick her pussy. (Step 1) – She pushes your head away with
her hand. (Step 2: Resistance) – You say, “It’s cool.” Then you go down once
more. (Step 3: Calm-asser veness) – She pushes your head away again,
and says, “Not today.” (Step 4: Rejec on, because she’s stopping you more
asser vely)
You look at her and say casually, “That’s okay.” (Comment: You’re accep ng
her rejec on without reac ng emo onally or star ng to argue.)
Then you say playfully, “Turn around! I want to see that hot ass again.”
(Step 1: You go directly from rejec on to doing something else. No big
deal. You can lick her pussy tomorrow.)
…And you can write the rest yourself. Just do whatever you feel like doing
and take it from there.

Three common mistakes

Mistake 28: Thinking and having sex at the same me
If you have li le experience with sex, then, of course, it’s difficult. But you
will learn fast, and soon you’ll enjoy sex without thinking about the 5 steps.
Mistake 29: Moving too fast and forge ng to enjoy your girl
Don’t just move from one thing to the next. Now you have the tools to
make your girl do almost anything in bed. So, enjoy every li le thing you
Mistake 30: Plan out too much before having sex
It’s okay to have a couple of ideas in your mind before star ng sex. But you
never know what your girl wants to do, and what she’ll reject. Instead, play
of your girl and come up with things to do in the present moment. This
makes sex more dynamic and fun.
Part 3

Making Women Do Anything in Bed

Chapter 1
Arousal Level vs. Sexual Activity
Your girl’s arousal level is the main factor that determines what kinds of
sexual ac vi es she’s willing to do. When your girl sees a specific ac vity as
very sexual, she’ll only wants to do it if she’s very aroused. And when she
sees a sexual ac vity as almost non-sexual, then she’ll do it without feeling
much arousal.

The sexual activity scale

Let’s arrange different sexual ac vi es on a sliding scale from 0 to 10.
Where 0 is non-sexual and 10 is extremely sexual.
These numbers will be different from woman to woman, depending on her
past experiences, her fears, and her upbringing.
For instance, if your girl has never given a blowjob, then she’ll probably see
this as a very sexual thing to do, mainly because she’s afraid of doing it
wrong. Maybe she will rank it as high as 8 on the sexual ac vity scale.
But when she gets more experience with giving blowjobs, and when she
starts liking it, she may rank it as low as 3.
Below is an example of the sexual ac vity scale, based on the “average”
10: Rimming
9: Anal sex
8: Deepthroa ng
7: Bondage
6: Intercourse
5: Oral sex
4: Star ng sex
3: Star ng foreplay
2: Kissing
1: Holding hands
0: Talking
Let’s also put female arousal on a similar scale from 0 to 10. Where 0 is no
arousal and 10 is extreme arousal.
A woman will only do a sexual ac vity if her arousal level is equal or
greater than the sexual ac vity.
For instance, if your girl perceives kissing as a rela vely sexual act (for
instance a 5 on the sexual ac vity scale), then she’ll only kiss you if her
arousal level is 5 or above.

When the sexual activity is much greater than arousal level

If you try to do something very sexual with your girl when her arousal level
is low, then she will reject your proposal.
For instance, if you and your girl are watching the news, and then you
suddenly try to tongue kiss her, you’ll get nowhere because her arousal
level is close to 0.
She’s not rejec ng you. In fact, it has nothing to do with you, so don’t take
it personally. She’s rejec ng your lead because her level of arousal is too
low for that kind of sexual ac vity.
Instead, you need to start with something less sexual. For instance, first
turn off the news, then start to talk, then start with some non-sexual
touching, and finally, you can go for the kiss.
Every me you do something, you’ll go through the 5 steps of leading. And
your girl will feel more and more of your calm, asser ve masculinity. In this
way, you’ll slowly raise your girl’s arousal level.
When the sexual activity is close to arousal level
When your girl’s arousal level is almost high enough for the sexual ac vity
you want to do, then she’ll use resistance.
Her resistance will force you to be more calm-asser ve, and this will drive
up female arousal. Resistance will then turn into acceptance.
Alterna vely, you can temporally do something you know will raise your
girl’s arousal. And then go back doing whatever you wanted to do.
For instance, if you know your girl always gets turned on when you squeeze
her breasts, you can squeeze her breasts for a couple of seconds, and then
go back to the sexual ac vity you first wanted to do. Now, her level of
arousal is higher, and she’ll probably not resist anymore.

Three common mistakes

Mistake 31: Trying to do something sexual without considering female
Don’t try to have sex with your girl when she isn’t turned on, and don’t try
to do something wild in bed when she isn’t extremely horny. Instead,
gradually be more and more sexual.
Mistake 32: Being afraid of doing something too sexual
Even though you should gradually do more and more sexual things in bed,
you should never be afraid of doing something sexual with a woman. The
worst that can happen is that your girl rejects your lead. Then you just do
something less sexual. It’s no big deal.
Mistake 33: Thinking that your girl will do something in bed, because she
did it the last me
What happened last me has no meaning. Even though your girl had anal
sex yesterday, it doesn’t mean she’ll do it today. The sexual ac vity scale
will change from day to day.
Chapter 2
Three Attitudes for Sexual Persuasion
Your a tudes determine how you lead women. When you have the right
a tudes toward yourself, your girl, and sex, you’ll be much more
persuasive. And this means your girl is much more willing to follow your
There are three basic a tudes for sexual persuasion.

1. Casual attitude
This is the a tude you’re going to use the most. Casual a tude is
persuasive in any sexual interac on with women. Including pick-up, date,
foreplay, sex, and in the rela onship as a whole.
Casual a tude is when you just do whatever you feel like doing, without
thinking about the outcome. You take it for granted that your girl will
follow your lead, so you don’t even think about it.
For instance, you’re on a coffee date with a woman, and you feel like
invi ng her back to your place. Without thinking about it you get up from
your chair, and say casually, “Let’s go. I want to show you my apartment.”
A casual a tude is persuasive because it shows confidence, which is
another term for calm-asser veness. When you take it for granted that
your girl will follow your lead, she will instantly get aroused by your
confidence. And arousal usually means that she’ll follow your lead. (Just as
you would follow a beau ful woman home if she asked you to.)
A man with a casual a tude doesn’t care about what’s considered normal.
For instance, if he’s having sex with a one-night stand, and he’s used to
ge ng rimjobs from women, then he would just casually say, “Lick my ass.”
He wouldn’t think twice about it, because this ac vity is normal for him.
And when the woman sees that he’s so casual about it, then she’ll just go
along with it, because it will feel normal for her as well. In other words,
when you have a casual a tude, people around you will see everything
you do as normal.

2. Playful attitude
This is also an a tude you’re going to use a lot. You can use it in any sexual
interac on with women, with the excep on of in mate lovemaking.
Playful a tude is when you’re relaxed and antagonis c at the same me.
You make fun of your girl, but you do it with a smile. You comment on her
flaws, you accuse her of only thinking about sex, you ckle her, or you
humiliate her. But it’s okay, because you do it playfully.
A playful a tude is persuasive because it shows both parts of your
masculinity. Your antagonis c behavior is part of your asser veness, and
when you’re relaxed and playful as well, you’re showing off the calm side
of your masculinity.
When you’re using playful a tude it’s difficult for your girl to resist your
lead, because she will be aroused by your calm-asser veness.

3. Dominant attitude
This is an a tude you’ll be using during foreplay and sex. Especially when
It’s similar to casual a tude, except that you use much more
asser veness. In fact, your asser veness will turn into aggression.
When you lead with a dominant a tude, you have to speak with a deep
aggressive voice, and you can use dirty talk to make it even more
For instance, while fucking, you may say with an aggressive tone of voice,
“Suck my fucking cock you li le bitch!” Or you may use your physical
strength to dominate your girl, such as holding her down while fucking her,
or pulling her hair.
Dominant a tude is persuasive to women because you’re using extreme
amounts of asser veness. And since asser veness is part of your
masculinity, it’s a huge turn on.
When using this amount of asser veness you also have to use extreme
amounts of the calm side of your calm-asser veness. Or else, you will lose
control, and your asser veness and aggression will turn into anger and
Since you always stay in control of your feelings when using a dominant
a tude, your girl will not be scared of your dominant behavior, but she’ll
be extremely turned on.

Three common mistakes

Mistake 34: Thinking that you can change your behaviors without
changing your a tudes
When you become casual, playful, and dominant, you don’t have to think
about doing the right things in bed. You will do them automa cally.
Mistake 35: Thinking that women follow behaviors
When leading your girl, she will follow your lead if she feels you have the
right a tude. It’s not what you do - it’s how you feel about it.
Mistake 36: Thinking that being dominant is the same as being angry.
You can never be angry in sexual interac ons with women. Anger is an
emo on, and therefore part of your femininity. For women, anger is both
scary and a turn off. Aggression however, is a turn on for women, because
it’s always under control.
Chapter 3
Five Effective Persuasion Techniques
1. The male-female interaction
The male-female interac on is in itself a collec on of different persuasion
techniques. It consists of all the different aspects that will drive up female
arousal, and make it near to impossible for your girl to reject your lead. Not
because she can’t say no to you, but because she doesn’t want to.
Here are the different persuasion techniques included in the male-female
interac on. All of them affect female arousal.
- Taking control and come up with things to do
- Being persistent
- Never react emo onally
- Never argue
- Never explain yourself
- Casual a tude
- Playful a tude
- Dominant a tude
- Making your girl feel emo ons and sensa ons
- Giving a en on to your girl’s body
- Giving sexual compliments
All of these are sexual persuasion techniques. And when you put them in a
system, like the male-female interac on (the 5 steps), then they will
complement each other, and you’ll use each one of them at the right me.
This means that you’ll know how to handle any situa on. And no ma er
what you do, you’ll drive up female arousal. You can’t go wrong, because
when you follow the steps, you’ll make your girl more and more aroused.
This makes the male-female interac on one hell of a persuasion technique.

2. Taking small steps

When leading women in bed, it’s a good idea to take many small steps
instead of a few big ones.
For instance, if your girl is a one-night stand, then she’ll probably be fearful
of doing pre y much anything. She’s afraid of being judged, she’s afraid of
not being beau ful enough, and she’s afraid of doing things wrong.
So, when you want her to take off her clothes, then don’t just say, “Take off
your clothes.” That would be too much pressure, and she’ll reject your
lead. Instead, start with taking off her top. Then do something else, like
kissing or playful teasing. Then you con nue with her pants, and so on.
Eventually she’ll be naked.
Taking small steps is a much more effec ve way of leading.

3. Telling your girl exactly what to do

Women o en say no when they’re uncertain of what to do. For instance, if
you tell your girl to give you a blowjob, then she’ll feel a lot of pressure,
especially if she’s inexperienced with giving blowjobs.
You can take away almost all of the pressure by combining the previous
technique (taking small steps) and telling her exactly what to do.
For instance, you start out by saying, “Suck my cock.” But she resists
because she’s afraid of doing it wrong. Then you con nue by telling her
exactly what to do, step-by-step. And you can add compliments as she
follows each step.
For instance, “Go down on your knees … Open your mouth … Let me see
your tongue … That’s hot! ... Now, lick the p of my dick …. That’s it. That’s
great! … Take it a li le deeper. Go slow! I like it slow. … That’s perfect. I love
it! …”
When you do it this way, your girl won’t feel any pressure because she
can’t do anything wrong. She’s just doing the things you tell her to do.

4. Motivation, positive reinforcement and dirty talk

The way you talk while having sex will influence your girl’s feelings. Use a
lot of mo va on, posi ve reinforcement and dirty talk.
Mo va on is a way for you to be persistent without adding too much
pressure. You can say things like “You can do it!” Or “Try one more me,
it’s almost perfect.” Or you can mo vate with reverse psychology, and say
things like, “You can’t do it, I know you can’t.” Or “Are you scared? You’re
such a pussy!” And remember to be playful when you use reverse
Posi ve reinforcement is the same as giving compliments. As soon as your
girl follows your lead, or tries to follow your lead, give her posi ve
reinforcement. This will make her try even harder.
Dirty talk is another way to influence your girl’s feelings. Sex is a “dirty”
ac vity, so you can’t speak with your normal tone of voice. And you can’t
use “nice” words. That would be weird and out of context. Instead, speak
with aggression in your voice, like you’re talking with your jaws clenched.
And use sexual and dirty words such as fuck, hot, pussy, ass, cock, dick,
nasty, slut, whore, bitch, and so on.

5. Being a good role model

Women are terrified of standing out or being out of context. They tend to
look to other people for the right way of behaving.
But when your girl is in your bed, you are her only reference point. She will
look at how you are behaving, and she will copy your behavior. Or else,
she’ll stand out and feel awkward.
No one really knows what’s considered normal sexual behavior. But if
you’re confident in your ac ons, then your girl will follow your lead. You
can do the weirdest and wildest things, and your girl will see them as
normal as long as you are comfortable with whatever you’re doing.
For instance, if you think anal sex is awkward or unnatural, then your girl
will think it’s awkward and unnatural as well. And she won’t follow your
lead when you go for anal sex.
In other words, your girl will not only follow your ac ons. She will follow
your a tudes about sex as well. If you let go of your inhibi ons and are
willing to do anything in bed, then she will also be willing to do anything.

Three common mistakes

Mistake 37: Not following the 5 steps
You can learn all sorts of persuasion techniques. But they won’t work if you
don’t follow the natural male-female interac on.
Mistake 38: Trying out a persuasion technique only once
It’s fun to learn new techniques. But they will only work with experience.
Be pa ent, and you’ll see the results sooner than later.
Mistake 39: Forget to have fun
Sex is recrea on. It’s not about how many sexual techniques you can use.
Relax, let go, and have fun.
Chapter 4
From Pick-up to Orgasm
Knowing how to make your girl do anything in bed is useless if you don’t
have a rela onship with a woman in the first place. And she will not do
anything unless she agrees to have sex.
The road to making a woman do anything in bed has to start with pick-up
and seduc on, and it con nues with your rela onship, and then foreplay
and sex.
Arousal is the main factor in all of these stages. And when you use the
steps of leading you’ll raise your girl’s arousal level, so she’ll want to move
from one stage to the next.

Stage 1: Pick-up and seduction

Women look first and foremost for calm-asser ve men. When you meet a
woman, talk to her, and lead her through the da ng process, she’ll feel
your calm-asser ve masculinity. And this will eventually lead to a
rela onship.

Stage 2: Your relationship

This rela onship may take many forms. You may be boyfriend and
girlfriend, husband and wife, or friends who like to have some fun once in a
Whatever type of connec on you have, there’s a reason why your girl stays
in the rela onship. And the reason is your ability to keep her sexually
a racted to you. When you throughout the day stay calm and asser ve,
without reac ng to your girl or trying to control her, then she’ll feel a
sexual pull towards you.
You don’t have to do much. Just stay present, and make some decisions
when you have to. And of course, don’t react to her tests or her “bitching.”
Your girl will of course not be horny all the me, but her arousal level will
not be at 0. Instead, it will be just high enough for her to come back to you
again and again.

Stage 3: Foreplay
You have seduced your girl, and now you’re in some sort of rela onship.
But you can’t just start having sex whenever you want to.
This is because your girl’s arousal level stays close to 0 most of the day. And
if you just go for sex, then she’ll reject you.
You have to turn up your calm-asser veness and use the 5 steps to build
female arousal. Be playful or casual, make some sexual moves, use teasing,
and make sure your girl gets filled with feelings and emo ons.
Soon, you don’t have to convince her to have sex. She’ll demand it.

Stage 4: Sex
There’s no clear line between foreplay and sex. You keep on leading and
build more and more arousal. And the more arousal your girl feels, the
more sexual ac vi es she’s willing to do.
You can be casual, playful, or dominant. You can do wild things, or you can
do more civilized things. You can fuck, or you can make love.
Anything is possible. Just keep on doing whatever you feel like, and
respond appropriately to resistance and rejec on.

Stage 5: Orgasm
An orgasm comes from a combina on of high level of arousal and some
kind of vaginal s mula on. If you want your girl to have an orgasm, then
make her highly aroused and s mulate her vagina with your fingers, your
tongue, or your penis.
Some women come easily, while others rarely have orgasms. But this is not
the point of sex. Your focus should be on arousal, because when your girl is
aroused, she’ll enjoy every part of sex, with or without an orgasm.
Stage 1 to 5: Focusing on arousal
Arousal is the deciding factor in any stage of sex. It’s arousal that made
your girl interested in you. It’s arousal that keeps your girl in the
rela onship. It’s arousal that makes your girl want to have sex. And it’s
arousal that makes your girl do anything in bed.
And therefore, your focus should be on arousal.

Three common mistakes

Mistake 40: Forge ng that rejec on usually comes from lack of arousal
There may be a million reasons why your girl doesn’t want to do something
in bed. But forget about these reasons. Because when she’s horny enough,
she’ll forget about them as well.
Mistake 41: Being obsessed with orgasms
When you know how to have fun in the bedroom, you’ll almost forget
about orgasms. Having an orgasm can’t compare to having great sex.
Mistake 42: Taking sex too seriously
You’re a man who’s willing to read a book about sex. And that’s great. But
reading about sex and having sex are not the same things. Reading tends
to be cerebral and serious. But sex has to be enjoyable and fun.
Let go of everything you’ve learned in this book. It will s ll be in the back
of your mind, and with experience you’ll be be er in bed than 99% of all
Good luck and have fun!
-Tom Anderson

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